The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) gives an opportunity in the form of a ‘Stimulus’ to the individual to project his personality in terms of free verbal ‘Responses’ with regard to the pictures, he sees and the plot that he may weave around the picture.
TAT basically requires you to perceive a ‘Thema’ or ‘Story’. The story requires a Hero, who must face challenges and risk, but should not fail. Depending on the situational crisis, the hero may face the failure for time being, but finally he should succeed.
Tips for writing stories in TAT
- There should be a match between you and your hero, because the hero is your alter-ego, your deployed leader who should represent you 100%.
- There must be a minimum distance between you and your hero.
- There should be a similarity between age, sex and character.
- There may be a possibility of difference in perception, emotions and ability, but not in terms of the achievement.
- To be precise, your hero’s achievement is the manifest of your own achievement.
Some sample pictures for TAT
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hari is army person he is on leave. one day he saw a medical camp from 15 km his villiage and he wish to conduct medical camp in his villiage and he went to villiage serpach and convinced the sarpach to conduct the camp in their villiage. hari alongwith the sarpanch went to the doctor and requested for the same and the doctor agreed to come the next week. hari along with his friends arranged all required facilities to conduct medical camp. The doctor appreciated to those regarding arrangements and camp was conducted successfully and village people also happy and the health of the village people is improved
3rd Picture: Shanti was 30 yrs old women and she was working as physician in CGHS. Her maid child becomes sick due to cold flu. Shanti went her maid house and checked her level of fever. She gave some anti-biotics and prescribed her about that.She recommended proper rest for her child. She convinced her to change her child bed sheet and cloth everyday for proper hygiene.She also told her maid to wash her hand before making food. She gave some money to her in case of requirements. After proper rest and medicine her child becomes fine after 3 days.
everyone is choosing the 1st the most easiest one.. you guys are finding the easy way out..!
d crying pic- just a short description- poor family, husband is sick, wife is a maid, she tries to get his medicines and her masters help her. husband gets better and goes to work again and earns back the money and thanz d family for their help.
Ramu, aged 26 years was an indian army soldier. once he went to his village on leave. He noticed that most of the old people were suffering from eye problems. In that village there were no sufficient facilities and people do not had that much of money to do operation and etc in private hosp too. He thought that need of govt medical camp in his village. Then he approched to sarpach and members of village panchayat and told them about camp. By taking all he went to district medical office to seek permission. District medical officer aggred. Then he along with villagers built tents, beds and produce elcricity and water supply. Medical camp succussfully completed . Everyone took benifit of the camp. Thus Ramu became a real hero to them.
picture 3
Rajeev a farmer was married to a beautiful lady named shweta. They lived a happy life and they both loved each other very much. Due to consumption of untreated water one day rajeev got typhoid this made him weak and his health condition deteriorated. This made shweta very nervous and she started crying. she raised an alarm to the neighbors, but none was able to help him due to financial circumstances and unable of facilities. one day a medical camp of red cross,was set in that village and in that camp rajeev went for treatment and he got well. This made Shweta very happy and after thanking the doctors of medal camp they both lived a happy life hereafter.
PIC 1 –
Annaya was a mobile medical van officer and was way to is home late evening in a village jhajjar. He got a call from CMO(Chief medical officer) to conduct a free health checkup camp for old age people in a village thari . he rushed back to the hospital and called for his team of 2 doctors ,2 compounders ,2 sisters and took important medicines, equipments and other needful things. he leaved with his team to thari village late night . whole night he and his team was building the setup for the morning and was ready in time . medical camp started and doctors done checkup of people and given them free medicines. Annaya supervised the whole program and in the end removed the setup with the team and reahed the hospital in the evening and at night to his home .
Mohan was on his way home from his school, on his way he saw that a medical camp was conducted in a village just 10km from his village. He thought of it as a great opportunity to conduct the same in his village too. He went to his village and told his father, along with his father he went to the village sarpanch and convinced the sarpanch to conduct the camp in their village, mohan along with the sarpanch went to the doctor and requested for the same and the doctor agreed to come the next day. Mohan along with his friends built tents, beds, water facility and etc. The doctor was very happy to see this and the camp was conducted successfully and the health of the village improved.
Rahul was a student of 10th class in a government school in Rampur village, one day he found that a medical campain was running in his village,. he was so much influenced by the doctor’s and their work towards poor peoples, he decided to become like them. he made his aim and start to collect information which are necessary, he took advice by school teacher and opt Science and bio in 11th, and took extra guidance by teachers after school, bring reference books for competitive exams on rent from city, studied them and clear the 12th class with 75% and also clear the state medical entrance exam. he got admission in state medical college. now he is a doctor and serving his duties for human welfare.
There is no struggle in the story and the achivement comes just like that think further to show the heroisem of the character.