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Mangesh Recommended for IMA Army


Dear all,I am MANGESH. I would like to share my experience at SSB. I am not someone great or extra-ordinary to guide but a very simple person with only aim in my mind: “TO JOIN THE ARMY”. Before I tell my experience at SSB, it is important to tell few things about my history. I was a hero back in my school days involved in many activities and was always decent scorer. However, due to some reasons, me and my family shifted to Pune and I failed in 12th. Next time I passed with mere 58% but secured admission to engineering by cracking entrance test. I completed my engineering with first class and currently working with a company. I gave SSB 3 times, out of which, first time I was conference out, second time screened out and third time recommended. The reason for telling my history was that my failure in 12th had a very deep feeling of guilt inside me, this guilt always showed up. Same thing had happened for my first time at SSB. The feeling of guilt drained all the confidence inside me and as a result I was not recommended twice.

Recommended candidate ssb

However, next time I decided to prepare myself as much as I can. I contacted various people who either had an experience of SSB or who were recommended or ex-army personal. I found out the website SSBCrack and thereby had a contact with Krishna Nair and Anup Unnikrishnan who forwarded me their e-book “My Appointment with a Psychologist”.All these sources made me realize that past is past so there is no need to whine about it. What is important is to look at the positive side. I overcame my failure by doing my engineering and that was important. I made use of everybody’s guidance and followed their instructions keenly. I exercised daily. I ran 2.5 kms daily without fail. Apart from this, I extensively employed the principal of “THE SECRET”. It is a book written by Rhonda Byrne. It’s videos are also available on YouTube. Do watch it, as soon as you can.

All of my efforts showed up at SSB,  few key points to remember always are;Be yourself. Believe yourself. You are a gem and even others are! You have it in you.”              

Before going for any test at ssb tell yourself “THERE IS NO COMPETITION AT SSB”. Listen to your INNER VOICE, everyone has one. Practice writing your PIQ.Hence forth whatever I would tell about facing SSB is nothing but repetition of the instructions given to me by my sources.

Day 1: Screening

Make sure you are calm. Take few deep breaths and tell tour self “aaall is well”.

Give the test honestly and don’t worry if you solve less or more. Officers need not have an IQ that of a scientist.

Day 1: PPDT

Writing a story on a picture is not difficult. What is important here is that you must believe 100% in your story. What happens is that after writing the story, when candidates discuss their story, it is found that everyone has a different and beautiful story. It is quite possible that even before group discussion, you might get inclined to someone’s story thereby loosing confidence in your own. Mind well, never put yourself down.

Before entering the group discussion, calm down. Remind yourself there is no competition.

Friends, have you ever thought that when we sit at a tea stall or a coffee shop and talk/chat with friends what we actually do is group discussion!! How is our attitude at that time? Do we feel rage if someone is wrong? Are we irritated if someone teases us or doesn’t accept our ideas? In fact, do we bother if our views are taken into much consideration or not? NO, NOT AT ALL!! . Same should be the attitude during any group discussion in SSB.  Now imagine if you are suddenly told that while you will be discussing on some topic with your friends, one anonymous person would asses you and give a prize to best speaker. What happens? Suddenly our brain tells us “I want to win the prize” and then we act like rowdies, fighting with our own friends. This is what happens in PPDT, the prize is getting screened in. What we should tell our self is that all of us will get the prize of best speaker. And this is what the army wants “all together”.

So once PPDT starts, tell your story nicely. Show that you believe in your story. And during discussion, be nice. Be honest when you say “ my friends….. ” the feeling of friendship should reflect in your voice/body language. Just because you want to get screened in don’t unnecessarily place the same point again and again. If you wish to convince your group, convince the way you would convince your girlfriend/boyfriend. Don’t bother if others are making a mess.  Do your job. Assessors are there to take care of it.

If you behave like this, I promise that results will be favorable.

Day 2: Psychology tests

Friends, my advice would be to read Krishna and Anup book “My Appointment with a Psychologist”. Psychology is something that is developed over many years. It is important that you find and remove any type of wrong/negative thinking. It is important that your PIQ must match your psych test.


       TAT:Your stories must match your PIQ.

Three steps to build a story are:

1.       Imagine that the picture shown is a frame of a filmstrip.

2.       Plot the theme

3.       Write what happened before and after that moment.

For eg: I do kayaking. There was a picture with a man in a boat in a river and other man holding something in his hand and his expression was tensed.

I wrote a story describing my kayaking experience. Once I was stuck in middle of the river due to a big rock that rubbed my boat’s hull and I rescued it.

It is important to plan the story before you write it. Let it take 30-40 seconds to plan. Don’t rush to write the story as soon as you see the picture.

·         WAT:

Make short, factual and if possible, informative sentence.

Eg: C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S

Now this was a big word. So I just wrote VISHWANATHAN ANAND.

·         SRT:

As we all know it is important to write the entire reaction. Also remember that we do face many situations everyday and we solve them easily. It is not necessary that every time the solution should be out of the box and very heroic/ fantasy. It must be real. It is necessary that you feel the situation. You should imagine that it is really happening to you and then automatically the solution will pop up.


While going the college, he saw 5 men harassing a girl . He…..

Now in this case, it is possible that someone would write:

He fought with 5 men and rescued the girl.

Friends, won’t it be foolish that one man would fight with 5 men? This is too impractical. Filmy.

Logical solution would be:

He intervened, referred the girl as his sister and took her away from the scene, filed an FIR against those men and went to college.

 Self Description:

Practice writing SD. Find out what actually your family/friends/teachers think about you. Then you will feel the confidence of writing it. Never boost wrong things about yourself.

Day3: Interview

Most important is your PIQ. Your interviewer is interested in you and not how much knowledge you have. So if you know everything about yourself, you need not worry about anything.

The best method of feeling satisfied after giving the interview is to assume that not an army officer but a person who knows you well and you are not afraid to talk to is taking your interview (may be your father/ uncle/ friend’s father/ teacher/). Friends, believe me, it works very well. In fact if you are successful in assuming this, then you don’t fumble while speaking and neither you feel the guilt of telling your mistakes/loop holes.

Before giving the interview tell yourself a billion times “my interview is going to be the best”.

Be happy. Interviewer is not going to make you feel worse about your mistakes and neither is he going to punish you for that. So own your mistakes gracefully. Even if tries to make you feel uncomfortable, it is just to test you.

GTO Tests:

Only one thing to remember in GTO tests is :


It might sound surprising, but it is true. Believe me friends, there is no such fun as the GTO tests.

And you will enjoy them only when you fix it in your mind that “THERE IS NOOOOOOOOOOOOO…………………………………………………………………………………………… COMPETITION”.


I will highlight few important points for GTO tests:

Just give your ideas without bothering if the group is accepting them or not. It doesn’t matter if you speak first or not. What matters is new and relevant ideas. Once you put up an idea, calm down instead of stressing on the same point. If you wish to speak again, speak only if you have a new idea. Friends it is group discussion and not a debate so no need to cross or prove anyone right or wrong.

Same principle applies here, NO DEBATE. Put your idea and leave the rest to the group. Do not insist the group to accept your plan. People often think that if my plan is implemented, the GTO gives me more marks. It not at all like that. In fact everybody should co-operate to make the best plan out of everyone’s plan.

In case of my group, the GTO was puzzled to see the group spirit. There was not a single argument and no one crossed anyone. We all talked nicely and the atmosphere was very healthy. This was because no one competed.

Snake race: Enjoy the race. Help the group to move ahead and not only yourself. Don’t get angry on anyone if he/she is slow or making mistakes or unable to cross an obstacle. Instead cheer/ assist that poor fellow.

Progressive group task/ Half group task.

It is necessary to understand here again that “THERE IS NO COMPETITION”. The same things as in case of GD apply here. If you have an idea, move ahead and implement it. If you don’t have one, help the group to move ahead. Remove the thought that if I move ahead (even if I don’t know what to do) and try to cross the obstacle, the GTO would give me more marks. It is not at all like that. In fact you become an obstacle yourself. So give chance to those who have ideas. Being aggressive and authoritative will not help. Always remember that you are with your brothers. Do we scold/ shout on our brothers if they are unable to do some work? No, instead we help them to do it.

Individual task: 
Friends remember that it is not important HOW MANY obstacles you do, but HOW YOU DO them is. There is no doubt that daily exercise, especially running, will help in all the GTO’s. Don’t feel sad if you are unable to do some obstacle. Move ahead and go for the next. Plan your approach meticulously.

Command task: Be calm. Every obstacle is so simple that any person with average IQ can do it. But the catch is that it is possible only if your mind is at peace. Forget the existence of GTO. Don’t bother about what the GTO says. Breath. And the solution will lie right in front of you.

Also, remove the misconception that if I am called many times by others to assist them, I will stand a better chance or if I am called by less people I don’t have a chance or if I am given comparatively difficult task to do I will score more. Every task has equal importance. Command task is meant mainly to asses an individual and not his sub-ordinates.

Lecturatte: Prepare as many general topics as you can. This would give you confidence. Practice speaking in front of the mirror or with your friends. Since the topic is random, if you are unable to select a topic, tell the GTO honestly and he might ask you to talk on any topic you want. But it is advised to prepare for a few topics.

Friends I would like to mention a few examples here:

A candidate, who wrote nothing in his games/sports column, nothing in his hobbies and nothing in his extra-curricular activities and whose interview was only for 15 mins was recommended. This happened because he believed in himself and accepted himself the way he is. He didn’t feel bad or guilty of himself. He didn’t lie and he didn’t show off. He had explanation for everything.

A candidate who was recommended by the same board just 15 days back was not recommended the next time. This was because he went too casual and over-confident.

A candidate who appeared 13 times for different SSB was recommended for the 14th time. This was because 13 times he went for SSB without preparing/correcting himself. 14th time he gave himself time and prepared himself and rectified his mistakes. This example stresses the need of introspection.

Also Check : My Appointment With A Psychologist

161136 100000527122090 1876374118 n Author: Mangesh S Joshi:He is a B.E. Mechanical Engineer who likes Trekking, reading, theater, listening music, playing basketball He made 3 attempts in SSB and got recommended in his 3rd attempt from Bhopal SSB  for IMA July 2012

AFCAT 2/2012 Notification for July 2013

Indian Airforce invites  young men and women through AFCAT 2/2012 Notification to join the mighty  IAF for the course commencing in July 2013 for grant of SSC Flying Branch and SSC and PC in Technical and Ground Duty Branches. 

For Men 

Course Commencing Date: July 2013 
Branches : 

  • Flying Branch : 12 SSC
  • Technical Branch: 83 AEC(PC) , 55 SSC
  • GDOC: 134 Ground Duty Officers(PC) , 27 SSC

 1. Flying:

  • Age: 19 to 23 years  as on  01 July  2013 i.e. Born between 02 July 1990 to 01 July 1994 (both dates inclusive).
  • Education Qualification: Graduate (3 years ) with 60% and passed 10+2 with Maths and Physics. B.tech(4 years)  with 60% ( any stream)
2. Technical :
  • Age: 18 to 28 years  as on  01 July  2013 i.e. Born between 02 July 1985 to 01 July 1995 (both dates inclusive).
  • Education Qualification: B.tech from a recognized university , with 60%. 
3. GDOC:
  • Age: Graduate (20-23yrs) , PG(20-25yrs), LLB(20-26 yrs), MEd/PhD/CA/ICWA(20-27yrs)
  • Education Qualification: Any Graduate, PG, LLB,  MEd/PhD/CA/ICWA respectively. 

For Women 

Course Commencing Date: July 2013 
Branches : 

  • Flying Branch : 41 SSC
  • Technical Branch: 55 SSC
  • GDOC: 43 SSC

 1. Flying:

  • Age: 19 to 23 years  as on  01 July  2013 i.e. Born between 02 July 1990 to 01 July 1994 (both dates inclusive).
  • Education Qualification: Graduate (3 years ) with 60% and passed 10+2 with Maths and Physics. B.tech(4 years)  with 60% ( any stream)
2. Technical :
  • Age: 18 to 28 years  as on  01 July  2013 i.e. Born between 02 July 1985 to 01 July 1995 (both dates inclusive).
  • Education Qualification: B.tech from a recognized university , with 60%. 
3. GDOC:
  • Age: Graduate (20-23yrs) , PG(20-25yrs), LLB(20-26 yrs), MEd/PhD/CA/ICWA(20-27yrs)
  • Education Qualification: Any Graduate, PG, LLB,  MEd/PhD/CA/ICWA respectively.

How to Apply

Candidates with backlog are Not Permitted to Apply.

Candidates can apply through online and offline mode


Online applications can be submitted from 09 Jun 12 till 09 Jul 12 

Apply Online For AFCAT ( click the link and read the instructions before applying)

After 09 Jul 12 Air force will allot the AFCAT centers to all the applicants , you will get an e-mail regarding the same, after getting the e-mail from Airforce, you have to login here  again to take the print out of your admit card.

Problem: Not getting all branches  for which you are eligible ??
Sol:  Select Qualifying Education correctly

For those who are not getting 12 SSC Flying(p) option please mark Yes in PABT option . Read it carefully, Mark No only if you have failed in PABT. 

You will not get Admit card by post. This is the simplest and easiest method.


  1. Download the application form , link is available below , use different form for Men and Women.
  2. Fill it properly download the instructions first and read it  Form Filling Instructions :
One has to complete the application in all aspects and super scribe the envelope with ‘APPLICATION FOR AIR FORCE COMMON ADMISSION TEST : 26  AUGUST  2012’. Forward the application to AFCAT Cell, Post Bag  No-5, RK Puram (Main) P.O., New Delhi -110066 by ordinary post only.

Date of Examination (AFCAT) : 26 August 2012

Official Advertisement AFCAT Men:

Official Advertisement AFCAT Women :

Form Filling Instructions :

Download Application Form Men:

Download Application Form Women:

Also Check: How To Pass AFCAT

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Careerairforce Website Got Beautiful Makeover

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I don’t know when it happened but one of my blog readers question forced me to open http://careerairforce.nic.in/ website which is an official website of IAF. Wow, I was shocked as well as excited to see the new look of this website , they have made it more usable and kept a very easy navigation to help the candidates and visitors understand better.

New Features :

1. Look and Feel: I real appreciate the work by the website designer , the look of the website is very professional now , also the easiness provided to the user is commendable.

2. Easy Navigation: There is a easy vertical navigation menu for easy findings, that makes it better.

3. Recent Update ticker : On the right hand bottom there is a recent update box which is a very useful again.

4. Fast and Fit: Now the websites gets download easily and fits to all screen size

4. Online Application : One can register and make his/her account to apply online for AFCAT , also he/she can take the printout of registered application anytime , also see the status of registered application.

Overall registration process is very easy and self explanatory.

Also I like the website design of Nausena-bharti which provides the easy navigation and accessibility  to the user .
Now the point is who controls joinindianarmy.nic.in ??  here they are planetecomsolutions.com , they are responsible of site design for joinindianarmy as mentioned in the website. The management is pathetic overall for Army website, especially when site gets crashed during form filling and shockingly they do not provide any option to download the registered application form again which is there in Navy website or may be in new Airforce website.
I would say  the work on joinindianarmy  is very unprofessional and website needs more care. Hope the defence budget goes on right hand.

What do you think about the new make over , also do you agree with the bad website design of joinindianarmy ?? Post your creative comments on the comment box below .

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TES-27th Merit List Army

10+2 TES-27th Merit list is being released on joinindianarmy.nic.in , candidates those who have cleared SSB Interview and medical examination are waiting eagerly  for this merit list. 10+2 TES-27th is a technical entry by Indian Army. Candidates who have made it in the final merit list will join OTA-Gaya in July 2012 for Phase-I,  01 year  Pre-commissioning Training at OTA Gaya & 03 Years at CME Pune/MCTE Mhow/MCEME Secunderabad. Phase -2 will be,  01 Year Post commission training at CME Pune/MCTE Mhow/MCEME Secunderabad.

10+2 TES 27th Merit List:

Cut off : PCM 80% and above.

Total number of Candidates appeared for SSB Interview: 7650

Merit List : TES -27 Merit List Click to Open

TES -27 Joining Date Click to Open

TES -27 3rd Merit List

10+2 TES 26th Merit List:

Cut off : PCM 82% and above.
Total number of Candidates appeared for SSB Interview: 6516
Number of candidates made in the final merit list: 178  [ 16 Med Unfit] 

UES-21 Merit List Army


UES-21 Merit list for July 2012 course is published by Joinindianarmy.nic.in , candidates who have made into this list are going to report to IMA Dehradun on 03 Jul 2012 but joining Instructions  (JIs) will be issued on the basis of merit position subject to medical status  and educational qualification.

Click to Open UES-21 Merit List {1st List}

Important Note:

Candidates are advised to submitt attested photocopies of Mark sheet of 1st to 7th Semister of Engg degree Course and furnished Certificate as mentioned below by 15 Jun 2012 positively, if not already done so, otherwise candidature would be cancelled. These docus should be forwarded by speed post to Addl Dte Gen of Rtg (UES Entry), West Block 3, RK Puram, New Delhi, Pin -110066, with envelope marked as “UES-21 Edn Qual”. OR BY FAX NO. 011-26196205

Click to Open UES-20 Merit List 

CDSE (II) 2012 Notification


The UPSC will conduct the examination for CDSE (II) 2012 on 16th September, 2012 for admission to the Army, Air Force wings and  Navy of the IMA for the 135th Course & SSC 98th, 12th OTA,  194th Flying Course and Naval Academy  commencing from July 2013 respectively .

***Candidates graduating(final year) in Jun-July 2013 can apply

Important Dates 

Application Online Date: 02 June 2012
Last Date For Receipt of Application: 02.July.2012(MONDAY)
Date of Exam: 16.Sep.2012  (SUNDAY)
Likely Result Date: Jan-Feb 2013
Likely SSB Date – Feb to Mar 2013(SSB can sometimes gets delayed, so this is just for reference)

Age limits: 

  1. Indian Military Academy Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July,1989 and not later than 1st July,1994
  2. Naval Academy Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July, 1991 (2nd July, 1989 in case of Naval Wing ‘C’ Certificate holders) and not later than 1st July, 1994 
  3. Air Force Academy Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July, 1990 and not later than 1st July, 1994
  4. Officer’s Training Academy Male candidates (married or unmarried) born not earlier 2nd July, 1988 and not later than 1st July, 1994
**Marital Status : Unmarried


  1. IMA & OTA:  Degree of a recognised university or equivalent.
  2. Air Force Academy: Degree of a recognised University (with Physics & Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of Engineering.
  3. Naval Academy: B.Sc (with Physics & Mathematics) or Bachelor of Engineering.

Note:Candidates who are studying in final year Degree Course and have yet to pass final year degree examination or equivalent examination can also apply for examination, but they will be required to submit proof of passing by the specified dates published in Commission’s Notice for Examination.

Vacancies Per Course 

  1. IMA -135th Course July, 2013: 250 [includes 32 vacancies reserved for NCC ‘C’ Certificate (Army Wing) holders] 
  2. Naval Academy July, 2013 Executive (General service/Hydro): 40 [including ten reserved for NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders (Naval Wing)]
  3.  AFA, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) July, 2013 i.e. No.194th F(P): 32
  4. OTA, Chennai  98th SSC Course (for Men)  October, 2013 :175
  5. OTA, Chennai  (Madras) 12th  SSC Women Non-Tech October, 2013: 15  

Date Commencement of Training – Jul 2013 & Oct 2013.

Training Academy – IMA- Dheradun ,AFA-Hyderabad,NA-Ezhimala ,Kerala

How to apply: Candidates are required to apply online by using the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in.Detailed instructions for filling up online applications are available on the above mentioned website

Important Points:

The result of the written part of the examination is likely to be declared in the month of Jan, 2013

Last date for receipt of applications: The online applications can be filled upto 2nd July, 2012 till 11.59 p.m. after which the link will be disabled

 CDSE Syllabus : CDSE (II) 2012 Syllabus
 How to Fill by UPSC: Click here

Facilitation counter for guidance of candidates:  In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding their applications, candidature etc candidates can contact UPSC’s facilitation counter near gate ‘C’ of its campus in person or over Tel 011-23385271/011-23381125/011-23098543 on working days between 10.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs

Use Full Books:

Please visit www.upsc.gov.in for more accurate details and official advertisement.
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Airforce Merit list for July 2012 Course


Indian Air Force is going to release the merit list of candidates passed in the SSB interview and medical examination  for the course commencing from July 2012 at Air force Academy , Hyderabad  conducted under AFCAT 2/2011 entry. Merit list for flying course through CDSE is already released by UPSC. Lets have a look at some statistical data regarding the previous merit list of Jan 2012 course and upcoming July 2012 course.

IAF- July 2012 Course :

No of candidates passed AFCAT written exam: 18,494 (Excluding CDSE)

Merit List July 2012

IAF-Jan 2012 Course : 

No of candidates passed AFCAT written exam: 8,041 (Excluding CDSE)
Merit list Jan 2012 Course : 
  1. Air Warrior AFCAT Flying [1fit] 
  2. CDSE Flying [12fit +1unfit ]
  3. AFCAT Flying[18fit+1 Unfit +5 Reserve List] 
  4. AFCAT GDOC (all branches )[ 312fit + 2 Unfit]
  5. AFCAT Technical (all branches) [ 138fit+2 Unfit]

CDSE (II) 2011 Merit List By UPSC

UPSC has released the merit list of CDSE(II) 2011 , for joining/admission in Indian Military Academy  IMA-133th Course  , Indian Air Force Academy 192th Flying Course  and Naval Academy . There are some common candidates in the three list for various courses as mentioned above. Merit list is prepared without considering the Medical examinations ,means it is only on the basis of SSB Interview but not the medical examination. 


  1. Number of candidates passed in SSB Interview for IMA-133th Course : 259
  2. Number of candidates passed Naval SSB Board Interview for Naval Academy:  68
  3. Number of candidates passed Air force Selection Board Interview for Flying 192nd course : 29

Number of Vacancies as intimated by Govt. of India :

  1. 250 for Indian Military Academy [including 32 vacancies reserved for  NCC ‘C’ certificates (Army Wing) holders] .
  2. 40 for Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala  (including  06 vacancies reserved  for NCC ‘C’ Certificate Naval Wing) holders]
  3. 32 for Air Force Academy, Hyderabad.
Still the SSB Interviews are going on for SSC-96th Men(NT) and SSCW-10th Non Tech for joining Officers Training Academy (OTA) through Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2011, the result for  OTA is still pending and may come near September 2011.

Candidates must check the Final merit list which considers the medical examination result also, final merit list will be released on official websites of respective branches .

If you have any concerned query regarding the UPSC merit list of CDSE (II) -2011 , you may directly contact UPSC at  Facilitation Counter near Gate ‘C’ of the Commission’s Office, either in person or on telephone Nos.011-23385271/011- 23381125/011-23098543 between 10:00 hours and 17:00 hours on any working day.

Click to Open CDSE (II) 2011 UPSC Merit List

Also Check:
NDA-128th Merit List By UPSC

IMA-133th Merit List By UPSC

TGC 115 Merit List


All candidates who have passed the TGC-115 SSB interview are  egarly waiting for the merit list of TGC-115. TGC-115 merit list is expected to come in June 2012, it may come near  2nd week of June though it also depends on the Army HQ and how fast they deal with the paper work, expectations are high with the recent release of NDA-128th and IMA-133th Merit list by UPSC, hope to see the TGC-115th merit list soon. Lets have a look at TGC-114th and TGC-115th related statistics . 


Merit List TGC-115

TGC-115 Joining Instruction 

Number of Applicants : 30,858

Allotted with Bhopal SSB: 14,518
Allotted with Allahabad SSB: 11,681
Allotted with Bangalore SSB:  4,659

Approx  Digits  


Number of Applicants : 14,224

Allotted with Bhopal SSB: 4,234
Allotted with Allahabad SSB: 7,129
Allotted with Bangalore SSB:  2,861

Approx  Digits  

TGC-114th Joining Instructions/ Merit 

Branch Total Fit Unfit 
Civil  7 7 0
Electrical  12 10 2
Mechanical  28 27 1
Automobile 1 1 0
Electronics  6 6 0
Commn/Telecom/ECE  37 35 2
Food /Bio Tech 3 3 0
Compute Science Engg 24 23 1
Info Tech 8 8 0
AEC 2 2 0

IMA 133 Merit List



The highly awaited merit list of IMA-133th is going to be published soon in  joinindianarmy.nic.in ,all the successful aspirants  will join the prestigious IMA-Dehradun for 133th course commencing on July 2012. 

IMA 133th 

Total number of candidates passed CDSE for IMA 133th Course  : 4924

Number of candidates allotted with Allahabad  :2497
Number of candidates allotted with Bhopal  :679
Number of candidates allotted with Bangalore :949
Number of candidates passed SSB Interview : 356

Note: Approx  figures