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Tips For Building Self Confidence Instantly

Feeling Scared?  During an Exam or Interview, so how could you think of becoming a part of Indian Army where brave warriors “Those who don’t think of anything before sacrificing with their life whenever country needs” Oops! But our warriors are not afraid of losing or sacrificing with their life but an Interview makes them. So you are a warrior with lot of potential who is scared of being failed or not getting selected but always dream of a career in Defence/Army but don’t worry we are here with some tips.

So what is the Self Confidence?

Self confidence is the difference between feeling scared and feeling unstoppable out of your wits. In other words self confidence is the perception of yours towards you that always makes an enormous impact on your performance whenever you take any task.
I’ve seen many candidates try to show a personality that not belongs to them in any point of view and this attitude ruins everything,

Some common mistake you do when you feel unconfident- 

  1. You try to copy some candidates who have impressed you with their performance
  2. Looses your originality and massed up yourself with confusing thoughts
  3. Forgets the things you already knows and capable to do
  4. Become impotence and short tempered
  5. Feel headache and anxiety with a fear of being failed
  6. Finally you are out of the exam because of your the scared feeling
I am not a magician but have some ideas to build Self-Confidence instantly that can be noticed by anyone around you so the tips are as follow-
1. Dress Sharp– Your cloths help you to get a certain feel for you, none of your friend or any colleague is conscious about your dressing sense but you are. When you feel your physical appearance is not impressive, it affects the way you carry and present yourself.
Mostly your daily schedule of frequent shaving, bathing, wearing style and your consciousness about the latest trend makes an important change in your personality.
Ha Ha! It doesn’t mean you should buy expensive cloths you just have to change your personal appearance the way you feel comfortable.
2. Walking Style– Your walking style can change the perception of others towards you, so just walk to next door please….. Was it slow? Or tired? Or purposeful and energetic?
When you walk fast people around you believe that you are not free and have lot of work to do. So when you walk faster it makes you feel confident so from now add some pep in your step.  Don’t run but a bit faster than before and feel the change in you.
3. Impressive Posture– The way you present and carry- you leave a story behind.  Your posture represents how confident you are. Try some impressive postures learn about good postures on Google they are many more the moment you will be able to present yourself in a good posture the same time you will feel empowered and comfortable about you.
4. Gratitude feeling– You wants everything… isn’t you? Your mind always divert you from things you want to focus because everything you focused on something you think about what next can be? And then you feel impotence and finally you believes you can have it… but why. These thunder rumbling questions in your mind puts you in dwell of your negative points. Your mind believes everything you want to think when you think something is possible you body gets a boost and when you believe you can’t you body rejects.
So why don’t you try feeling of gratitude, be in a habit of making a list of what you have achieved and what you have to gain to become grateful do this by remembering you past success stories or something that makes you feel happy when you think of like your Special skills, your Love(If you are not broken heart), dreams and faith of your parents, sacrifices that your guardians are doing to see a man of success in you and optimistic momentum, Here you are self motivated with a concentrated mind and for the next step of your success story.
5. Do you compliment others?–  When we waste our time in gossiping, backstabbing or in backbiting we shows inner negativity of us, so make a habit a of complimenting people around you it will increase you likeability between people around you, When you search for the best things in others, you indirectly build the best things in you.
6. Personal Commercial– I am not asking you for watching any motivational speech or movie but make a habit of making your own commercials…. yeas it sounds funny but try this by writing a small script on the success and failures of your life “Highlight success” and go in front of mirror and tell the story loudly to the person who is watching you from mirror. Do this whenever you feel you are nervous or unconfident.
7. Are you a back bencher? 
Whenever you are in a public speech, group discussion or in class try to sit in front row…. most of the time you avoid to sit in front of people because you have a fear being noticed to answer some queries on the other hand your interviewers would be able to see you clearly be confident and feel free 🙂

Some Other Tips:-

  • Try to speak as much as you can whenever you are in any interview/group discussion or where your talk matters 
  • Do you work out? If not then bee in a habit of daily work out to keep you body and mind healthy because you personal appearance makes you happy and confident
  • Become a contributor by helping others 
274585 100000110526995 539742855 n Author: Aditya Soni
The only name behind Apply Sarkari Naukri, working as an HR in Automobile sector and have completed MBA in Human Resource/International Business and Rural Management from Greater Noida Institute of Technology.

AFCAT 2012 Cut Off Marks

AFCAT 02/2012 written exam was conducted by India air-force on 26 Aug 2012, the standard of AFCAT written test has improved considerably since last 3 years. But still there is a question, whether or not AFCAT has fixed cut off marks

Also Read

AFCAT started in 2011 for the recruitment of officers in Indian air force for flying , technical and GDOC.  Since then there is 30%-40% increment in the number of candidates applying AFCAT every year. Also the difficulty level and quality of questions have changed, it is clear that IAF making AFCAT more and more secure and top level like CDSE and NDA. This year IAF has allowed the online and offline submission for AFCAT application submission, making the whole process convenient for the aspirants. 
AFCAT written test is divided into four basic sections viz.  general awareness , verbal ability, numerical ability and reasoning and military aptitude. Both sections are getting more and more difficult with time and you may need good practice for all sections if you are an average student. 
In AFCAT 02/2012 the level of questions were better and higher than last AFCAT 01/2012 held in Feb 2012. Surprisingly the level of reasoning and military aptitude was difficult this time, as usual verbal ability, numerical ability was tough and it wouldn’t be wrong if we say it was almost like CDSE level or more than that. 
If we consider the difficulty level of questions this time, in 02/2012 AFCAT , cut off marks might fall near 140, or 45-55 correct questions might be a safer side for you, hope you have avoided the more of guessing in questions and kept the negative marking in mind. But again its all depends on the IAF, how much intake they want from this AFCAT, though  they have also announced the additional list in last AFCAT 01/2012 results lately and considered few more candidates those who were failed earlier.
Lets hope for the best, do write your number of questions you have done in AFCAT 02/2012 and how many correct answers your are expecting this time.  
Also Check: 

Inderpreet Singh Recommended In 10th Attempt SSC-Tech

Hello friends I am Inderpreet Singh from Punjab and I got recommended from 14 SSB Allahabad on July 7, 2012. I got recommended in SSC 39th technical entry and it was my 10th attempt. Friends I want to share my views of SSB with you so that you can get an idea of SSB procedure and selection.  I hope that repeaters after reading this post will get more motivated to go again and give SSB with full preparation and dedication.
Firstly before starting my 5 days SSB experience I will tell u little about my SSB attempts. Out of 10 attempts 6 times I was conference out, 3 times screen out and finally in 10th attempt I got recommended. My burning aim is to join NDA and I gave my first interview in Jan 2008 and from that day till 2012 I am giving interviews of various entries which include technical entry army , air force , navy and CDS.  Every time when I was sent back home I feel little sad but then one thing which comes in my mind is “ NEVER EVER GIVE UP ’’ .This 4 words kept my motivation , dedication alive till I got recommended. Everybody including my parents , my friends  , my relatives started thinking that now I will not make it to Army and I should not try anymore , but I kept on with full dedication because I know that one day I will surely make it. In this attempt I did everything averaged, to the point and very simple. Now I’m starting my 5 days experience blog.
I reported Allahabad on 3th July, 2012 and went to selection center for tests. At around 9am our screening test started which includes verbal, nonverbal and then PPDT. I did almost all questions in aptitude test , then in PPDT I wrote a SIMPLE story on a picture in which lady is standing on bridge( according to my perception ) and  watching something. I wrote, she is working in MNC, went to holidays with parents in hilly area , standing on a bridge watching cricket match played by village students near river side and also clicking pics.After this in Discussion I spoke 2-3 times by appreciating other guys stories and adding points to their stories. In our batch 150 students were there and only 24 are screened in……..I got chest no 6 after screening LOL.
Next day (4th July) early morning psyche test…….I made very very simple stories all relating to pictures shown. The word association test also went averaged. Before starting my SRT I had one thing I my mind that I had to complete more than 40 so that way I started writing my responses very quickly and at last I did 42 only but all continues no blank in-between. Then Self-description, in which I wrote everything about me, showing positive and negative points of me.
On 5 and 6 July GTO day – in GTO before going to ground I had one thing I’m mind that I had to cooperate with my group in completing tasks. In group discussion I spoke 2-3 times when I got chance by giving relevant fact and figures about the topic. Luckily my group was very cooperating so everybody got chance in GD, military planning and progressive group task.  In PGT I helped my group in each and every step, given ideas, modified ideas of other students. Similarly I did rest of GTO tasks .Main thing according to me which helped me in passing GTO is my helping nature and cooperation in team.
Interview – I was interviewed by the president of board after GTO 2 in pt. dress only. My interviewing officer was a south Indian so in starting got little problem in understanding the English of president. But I must say one thing president was very chill person, very much cooperative. My whole interview was based on my extracurricular activities which I done in my college (blood donation camp, NSS camp, Organizing member of technical fest Etc.). At middle of interview officer started using abusive language, but I still remain calm and concentrated on my answers.. LOLL. My interview was hardly of 30 – 35 minutes.
On 7th July….Conference……during conference president asked me questions about my friends , my positive qualities , how this attempt is different from previous ones , you enjoyed here or not …..Only 2 out of 24 got recommended other recommended guy was a fresher.
At last friends I want to thank SSBCRACK because I practiced psyche test from slides given in site, used to check regular updates on various topics. This site had helped me a lot in getting recommended I Salute to this site from core of my heart .Thanksssssss SSBCRACK
photo Author: Inderpreet Singh: He always followed two sentences in his life i.e ” HARDWORK leads to Success ” and ” NEVER EVER GIVE UP “. He has completed B.Tech in Electronics and Communication. His desire is to join Indian Army and inspite of so many failures he tried hard again and again and at last proved ” He has it in him” and got recommended in SSC-39th Tech in his 10th attempt in July 2012 : Add him on Facebook

OTA Merit List 2012 SSC-96th & SSC-10th NT Men & Women


UPSC has released the merit list of 427 (Men 327 + Women 100) candidates of CDSE(II) 2011 for OTA SSC-96th(M) and SSC-10th(W) Non-tech course, for joining/admission in Officers Training Academy [OTA]  in Oct 2012 . 

The list of 96th Short Service Commission Course (for Men) also includes the names of the candidates who were recommended earlier on the basis of  the result of the same examination for admission to Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala and Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course(s). 
Merit list is prepared without considering the Medical examinations ,means it is only on the basis of SSB Interview but not the medical examination. 

No. of vacancies mentioned in the advertisement:

SSC-96th Men: 175
SSC-10th Women: 25
If you have any concerned query regarding the UPSC merit list of CDSE (II) -2011 , you may directly contact UPSC at  Facilitation Counter near Gate ‘C’ of the Commission’s Office, either in person or on telephone Nos.011-23385271/011- 23381125/011-23098543 between 10:00 hours and 17:00 hours on any working day.

Click to Open CDSE (II) 2011 UPSC Merit List

Group Planning Exercise 4 GPE SSB Interview


Time to use your mind and creative ideas. Here comes the next and fourth GPE, also known as the group planning exercise in the SSB interview. Group planning exercises are literally a fun task to do. You need better thinking and a fast mind as well. All you need to do is come up with the best plan to achieve your goal.

Group Planning Exercise Tips

  1. Keep the time limit in mind.
  2. Prioritize the different tasks; don’t just randomly do anything.
  3. Try to assume hidden resources even if they are not mentioned (if there is a river, there must be a lot of water and fish also).
  4. Listen to others’ plans as well, you are not alone, it’s a group task.
  5. Divide the group logically for the faster and safer accomplishment of tasks.
  6. Try to use safe methods and never put yourself in a dangerous situation intentionally.
  7. Read the situation carefully, and note down the correct timings in your mind. All tasks must be done in relation to the time taken and time left.

Group Planning Exercise 4 Map

Group Planning Exercise 4 Map

Group Planning Exercise 4 Situation

You are 8 students from city Deer had gone for boating on the riverside.  You had parked yourself on the southern side of the river at a point A.  While your friends were boating, you were going to village Tiger to bring drinking water.  While crossing the Railway line, you notice that one fish plate of the Railway line has been found completely removed.  A boy came running to inform you that he overheard 5 terrorists planted a powerful road mine to kill the Chief Minister who will be passing in one hour time.  The terrorists were hiding in the nearby jungle.  At the same time, one villager came to inform you that a tigress has mauled 2 young girls and they are lying unconscious in the jungle.  Just then another man informs that his haystack was on fire and wanted your help.  There is a Police post and a PCO in Vill Lion.  

A messenger from PCO enquires your name and informs that your mother is seriously ill and your presence is immediately required.  When you start moving, you see a young beautiful daughter of Pradhan of Vill Tiger, who was walking along with you, just slips and falls in the ground well.  But you do not know swimming.  The Vill Pradhan has got 5 guns with him.  The train will pass through your location at 1600 hrs.  A half an hour bus service is available between cities Deer and Bear.  A number of carts are available in Vill Fox.  There is a motor boat that can travel at a speed of 10 KM per hr.  Time now is 1415 hrs.  You have got a jeep with you, being a young and brave students what will you do ?

Also Check:

NDA 2 2012 Cutoff Marks NDA 2 Answer Key 2012 Paper 1st, 2nd and 3rd Solution


Aspirants those who have attended the written exam of NDA-2-2012 for the course commencing in NDA in 2013 are waiting for NDA & NA 2nd Exam 2012 Paper solution sheet NDA & NA key 2012  NDA 2 2012 Cutoff Marks / answer sheet of NDA-2 2012 is published in SSBCrack. Aspirants can look at the answer keys for their NDA written exam, here of paper-1st and paper-2nd with set-a, set-b, set-c, set-d. 

Check: NDA I 2013 Cut Off Marks

As usual thanks to  Cavalier Coaching Institute for publishing their NDA-2 answer sheet 2012 and NDA 2 2012 cut off which is shown as below. Check out NDA-2 answer key 2012 below :-
You can also download the NDA-2-2012 answer key . If you want to share or ask please do it  in the comment box also share the correct answers if you find any glitch:-

source: cavalier.in

NDA 2 Cutoff Marks 2012 :-

Please check your marks in NDA 2 2012 and post your marks below in the comment section  to analyse your result.

Mathematics 300 and General ability 600. Total 900 marks

  1. Cut off will be above 500 450 405 380 out of 900 this year in NDA 2 2012 
  2. There will be individual cut off  of 35% 29% in each subject.  
Note: NDA 2 2012 Cut Off may change, keep checking for the latest updates.

UES 22nd SSB Interview Dates Army


After long wait, finally official website of Indian army joinindianarmy.nic.in has published the list of SSB interview centre allotment for UES 22nd University Entry Scheme Army candidates. The dates for SSB interview might come in Aug-Sep or at the same time with TGC-116 interview dates

Total Number of Selected Candidates: 5141

SSB Centers:
  1. Allahabad
  2. Bangalore
  3. Bhopal

Likely SSB Dates:

Navy Observer SSC 2012 SSB Interview Dates


Indian Navy official website nausena-bharti-nic.in published a notification for candidates those who have applied for Navy SSC Observer 2012 to download the SSB interview call letter and get to know their SSB interview dates. You can download the SSB interview telegram for SSC(OBS) entry from the link provided below. 

Note: You will get the SMS and Email alert for the same if you get shortlisted,else you will get a message like “Sorry, you have not been presently shortlisted to attend SSB. You will be intimated by SMS/ email in case you are shortlisted to attend SSB” 

How to download call letter for SSC(Pilot) Dec 2012 Navy:
1. Open the link provided below 
2. Select Entry type as SSC(OBS), enter  first letter of your name and father’s name , your DOB. 
3. Enter captcha code . 
4. Take the printout .

You can also download your call letter through registration number printed on your application form.

Note: Those who did not get  SMS or E-mail may get it soon, you may or may not get shortlisted for the SSB Interview , you are suggested to call Indian Navy for further inquiry Tele: 011-23010151,Fax No.011-23011282 

 Click Here  To Generate Call letter 

IAF SSB Interview Dates For NDA 129th


Today Indian Airforce official website careerairforce.nic.in published the list of few candidates for NDA129th course,those who have passed NDA (I) 2012 and opted for IAF as their primary choice. SSB Interviews will be held from 03 Sep 2012 to 27 Sep 2012. 

Note: Candidates (Air force first choice) whose names are not in the list below would be tested by Army/Navy SSBs. These Candidates are requested to visit  ( joinindianarmy.nic.in ) for their ssb details.

AFSB Centers:

  1. Varanasi
  2. Mysore
  3. Dheradun

Reporting Time:

  • 0700 Hours 

AFSB Dates:

  • 03 Sep -27 Sep

Click to know your AFSB dates for NDA129th

Jasmeet Bhatia Recommended In CDSE SSC96th


Hi everybody, I’m Jasmeet Bhatia and I got recommended in june 2012 for SSC-96thCDSE.This is my SSB interview experience for  CDSE Entry, 96th course, Bangalore. Now before you read this post I’m sure all of you have read other expert advice on how to crack SSB. Don’t compare my post with their advice because they are much more experienced. These are just my views about SSB. You just have to remember some key points and have fun with the interview. SSB is a great experience so don’t worry or get tensed about the result and try to have fun. Tension will just hamper your chances rather than getting you in. The other guys who got in all were very relaxed about it. That’s what I have noticed and plus SSB lets you meet people from all over India. You all will have a great time during your stay. Many ask me what quality do they look for and what will make sure their selection. Frankly speaking, I don’t know! What I know is they look for a series of qualities (OLQs). We can’t really judge how one person got in and how the other didn’t. So, do your best and god surely do the rest for you.

If you have it in you, nobody can stop you and if you don’t then work on it.Even I got recommended in my second attempt (previously got conference out from TGC-115 Bhopal). But that doesn’t mean you go there too casually. Don’t waste your attempts even if you have many chances ahead (through technical entry). The more you repeat their expectations rise which I feel. If you are a fresher I suggest you to read a book on SSB interview, it will familiarize you with the tests. The author is not that important you won’t remember most of the points in it anyhow and if you concentrate too much on those points you will either waste time or will not be yourself.

Recommended candidate ssb

Now back to my experience. I reached Bangalore on 1st June 2012. I had my reporting time at 1400hrs. On the reporting day nothing happens except filling of forms (Many forms). We finished filling those forms, got our chest numbers and then moved to our barracks. In Bangalore SSB there is a problem with bed bugs! I saw those creatures first time there. We any how had made a group n slept very late. Some gave their version of SSB advices, do’s and don’ts (as always). Next day in the morning we got ready for our screening tests. Below I have given how I approached the tests. You may differ! But it’s fine. Now screening as you know it has verbal and non-verbal test Intelligence tests and PPDT.  Intelligence test is quite simple you don’t require any special preparation for it.

Only point to remember in Intelligence tests is time. It’s very critical. Attempt each paper in 3 go’s according to difficulty level. Like in first go don’t try to solve every question & do the questions in which you get answer just by reading them. Get back at the beginning and solve little difficult questions and in the 3rd go you can attempt the difficult ones. Don’t get tempted to solve in the first go because you will get only 30secs for each question. If you don’t know it then and there leave it & go to next question. You can come back at it later.
PPDT: Here you’ll be given a picture which may or may not be blur. Try to make a Hero, a story with moral value involved and the story should travel through time like past, present and future. After writing it, you’ll be called separately in groups to discuss on it. Now if you didn’t get time to either complete your story or to make any changes you can freely do so while narrating. Don’t change the story drastically or entirely. But yes you can change it or extend it pretty much. You’ll be asked to narrate your story, be loud and clear. Don’t stop in between here confidence is the key. After you finish narrating concentrate on other’s stories. Later you can agree with it. Once narrating is over Sir will tell you to think n start the discussion. No thinking! When he says start, shoot out. Be the first to initiate, it helps. Now remember in discussing you have to come to a conclusion! You don’t have to prove yourself right. There is no right or wrong. Find a suitable story and tag along with it. If it’s turning into a fish market be loud and clear, tell them to speak one by one (polite way of saying shut up, now it’s my turn). At the end if you can, conclude with a story of the majority. The results of the screening will be announced shortly after that.
Once you are screened in relax. I was happy that I’ll stay for 4 more days at least. We went out to see Brigade road that evening. It has good crowd. Guys will like it for obvious reasons. We came back had some fun at night and slept. Next day was psychological test day.Psychological test also has some points you should remember.
WAT: In WAT, don’t be negative and don’t stress too much on your desire to get into army. Rest the test is fun! Words will be simple English. Be creative & unless the point is not negative write down your first thought. For Ex. Heat: Is a thermodynamic property. (Yeah…This was my first thought: D) don’t write the same example. Haha
TAT: In TAT, Make a hero, make a story and after the hero finishes helping make sure he resumes whatever he was doing before the incident happened. Keep it simple (you are not writing a novel).
SRT: In SRT, the SSB book will help you with the type of questions asked. It’ll be general test for presence of mind. For example my favourite question was: What will you do if you find your girlfriend with another guy in a market place? Many say they’ll hit him or stuff like that. But the best answer is: Introduce yourself as her boyfriend.
So in this test try to be broad minded n don’t try to portray yourself as short tempered person. It’ll be simple but, keep it sensible. If your writing is fast, good. If not, try to finish your answers in a line, that way you can attempt more.
Self description test: You know yourself better than anybody else. So write you positive points n your negative points. If you have negative points, later the IO will ask you what you are doing to improve yourself. This is an important test because part of your interview will be based on this. Make sure you mention your strong points but don’t hide your weak points.
Next day was GTO tests. In Bhopal they finished all GTO tasks in one day. But in Bangalore they were divided in 2 days. GTO will test you in a group & individually. The sequence of tasks may change. We had group discussion & military planning in the morning as we entered. Now the only difference in this GD is that you don’t need to come to a consensus. So feel free to go against everybody if you feel strongly about it and have good points to counter. Once you select your side, stick to it! Don’t be extremely dominating, allow others to speak too and limit your body language (no raising hands or pointing fingers).
Military planning is again your ability to solve problems. After you write your solution, Sir will ask you to discuss & come up with a common plan. Now sometimes a group has some stubborn people who won’t listen. Make sure to explain them before hand. That you need a common solution. If still they don’t agree just agree with them.
Then we had snake race. In snake race show your passion to win. Shout your slogan like a lion! But be helpful. In this task coming first is not important. In fact sir will never let you come first even if your group is ahead. They’ll impose some penalty or the other. So be helpful!
Individual obstacle task: It’s self-explanatory. Try to finish more than 10 obstacles. Next tests are PGT, SGT and command task. One most important advice that I can give in these tests is learning how to make a cantilever beam. You learn that perfectly, everything will go buttery smooth especially for freshers! Repeaters get a bit difficult task. But it’s pretty much the same.
Lecturette: Be confident. Avoid body language. And don’t stare at Sir.
Interview: It’s not scheduled. You can be called any time & day after you are screened in. It is an important test in SSB. Like SSB is dependent on 3 people IO, GTO n psychologist. The nature of your interview will depend on the type of your entry like in Bhopal I was asked technical questions. In Bangalore it was GK n personality questions. Be confident. Sit straight. And don’t be nervous.
Once that is over all that is left is Conference on the final day. But I feel it’s just a formality & the decision has already been made. So don’t worry about conference, that you’ll be sitting in front of so may officers. It’ll hardly last more than 2 mins (may be Einstein’s law of relativity was working :P).
After your conference, results will be announced. Now whatever advices I gave you worked for me. So they may work for you guys too. Try to keep those in mind while giving the tests. The other basic and most common advice I’m sure you all have heard is be yourself. At the end it’s just an interview. I’m sure you all can & will do well.

If you have any queries or suggestions you can contact me on. I hope I was helpful.
Thank you!
And good luck!
Jai Hind!
AIbEiAIAAABECISD5LH5xomp gEiC3ZjYXJkX3Bob3RvKig1MjI3MDhiNDZlODU5MDVjODIyMzU0YmU5MWE0OTJkMGVkZjBhMzgxMAHeGQ9fz05Es9VhuCrPdw aJgncaQ Author: Jasmeet Singh Bhatia: He likes reading, driving, trekking & playing Harmonica. He has completed B.E in mechanical. His first attempt was in Bhopal for TGC-115(conference out)and Second attempt was in Bangalore SSC(NT)-96(Recommended) in June 2012 :Add him on Facebook