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I Got Recommended For Indian Army In My 1st Attempt From 34 SSB Allahabad


Hard work and dedication always pays you and helps you to achieve your goal and leads to success

Hi, my name is Vinod Kumar and I got recommended for Indian Army in my 1st attempt from 34 SSB Allahabad. Before sharing my SSB success story I would like to tell you all something about me. I am a B.E graduate (electronics and communication) and staying in Bangalore since 9 years, basically I am from Uttrakhand. My grandfather and father were part of this prestigious organization and my elder brother is the first commissioned officer in my family in Indian Army and I will be the second commissioned officer in my family.  This was my first attempt and I cracked SSB. So, this is my 5 days experience at Allahabad.

Day 1 Screening

We were 188 candidates who reported on 18th October 2015 for 34 SSB, 4 among us were recommended candidates and maximum candidates were fresher. I was given chest number 70 for screening. Same day after breakfast we had  our intelligence test followed by PPDT, I attempted all the verbal and non verbal questions and in the story we were shown a hazy picture where a gentleman was Running and 2 ladies(scared) were standing  in a forest area. I wrote a story on human and animal safety by making forest area as national park and made the male character as my hero. Few of us narrated our stories well. Since many were fresher in my group, all the candidates wanted to be heard during the group discussion and were shouting. So our group was divided into two subgroup and after that, the discussion went smooth, maximum candidates got chance to speak at least twice. I spoke at least 3 to 4 times and my group accepted my story and concluded the same. Now it was the time for results and I was expecting my number. Results came and they called our chest numbers in random order and I was given a new chest number 4. Total 26 candidates were selected for 2nd stage.34 ssb candidate tgc 122

Day 2 Psychology

Next day was psychological test, first test was Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) where 12 pictures (11 clear and 1 blank) were shown to us and I completed all the story in given time. I made the actionable stories on short term goals and in blank story I wrote about my B.E project which I made in my final year of engineering.

In Word Association Test (WAT) I did 57 words, I wrote the first thought whatever came to my mind.

In Situation Reaction Test (SRT) I did only 45 reactions and I was making sure that I write the same response for similar kind of situations and does not show them that I am not a balanced personality. I did not leave any situation in between i.e. I did first 45 SRT because if you leave any situation in between it shows that you are running from situation.

In Self Description (SD) I gave the answers of all the five questions in given time, and wrote 1-2 negative points about me and also gave the measures how I am trying to overcome them.

Always remember, relate your psychology test (TAT, WAT and SD) with your Personal Information Questionnaire (PIQ) form.

SSB Recommended Candidates Allahabad

Day 3 GTO 1

3rd day was GTO first day and we were divided into 3 groups, first 9 candidates were in my group, our GTO was lieutenant colonel. First activity of the day was Group Discussion where we were given 2 topics and we choose the 2nd topic which was about ISIS issue in Arab countries and why it is happening is it because of power, religion or government. 2nd GD topic was given by GTO sir was about why Crime against Women is increasing in INDIA. I spoke only 3-4 times in each GD, and all my group members were cooperative in GD.

Next activity was Group Planning Exercise where we were shown a table model map and we had to identify some problem and solve them with the help of group. Everyone had the same priorities of problems and everyone contributed their thoughts in discussion, chest no.5 gave our group plan.

Then it was the time for Progressive Group Task and GTO sir already told us that he needs a firm idea where we can cross the obstacles easily. When we completed 3 obstacles GTO stopped us, I made sure that I contribute my ideas in every obstacle.

In Half Group Task I suggested GTO to divide group in odd even numbers and all group members agreed for it. We completed our task within 5 minutes. I gave 2 ideas and one member gave 1 idea in HGT.

Next task was Group Obstacle Race (Snake Race) and all the teams completed at same time and I helped my group members in all the way possible in all obstacle. Our GTO was happy because we completed it without any penalty.

Then it was the time for lecturette and I spoke about Role of MEDIA in Nation building for around 2mins 40 seconds.

Day 4 GTO 2

On GTO 2nd day we were left with 3 tasks Individual Obstacle, Command task and Final Group Task. Our Individual Obstacle happened, it was in the morning and maximum done by me, chest no 5 and 8 was 10 obstacles.

In Command Task GTO sir called us in random order and I was called by 3 commanders as a subordinate to help them in their task and in my command task GTO gave me bomb task. I completed my command task in 3 different ways as GTO was putting pressure on me. After completing the task by one way he said that area is turned red now, I did it by another way after which he removed the full obstacle and told me to do it from some other obstacle within 3 minutes. I did it from another obstacle in 2minutes. GTO was impressed by my approach and said well done.

Next was Final Group Task in this task GTO sir told us to beat the record time of 2minutes 30seconds made by NDA group. Me and chest no. 5 gave 1 idea each and finished the task n broke the record NDA group. After that GTO gave a small motivational speech.


My interview happened on the 2nd day after psychology test. Chest no 1, 2, 3, 4 (me) and 5 were called immediately after psychology test, we did not get much time and directly went to the waiting room . I waited for more than 1 hour and 30 mins before interview. My interview lasted for around 45 minutes.

My interview was taken by President of 34SSB Board, his rank was brigadier. First he asked me how long I have been waiting in the waiting room and what I was doing. I said that I waited for around 1hour 30 minutes and was seeing photos of hot girls in magazine. He gave a smile and asked about the place I am coming from i.e. about Bangalore and  Soon after that he started his rapid fire question in that he asked me about  my parents, siblings their education , occupation, contribution in family , close to whom and why and about any financial problem I had in past, where I have done my schooling and college , starting from my 10th standard percentage onwards till my graduation percentage, why I got less marks in 12th standard, what all competitive exams I have appeared and there result , why engineering, which was the subject I liked the most and which I did not like and why, which teacher I liked most and which I hated most and why, what type of friends and how many friends I have from 10th standard and which qualities I admire in them and which qualities they like about me, about my pocket money, which were the roles and responsibilities I held during my school and college days, positions and achievements I have achieved in past, my hobbies and interest. Total of 24-28 questions were asked in one stretch and I did not answer 7-8 questions as IO was asking me 3-4 questions in between from the answer I was giving him. Then he repeated those questions again and I answered them.

Next he asked me why I wanted to join ARMY and which regiment I would like join and why, also about my organization where I am working, my role and designation how I got placed in it, good and bad things about organization, about my preparation for SSB before coming to Allahabad and what will I do if I am not recommended. In this he asked me around 15 questions and I answered all. Then he asked me about my sports, extracurricular activities and places I have traveled and why and the craziest thing I have done in my life. Then he asked few GK questions about ISIS, Arab countries, sports and some National news about Bihar election and I answered all of them. When around 35minutes of my interview was over l head tears in my eyes I took permission from IO and wiped off my tear and drank water. IO asked me what happened I replied it is due to high intensity of light and constantly looking at you. He asked me did you show it to doctor I replied yes sir my eyes are absolutely fine.

Then he asked me few more questions about my strength and weakness, how I keep myself fit, what I do in my free time, blood donation camp, college fest, and 2 technical questions and also he repeated few questions which he asked me earlier in interview to check my response about my brother, why I am close to him, about my best friend, what I do in free time and how I prepared for my SSB. Lastly IO smiled and said it was nice talking to you Vinod and you can leave now. I said thank you and came out of the room. My interview was overall satisfactory and I was happy about it.  

Day 5 Conference Day

They started conference in normal order. When chest no 3 came out from the conference hall, I was sitting outside ssb recommended candidatein a chair and they took around 5mins before calling me inside. I entered and wished IO. He asked me about my performance, which all place I visited in Allahabad, and about food and stay. He also asked why my voice is low I replied It is because of shouting Warcry in snake race. My Conference was for around 15-20sec.

Finally, it was time for results. The first chest no. called was mine (chest no. 4) I told my chest no. , roll no. and name to all. Only 3 of us got recommended and we were surprised by the result as all of us were fresher and no previously recommended candidate was recommended. Other two recommended with me were chest no. 5 and chest no. 10.

It was one of the best day of my life as next day of my conference (23rd October) was birthday of my elder brother lieutenant Manoj Kumar & this was the best gift I could have ever gifted him and friends finally I have fulfilled my dream of joining the best government organization of India.

For SSB interview preparation purchase this best SSB interview bookLet’s Crack SSB Interview

You can reach me here: [email protected]

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2016 Flying, GDOC, Technical

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2016 Flying, GDOC, Technical

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2016 Flying, GDOC, Technical. Applications are invited from Male and Female from Indian Citizens as per Citizenship Act 1955 for the following courses commencing in Jan 2017 for grant of Short Service Commission in Flying Branch and Permanent / Short Service Commission in Technical and Ground Duty Branches.

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2016 AFCAT 1 2016 Courses Jan 2017

  • No. 201/17F/SSC/M ( Short Service Commission for men) – FLYING BRANCH
  • No. 201/17F/SSC/W ( Short Service Commission for women)- FLYING BRANCH
  • No. 200/17T/PC/M (Permanent Commission for men) – TECHNICAL BRANCH
  • No. 200/17T/SSC/M (Short Service Commission for men)- TECHNICAL BRANCH
  • No. 200/17T/SSC/W (Short Service Commission for women)- TECHNICAL BRANCH
  • No. 200/17G/PC/M (Permanent Commission for men)- GROUND DUTY
  • No. 200/17G/SSC/M (Short Service Commission for men) – GROUND DUTY
  • No. 200/17G/SSC/W (Short Service Commission for women)- GROUND DUTY

AFCAT Online Coaching

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2016 Age Limit For AFCAT 1 2016

  • Flying Branch – Age: 20 to 24 years as on 01 Jan 2017 i.e. Born between 02 Jan 1993 to 01 Jan 1997 (Both Dates inclusive).(Upper age limit for Candidates holding valid and current Commercial Pilot Licence issued by DGCA(India) is relaxable upto 26 years i.e. Born between 02 Jan 1991 to 01 Jan 1997 (Both dates inclusive).
  • Technical Branch – 200/17T/PC/M, 200/17T/SSC/M & 200/17T/PC/. Age: 20 to 26 years as on 01 Jan 2017 i.e. Born between 02 Jan 1991 to 01 Jan 1997 (both dates inclusive)
  • Ground Duty Branches – 200/17G/PC/M, 200/17G/SSC/M & 200/17G/SSC/W. Age: 20 to 26 year as on 01 Jan 2017 i.e. Born between 02 Jan 1991 to 01 Jan 1997 (both dates inclusive).

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2016 Selection Procedure AFCAT 1 2016

  • All applicants whose applications are submitted by due date will be called for Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) and Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) (applicable only for candidates applying for technical branch) to be conducted at one of the examination centres mentioned below. Candidates will be required to login to their candidate login accounts regularly for information on AFCAT, EKT (if applicable) and AFSB testing. The AFCAT will be of two hours duration and will contain multiple choice questions on verbal ability, numerical ability, reasoning, general awareness and military aptitude. Sample question papers and syllabus of AFCAT/EKT is available on IAF career website www.careerairforce.nic.in. EKT would be for 45 minutes and conducted immediately after AFCAT
  • Candidates who are short-listed on the basis of (AFCAT/EKT) will be called for further testing at one of the Air Force Selection Boards (AFSBs) at Dehradun, Mysore, Gandhinagar, Varanasi or Kancharapara. The testing would consist of three stages as given below. (a) Stage-I Test consisting of Intelligence Test along with other tests will be conducted on the first day. Stage-I test is a screening test and only those who qualify would undergo subsequent testing. All Stage-I qualified candidates would be subjected to document check to ascertain their eligibility for the branches applied for. Those candidates who either do not qualify in Stage I testing or do not meet the required eligibility criteria would be sent back on the first day itself. (b) Stage-II testing consisting of Psychological test, Group Tests and Interview will be conducted on subsequent days (Five Days). (c) For Flying Branch: CPSS (Computerised Pilot Selection System) and or PABT would be administered to eligible candidates.
  • Stage-I Test consisting of Intelligence Test along with other tests will be conducted on the first day. Stage-I test is a screening test and only those who qualify would undergo subsequent testing. All Stage-I qualified candidates would be subjected to document check to ascertain their eligibility for the branches applied for. Those candidates who either do not qualify in Stage I testing or do not meet the required eligibility criteria would be sent back on the first day itself.(b) Stage-II testing consisting of Psychological test, Group Tests and Interview will be conducted on subsequent days (Five Days). (c) For Flying Branch: CPSS (Computerised Pilot Selection System) and or PABT would be administered to eligible candidates.
  • Stage-II testing consisting of Psychological test, Group Tests and Interview will be conducted on subsequent days (Five Days). (c) For Flying Branch: CPSS (Computerised Pilot Selection System) and or PABT would be administered to eligible candidates.Indian Air Force Recruitment 2016 Flying, GDOC, Technical

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2016 How To Apply For AFCAT 1 2016

If you meet the eligibility criteria, please click on “CANDIDATE LOGIN” in the career website of IAF www.careerairforce.nic.in and follow the instructions. You are advised to note down Registration number for future correspondence. Candidates are advised to read the notification for AFCAT 01 / 2016 and the detailed guidelines for filling up Online application as given in the website www.careerairforce.nic.in prior to commencement of filling up Online applications. While filling Online application, it is advisable to keep the relevant documents readily available, as details are to be filled as per matriculation & other educational certificates. Please save your recent colour passport size photograph (size 10 to 50 KB) in the computer for uploading it with your Online application form. Please note that utmost care needs to be taken while filling up the Online application. In case any information is found to be incorrect then the candidature is likely to be cancelled at any stage of the selection process. Submission of more than one application will result in cancellation of candidature.

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2016 AFCAT 01 2016 Centres List

Ambala, Amritsar, Allahabad, Agra, Ahmedabad, Barnala, Bathinda, Bengaluru, Belgaum, Bidar, Bagdogra, Bareilly, Chandigarh, Chabua, Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi, Darbhanga, Gorakhpur, Gwalior, Guwahati, Halwara, Hashimara, Hyderabad, Imphal, Jalandhar, Jammu, Jorhat, Jaipur, Jamnagar, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Kolkata, Kalaikunda(Kharagpur), Kochi, Leh, Lucknow, Mumbai, Mohanbari, Mysore, Nal (Bikaner), Nagpur, Ojhar (Nasik), Pathankot, Patna, Pune, Port Blair, Salua (Kharagpur), Srinagar, Suratgarh, Sirsa, Saharanpur, Shillong, Silchar, Sulur (Coimbatore), Thane, Tezpur, Thanjavur, Thiruvananthapuram, Vadodara, Varanasi.

AFCAT Online Coaching

Important Date and Links:

11 Awesome Pictures Of Army/Navy/Airforce Women Officers Contingent Will Give You Goosebumps


Here are few awesome pictures of Indian army/navy/airforce women officers marching together will surely give you goosebumps and motivate all young aspirants especially women aspirants to join Indian army, navy and airforce. A collection of women officers pictures from army, navy and airforce.

Indian Navy Women Officers 4Indian Navy Women Officers 3 Indian Navy Women Officers 1 Indian Airforce Women Officers 4 Indian Airforce Women Officers 3 Indian Airforce Women Officers 2 Indian Airforce Women Officers 1 Indian Army Women Officers 4 Indian Army Women Officers 3 Indian Army Women Officers 2 Indian Army Women Officers 1

Hope these pictures will motivate our young blood to join the Indian army, navy and air force. Like and share.

OTA Chennai Offers The Second Toughest Military Training

OTA Chennai Cadets

When these women don the war paint, they mean business. With red and green paint streaked across their faces, combat uniforms in place and their rifles loaded, the lady cadets of the Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, are busy with their long range firing practice, interrupted briefly for this interview. Close to 15 per cent of the 58 women cadets assembled here are first generation army officer recruits.

“It was pride in wearing the uniform that made me join,” says Anusha Gopalakrishnan whose sister is in the Air Force. On the other hand, there is Radhika Jaggi, whose father and grandfather, were both in the army. “It is a good, honourable job and you’re working for the people,” she says. Parul Sharma, whose father is a journalist declares, “It is my privilege to serve in the army.”

There are two OTAs, one in Chennai which is 50 years old, and one in Gaya which is two years old. OTA Chennai is special because it offers facilities to train women cadets which is not there in Gaya. Officers are trained in the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun also, but it is for a Long Service Commission, which extends to 20 years, while the Short Service Commission is only for 10 years.

Getting into the OTA is non-trivial. After graduation, in addition to passing the UPSC, prospective cadets have to qualify in the medical and psychological tests conducted by the academy before they can join. Once they qualify, they are put through 10 months of rigorous and vigorous training which brings out the leader in them. Then they are taken in for the short service commission, which is service in the army for 10 years, after which they can take up civilian status. Their classroom training is in social science, computer science and communication skills, and outdoor training includes handling arms, endurance skills, equestrian practice, drills and much more.

Prepare for SSB Interview with “Let’s Crack SSB Interview


Tough training

“The training makes us mentally and physically tough.” This is a statement echoed by the gentlemen cadets as well as the ladies. To get an idea of the level of the endurance training — they are made to jog for 40 kilometres carrying weapon loads of about 20 kilograms on their backs! This, for your information, is equally tough on the ladies and gentlemen. “Perhaps the distance they run is a little less but ladies too carry the same load and run,” says Brigadier Arul Dennis, VSM, who is in charge of the training, himself an alumnus of OTA, Chennai.

Career choice

“There are many misconceptions about the army. The way army personnel are portrayed in films is way off…” He continues, “It is a very good profession and we enjoy such a status and now even the pay is very good, the cadets get around Rs. 30, 000, which is much more than what we used to get in our days,” he reminisces.

Says Anubhav Singh, “I was in IMA, Dehradun, for a few months when I had to discontinue because of a physical problem. I wrote the exam again, and came back to OTA Chennai. This is supposed to be the second toughest military training in the world. During the first few months it is difficult, but we learn to adjust.”

When asked what they would opt for, the answers vary. They are ranked just like in any exam-oriented course and this affects their commissions. While Kiran Kumar would opt for Army Air Defence, Anubhav Singh would choose the mechanised infantry. His eyes shine as he says, “My first preference would be mechanised infantry. It would include a BMP — which is a machine similar to a tank. I feel mechanized infantry is the backbone of the Indian army. My second preference would be gurkhas.”

The demand for training for the SSC is on the rise; last year there were 380 officers who passed out. OTA Chennai is the only place where women can be trained, but due to the rising demand, two years ago, another academy was set up in Gaya, which now boasts of two batches of officers successfully trained and commissioned.

So here is a unique profession where you can push yourself to the limits, as Prashant Negi says, “When we run a 40 km distance with a 20 kg load, we know how much our bodies can take. It is not just physical toughness but mental robustness as well.”

On the way out, we come across three cadets jogging their way to some destination. Unless they are a squadron, they have to jog, that is the rule of the army school. So if you are one with a passion for discipline and rules, the army school is the place for you!

Prepare for SSB Interview with “Let’s Crack SSB Interview


Permanent Commission (Special List) (PC SL) Entry Indian Army

PCSL Entry Indian Army

Permanent Commission (Special List) (PC SL) Entry Indian Army. Under this entry, JCOs/ NCOs/ OR up to 42 years of age and minimum 10 years of service, with a Senior Schools Certificate Pass (Class 10+2 pattern) qualification are eligible for commission after screening by SSB and Medical Board. They are granted PC (SL) after successful completion of four weeks orientation training at the IMA.

Permanent Commissioned (Special List) Cadre

  • Age: Maximum age 42 years, 45 years for Engineers & 45 years for IOB Minimum service 10 years
  • Education:   12th Class of 10+2 pattern or equivalent for record officer and relevant technical degrees for technical stream
  • Course:   Once a year in July
  • Training:   Eight weeks of communication skill capsule at AEC Centre & College, Pachmarchi followed by four weeks orientation training at IMS, Dehra Dun.
  • Selection through SSB Interview.
Vacancies Per Course 100 (Once in a Year)
Tentative Month of Publication of Notification Notified by MP Dte / AGs Br through Units in Apr and Jul
Eligibility Criteria
Age Maximum age 42 years, 45 years for Engineers & 45 years for IOB Minimum service 10 years
Qualification Matric & Above
Marital Status Unmarried / Married Serving JCOs / NCOs excluding Sepoys
Likely Date of SSB Sep and Oct for Jul Course
Training Academy AEC Centre & College, Pachmarhi & IMA, Dehradun
Duration of Training Eight Weeks at AEC Centre & College, Pachmarhi & Four Weeks at IMA
ssb book
Best Book To Crack SSB
Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT
Best CDS Book –> Let’s Crack CDS
Best NDA Book -> Let’s Crack NDA

To crack SSB and AFSB Interview get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” Book from Flipkart. Trusted by thousands of defence aspirants

Also Download Helpful eBooks:

Indian Army Lawyer Recruitment 2017 – JAG Entry Scheme – JAG 18

Indian Army Lawyer Recruitment 2016

JAG 18 Notification Indian Army – Men and Women [APPLY]

Indian Army Lawyer Recruitment 2016. Judge Advocate General JAG 17, JAG ENTRY SCHEME 2015 17TH COURSE APR 2016 SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION (NT) COURSE FOR LAW GRADUATES. Applications are invited from married / unmarried male and unmarried Female candidates for grant of Short Service Commission in the Indian Army for Judge Advocate General Department.

JAG Entry Scheme 2016 Vacancies

  • Men -10
  • Women-04

JAG Entry Scheme 2016 Eligibility

  • Nationality: Must be an Indian Citizen.
  • Age Limit: 21 to 27 years (Born not earlier than 02 Jul 1989 and not later than 01 Jul 1995). Note. The date of birth accepted by the office is that entered in the Matriculation or an equivalent examination certificate. No other document relating to age will be accepted and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.
  • Educational Qualification. Minimum 55% aggregate Marks in LLB Degree (three years professional after graduation or five years after 10+2 examination). The candidates should be eligible for registration with Bar Council of India/State. Candidate should be from a College/University recognized by Bar Council of India.

JAG Entry Scheme 2016 Physical Standards

Candidates must be physically fit according to the prescribed physical standards. The guidelines for the same are available at official website of Directorate General Recruiting www.joinindianarmy.nic.in.

JAG Entry Scheme 2016 Medical Examination

A candidate recommended by the Services Selection Board will undergo medical examination by a Board of Service Medical officers. Only those candidates will be admitted to the academy who are declared fit by the Medical Board. Details for the same are available at official website of Directorate General Recruiting www.joinindianarmy.nic.inIndian Army Lawyer Recruitment 2016

JAG Entry Scheme 2016 Method of Selection

The selection process to be followed is indicated below:

  • Initial shortlisting of applications will be done by Recruiting Directorate, Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) and the decision of DG Recruiting will be final. Details of the shortlisted online applications will be put on the website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. In this regard, no representation will be entertained.
  • The shortlisted candidates whose applications are found to be correct shall be detailed for SSB interview at allotted Selection Centres on specified dates.
  • Two Stage Selection Procedure. Two stage selection procedure based on Psychological Aptitude Test is held at Selection Centres. All the candidates will face stage one test on first day of reporting at Selection Centres. The candidates who fail to pass stage one will be returned on the same day.
  • Candidates who qualify stage II will submit self attested photocopies of educational documents mentioned in Para 16 (a) to (g) to Selection Centre for completion of their Dossier/verification.
  • Candidates who qualify at the Service Selection Board and are found medically fit by a Medical Board, will be placed in the order of merit. The final selection will be made in that order up to the number of vacancies available at that time.

JAG Entry Scheme 2016 Merit List

It is to be noted that mere qualifying at the SSB interview does not confirm final selection. A merit list is prepared purely on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in SSB interview and as such higher educational, previous performances, NCC Background etc have no role to play, those high in the merit list and who come within the stipulated vacancies and are medically fit, are issued Joining Instruction for pre-commissioning Training. The Merit list of the recommended candidates will be displayed at the reception of DG Rtg and Indian Army Website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in

JAG Entry Scheme 2016 Training

  • Selected candidates will be detailed for training at Officers’ Training Academy (OTA), Chennai according to their position in the final order of merit, up to the number of vacancies available at the time.
  • Duration of training – 49 weeks (approximately 11 months) at OTA, Chennai. On successful completion of which candidates will be granted commission in the rank of Lt. No ante date seniority will be granted.
  • Candidates will neither be allowed to marry during the period of training nor will He/ She be allowed to live with parents/Guardians. Candidates must not marry until they complete the full training at OTA, Chennai. A candidate, who married subsequent to the date of his/her application though successful at the Services Selection Board interview or medical examination, will not be inducted for training. A candidate if he/she marries, while under training, shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him/her by the government.
  • Training at OTA, Chennai is at Govt. expense All candidates who successfully complete Pre-Commission training at OTA, Chennai will be awarded “ Post Graduate Diploma in Defence Management and Strategic Studies” by University of Madras.

How To Apply For JAG Entry Scheme 2016 JAG 17

  • Applications will only be accepted online on website “www.joinindianarmy.nic.in”. Open the website “www.joinindianarmy.nic.in” .
  • Click on ‘Apply/Login’ and then click ‘Registration.
  • Follow onscreen instructions for registration. After registration, your profile will open. Click on ‘Apply Online’ to process.
  • Your registration details will confirm your eligibility to apply and proceed with the application as per onscreen instructions.
  • Before submitting the application check the entries made and save the application. After submitting, take two copies of the printout and the Roll Number generated by the system.


Important Links

  1. JAG 17  JAG Entry Scheme 2016 Notification – Updating…
  2. Apply for JAG 17 JAG Entry 2015
Also Read:

NCC 40 Special Entry Scheme Indian Army Recruitment

NCC 40 Special Entry Scheme

Applications are invited from married/unmarried MALE and unmarried FEMALE candidates and also from Wards of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel, for grant of Short Service Commission in the Indian Army under NCC 40 Special Entry Scheme Course – OCT 2016. NCC 40 Special Entry Scheme COURSE-OCT 2016 SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION (NT) FOR MEN & WOMEN (INCLUDING WARDS OF BATTLE CASUALTIES OF ARMY PERSONNEL).


Vacancies- NCC 40 Special Entry Scheme

  • NCC Men 50 (45 for Gen Category and 05 for Wards of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel only).
  • NCC Women 04 (10% vacancies of Women are reserved for Wards of Battle Casualty of Army Personnel only).

Eligibility- NCC 40 Special Entry Scheme

  • Nationality. A candidate must either be : (i) A citizen of India, or (ii) A subject of Bhutan, or (iii) A subject of Nepal, or (iv) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st of January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or (v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by Government of India. Certificate of eligibility will however not be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal.
  • Candidates withdrawn on the disciplinary ground from NDA, IMA, OTA or any other Service Training Academy are NOT eligible to apply.
  • Age Limit. For NCC candidates (including Wards of Battle Casualties)19 to 25 years (born not earlier than 02 Jul 91 and not later than 01 Jul 97). Note: The date of birth accepted by the office is that entered in the Matriculation or an equivalent examination certificate. No other document relating to age will be accepted and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.NCC 40 Special Entry Scheme

Educational Qualification- NCC 40 Special Entry Scheme

  • For NCC ‘C’ Certificate Holders. (i) Educational Qualification. (aa) Degree of a recognized University or equivalent with aggregate of minimum 50% marks taking into account marks of all the years. (ab) Those studying in final year are also allowed to apply provided they have secured minimum 50% aggregate marks in the first two/three years. Such students will need to secure overall aggregate of minimum 50% marks if selected in interview failing which their candidature will be cancelled. The candidates studying in the final year of graduation should complete their examinations related to the degree, like, written, practicals, viva-voce, projects backlogs etc prior to 01 Oct 2016. They should be able to produce the degree within 12 weeks from the date of commencement of training at OTA, Chennai. Such candidates will be inducted for training at OTA, Chennai on additional bond basis for recovery of the cost of training as notified from time to time as well as stipend and pay and allowances paid, in case they fail to produce the requisite degree certificate. Candidate should attach self attested photocopies of the certificate of 10th class for proof of age, Degree with all years/semesters marks sheets and NCC ‘C’ Certificate. Candidate should also attach certificate with their applications regarding CGPA converted to aggregate percentage of marks as per university rules from their institutes.
  •  Service in NCC. Should have served for minimum two academic years in the senior Division/ Wing of NCC.
  • Grading. Should have obtained minimum of ‘B’ Grade in ‘C’ Certificate Exam of NCC.

Method of Selection- NCC 40 Special Entry Scheme

  • All applications are to be forwarded to Recruiting Directorate (NCC Entry) through HQ Directorate General NCC. The NCC Units/Group HQs will forward the applications to State Directorates who in turn will forward the same to HQ Directorate General NCC.
  • Thorough screening/Shortlisting of applications based on qualifications of the candidates will be carried out by the NCC Directorates and HQ Directorate General NCC.
  • Candidates not in receipt of call letter from any of the Selection Centres for SSB interview should presume that either their applications have been received after due date or have been found ineligible or rejected during shortlisting. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Candidates after shortlisting will be detailed for SSB interview by Directorate General of Recruiting. The decision of Headquarter Directorate General NCC and Directorate General Recruiting in Army HQ, in the matter of Shortlisting and forwarding of applications to SSBs will be final.
  • On arrival at the Selection Centre the candidates will be administered stage-I of the two stages testing procedure. Candidates failing in stage-I will be sent back on the same day and those who qualify will be detained to undergo Group Tests. Psychological Tests and Interview which will extend for a duration of 5 days.
  • Candidates recommended by SSBs will be required to go through Medical Exam. Candidates who are found medically fit will be placed in order of merit as per the marks obtained in SSB interview amongst the recommended candidates. Boarding and lodging during interviews at SSBs are free. Recommendation by SSB confers no right of admission to the OTA, Chennai. The final selection will be made as per the order of merit subject to medical fitness and suitability in all other respects and number of vacancies available.
  • The merit list of the recommended candidates will be displayed at the reception of Directorate General Recruiting and Directorate General Recruiting website i.e. www.joinindianarmy.nic.in.

How to Apply- NCC 40 Special Entry Scheme

  • Apply on plain paper as per the format available at official website of Rtg Dte www.joinindianarmy. nic.in (downloads) , duly typed.
  • Applications should be posted to the nearest OC, NCC Unit from where NCC ‘C’ certificate has been issued.
  • Applications of Candidates serving in the Armed Forces duly counter-signed by Commanding Officer should be sent to the OC, NCC Unit from where NCC’ ‘C’ certificate has been issued.
  • All NCC Units will forward the applications to DDG, NCC of the concerned State.
  • DDG, NCC States will process all applications and forward them to Directorate General NCC. Special emphasis will be laid on the following points: – (i) Check date of birth from class X Certificate. (ii) Check Degree/Provisional degree is from a University recognized by AIU. (iii) Check marks sheets of all years/semesters and ensure that candidate has minimum 50% marks in the aggregate for all three/four years and in case of final year students 50% marks in aggregate for two/three years. (iv) Check NCC ‘C’ Certificate with minimum ‘B’ Grading.
  • Directorate General of Recruiting (Rtg ‘A’), Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Army), reserves the right to shortlist applications on the basis of grade obtained by the candidates in NCC ‘C’ certificate examination/percentage of marks in degree examinations.

For more information/queries regarding allotment of Selection Centres, date of interview, merit list, joining instructions and any other relevant information please visit our website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. or contact Tele No (011) 26173215,26175473 (between 2 PM to 5 PM Monday to Friday) Address:- Directorate General of Recruiting, AG’s Branch, IHQ of MoD (Army), West Block –III, RK Puram, New Delhi-110066.


NCC 40 Special Entry Scheme

For more details check employment newspaper of 19 Dec 2015.


Army Cadet College ACC Entry Indian Army

Army Cadet College Entry ACC

The Army Cadet College (ACC) Wing at Indian Military Academy provides training to the soldier, airmen, and sailor s from the regular army, navy, and air force for commission as officers in the Indian Army. The ACC is also known as the Siachin battalion now.

The training at IMA is aimed at the optimum development of intellectual, moral and physical qualities essential for leadership in the profession of arms. Training at the IMA inculcates those qualities of mind and heart, patriotism, character, dynamism, initiative and understanding that are the very basis of leadership in war as well as in peace.

The Army Cadet College Wing headed by a Brigadier is the fifth Battalion of IMA located in Tons Campus. It consists of three Companies with three platoons each and an Academic Department headed by a Principal. The latter is organized into various departments under the Humanities and Science Streams and each department is being headed by a Professor / Associate Professor.

All About ACC Entry?

  • The ACC exam is conducted 2 times every year.
  • The age limits for ACC is 20-27 years.
  • One must have minimum 02 years of service.
  • For ACC entry you must have 10+2 or its equivalent as your educational qualification.
  • Both married and unmarried soldiers can apply.
  • You can avail maximum 03 chances for ACC entry.

ACC Exam Selection Procedure

  • First of all, before applying for ACC, the jawan must have a good ACR.
  • One must have a clean record without any disciplinary action.
  • A unit-level written exam will be conducted by the CO/OC to find the potential soldiers who can go ahead for ACC entry.
  • Candidates who clear the written exam will be interviewed by the senior officers for further screening and selected candidates’ documents will be forward to the higher formation.
  • Selected candidates will be sent for a 10 Weeks class at Command HRDCs ( Human Resource Development Centers).
  • The respective formations will be sending the names of the candidates and ACC exam will be conducted at Command HRDCs.
  • The ACC exam is usually conducted near February and August for January and July courses respectively.
  • The Result will be declared by DGMT/MT-15 -Director General of Military Training MT-15.
  • A merit list of 500 candidates will be made who will face the SSB interview. (05 x 100 in each batch)
  • These 500 candidates will go for a preliminary screening test similar to the actual SSB interview.
  • After the screening test, 200 candidates will be selected to go for the Young Leaders Course (YLC) at OTA Chennai and the remaining candidates will go for Personality Development Training (PDT) at AEC Centre and Command HRDCs.
  • The likely dates for the ACC SSB interview will be Sep- Nov for Jan Course and Jan-March for July Course.
  • Candidates who clear the SSB interview and medical tests will be called to join the Indian Military Academy, ACC wing.
  • The ACC training will be for 03 years after which 01 year training at IMA, Dehradun.

ACC Exam Syllabus

  • Paper 1 – GMAT
  • Paper 2 – CGAT
  • Paper 3 – ICE (Part 1 and 2)
  • Paper 4 – ACT
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ACC Exam Online Course

How to Prepare for the ACC Exam and SSB Interview?

What is Special Commissioned Officers (SCO) Of Indian Army

Special Commissioned Officers (SCO) Indian Army

‘In Service’ entries are an avenue for the JCOs and Other Ranks to become a permanent commissioned officer subject to eligibility criteria. One of the in-service entries is SCO entry, also known as Special Commissioned Officers Entry.

Service Entries Of Indian Army

Special Commissioned Officers (SCO) Scheme

Under Special Commissioned Officers SCO entry JCOs/NCOs/OR in the age group 142 of 28-35 years, with a Senior School Certificate Pass (Class 10+2 pattern) qualification, are eligible for Permanent commission after screening by SSB and Medical Board. They have to undergo pre-commission training of one year at OTA Gaya. The rules for substantive promotion and acting promotion are the same as for regular officers. These officers are employed in units as sub-unit commander/ Quarter Master and on various Extra Regimental Employment appointments up to the rank of Major.

They retire at the age of 57 years after serving for period of about 20-25 years in the Army. The scheme not only improves the career prospects of the existing JCOs and OR but also helps in making up the deficiency of the support cadre officers in the Army to some extent.

  • SCO Age Limit: Between 30 to 35 years. minimum service of five years can apply
  • Medical Category: Shape 1
  • SCO Education:   12th Class of 10+2 pattern or equivalent
  • SCO Notification/ Courses:   Twice a year in January and July
  • SCO Training: Eight weeks communication skill capsule at ACC Centre & College, Pachmarhi followed by one year at OTA, Gaya
  • Selection through SSB Interview.


Vacancies Per Course 100 (Twice in a Year)
Tentative Month of Publication of Notification Notified by MP Directorate / AGs Br through Units in Apr and Jul
Eligibility Criteria
Age 30 to 35 years. minimum service of five years can apply
Qualification Matric with One Year Diploma or Above
Marital Status Unmarried / Married
Likely Date of SSB Jul/Aug for Jan Course & Nov/Dec for Jul Course
Training Academy OTA, Gaya
Duration of Training Eight Weeks at AEC Centre & College, Pachmarhi & One Year at OTA, Gaya

NDA Passing Out Parade 28 Nov 2015 National Defence Academy POP Nov 2015

NDA Passing Out Parade Nov 2015

Admiral R K Dhowan PVSM, AVSM, YSM, ADC, Chief of Naval Staff, Reviewing Officer reviewed the passing out parade of 129th Course of NDA here on Saturday.

A total of 338 cadets graduated from the Academy as they passed through the portals of the prestigious Khetrapal Parade Ground. It included 229 cadets from the Army 40 cadets from the Navy and 69 cadets from the Airforce.

There were 16 foreign cadets from friendly countries who also passed out from the academy. The list included four cadets each from Bhutan and Tajikistan two cadets each from Maldives, Afghanistan and Fiji and one cadet each from Ethiopia and Lesotho.

NDA Passing Out Parade Nov 2015

The Reviewing Officer was received by Vice Admiral G Ashok Kumar, AVSM, VSM Commandant, National Defence Academy at the Parade Ground.

Admiral R K Dhowan PVSM, AVSM, YSM, ADC, CHIEF OF NAVAL STAFF, Reviewing Officer thereafter addressed the Passing-out-Course cadets wherein he complemented the cadet for their good turnout and exceptional drill movements. He said that more than 33000 cadets have passed out of this academy and they have served the armed forces of the nation with great pride.NDA Passing Out Parade Nov 2015

He said that NDA is not only a cradle of leadership but also a cradle of joint-manship. He emphasized that that no service can win a war on its own. He advised the cadets to follow the five principles of leadership i.e. commitment, courage, compassion, credibility and integrity and continue to strive for excellence.

He congratulated the cadets and parents of the Passing out course and specially the award winner. He thanked the parent for sending their children to the academy and said that the entire nation is proud of them.

He also appreciated the effort put in by the Commandant and the entire training staff at NDA for having trained such fine cadets and honed their skills.

Academy Cadet Captain PK Mohanty won the President’s Gold Medal for standing first in the overall order of merit. Battalion Cadet Captain

Abhishek Kundlia won the Silver Medal for standing second in the overall order of merit and Academy Cadet Adjutant Anmol Rawat won the Bronze medal for standing third in the overall order of merit. The ‘Panther’ Squadron bagged the prestigious ‘Chief of Staff Banner’ presented to the Champion Squadron.

A Fly-past by three Su-30 aircrafts each in VIC formation marked the culmination of this grand event. (ANI)
