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Hyderabad NCC Cadets Undergo Advanced Simulator Training


In an exciting development for aspiring aviators, cadets from the 1 Telangana Air Squadron of the Hyderabad Group National Cadet Corps (NCC) are currently engaged in a sophisticated flying simulator training program.

Under the watchful eye of their experienced instructor, the cadets are immersed in virtual flight scenarios that are designed to build and enhance their aviation skills.

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The simulator training provides a realistic experience of flying, allowing the cadets to practice maneuvers and handle hypothetical emergencies without the risks associated with actual flying.

This type of training is essential for preparing the cadets to face a variety of challenges in the air, effectively equipping them with the knowledge and confidence required to operate aircraft safely.


The initiative is part of the NCC’s commitment to providing high-quality training to its cadets, preparing them for future roles in aviation and related fields.

The program not only focuses on technical flight training but also emphasizes the development of leadership skills, decision-making under pressure, and teamwork, all of which are crucial for a career in aviation.


As the training progresses, the cadets of the 1 Telangana Air Squadron are expected to gain a significant advantage in their aviation careers, backed by the hands-on experience and skills honed through this advanced simulator training.

Lt Gen AK Ramesh Tours MCEME, Reviews State-of-the-Art Training Facilities


In a significant visit, Lt Gen AK Ramesh, Commandant of the College of Military Engineering (CME), toured the Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering (MCEME), the leading technical training establishment of the Indian Army.


During his visit, Lt Gen Ramesh was thoroughly briefed on the state-of-the-art training infrastructure, cutting-edge technologies, and innovative training methodologies being implemented at MCEME. The primary focus of these initiatives is to enhance the technical proficiency, skills, and professional empowerment of the trainees.


The MCEME is renowned for its advanced approach towards technical training, integrating modern technology and progressive training methods to equip Indian Army personnel with the necessary skills to excel in their respective fields. The visit by the Commandant underscores the Army’s commitment to maintaining high standards of technical education and continuous improvement in training processes to meet contemporary and future technological challenges.


Lt Gen Ramesh’s engagement with the training establishment highlights the importance of hands-on leadership and the Army’s strategic emphasis on strengthening its technical corps.


He also received detailed briefings on several flagship projects developed by MCEME, including “Atharva,” an Artificial Intelligence-based sleep detection and accident prevention system. These innovations are proving to be immensely useful for the Field Army, enhancing safety and operational efficiency.


RIMC Cadets Experience the Spirit of the Indian Army in Jammu


In an enriching, Nashak Navtara hosted cadets from the prestigious Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC) in Jammu this past week. The event aimed to expose the young cadets to the rich cultural and traditional ethos of the Indian Army along with a series of adventure and sightseeing activities.


The program included various interactive sessions where cadets learned about the historical significance of the Indian Army and its indomitable spirit. These sessions were designed to ignite the minds of the young participants and deepen their appreciation for their nation’s heritage.


Apart from educational activities, the cadets enjoyed a plethora of fun-filled experiences ranging from local sightseeing to adventure sports, all curated to strengthen their physical and mental abilities. The event not only aimed at providing a learning platform but also at fostering camaraderie and discipline among the cadets.


The initiative by Nashak Navtara is part of a broader effort to inspire and mold future leaders who are well-versed in their country’s history and ready to serve the nation with pride. This engagement is seen as a crucial step in nation-building by instilling a sense of duty and national pride among the youth.

Indian Army Commemorates World Thalassemia Day with Seminar and Blood Donation Drive


In an effort to raise awareness about thalassemia, the Command Hospital and Transfusion Centre of the Eastern Command, in observance of World Thalassemia Day, organized a comprehensive seminar on the importance of ante-natal screening for pregnant women.


The seminar focused on early diagnosis and effective management of thalassemia, a genetic blood disorder.

In conjunction with the seminar, a voluntary blood donation camp was held at the Blood Donation Centre, CHEC, where 40 individuals, including serving soldiers and civilians, donated blood.


This effort supports the ongoing needs of 38 children with thalassemia who receive regular monthly blood transfusions at the centre.


Adding a creative touch to the day, a drawing competition was organized for the children receiving treatment, aimed at motivating them and enriching their day with fun and creativity.


The event underscores the Indian Army’s commitment to healthcare initiatives and community support, living up to their motto We Care.

Golden Katar Division Marks World Red Cross Day with Medical Camp in Rajasthan


In a heartfelt effort to commemorate World Red Cross Day, the Golden Katar Division continued its mission of outreach in border areas by organizing a significant medical camp at Ranasar village, Rajasthan.

The event saw participation from 120 civilians, including numerous children, all of whom received crucial medical and humanitarian aid.


The camp, part of a series of initiatives under the “Vibrant Villages” program, aimed at enhancing the well-being and health of residents in India’s remote border areas.


These efforts underscore the commitment of the Konark Corps to community welfare and highlight the critical role of humanitarian organizations in addressing the health needs of underprivileged areas.


The services provided at the camp included health check-ups, treatments, and distribution of essential medicines. By facilitating such programs, the Golden Katar Division and its associates reinforce the core values of the Red Cross: humanity, impartiality, and unity.

Indian Naval Official Engages in Bilateral Talks with High Commissioner of India to Singapore.


Rear Admiral Rajesh Dhankhar, Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet (FOCEF), engaged in a series of constructive discussions with Dr. Shilpak Ambule, the esteemed High Commissioner of India to Singapore.

The high-level talks, held against the backdrop of the robust and enduring ties between India and Singapore, focused on enhancing Navy-to-Navy relations and fostering closer maritime cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.

The discussions, marked by warmth and cordiality, underscored the shared commitment of India and Singapore to strengthen bilateral cooperation across various domains, with a particular emphasis on maritime security and defense collaboration.

Rear Admiral Rajesh Dhankhar and Dr. Shilpak Ambule deliberated on the strategic importance of the Indian Navy’s role in safeguarding the maritime domain and promoting Security And Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR), a vision championed by India in the Indo-Pacific.

Central to the talks was the recognition of the pivotal role played by the Indian Navy in maintaining peace, stability, and security in the Indo-Pacific region, amidst evolving geopolitical dynamics and emerging security challenges.


Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to deepening Navy-to-Navy cooperation through joint exercises, training programs, and information sharing initiatives, aimed at enhancing maritime domain awareness and promoting interoperability between the two navies.

The discussions also delved into the current maritime situation in the Indo-Pacific, with a focus on emerging security threats, maritime disputes, and the need for collective efforts to address shared challenges.

Rear Admiral Rajesh Dhankhar provided valuable insights into the Indian Navy’s operational capabilities, ongoing deployments, and contributions to regional security and stability, highlighting the importance of collaborative approaches in ensuring a rules-based maritime order.

Dr. Shilpak Ambule, for her part, commended the Indian Navy’s role as a responsible maritime stakeholder and a force for peace and security in the Indo-Pacific.

She expressed appreciation for India’s proactive engagement in promoting maritime cooperation and upholding maritime norms and principles, in line with its commitment to a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific region.

The bilateral talks between Rear Admiral Rajesh Dhankhar and Dr. Shilpak Ambule underscored the depth and breadth of the strategic partnership between India and Singapore, particularly in the maritime domain.


The engagement reaffirmed the shared values, interests, and aspirations of both nations, as well as their commitment to working together towards a more secure, stable, and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.

As India and Singapore continue to deepen their strategic cooperation and maritime partnership, such dialogues serve as invaluable platforms for fostering mutual understanding, trust, and collaboration, thereby contributing to the enduring peace and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region.

The discussions between Rear Admiral Rajesh Dhankhar and Dr. Shilpak Ambule underscored the shared commitment of India and Singapore to upholding a rules-based international order and promoting collective security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific, in accordance with the principles of mutual respect, cooperation, and inclusivity.

Lt General Manjinder Singh Visits OTA Chennai to Review Training Standards


Lieutenant General Manjinder Singh, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Army Training Command (ARTRAC), made an official visit to the Officers Training Academy (OTA) in Chennai.

The visit was aimed at reviewing the integrated training of officer cadets as well as the training infrastructure and best practices involved in pre-commissioning training programs.


During his visit, Lt Gen Singh inspected various training sessions and facilities, providing an opportunity to assess the current standards and methodologies applied in training the future leaders of the Indian Army.


He addressed both the officer cadets and the faculty members, sharing valuable experiences and insights that are expected to inspire these budding military leaders.


The Army Commander praised the Commandant and all ranks of the academy for upholding high standards in military training. He emphasized the importance of such rigorous training programs in preparing competent officers capable of leading with distinction in the field.


The OTA, Chennai is a premier institution tasked with training officers for the Short Service Commission into the Indian Army. This visit by the ARTRAC commander highlights the continued focus on enhancing the quality of training to meet the evolving challenges in military engagements.

Regional President of AWWA and ARTRAC Engages with Army Families in Chennai


In a heartwarming gathering at the Officers Training Academy (OTA) in Chennai, Mrs. Barinder Jit Kaur, the Regional President of the Army Wives Welfare Association (AWWA) and the Army Training Command (ARTRAC), met with several families of Indian Army personnel.

During the meeting, Mrs. Kaur highlighted the crucial role played by the spouses of army personnel and urged them to embrace their power as embodiments of ‘Nari Shakti’ (woman power).


The Army Wives Welfare Association, established in 1966, is a pivotal non-profit organization dedicated to the welfare of the spouses, children, and dependents of Indian Army personnel.

Its primary focus has been to support and enhance the welfare efforts of the Indian Army, particularly concerning families, children, and war widows across all ranks, including retired members.

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Throughout the year, AWWA organizes various initiatives aimed at addressing the concerns and improving the lives of soldiers’ families and next of kin.


These include vocational training, empowerment programs, and specialized rehabilitation projects for war widows and battle casualties. The organization’s efforts are crucial in providing support and empowerment to the families who stand behind India’s soldiers.

Indian Coast Guard Rescues Critically-Ill Fisherman in Daring High Seas Operation


In a daring display of courage and commitment, the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) executed a successful rescue mission to save the life of a critically-ill fisherman aboard the Indian Fishing Boat (IFB) Jazeera, located approximately 40 nautical miles off the coast of Beypore, Kerala, on May 7, 2024.

The fisherman had encountered a near-drowning incident after falling into the sea, precipitating a rapid deterioration in his health condition and necessitating urgent medical intervention.

The harrowing ordeal unfolded when the fisherman fell overboard from the IFB Jazeera, only to be promptly rescued by his vigilant crewmates. However, despite their efforts, the fisherman’s condition deteriorated rapidly due to the accumulation of excess water in his lungs, posing a grave threat to his life.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the crew of the IFB Jazeera wasted no time in making a distress call, urgently seeking assistance from the Indian Coast Guard.


Responding with characteristic swiftness and efficiency, the Indian Coast Guard swiftly mobilized its assets for a high-stakes rescue operation.

An Advanced Light Helicopter, equipped with a seasoned medical team from Kochi, was promptly dispatched to the scene of the incident, accompanied by the Aryaman and C-404 ships, to locate and render assistance to the distressed IFB Jazeera.

Despite the formidable challenges posed by the high seas, adverse weather conditions, and the urgency of the situation, the ICG assets demonstrated exemplary skill, determination, and coordination in executing the rescue mission.

Upon reaching the location of the IFB Jazeera, the proficient ICG medical team wasted no time in springing into action, swiftly attending to the critically-ill fisherman with unwavering precision and professionalism.

Employing state-of-the-art medical equipment and techniques, the patient was expeditiously airlifted from the IFB Jazeera and safely transported to the shores of Kochi, where he was promptly transferred to a nearby hospital for urgent medical treatment and further evaluation.

The successful culmination of the rescue operation, orchestrated with finesse and dedication by the Indian Coast Guard, served as a poignant testament to the organization’s unwavering commitment to its solemn motto, “Vayam Rakshama” (We Protect).

The timely intervention and seamless coordination exhibited by the ICG not only succeeded in saving the precious life of the critically-ill fisherman but also underscored the organization’s indomitable resolve and readiness to confront and overcome emergent challenges at sea, even under the most demanding and perilous circumstances.

In the aftermath of the commendable rescue effort, senior officials from the Indian Coast Guard expressed profound pride and satisfaction at the successful outcome of the operation, hailing the unwavering dedication, valor, and selflessness displayed by the Coast Guard personnel involved in the mission.


They reiterated the organization’s unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety, security, and well-being of mariners, fishermen, and all seafarers operating within India’s vast maritime domain.

The resolute and decisive action undertaken by the Indian Coast Guard in rescuing the critically-ill fisherman stands as a powerful testament to the organization’s unwavering professionalism, preparedness, and humanitarian ethos.

As the steadfast guardians of India’s coastal waters, the Indian Coast Guard remains resolutely committed to its noble mission of safeguarding and preserving the sanctity of life at sea, embodying the timeless spirit of service, sacrifice, and solidarity in the noble pursuit of maritime safety and security.

NDA 2 2023 Official Cut Off Marks Published By UPSC

NDA 2 2023 Cut Off

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the official cut-off marks for the National Defence Academy (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA) Examination (II) 2023.

NDA 1 2024 Result Out Now- Check Here

This publication provides detailed information regarding the vacancies, recommendations, and cut-off marks for this cycle. Below is a comprehensive overview of the results.


Vacancies and Recommendations:

  • Army: There were 208 vacancies, including 10 reserved for female candidates.
  • Navy: A total of 42 spots were open, with 12 earmarked for female candidates.
  • Air Force:
    • Flying: 92 positions were available, including 2 for female candidates.
    • Ground Duties (Technical): There were 18 vacancies, with 2 designated for female candidates.
    • Ground Duties (Non-Technical): 10 spots were offered, including 2 for female candidates.
  • Naval Academy: 25 vacancies were noted, with 7 reserved for female candidates.

In total, 395 vacancies are there for these positions, with a detailed breakdown provided for each wing and role.

NDA 2 2023 Official Cut Off Marks

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NDA Exam Previous Year Cut Off Marks

NDA & NA (II) 2023 292656
NDA & NA (I) 2023 301664
NDA & NA (II) 2022 316678
NDA & NA (I) 2022 360720
NDA & NA (II) 2021 355726
NDA & NA (I) 2021 343709
NDA & NA (II) 2020355723
NDA & NA (I) 2020355723
NDA & NA (I) 2019342704
NDA & NA (II) 2018325688
NDA & NA (I) 2018338705
NDA & NA (II) 2017258624
NDA & NA (I) 2017342708
NDA & NA (II) 2016229602
NDA & NA (I) 2016288656
NDA & NA (II) 2015269637
NDA & NA (I) 2015306674
NDA & NA (II) 2014283656
NDA & NA (I) 2014360722
NDA & NA (II) 2013360721
NDA & NA (I) 2013333698
NDA & NA (II) 2012335699

Minimum Qualifying Standards:

  • The minimum qualifying standard at the written stage was set at 292 out of a possible 900 marks. Candidates were required to score at least 20% in each subject to be considered for advancement.
  • The marks secured by the last recommended candidate at the final stage were 656 out of 1800 marks.


To address scenarios where candidates achieved equal aggregate marks, the following tie-principles were applied:

  1. Seniority in Age: If candidates had equal marks in aggregate, the one senior in age was given a higher rank.
  2. Higher Aggregate Score in Written Papers: For candidates of the same age with identical aggregate marks, precedence was given to the candidate who achieved a higher aggregate score in the written examinations.

These details underline the rigorous standards and the transparent selection process upheld by the commission to ensure the selection of the most suitable candidates for the defense services.