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Why Do You Want To Join The Indian Army (SSB Question)

13 Ways To Join Army Airforce Navy After 10+2

Why do you want to join the Indian army as an officer, this is the sure-shot question you will face while giving a personal interview in SSB for any Indian Army officers entry.

The reason for asking such a question can have many factors, IO may want to know why you are here or he may want to check how honest you are to yourself.

This question generally comes at climax, many candidates may take this question with ease and might not answer it properly or just answer some ready-made and very common statements.

If your answer is very normal and common you may not get more back questions, but if you have something special and original, it will definitely attract interviewing officers for sure.


So always be ready with the original reason, it will also give you a lot of confidence when you do something real and legit.  

Apart from this, the Indian army also provides you with some valid reasons to join the Indian Army as an officer, you might have read some interesting reasons to join the Indian army in joinindianarmy.nic.in, which is an official career website of Indian army. This post will give you brief details about those reasons.  

TAT ebook part 1 ssbcrack 324x324 1

Reasons to join the Indian Army As an Officer:

  1. Professional Advancement
  2. Job Satisfaction
  3. Job Security
  4. Economic Stability
  5. Excellent  Social Status
  6. Quality of Life
  7. Variety and Adventure
  8. Foreign Courses and Posting
  9. Post Retirement Benefits
  10. Various Training Programs
  11. Professional Enhancement

  “To every man upon this Earth,   Death comes sooner or later.   and how can a man die better   facing fearful odds   for the ashes of his father   and the temple of his Gods”                                                      -Macauley  


These are the few basic reasons which are not in much detail. There are countless benefits for the real aspirants of the Indian Army, but most of us have one solid reason which attracts us towards uniform.  

Here you can post your reasons for joining the Indian Army as an officer, be genuine and write what is real. Few best reasons will be updated in this post soon. Post your comments and reason below.

Indian Air force Merit List For Jan 2013 Course


IAF merit list 2013
Careerairforce.nic.in published the merit list of various candidates selected for the course commencing in Jan 2013 at Air Force Academy Dundigal, Hyderabad.All courses would commence on 07 Jan 13 at Air Force Academy, Dundigal, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Those Candidates whose names figure in the Selection List, who have cleared Medical Examination and whose Documents have been verified, would be issued Joining Instructions (JI).
Indian airforce academy

List of candidates cleared AFSB interview through CDSE(I) 2012 and AFCAT 1/2012.
No of Selected Candidates:
  1. 193 F(P) CDSE ENTRY : 9
  2. 193 F(P) NCC ENTRY: 1
  3. 11 SSC(M) (FLYING): 25
  4. 40SSC(W) (FLYING): 3
  5. 82 AEC AE(L): 58
  6. 54 SSC (MEN) / 54 SSC (WOMEN) AE(L): 65
  7. 82 AEC AE(M): 6
  8. 54 SSC (MEN) / 54 SSC (WOMEN) AE(M): 23
  10. 26 SSC (M) (ADMINISTRATION): 13
  11. 42 SSC(W) (ADMINSTRATION): 19
  12. 132 GDOC (EDUCATION): 2
  13. 42 SSC(W) (EDUCATION): 5
  14. 132 GDOC (LOGISTICS): 3
  15. 26 SSC(M) (LOGISTICS): 5
  16. 42 SSC(W) (LOGISTICS): 11
  17. 132 GDOC (ACCOUNTS): 3
  18. 42 SSC(W) (ACCOUNTS): 2
  19. 132 GDOC (METEOROLOGY): 4
  20. 26 SSC(M) (METEOROLOGY): 1
  21. 42 SSC(W) (METEOROLOGY): 2
  22. RMB PENDING: 1

Total Selected Candidates: 296

Apply For:

Sharan Recommended In TGC-116 Joining IMA Soon


My long journey began in August. When I had fill in the application for what lay ahead. It was continued by a long wait for the date of interview.One fine Evening the date was announced and I had been Ecstatic to know my center was Allahabad. The so called Mt Everest of SSBs. But I was up for the challenge and I said to myself yes I have it in me. So my journey continued I quit my job and started preparing for what lay ahead .I went through hundreds of blogs and experiences of the candidates who went to SSB earlier.

TGC 116 Candidates
My first interaction with an officer came in the form of Lt Col .Batra  Sir . Since being a fresher I had no clue or idea about the SSB format. And also being from Bangalore where I was pulled in by the software crazy society .  Lt Col .Batra  Sir gave me tips on how to face the interview, He told me the differences with the corporate world and the army. Immensely helped me mould myself to face the SSB with more confidence . He also advised me to join a coaching center  so that I could better my skills. So then after a grueling selection process of different centers I choose cavalier.
Two weeks of training prepared me immensely . I learned a lot from the officers there namely Brig Josephs,Col Thomas, Brig Kathri And Com Prakash. All these people were instrumental in my success and my selection. Guys I am sorry to make this long but These people deserve the credit without which  I would have not been recommended. 
Now coming to the Experience . My SSB began on the  30th and my journey from Bangalore began on the 28th. I boarded the Rajdhani for the first time in my life along with a friend   . The first day of the journey I met a candidates who had been recommended for the first time from SSB Bangalore. He shared his experience with us . Our talks went on till 1 in the night and we went to sleep . Next day he bid us farewell . My journey continued.  I had to change trains at Jhansi and being to that region for the first time I had no clue about the region and having spent all my life in Bangalore I was not very fluent in Hindi. To make things worse the train would reach Jhansi at 1 in the night and my connecting train to Allahabad was not until 8 in the morning . This is when I say a light of hope. I met a retired Col in the train . I told him my situation and he along with his wife and son invited me to stay with them at the MCO at Jhansi station. I blessed my stars at this opportunity  I showed him my preparation in Physcology . He gave me a brief idea on the interview . He told we to wear a neck tie for the interview , which I had only used on two occasions before this day. I took my Tie out and the  Colonel  himself tied it around my collar. This is when I knew that I had been blessed and this is my time to attain glory.
Next day 8 am I  boarded the train to Allahabad. The worse train that I have seen in my life. Chambal express . There was no pantry and the journey was for nearly 10 hrs with the train delay. I had to do with just a bottle of water the whole journey. I reached Allahabad at around 6 in the evening . And outside were a bunch of rickshaw guys who spotted the SSB candidates in a instant. Couple of guys rushed to me asking if I wanted a room . Here I want to suggest something. If your going to take a room please stay alone. It may put u back by 400 Rupees but it worth it. The reason I say this is because is the entire SSB process is a mind game and the person who is stronger will prevail. You will generally see hundreds of candidates who come to SSB and some of them for the 13th and 14th time . These people give you the notion that the SSB is rigged and only influence will work. They also will tell you strange stories which will make you feel  your wasting your time here. Guys ill tell you I have no person close or far who is or was In the army. Do not believe these rumor mongers .They believe that the competition  is  with the other candidates. What they fail to understand is he is his only competition . If you can mentally conquer your mind these 5 days success is yours.
Coming back.
Day 1
           The first day. One truck and a bus came to pick us up. With the truck being for our luggage . The line for getting into the bus stretched for a hundred feet.  The very sight scares you. So we reported to the center. Our luggage was kept at the entrance and we were asked to have breakfast. Guys first day try having a lot of sugar . It has been proved that consuming sugar makes you sharp and your responses are quicker. Since your IQ test is on the first day we can use all the help we can get.
So we were made to stand in line as per the number in our letter. The fresher’s , Screened out and conf out were put into separate groups. The fresher’s were given forms for TA. After the formalities were done. Chest numbers were given and mine was 65. We started with verbal and non verbal. A set of 50 questions  each. Guys IQ is about a race against time. Only spend 6 seconds on each question . Not more, Then move on to the next question. After your done come back from the beginning and spend another six seconds on the questions you have failed to answer at first go. By practicing this method you can compete all the 50 questions. Also there will be some questions which are extremely difficult to finish. Such questions will usually have ticked answers which are worked out by the pervious batches. This is usually correct 99% of the time. So at the end if your falling short of time you can tick the one already marked In the booklet. I was able to do 47 in non verbal and all 50 in verbal. Guys verbal and non verbal are extremely easy. Everyone can finish it and get all correct if given ample amount of time. So what you need to practice is speed.
Next was the PPDT. We were shown a picture of a man in uniform with a rifle behind a tree and women working in the field. I wrote a story on a young man wanting to join army and stop infiltration in the region. Remember a few things here. The story should have a beginning. As in what led to his present situation. We can call it a flash back. What he is doing now. And his plans for future. And if deserved an award for his accomplishments. We are given a break  of 30 minutes during this time please discuss your story with other candidates. Add points of other if it helps your cause and makes your story better. Also what I observed was that people who had a story out of the ordinary were screened in spite of not taking part in discussion . So try making your story a little different than that of the group . that will help u a long way. During discussion don’t be stubborn and stick on to your story. Guys it becomes a fish market. But don’t worry officers are trained to listen to you in the noise. Don’t add to the confusion but make a couple of strong and unique points and that can see you through the screening. In my discussion I only spoke a couple of times. Each time making a different point. This was noticed my the group and I was nominated by the candidates there to present the group story. I stood up wished the officers and went on with the story . I was given two minutes for the story but completed it well before time. After this I had a sumptuous  lunch for the first time since I left home. So the long wait began for the result. Try to remain calm and composed . Do not listen to anyone and the rumors they tell you when you wait for the result. We were made to stand in the basket ball court under the sun. The one rumor we were told was the person who stands longest without moving will be screened in. Guys this is utter non sense.  I went and sat under a tree and few followed after me. So finally after an hour and half results were announced by the GTO. And I was in and new chest numbers were given. Mine was 26. After which we were taken to the hall and make to fill PIQ and Identification forms. Guys PIQ is very important for interview. Please fill it in capitals and in a neat handwriting. This will create a first impression among the IO. Try practicing it as the format is available online. So the day ended and we were made to go our rooms . Settle in and get a good nights rest.
Day 2
Again during breakfast have something sweet. Helps you a lot. First was TAT. Eleven pictures are shown .The twelfth is blank. Guys you can prepare the blank picture before hand. What the assessor is looking for is OlQs which you can find online . Try to portrait it in the blank slide. Make up a story and practice it before coming to attend SSB . This will immensely help you. Also the assessor will check your blank slide first. So this makes a first impression. Also with the names try to be secular. Try including names of all religions in your story when you name the hero. Make sure you follow The format of PPDT with a flash back ,body and a fitting conclusion. All pictures are clear. So make a suitable story. And always have a positive ending and continuation to the story. As in he continued his good deeds or something on those lines.
Next was WAT but before I go to WAT let me tell you about SD. SD is the chance to market yourself. Prepare the SD before hand. And practice it. Usually a decryption about you is asked as viewed by yourself, your parents, teachers ,boss, your strong ,weak points and your goals. Your goal should be I want to be an army officer. Please prepare and practice it. You can complete your SD in under eight mins where you would be given 15 mins. Once you complete your SD you can come back to WAT to complete the ones you have failed to complete.
WAT has 60 words and 15 seconds for each word. That is a total of 15 mins. When you can pull 8 mins from SD to WAT it can make all the difference. I was only able to do 42 words in given 15 mins. The additional 8 mins   Helped me complete all. And the rest 18 words power statements . Example I can give is curiosity , this was the word given. When I had ample time to think I made a statement that curiousity in science gives rise to new technology. I don’t think I would have got this statement if I was having the 8 mins I took from SD. So guys please practice SD. Its very very important. Also try doing WAT test available online. If your not able to write a sentence for the given word in 15 sec then write only the word. You can come back and write it during your SD.
Next was SRT we were given a booklet which contained 60 SRTs . SRT should be conclusive . Please be to the point and  make full sentences. Its quality that matters in SRT. By practicing SRT you can also improve with speed. I was able to do 56 SRT. It is not difficult once you practice.
Then we have our SD 15 mins given to write about yourself, your parents, teachers ,boss, your strong ,weak points and your goals. Use this opportunity as this is something you can prepare for  . This is your chance to market yourself and portrait your OLQs.This can make or break your Physic. So prepare well. So the day ended and again don’t discuss. Don’t listen to what others say. Try remaining calm and composed. Try blowing off some steam by playing something. We started playing basketball till 6 In the evening then returned and waited for the next day.
Day 3
GTO task. Wish the GTO . Try warming up before you come. Since it cold usually in the morning helps you . I started getting cramps because I failed to warm up. So please warm up. Then you have your  GD. Be polite. Don’t point hands .Talk as many times as possible. Don’t  add to confusion.Each time you talk make a new point which was not in discussion . Appreciate others when credit is due. Try making the people who didn’t take part talk. All these shows signs of a good leader. We were given two topics.
USA influence on the global politics-Justifiable or not Naxalism.
We choose naxalism . This discussion became a fish market and it was 15 mins of madness. Again don’t add to confusion make your point and remain calm.
The second topic was decided by the GTO. The topic was which is more significant . The number zero or the invention of wheel or the discovery of fire. Here there were few people who could speak . I started the topic. Remember starting shows initiatve and leadership qualities. Please try starting the GD if possible. Overall GD of the second topic was much more civilized compared to the first.
Best way to do well is to update yourself about current affairs. Also try mirror practice . This helps a lot.And most important its discussion not debate. In a discussion there is no right or wrong or conclusion. So be flexible in your approach and emphasize on facts and figures. Also do not negate anyone. Be confident and believe in yourself.
Next was GPE- Here a map is shown and the situation is explained. Write your plan neatly. Remember every plan show have alternatives in case first plan fails. It should be such that there should be a Plan A and a Plan B if time permits then a Plan C. Also Be systematic ,your solution should have a Aim. The present time . Distance from the spot. Time taken to travel to the location Etc. For example say Your at a distance of 20km from a village railway crossing and there is a accident at the railway crossing. The train starts In a hour from the station . 
Here your solution should be as follows
Aim:Stop the Train and prevent the accident Say time now is 5 p.m. You travel to the spot which is 20 kms away by Bike or taking lift from passer by vehicles .Here the vehicles are hidden resources. So make use of them aptly . Every task has multiple hidden resources.
Plan A:Call the other station by phone and ask the station master to stop the train from the railway crossing.
Plan B: Place red flags on the track at a distance of half a kilometer from the accident.
Plan C: Gather a group of People and walk half a kilometer and shout as the train approaches .
So like this be systematic in your approach and You will create a good impression.
Next was PGT , here go with the group . Give your ideas but do not get frustrated if your ideas are not implemented. Don’t try to dominate. Try to show you’re a team player. Correct someone if they go astray. Listen to the GTO he will constantly try to give you suggestions . And don’t worry if you cant finish all tasks.
Next is your GOR .Here Again go with the group. Help your team mates to finish the task. Try encouraging your team there is no winner in the race . Everyone is a winner. So help your team and your interaction with the team and your team sprit counts.  
HGT was next . Same as PGT . Here groups are made smaller. So You would get more chances of implementing your ideas . Use this to your advantage.
After which we had lecturatte. Here we are given four topics . Two mins is given to prepare and three to speak. Again it’s a test against time. Don’t spend more than ten seconds on deciding a topic. And after which organize your topic and you can constructively speak for three mins easily.
Start with defining of your topic and what it means.
History /background for the topic.
Present situation or  Body of the topic
Advantages and disadvantages for the topic
And finally your conclusion
If you can successfully do this . You can give a powerful speech in the three mins given to you. And again mirror practice and updating yourself on general knowledge is a must.
Topic  given to me was Role of Judiciary in Indian democracy .This was the best I performed in the entire GTO.
Day 4
So the day ended for the group but my day was just beginning . My interview was scheduled in the next half hour . I went quickly changed and wore my lucky tie that the Colonel tied in the MCO. Interview is entirely based on PIQ. Please make sure your prepared for what is written in the PIQ. Information about Your hobbies and interests should be on the tip of your fingers. Also know your surroundings such as the room your sitting in. The color of wall behind you. The Color of the belt buckle your wearing . The length breath and height of the room. Also a situation such as Organizing a trek to Himalayas if your interests in trekking may be asked .A few technical questions were asked which are the basics of the subject you have studied. Also I was asked things about why switch from software to Army when we have a better pay and life style in software. Then GK about Army . Also GK about India and its Surrounding countries . Recent conflicts of international importance.
My interview went on for an hour and a half . After I came back I thought I didn’t do as well as I thought. Not Because I didn’t do well but only because I made a mistake to listening to others . Here one of the candidates spread a rumor that he had done so well in the interview that the IO himself stood up came to him and shoke his hand and told him that the army is honored to have a candidate like you.
Guys the reason I am telling this is at that moment we tend to believe everything and it effects us mentally. And once we lose the game mentally our chances our zero of succeeding. The same happen with me ,Being a fresher I believed what he told and felt my interview was horrible and not upto mark as expected by the IO . But I did in fact do better than what I thought.
But his rumors had already done the damage and I was not mentally focused on the fourth day. My cramps got worse. I was only able to do 7 out of the 10 given tasks. Also in the Command task I was very nervous and did not do as well as I expected. Trust me I would have done a hundred times better if not for these rumors. So please do not listen to anyone or anything they say.
The last task was FGT . Same as PGT try giving your ideas and be calm. Things will fall in place. Again here I hardly gave any ideas mainly being I was mentally out of the game .
So the day ended  and I was dejected . I went away to a nearby mall and brought tickets to a movie which was in hindi. Even though my understanding in Hindi is limited . This calmed me down a bit and I prepared for the next day.
TGC 116 candidates
Day 5
Day of conference a mixed feeling of anxiousness and nervousness . Everyone had their theory of selection. Each candidate is called one by one. When my turn came I was asked to come in , I sat down and I was asked three questions.
How was your stay?
How are you ?
And finally ,Do u have any suggestions ?
Conference was done . officer came in with the list of selected candidates . He said three from your group have been selected . And we were asked to name them . Finally after the wait chest number 26 was called . And for a second I was stunned . I had tears of joy in my eyes on hearing my number. New chest numbers with a plus sign was given to selected candidates and I was the only fresher out of  the three selected candidates which made me feel even more proud. The next day was my Birthday this was the best birthday gift ever. I was now a officer as I became 23. Four days of medical went on and I was medically fit.

Before I end I want to mention a incident that happened at the airport while returning. I was carrying my bag which had a chain that I used to lock the suitcase while coming in train. The person checking told me that the chain is not allowed , he went on inspecting further and my file which contained the interview letter and also the group photo taken at SSB   . He asked me if I am from the army. I told him I would be joining the army in Jan. He immediate asked me for which post . I told after training to that ofLieutenant. He immediately put everything back In my bag saluted me and told me that the person who will protect our country need not be checked and I may go. Guys trust me these words made me feel like I was in cloud nine. So after returning and months long wait for the merit list I received my JI on the 16th and will be joining IMA on 30th for course beginning on the 8th of Jan. Guys I hope My experience will help you in some way . There is a huge shortage of officers in the army and every entry nearly 25 thousand candidates apply. One single selection is enough to fill all the vacancies. Guys we all have it in us to be officers. Just believe in yourself . If any of you have any queries you can get in touch with me on facebook  http://www.facebook.com/sharan.reddy.771. or mail me at [email protected]Hoping to see you all as officers . Serve the nation with pride and honor.

tgc+116+candidate+Sharan Author: Sharan Reddy: He is from Bangalore and got recommended for TGC-116. He is reporting at IMA on the 30th for the course starting on 8th Jan 2013. He was previously working for IBM.

CDSE (I) 2013 Rejected Applications Due To Non-Payment Of Fee


cdse 2013 rejected forms

UPSC has published the list of 3015 applicants, it has rejected their CDSE(I) 2013 application form due to non payment of fee in time. Confirmation has not been received from the Bank Authorities regarding receipt of Fees of Rs.200/- in respect of following candidates for CDS Examination (I), 2013.

CDSE(I) 2013 is going to held on 17th Sep 2013, candidates those who have had their application rejected, won’t be eligible for CDSE(I) 2013. One must be carefully while applying for such examination, the best way  is to make payment online through Credit or Debit card.

How to Appeal Againt Rejection of CDSE(I) 2013 Applications:

Appeal against rejection, if any, may be made along with the documentary evidence by speed post OR by hand only to Shri S.R. Meena, Under Secretary (CDS), Union Public Service Commission, Room No.321,Ayog Sachivalaya Building.  Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069. Appeal against such rejection should be received in the Commission’s Office  latest by 28.12.2012

Official Notice from UPSC

Click to Buy CDSE Book for Preparation

Also Read:

New Lecturette Topics In SSB Interview 2023

lecturette in ssb interview

Lecturette Topics In SSB Interview: Are you gearing up for the SSB (Services Selection Board) interview and feeling overwhelmed about the Lecturette topics? Fear not!

Mastering Lecturette topics is crucial for excelling in your SSB interview, and we’re here to guide you through it.

The Lecturette segment is an integral part of the SSB interview process, designed to assess your communication skills, presence of mind, and ability to articulate your thoughts effectively.

To help you prepare, we have compiled a comprehensive list of the most popular and engaging Lecturette topics for SSB interviews.

A lecturette is a short lecture. It is an important medium of passing information or imparting knowledge. Its success depends on through preparation and good delivery and also sincerity of the lecturer.

Lecturette Topics In SSB Interview

It is, however, generally delivered extempore in the SSB interviews. But the candidates can do justice to it only if they have sufficient practice in the preparation and delivery of lecturer on a diverse variety of topics.

Lecturette Topics eBook SSBCrack

Latest Lecturette Topics In SSB Interview [Entry & SSB Boards Wise]

UIDAINCC entry19 SSB Allahabad
Indo-Nepal relationsNCC entry19 SSB Allahabad
superstitionsNCC entry19 SSB Allahabad
My favorite place to hang outNCC entry19 SSB Allahabad
Taiwan issueNCC entry19 SSB Allahabad
National basic incomeAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Corporate punishmentAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Physical fitnessAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
GreenhouseAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Indo PacificAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Human traffickingAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Power of expressionAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Liberal educationAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Cyber securityAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Monsoon dependencyCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
India’s entry into NSGCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
Hydrogen PolicyCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
Centre-State relationsCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
Diversity in IndiaCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
Tour of Duty schemeCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
Indo-Russia relationsCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
Space explorationAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru

New Lecturette Topics In SSB Interview

SSB/AFSB CenterLecturette Topics
11 SSB AllahabadE-Commerce
India’s Architecture
Dog: Man’s Best Friend
Students Union
Alternate Source of Energy
Eye Donation
Terrorist Problem in Kashmir
17 SSB BangaloreSame-sex Marriage
Valentine’s Day
Pulse Polio
Rajyavardhan Rathore
Indo-Pak Relations: The Future
Disaster Management in India
Girl Child
18 SSB AllahabadNano Technology
National Highway Authority of India
Mobile Phones
Energy Crisis
Center – State Relations
Generation Gap
Water Bodies
19 SSB AllahabadRole of Discipline in Life
Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy
India’s Agricultural Problem
Role of Youth in Society
Entry of Foreign Universities in India
India’s Infrastructure
Rainwater Harvesting
Favorite Cricketer
Ambition in Life
21 SSB BhopalHigher Education in India
Social Effects in Pornography
Infrastructure of India
Rainwater Harvesting
Favorite Cricketer
Ambition in Life
Adult Education
Indo-US Relations
Beauty Pageants
Cable TV
22 SSB BhopalWater Resources
Girl Child
Aviation Industry in India
Terrorism in North Eastern India
Child Labour
Wildlife Protection
Global Warming
Water Crisis
24 SSB BangaloreGlobal Warming: Fact or Fiction
Favorite Pastime
Peace Measures in J&K
Privatization of Universities
Water Resources
33 SSB BhopalIndia’s Nuclear Policy
National Anthem
Sachin Tendulkar
34 SSB AllahabadGay Rights
Instant Cricket
Medha Patkar
Is India a Soft Country?
National Anthem
1 AFSB VaranasiIf There Were No Superpowers in This World
Use of Technology in Agriculture
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Can India Become Self-Sufficient in Energy Resources
Cyber Crime
Sports in India
Role of Opposition in Indian Politics
2 AFSB MysoreBeauty Pageants
Doping in Sports
Division of States in India
Net Education
4 AFSB VaranasiRole of Media
My Hobby
Cyber Crime
Sports in India
12 SSB AllahabadEcological System
India Global Research and Development Destination
Nano Technology
Media and Its Effects
Nano Technology
National Highway Authority of India
Mobile Phones
Energy Crisis
Center – State Relations
Generation Gap
22 SSBWater Resources
India’s Foreign Trade
Indo-Pak Relations: The Future
Disaster Management in India
Water Resources
Girl Child
Aviation Industry in India
Role of NGO
My Hobby
Role of Media
2 AFSB MysoreUse of Technology in Agriculture
Youth Hesitation to Join Defense Forces
22 SSBNaxalism
India’s Reservation Policy
Sanjay Dutt
IT Industry
Your Favorite Day
Role of Discipline in Life
Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy
India’s Agricultural Problem
Role of Youth in Society
Entry of Foreign Universities in India
4 AFSB VaranasiIf There Were No Superpowers in This World
Use of Technology in Agriculture
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Can India Become Self-Sufficient in Energy Resources
Cyber Crime
Sports in India
Role of Opposition in Indian Politics
NSB CoimbatoreBPO vs KPO
Why Youth Hesitate to Join Defense Forces
1 AFSB DehradunGlobal Warming
Human Cloning
India as Superpower
Discoveries That Changed the World
22 SSB BHOPAL TGC 115Stray Cattle Menace
Greenhouse Effect
Co-Ed Education
Information Technology
Medha Patkar
Is India a Soft Country?
21 SSB BhopalIndia’s Nuclear Policy
National Anthem
Sachin Tendulkar
22 SSB BhopalJoint Family Vs Nuclear Family
19 SSB AllahabadChild Labour
Wildlife Protection
Global Warming
Water Crisis
11 SSBNational Integration
India’s Architecture
Dog: Man’s Best Friend
Students Union
Alternate Source of Energy
Eye Donation
Terrorist Problem in Kashmir

Tips For GTO Task In SSB Interview


gto tasks
GTO consist of different tasks which are mostly performed with other group members. Candidates must listen to all instructions and adhere to them as mentioned by group task officers. One must show OLQs while performing different GTO tasks. Preparation for GTO  may help during actual ground tasks in ssb interview.

Here we have following Do’s and Don’ts for GTO task

Do’s in GTO tasks

  • Have adequate awareness general/current affairs.
  • Perceive the problem posed correctly and assimilate all details.
  • Be quick enough to think and write solutions.
  • Solution must be logical and realistic.
  • Be spontaneous and forthright in expressing yourself, participate actively.
  • In outdoor tasks, be energetic, participate and contribute to the group activities.
  • Understand the requirement of the task, plan and try to evolve/ suggest workable ideas.
  • Keep the group aim in mind.
  • Be confident and develop perseverance in pursuing the aim/goal.
  • Be effective in communication skill.
ssb interview gto task
Don’t in GTO tasks.
  • Do not limit oneself to one type of media and explore various type of media to acquire knowledge/awareness. 
  • Don’t try to put pre-conceived knowledge/ideas, utilize them to generate own ideas.
  • Don’t sit back and wait for opportunity to come back your way, grab the opportunity.
  • Don’t shut out others ideas.  
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AFCAT 1/2013 Admit Card 2013


AFCAT 2013 admit card
Those who have applied for AFCAT 01/2013 can download their AFCAT 01/2013 admit card from 05 Feb 2013 onward. All candidates are required to download their AFCAT admit card from careerairforce.nic.in by using their unique log in details used while registering for AFCAT 01/2013 online. Dates are subject to change, aspirants are advised to visit official website regularly. 

Important instruction for AFCAT 2013 Admit Card:

  • Download your AFCAT 2013 admit card from careerairforce.nic.in after log in. 
  • Affix the same colour passport ! size photograph as submitted in the online form and self-attest the photographs and thereafter, complete the finger print and signature columns.
  • Carry the Admit Card to the AFCAT Centre on the day of AFCAT.
  • Please preserve the Admit Card carefully for displaying at Air Force Selection Board (AFSB) if short listed for further selection process.
Note: Admit Card, completed in all respects, is mandatory for appearing in the AFCAT as well as at the Air Force Selection Boards (AFSB) subsequently for shortlisted candidates.
AFCAT 1-2013 Admit Card

AFCAT 01/2013 AFSB Interview Dates:

If short listed for further selection, the web site may permit you, between 09 Mar 13 and 09 Apr 13, to select your AFSB schedule.
Apply Now: AFCAT 2013 

NDA (II) 2012 Written Result By UPSC


Candidates those who are waiting for NDA and NA (II) 2012 written examination results NDA-130th which is conducted by UPSC, have to wait for some more time, result of NDA-II 2012 will be declared soon, the delay occurred in the result is just normal. UPSC has already published the final result of NDA-129th and CDSE(I) 2012. The result will be published in upsc.gov.in and the likely dates of SSB Interviews will be from  Mar to May 2013.

Result By UPSC NDA and NA (II) 2012 Results, NDA-130th 

National Defence Academy

Result By UPSC NDA and NA (II) 2012 Results, NDA-130th  


  1. Center allotment list: NDA-130th Centers
  2. SSB Allahabad: NDA 130th Army+Airforce
  3. SSB Bhopal: NDA-130th Bhopal
  4. SSB Bangalore : NDA-130th Bangalore Airforce


Also Check: NDA(I) 2012 Merit List

For any relate query contact 23385271/011‐23381125/011‐23098543 between 10:00 hours and 17:00 hours on any working day

TGC 116 Merit List


tgc 116 merit list
Technical graduates those who have cleared SSB interviews and medical examination of TGC 116 technical graduate course will be getting their names in TGC-116 merit list published by Indian army. All successful candidates will be getting joining instruction as per their order in TGC 116 merit list and will be joining IMA Dehradun for the course commencing in Jan 2013.

TGC-117 Merit List

Vacancies Notified in TGC-116 for B.E. and B.tech:

Btech/BE Discipline
Civil (including mining/ construction) 27
Electrical (including Electrical & Electronics) 08
Mechanical (including industrial/ industrial Engg & Management) 08
Production (including Manufacturing/ Metallurgical/ Metallurgy Explosives) 02
Automobile Engg/ Workshop Technology 01
Rubber Technology/ Plastic/ Textiles 01
Communication/ Telecommunication (including ECE/ Electronics & Communication) 06
Electronics (including Electronics & Instrumentation/ Microwave/ Opt Electronics) 04
Architecture/ Building Constr Technology 02
Computer Science & Engg/ Computer Science/ M.Sc (computer) 01

TGC-115 Merit List Details:

Awaited: 21
Unfit: 9
TGC-116 merit list will be published on joinindianarmy.nic.in in Dec 2012. 
Also Check: IMA 134 Merit List

Bharat Mata Teri Kasam Indian Military Academy IMA Song


Bharat mata teri kasam is adopted as IMA song by Indian military academy, this song is full of josh and enthusiasm which keep on moving gentlemen cadets during their training period. Lyrics of IMA songs tells us about a Cadet passing out of the academy and join the force, promising his motherland that her security is his duty. This song is also played by army band at the time of IMA passing out parade.
IMA Song Bharat mata teri kasam


Lyrics of bharat mata teri kasam

Bharat Mata teri kasam,
Tere rakshak rahenge hum,
Vande Mataram,Vande Mataram (2)

Maa Humne Tanman Jeevan tujhse hi paye hai,
Teri Dharti se janme hai tere fal khaye hai,
Hum par teri Mamta,Tere karuna ke saye hai,
Tere baho me hai paley,Maa hum tere hai ladley (2)

Deeware Hum Banenge Maa,
Talwaarein Hum Banenge Maa,
Choo le tujhko hai kisme Dum!

Bharat mata teri kasam,
Tere rakshak rahenge hum,
Vande Mataram,Vande Mataram (2)

Humko pyara hai tera har zarra Bharat Maa,
Humko pyare hai tere Parvat,Jangal,Nadiya,
Humko pyare tere gaav,nagar tere rastey,galliya,
Koi dushman kabhi agar,Bhule se dekhle idhar (2)

Deeware Hum Banenge Maa
Talwaarein Hum Banenge Maa
Choo le tujhko hai kisme Dum!

Bharat mata teri kasam,
Tere rakshak rahenge hum,
Vande Mataram,Vande Mataram (2)

Written By: Javed Akhtar

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