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IAF SSB Interview Dates For NDA 129th

Today Indian Airforce official website careerairforce.nic.in published the list of few candidates for NDA129th course,those who have passed NDA (I) 2012 and opted for IAF as their primary choice. SSB Interviews will be held from 03 Sep 2012 to 27 Sep 2012. 

Note: Candidates (Air force first choice) whose names are not in the list below would be tested by Army/Navy SSBs. These Candidates are requested to visit  ( joinindianarmy.nic.in ) for their ssb details.

AFSB Centers:

  1. Varanasi
  2. Mysore
  3. Dheradun

Reporting Time:

  • 0700 Hours 

AFSB Dates:

  • 03 Sep -27 Sep

Click to know your AFSB dates for NDA129th

Jasmeet Bhatia Recommended In CDSE SSC96th


Hi everybody, I’m Jasmeet Bhatia and I got recommended in june 2012 for SSC-96thCDSE.This is my SSB interview experience for  CDSE Entry, 96th course, Bangalore. Now before you read this post I’m sure all of you have read other expert advice on how to crack SSB. Don’t compare my post with their advice because they are much more experienced. These are just my views about SSB. You just have to remember some key points and have fun with the interview. SSB is a great experience so don’t worry or get tensed about the result and try to have fun. Tension will just hamper your chances rather than getting you in. The other guys who got in all were very relaxed about it. That’s what I have noticed and plus SSB lets you meet people from all over India. You all will have a great time during your stay. Many ask me what quality do they look for and what will make sure their selection. Frankly speaking, I don’t know! What I know is they look for a series of qualities (OLQs). We can’t really judge how one person got in and how the other didn’t. So, do your best and god surely do the rest for you.

If you have it in you, nobody can stop you and if you don’t then work on it.Even I got recommended in my second attempt (previously got conference out from TGC-115 Bhopal). But that doesn’t mean you go there too casually. Don’t waste your attempts even if you have many chances ahead (through technical entry). The more you repeat their expectations rise which I feel. If you are a fresher I suggest you to read a book on SSB interview, it will familiarize you with the tests. The author is not that important you won’t remember most of the points in it anyhow and if you concentrate too much on those points you will either waste time or will not be yourself.

Recommended candidate ssb

Now back to my experience. I reached Bangalore on 1st June 2012. I had my reporting time at 1400hrs. On the reporting day nothing happens except filling of forms (Many forms). We finished filling those forms, got our chest numbers and then moved to our barracks. In Bangalore SSB there is a problem with bed bugs! I saw those creatures first time there. We any how had made a group n slept very late. Some gave their version of SSB advices, do’s and don’ts (as always). Next day in the morning we got ready for our screening tests. Below I have given how I approached the tests. You may differ! But it’s fine. Now screening as you know it has verbal and non-verbal test Intelligence tests and PPDT.  Intelligence test is quite simple you don’t require any special preparation for it.

Only point to remember in Intelligence tests is time. It’s very critical. Attempt each paper in 3 go’s according to difficulty level. Like in first go don’t try to solve every question & do the questions in which you get answer just by reading them. Get back at the beginning and solve little difficult questions and in the 3rd go you can attempt the difficult ones. Don’t get tempted to solve in the first go because you will get only 30secs for each question. If you don’t know it then and there leave it & go to next question. You can come back at it later.
PPDT: Here you’ll be given a picture which may or may not be blur. Try to make a Hero, a story with moral value involved and the story should travel through time like past, present and future. After writing it, you’ll be called separately in groups to discuss on it. Now if you didn’t get time to either complete your story or to make any changes you can freely do so while narrating. Don’t change the story drastically or entirely. But yes you can change it or extend it pretty much. You’ll be asked to narrate your story, be loud and clear. Don’t stop in between here confidence is the key. After you finish narrating concentrate on other’s stories. Later you can agree with it. Once narrating is over Sir will tell you to think n start the discussion. No thinking! When he says start, shoot out. Be the first to initiate, it helps. Now remember in discussing you have to come to a conclusion! You don’t have to prove yourself right. There is no right or wrong. Find a suitable story and tag along with it. If it’s turning into a fish market be loud and clear, tell them to speak one by one (polite way of saying shut up, now it’s my turn). At the end if you can, conclude with a story of the majority. The results of the screening will be announced shortly after that.
Once you are screened in relax. I was happy that I’ll stay for 4 more days at least. We went out to see Brigade road that evening. It has good crowd. Guys will like it for obvious reasons. We came back had some fun at night and slept. Next day was psychological test day.Psychological test also has some points you should remember.
WAT: In WAT, don’t be negative and don’t stress too much on your desire to get into army. Rest the test is fun! Words will be simple English. Be creative & unless the point is not negative write down your first thought. For Ex. Heat: Is a thermodynamic property. (Yeah…This was my first thought: D) don’t write the same example. Haha
TAT: In TAT, Make a hero, make a story and after the hero finishes helping make sure he resumes whatever he was doing before the incident happened. Keep it simple (you are not writing a novel).
SRT: In SRT, the SSB book will help you with the type of questions asked. It’ll be general test for presence of mind. For example my favourite question was: What will you do if you find your girlfriend with another guy in a market place? Many say they’ll hit him or stuff like that. But the best answer is: Introduce yourself as her boyfriend.
So in this test try to be broad minded n don’t try to portray yourself as short tempered person. It’ll be simple but, keep it sensible. If your writing is fast, good. If not, try to finish your answers in a line, that way you can attempt more.
Self description test: You know yourself better than anybody else. So write you positive points n your negative points. If you have negative points, later the IO will ask you what you are doing to improve yourself. This is an important test because part of your interview will be based on this. Make sure you mention your strong points but don’t hide your weak points.
Next day was GTO tests. In Bhopal they finished all GTO tasks in one day. But in Bangalore they were divided in 2 days. GTO will test you in a group & individually. The sequence of tasks may change. We had group discussion & military planning in the morning as we entered. Now the only difference in this GD is that you don’t need to come to a consensus. So feel free to go against everybody if you feel strongly about it and have good points to counter. Once you select your side, stick to it! Don’t be extremely dominating, allow others to speak too and limit your body language (no raising hands or pointing fingers).
Military planning is again your ability to solve problems. After you write your solution, Sir will ask you to discuss & come up with a common plan. Now sometimes a group has some stubborn people who won’t listen. Make sure to explain them before hand. That you need a common solution. If still they don’t agree just agree with them.
Then we had snake race. In snake race show your passion to win. Shout your slogan like a lion! But be helpful. In this task coming first is not important. In fact sir will never let you come first even if your group is ahead. They’ll impose some penalty or the other. So be helpful!
Individual obstacle task: It’s self-explanatory. Try to finish more than 10 obstacles. Next tests are PGT, SGT and command task. One most important advice that I can give in these tests is learning how to make a cantilever beam. You learn that perfectly, everything will go buttery smooth especially for freshers! Repeaters get a bit difficult task. But it’s pretty much the same.
Lecturette: Be confident. Avoid body language. And don’t stare at Sir.
Interview: It’s not scheduled. You can be called any time & day after you are screened in. It is an important test in SSB. Like SSB is dependent on 3 people IO, GTO n psychologist. The nature of your interview will depend on the type of your entry like in Bhopal I was asked technical questions. In Bangalore it was GK n personality questions. Be confident. Sit straight. And don’t be nervous.
Once that is over all that is left is Conference on the final day. But I feel it’s just a formality & the decision has already been made. So don’t worry about conference, that you’ll be sitting in front of so may officers. It’ll hardly last more than 2 mins (may be Einstein’s law of relativity was working :P).
After your conference, results will be announced. Now whatever advices I gave you worked for me. So they may work for you guys too. Try to keep those in mind while giving the tests. The other basic and most common advice I’m sure you all have heard is be yourself. At the end it’s just an interview. I’m sure you all can & will do well.

If you have any queries or suggestions you can contact me on. I hope I was helpful.
Thank you!
And good luck!
Jai Hind!
AIbEiAIAAABECISD5LH5xomp gEiC3ZjYXJkX3Bob3RvKig1MjI3MDhiNDZlODU5MDVjODIyMzU0YmU5MWE0OTJkMGVkZjBhMzgxMAHeGQ9fz05Es9VhuCrPdw aJgncaQ Author: Jasmeet Singh Bhatia: He likes reading, driving, trekking & playing Harmonica. He has completed B.E in mechanical. His first attempt was in Bhopal for TGC-115(conference out)and Second attempt was in Bangalore SSC(NT)-96(Recommended) in June 2012 :Add him on Facebook

FTS At Pune Hyderabad And Chandigarh 2012



Indian Air force is conducting FTS-Fast Track Selection at Pune, Hyderabad and Chandigarh on 21, 21, 24 August 2012 respectively  for shortlisting men and women for Meteorological branch for the course commencing on Jan 2013




Both men and women with the following qualifications are eligible.
Age: 20-25 Years as on 01 July 2013 i.e born in between 02 July 1988 to 01 July 1993. The upper age limit is relaxed upto 27 Years (i.e born in between 02 July 1986 to 01 July 1993) for candidates who have completed Ph D after completing following educational qualifications.
Education Qualification: Post Graduate Degree in any Science  stream / Mathematics / Statistics / Geography / Computer Applications / Environmental Science / Applied Physics / Oceanography / Meteorology / Agricultural Meteorology / Ecology & Environment / Geo-physics / Environmental Biology with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together (Provided Maths and Physics were studied at Graduation Level, with a minimum of 55% marks in both).
Note: All the candidates should be able to provide provisional/original degree by the university latest by 15 Dec 2012.

How to Apply

  1. On the spot registration will take place between 0800Hrs -1100 Hrs at the venue mentioned.

Required Documents

  1. two copies of pre-filled FTS pro forma.
  2. Original certificate of secondary school examination as proof of DOB.
  3. Mark sheets of senior secondary school.
  4. All original mark sheets of Graduation/Post graduation.
  5. Proof of identity like PAN card,Passport, Voter Id card, College Id etc.

Selection Procedure

  1. Candidates will go through written test and PPDT, result will be announced on the same day.
  2. Shortlisted candidates will get a call letter for any one AFSB. 
  3. Shortlisted candidates will be called at one of the  AFSBs at Varansi, Dheradun, Mysore.
  4. Recommended candidates will go for Medical testing at AFCME.
  5. Recommended and medically fit candidates will be joining training based on their  merit list.   
Note: Candidates already apperes for 133 GDOC/ 26 SSC/ 42 SSC course are not eligible.

Important Dates

Date of FTS: 21,21,24 August 2012 at respective places.
Date of AFSB: Sep-Oct 2012
Last date of submission of Docs: 15 Dec 2012
Merit list: Dec 2012 last week
Joining AFA: Jan 2013

How To Project Your Mind And Write Better TAT And PPDT Stories

Most of the SSB aspirants believe writing a story in PPDT and TAT is the most difficult part and for some the presentation of their story going to be an impossible job, obviously you are not supposed to be a professional story writer to clear this test. But most of the time this is experienced that after declaration of your results things and thoughts becomes opposites sometimes you blames the judges for not taking you because of unobvious reasons. But the reality is that selection jury don’t have any single reason for rejecting you without obvious reasons. Every time you encounter a failure is your fault not the others so make a habit of accepting your faults to learn from them instead of blaming the others.

–> We have already introduced lots of sample stories and introduction of this exams so i don’t want to put you again in the same thing by writing again about the TAT and PPDT– If you are not aware of these things search this blog with your related Queries.

TAT is not about writing a story from a movie like Singham, Ek tha Tiger or Bodyguard funny but true a big number of aspirants makes this mistake, TAT asks you to write a story where a moral or inspirational lesson should come out but your stories becomes a waste by putting poor and common ideas of writing stories where you have limited reach on positive and inspiring action words because of biased thinking and poor vocabulary.

So here we have 3 tasks today where you have to start projecting you mind-

  1. How to get ideas of writing Stories in such exams
  2. Some ways of Improving your Creative Thinking Skills
  3. How to improve Action Words power and the presentation skills
Here are some exceptional techniques to improve these skills in you instantly-

Tips for Getting Ideas of writing stories-

  1. The first reason behind your poor script is your biased thinking, You are enough intelligent when someone asks queries related to your skills and subject matters but when you writes a story you map it with a limited number of Ideas actually but dealing with this part is not a big deal- To do this-
  •  Make a habit of reading inspirational and moral stories, Reading novels is a good choice but they consumes your time so find some good source of short stories.  Short stories will develop your mind for wider horizons of thinking as well as they will teach you important lessons for life another advantage is once you read such stories they remains in your mind forever because they are inspiring stories.
  • Another way of improving your creative writing skills is- Leave fruitful comments of blogs and on Facebook, This will improve your creative writing and thinking skills actually.
  • Transport reality with what if? Technique- What if? Techniques allow your mind to think about real situation of life in different conditions. Make a habit of it- whenever you experience something new or in a problem think about what if factors. Doing such things helps you in improving decision making and creative thinking.
  •  Be a regular user of social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon and Pin interest. These sites help you in finding the best content on random sites related to your interests.
  • Read Quotes and Famous Sayings and Follow lessons from them.
  • Write sample stories and share on our blog, this will help you to motivate about your content and others as well by sharing new ideas of writing.
     2.  Our second task is to Improve your creative thinking –
  • Reading and writing can help you in spreading the horizons of your thinking but up to a limited level but what about your own creativity.
  • Thinking about creative Thinking? Yeas it’s the way of thinking outside of box. Your creativity depends upon the positive state of mind when you emotionally feel healthy the same moment you are able to think creatively. The above given tips are enough to increase your level of intelligence. So your connection with positive things matters in getting creative thinking.
  • Another way of improving your creative thinking is – Asking questions in various situations to yourself and tackles with them instead of adopting others ideas.
      3.  Presentation Skills and Improving Communication skills-
  • Presentation is a matter of your self confidence, you feel easy when you are confident about your stuff.
  • Do mirror practice whenever you writes a new story to practice.
  • Speak loudly “Don’t Shout Please! Your neighbors are sleeping”
  • If you practice with a group than conduct debates on various topics.
  • Prepare and Practice, Give few minutes to structure your presentation by closing your eyes before speaking, keep your calm and happy
  • Watch video on Ted.com to learn from the best speakers in the world 

Do you have any mantra which helps in writing effective stories in TAT and PPDT ? Just pass your creative thoughts in the comment box below.


How Can I Crack SSB Interview?

self description ssb interview

Being able to serve one’s own country by joining defence forces is indeed a blessing to those who are able to achieve it by clearing SSB. Everyone who aspires to undergo training in NDA to join the most revered Armed Forces of India (Army, Indian navy, Air Force) have to do extremely well and clear the SSB interview. The young aspirants are allowed to make any number of attempts to crack SSB interview

The primary focus of the SSB interview is on the intelligence as well as the personality of the candidate and is conducted over a five day period in the campuses of SSB at various locations throughout the country such as Bangalore, Allahabad and Bhopal. The tests comprise of a series of projection tests that portray a particular candidates various qualities and characteristic behavior, by putting them through psychological tests, group tasks and a personal interview. The reason why the SSB interview is conducted over five days is to give the interviewing officers’ ample time and enough information from the various tests so as to be to pick out the most appropriate and deserving candidates to undergo training at the National Defence Academy.


The Tests Included in SSB Interview

In order to clear SSB interview, the candidates will have to excel in the various psychological tests, group tasks and personal interviews that they are put through as part of the SSB interview. The various tests include:

Day1: Intelligence Test (Verbal and Non-Verbal), Picture Perception Test

Day2: Psychology Tests such as Thematic Appreciation Test, Word Association Test, Situation Reaction Test and Self Description Test.

Day3 and Day4: Group Testing Officers (GTO) Tests such as Group Discussion, Group Planning exercise, Progressive Group Tasks, Group Obstacles, Command Task, Lecturette topics and Final Group Task.

Day5: Final meeting with the Assessor.

These various tests have a wholesome approach and their results enable the interviewing officers to completely comprehend the candidate’s ability and potential to become a great leader.

Tips to Clear SSB Interview

The SSB interview seeks to bring to light the candidates who exhibit Officer Like Qualities (OLQ’s) the most. The interviewing officers are on the lookout for candidates who are able to strike a lasting impression through their abilities to lead a group, work well as a team member in a group and also boost the team’s confidence and determination through their conversations. The intention of the SSB interview is to scientifically analyze the psychological potential and outlook of the candidate. In order to clear the SSB interview, the candidates should develop certain traits and characteristics that will enable them to easily clear the SSB interview. They are:

  1. Augment their ability to be responsible and take ownership of a situation.
  2. Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of delegation and execution of initiatives.
  3. Develop their level of expertise in reasonable and sound reasoning/ judgment.
  4. Strengthen their organization and management skills.
  5. Expand and grow the command and fluency of the English language and being able to communicate their thoughts effectively.
  6. Intensify leadership traits such as self-confidence, level of determination.
  7. The candidates are continuously observed and gauged by the interviewing officers during the five days they are in the campus. Therefore, it is very important to maintain good manners, courtesy, discipline and decorum even while not taking up tests or interview.
  8. The psychological tests are conducted in order to bring to light the true personality and natural responses to a situation. The candidates have to keep this in their mind and make sure to not imitate and depict an artificial character. This will cause them to lose points.
  9. Professional guidance and training will definitely contribute tremendously to clear the SSB interview. There are a number of well recognized institutes such as Lt. Col. Deol’s Minerva Academy which has been in the line providing coaching to young aspirants and offer training in all psychological tests, outdoor and indoor group tasks as well.
  10. The candidates will also have to make sure that they are properly dressed and look presentable at all time. It is important to maintain a positive attitude and be cheerful and not express any negative feelings to the group.
  11. The candidates should also look to develop their qualities of remaining assertive and being able to convince other team members in the group about their ideas and solutions to tackle an issue without causing any negative feelings or offending them.

Quick Take

In a nut-shell, the SSB interviews are used as a means to portray and reflect the true persona and attitude of an applicant through the varied tasks they are made to perform. It is an attempt to comprehend their character and thought process. Therefore, to be able the SSB interview, it is not sufficient to be proficient in book intelligence alone. Rather, it depends a lot on the candidate’s ability to strengthen their Officer Like Qualities (OLQ’s) which will help them clear the SSB interview.

Job Opportunities In Indian Defence



Have you ever felt you can serve our country? Have you ever wondered if you can do something to stop the frequent terror attacks in our country? If you have the passion, patriotism and the desire then the Indian Defence is the right place for you. There are plenty of job opportunities in this field for youngsters with all kinds of qualification and a lot of scope to get a respectable job as well as an opportunity to serve the nation.

This article will give you the summary of the general types of jobs, their eligibilities and various other things about our country’s Defence Department.

India is one of the major developing countries in the world. Its defence system – Indian Armed Forces is one of the largest in the world. It comes under the Ministry of Defence and gets the highest fund in the budget. The Armed forces include these three major wings – Indian Army, Indian Air force and Indian Navy. There are several jobs awaiting talented personnel who have the dedication and the will to succeed at these prestigious jobs. The jobs can range from a soldier to a management official, a higher level executive, an engineer and plenty more. They are hiring both; fresher’s and experienced.

Indian Army/Navy/Airforce Soldier: It is every youngster’s dream to get into the army and serve the nation as a brave soldier. Even with little educational qualification you should be able to make it to the Army. The vacancies are put up by the defence department on newspapers and also in their websites. The eligibility varies depending on the kind of job/vacancy they are looking for. In general a basic SSLC/HSC qualification would serve the purpose for the basic jobs. The age criteria would also be notified which is above 18 years for most jobs.

  • Some of the main qualifications in Soldier are – Soldier General Duty, Soldier Technical, Soldier Nursing Assistant, and Soldier Clerk and so on. Each category has its own educational and age qualification requirements. Once you apply, you will be called for a written examination, physical and mental ability test.
  • Some categories may have more than one written examination. You should clear the test and enter/qualify in other trainings to secure the job. In the physical examination the main criteria are height, weight and chest. Each category can have its own parameters. Then come the physical fitness tests that would generally have – 1 mile Run, Pull ups, Balance and 9 Feet Ditch. You should pass all of the tests. Along with the physical fitness tests, there are also certain medical standards that are to be met – for chest, physical build, hearing, proper vision, no history of diseases and so on. The compensations and benefits for these jobs are very attractive too.
 There are several external benefits in various systems across the country apart from the monetary benefits and the benefits extend to your family as well. You take care of the nation’s defence and the nation will take care of you. Sometimes you might feel it is difficult to get in as a soldier. But if you have the resolve and determination, you can train yourself well to clear the examinations and get the opportunity to work for the nation. If you think fighting and endurance is not your forte – you can still join Defence department. There are numerous jobs for technical professionals including mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, doctors and even computer professionals.

  • There is a R&D research section called DRDO which recruits highly qualified professionals to take care of the technical aspects to defence – from designing robots to minesweepers to secret telecommunication equipment’s.

 So if you are the best of brains in the country, remember your country has given you the education and platform to excel in your field and it is time to pay it back. The nation needs the young blood in the country to join and work in the Army, to protect our people and make our country free of terrorism, internal conflicts and help its people lead a peaceful life. Take a decision, make a move and serve the nation in the Defence department. Everyone will then be proud of you.

274585 100000110526995 539742855 n Author: Aditya Soni
The only name behind Apply Sarkari Naukri, working as an HR in Automobile sector and have completed MBA in Human Resource/International Business and Rural Management from Greater Noida Institute of Technology.

23rd University Entry Scheme Notification Indian Army


The Indian Army published notification for 23rd University Entry Scheme (23 UES Army) for Engineering Graduates(pre-final year) for the academic session 2012 – 2013. This recruitment is for grant of permanent commission in Indian Army for the course commencing in July 2014.Complete eligibility requirements, application format and procedure available in Employment News dated 11th Aug 2012.


Only unmarried male candidates those are studying Pre Final Year Engineering Courses for the academic session 2012-2013 are eligible.



How to apply:

Apply on the plain paper as per the prescribed format. The envelope (white) containing the application should be superscribed in Red ink indicating clearly the branch of Engineering applied for i.e ‘ Applications for 23 UES Entry : ……… Engineering

Send your application so as to reach respective Command HQ at the following address on or before 28 Sep 2012. Two un stamped self addressed envelop to receive an interview call letter should also be enclosed with the application. 

  • HQ Northern Command (A Branch), C/o 56 APO – for students studying in the State of J&K
  • HQ Western Command (A Brnach), Chandimandir, Pin-134107. For students studying in states of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, parts of Haryana, Delhi and Chandigarh.
  • HQ South Western Command (A Branch), Jaipur (Rajasthan), Pin-302012. For students studying in the state of Rajasthan/ parts of Haryana.
  • HQ Southern Command (A Branch), Pune (Maharasthra), Pin-411001. For studying in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnatak, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Daman, Diu, Dadra, Nagar Haveli, Pondicherry, Lakshadweep and Kerala.
  • HQ Eastern Command (A Branch), Kolkata (West Bengal), Pin-700021. For students studying in the states of West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Andaman and Nicobar.
  • HQ Central Command (A Branch), Lucknow (UP), Pin-226002. For students studying in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chhatisgarh .

Note: Details can also be obtained from Employment News dated 11 Aug 2012.Last date of receipt of application : 28/09/2012. 

Additional List of AFCAT 01/2012 Qualified Candidates


Today careerairforce has releases an additional list of candidates who have passed the AFCAT 01/2012, IAF is giving a chance to few more candidates to go under AFSB testing for the course commencing in Jan 2012. If you are lucky enough then you may find your name in this list.

This list is purely on the merit basis, IAF giving them an another chance to fullfil their dream, if you do not find your name in this then start preparing for AFCAT 02/2012 which is going to held on 26 Aug 2012.
Total number of additional candidates: 1268

No Claim And Risk Certificate For SSB Interview


Here are the samples of risk and no claim certificate you might need at the time of SSB interview, necessity of these application, if required, will be mentioned in your call letter for SSB interview. You may also get the application format in the call letter, but if you have missed your SSB Interview call letter then you can download the application format from here.

You are suggested to follow the format as per your call letter.

No Claim Certificate
I………………………………………………………………………………father/guardian of………………………………………………………… who is a candidate for NDA/ IMA / OTA entry the Army, hereby certify that I fully understand that my son/ daughter/ ward will, if required, attend the Service Selection Board Interview with my full and free consent and at my own risk and that I or my son/daughter/ward shall not be entitled to claim any compensation or other relief from the Government in respect of any injury or disability which my son/daughter/ward may sustain in the course of or as the result of any of the test given to him at the SSB Interview, whether due to his own negligence or the negligence of any other person or otherwise.
Signature of Father/Guardian
Address ………………………………….
Place: …………….                                                
Date: ……………..                                                   

Risk Certificate
I_________________________ father/guardian of (name of candidate) _______________________ who is a candidate for NDA/TES Regular Commission of the Army, hereby certify that I fully understand that my son/ ward will, if required, attend Service Board with my full and free consent and at my own risk and that I or my son/ ward shall not be entitled to claim any compensation or retest for the same course or any other relief from the Government if my son/ward sustains any injury during the course of /as a result of any of the tests administrated to him at the said Service Selection Board or while using military transport due to any reasons.
Date    :                                                                                   (Signature of father / guardian)

Fast Track Selection(FTS) By IAF At Pondicherry



Indian Air force is conducting FTS-Fast Track Selection at Puducherry on 10 August 2012 for shortlisting men and women for Meteorological branch for the course commencing on Jan 2013


Guest House Auditorium, Pondicherry University, RV Nagar Kalapet, Puducherry-605014


Both men and women with the following qualifications are eligible.
Age: 20-25 Years as on 01 July 2013 i.e born in between 02 July 1988 to 01 July 1993. The upper age limit is relaxed upto 27 Years (i.e born in between 02 July 1986 to 01 July 1993) for candidates who have completed Ph D after completing following educational qualifications.
Education Qualification: Post Graduate Degree in any Science  stream / Mathematics / Statistics / Geography / Computer Applications / Environmental Science / Applied Physics / Oceanography / Meteorology / Agricultural Meteorology / Ecology & Environment / Geo-physics / Environmental Biology with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together (Provided Maths and Physics were studied at Graduation Level, with a minimum of 55% marks in both).
Note: All the candidates should be able to provide provisional/original degree by the university latest by 15 Dec 2012.

How to Apply

  1. On the spot registration will take place between 0800Hrs -1100 Hrs on 07 Aug 2012 at the venue mentioned.

Required Documents

  1. two copies of pre-filled FTS pro forma.
  2. Original certificate of secondary school examination as proof of DOB.
  3. Mark sheets of senior secondary school.
  4. All original mark sheets of Graduation/Post graduation.
  5. Proof of identity like PAN card,Passport, Voter Id card, College Id etc.

Selection Procedure

  1. Candidates will go through written test and PPDT, result will be announced on the same day.
  2. Shortlisted candidates will get a call letter for any one AFSB. 
  3. Shortlisted candidates will be called at one of the  AFSBs at Varansi, Dheradun, Mysore.
  4. Recommended candidates will go for Medical testing at AFCME.
  5. Recommended and medically fit candidates will be joining training based on their  merit list.   
Note: Candidates already apperes for 133 GDOC/ 26 SSC/ 42 SSC course are not eligible.

Important Dates

Date of FTS: 10 August 2012.
Date of AFSB: Sep-Oct 2012
Last date of submission of Docs: 15 Dec 2012
Merit list: Dec 2012 last week
Joining AFA: Jan 2013