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What Is Flat Foot And Its Treatment

flat feet treatment
Flat feet or flat foot sometimes becomes a serious problem during SSB interview medicals. You may often find a candidate who has got TR[ temporary rejection ] due to flat foot in medical examination. However, a person don’t feel much pain and able to do regular day to day activity, but it is considered as one of the reason to be unfit for defence forces. 

Also Check: What are 14 dental points

flat foot aka flat feet
Pic: yogaartandscience

What is Flat feet aka Flat Foot:

Ans: One can have flat feet when the arch on the inside of his/her feet is flattened, which results in the entire sole of foot to touch the ground during standing position.

What are the cause of Flat feet aka Flat Foot: 

Ans: You may notice that a baby born with flat feet, and with time our feet developes an arch, for some of us it may not develop during childhood. Age, accidents or injury can be one of the other reasons for flat feet.

How to detect Flat feet aka Flat Foot:

Ans: It is possible to detect just by looking at your feet or foot, which actually happens during medicals. Medical officer may ask you to keep your toes on ground and lifting your heel to certain level, from this he can check the amount of arch on your feet.

Normal Arch

Wet Test: You can do the wet test at home:

  1. Pour a thin layer of water into a shallow pan
  2. Wet the sole of your foot.
  3. Step onto a shopping bag or a blank piece of heavy paper.
  4. Step off and look down

For more details visit the source link: More on wet test

High Arch

Results: There can be three different results:

  1. Normal Arch: Your feet are normal so relax. 
  2. Low Arch: Can create some problem during medicals. 
  3. High Arch: Can be considered as a normal for medical point of view.

Treatment for Flat feet aka Flat Foot

Low Arch

You can follow some exercise to reduce flat feet by increasing arch.

  • Wear shoes which support arch.
  • Keep your heels on tennis ball with big toes touching the ground.
  • Lift your toes by keeping heels on ground, hold it for 10-15 seconds, keep on repeating of 4-5 times.
  • Sit and lift your right feet and touch the last toe finger of the left feet. 
  • At last consult a physician also.


In most of the cases one who gets TR for low arch (flat foot), clears it in the review medical board. One with such case  must do the regular exercise to reduce the flat foot.  

Also Check:

Hope this article helps you, you can pass suggestions and comments on this, do share your review on it. Post your comments below.

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AFCAT 2012 Marks & Answer Sheets Of All Candidates

afcat 02 2012 marks
Indian Air force has revealed the answer sheets and marks of all applicants of AFCAT 02/ 2012 which was held on 26th Aug 2012.  This is the first time IAF has revealed the obtained marks and cut off marks of AFCAT examination. One of the main reason behind this is the glitch that had happened in the AFCAT 02/2012 results

Also Check: Best SSB Interview Books

indian airforce parade
  • IAF has decided 143 marks as a cut off marks for AFCAT 02/2012 AFSB interviews. AFCAT paper contains 100 questions with 3 marks for each question and 300 marks in total. AFACT also has -ve marking system. A candidate with 47.6 correct answers ( after adding -ve marks) is declared passed. 
  • IAF has fixed the cut off marks based on the induction requirements of the IAF, performance of candidates in AFCAT as well as statistics of Reporting and Success rates at AFSBs.
  •  Marks of candidates who were absent during AFCAT are also published as Zero.

Mark Sheets of AFCAT 02-2012:

Note: Download the file before searching your name.

Wrong Body Language Which Screw Your Personal Interview

your body language shapes who you are

Not all are perfect, most of us feel nervous during certain tests and its a  normal human behavior, but what when  defence only needs confident men and women. You can’t simply keep this excuse during personal interview in SSB, you have to overcome your nervousness, which can improve your body language during personal interview because your non-verbal actions speaks more about you.

Before going further, lets talk on what makes SSB personal interview so different, difficult and tough to crack. Some of the points are:

  • IO do not react on your answers must, he never says correct or incorrect. 
  • Sometimes he never looks at you and keep on doing some other work while you answer, you may feel that this questions is just for namesake. In short, he distracts you when you answer. 
  • You face different questions, such as personal life questions and we are not habitual of answering such questions.
  • He cross check most of the time, there is no room for hiding if you are not a good player. 
Now let’s take about what is poor body language and how it affects our performance in personal interviews.

Poor Body Language:

Your body language plays a vital role during personal interview, your non verbal actions speaks louder about your present condition. How do you speak, your sitting positions, your facial expressions and etc. It helps IO to analyse your total personality. 
Some wrong body moves due to nervousness:-


  • Sitting in a low power pose: Most of us, who are not confident about personal interview just go in and surrender ourselves in front of IO. We gave some low power pose while sitting which clearly reflects our present condition, it tells that we are not confident at all. 
  • Wrong Postures: Some of the postures like, making our body small by folding our hands, moving towards front frequently to justify something, touching your face or neck, looking somewhere but not at IO and so on. 
You are well aware that IO can see you from top to bottom, and they actually want to see your body movements, that is why there is more sitting distance between you and IO. Sometimes, IO like a lifeless person constantly gaze at you to see your body movements, they can easily calculate your confidence and preparedness from your body movements. 

How To Improve Our Body Language:

In reality most of us do not know how we are using our body while answering, we use to be so focused in answering and forget to control our body. But it can be improved with constant practice, it is all about improving your confidence level. At home, you may find yourself more confident, you say this time I am going to pass it, you promise that you will be confident through out the interview, but during interview you might feel little nervousness, it is all because of our hormones. You have to control your mind by telling it, ‘that this is just an informal discussion, IO is your friend, you know everything about you and that is what most important, if you feel nervous you will not get recommend this time also‘. 
Some of the tips to boost our confidence level
  • Find some place to be alone, like bathroom, make some high power pose, try to, look at the mirror and smile. Tell your mind that you are confident and you can face anyone in this word. 
  • Do not read anything, just relax, just be happy because you are going to talk with a old friend, and this talk can fetch you a badge of recommended candidate.
  • “Fake it till you make it” even though you are nervous, you are not allowed to show it, fake your mind that you are confident till you finish your interview. 
Also Check: Six Do Follow Tips For Personal Interview

Do you feel nervous during PI, what measures have you taken to overcome it. Do write your thoughts and comments below.

Ayush Yadav Recommended In 10+2 Tech Navy


Hello Everyone, I am Ayush Yadav and I am sharing my SSB interview experience in this blog. I have got recommended in two SSB interviews, first one is 10+2 tech entry in Navy on 25 Aug’12 at NSB- Naval Selection Board, Coimbatore and another in NDA-AF on 22 Oct’12 at 11 SSB board Allahabad.

Also Read: My Experience at 11 SSB Allahabad 

I passed my 10+2 this year from No.1 Air Force School, Gwalior and always its been a dream to be an Officer. Here I am telling about the first SSB experience of my life. The SSB interview was scheduled from 21 Aug’12 and I had to report at 6 a.m in the morning at MCO Coimbatore. I reached there after a train journey of two days at 5:45 a.m. I was amazed to see a huge crowd of boys  and parents accompanying them. Soon the Navy buses came and after checking  our call-up letters and loading our bags we sat in the bus that took us to Naval Selection Board, INS Agrani, Coimbatore. The campus was like every other defence establishment, next to  perfect. We were addressed by one of the personnel there and were asked to take out all our documents for verification since the call up for SSB interview in this entry is based on board PCM % and soon I came to know all the candidates were having the PCM aggregate of over 89% ( My aggregate is 91.33%). This is where your test of patience starts, you have to wait in a long line for your turn. After verification ,a chest number was assigned, I was allotted with no.75. We were given the identification form and the TA form to fill up and later we were also served with  breakfast containing bread jam ,butter, egg tea. A Total of 161 candidates reported on that day.

ssb interview recommended candidates

Day-1 : Stage-1 Testing: Screening

We were then asked to settle down in the Testing Hall for Stage-1 testing. I started talking to other candidates sitting near to me and made a couple of friends who also belonged to defence background same as me. At around 8:30, an officer briefed us about the tests we were to undertake. First was the  Intelligence test which consisted of two tests of 50 questions each and time 30 mins each .The question booklets were distributed and we had to solve some sample problems first to get familiar to the questions. Then the test started, questions were of logical and mathematical reasoning (same as in Arihant ). I finished quite early within 20 minutes and did all the questions. The second intelligence test paper was a little tough and took me 25 minutes or so, I could do 48 questions in it.

Our booklets were taken back and then we were briefed about the PPDT or the Picture Perception and Discussion Test, where we are supposed to observe a picture for 30 seconds , identify the characters , mention their age sex and mood in the box provided in answer sheet, write about the action  they are doing(like in a conversation, two people playing etc) within a minute and then write a story in the next 4 minutes. The story should contain 3 parts : What Led to situation, What is happening now and the Outcome( Please do not explain the picture ). The picture shown to us contained three men with only upper body visible and hands in the air.The image shown is always roughly drawn.Write a short and effective story where you show a central character who is young almost of your age solving an issue. Don’t worry too much about expressions but good English is a Plus Point. Then sheets are taken back and the groups were divided ( 8 ,10 ,12 or 15 candidates )depending on the number of candidates for the discussion test. We had group of 15 candidates, I was in the group of 61 -75. We had to wait for our chance to come for the Discussion Test. We were taken to a hall and made to sit on chairs in semi circle facing 3 officers. One of the officers then explained us about the procedure of PPDT. Our story sheets were given back to us and he asked us to have a look at our stories for 30 seconds and then narrate the story individually within one minute in preferably English and then have a discussion over it and come to a common story. Please narrate the story addressing the group and not the officers, be confident and maintain eye contact and narrate story with proper English in time.In my group some people wrote about celebration of a victory while some wrote on a boy drowning or group of friends saving a boy in water. I wrote a Story related to water but on disaster management. As the discussion started , it looked like a fish market, but I asked the group members to come to a consensus by taking up all important points from different stories. My story was soon taken up as a common story. We then had to wait for the result. The screening results were declared at 2:30 pm. A total of 39 candidates were screened in from 161. I was given fresh chest no.17. The screened out people were sent back to railway station after giving them TA. Screening is easy if you perform well in intelligence tests, speak good points in GD. You might see people getting screened in who did not even speak anything in GD, this is only because they performed exceptionally well in intelligence tests. We were then allotted rooms and taken to another hall for filling up of PIQ forms. Make sure you fill only correct information in the PIQ form. After filling forms, we were addressed by a GTO who briefed us about the rules of stay and other important points that we had to follow during our stay for the entire period. We were then served Dinner (The food at NSB is AMAZING). After a tiring day, we talked to each other for sometime and then went off to sleep early as we had the Psychological tests the next day.

Day-2 : Stage-2 Testing: Pysch Tests

The day started off really early as we had to report at 6:30 a.m. in the morning. We woke up at 4:30 am , and were ready in formals at 5:30 am. We had our bed tea and then went for breakfast at 5:45 am. After  enjoying the breakfast and sharing some light laughter with the new friends we moved in a line to the testing Hall. The Psych. Explained us about the tests we were to undergo. Pysch testing consists of four tests i.e. TAT ,WAT ,SRT & SD. An answer sheet containing 16 pages is given where first six pages are for TAT, next three for WAT, next four for SRT and rest for SD.

TAT or the Thematic Apperception Test is a test of the sub conscious mind. A total of 12 slides were shown to us one after another and we had to write stories on them much similar to what we did on day one . A picture flashes for 30 seconds and then four mins were given for us to write the story of about 100 words followed by the next picture. The last picture is blank and we had to write story of our own. Prepare a good blank story well in advance. Just after TAT comes WAT.

WAT or Word Association Test, 60 words are displayed one after the other  for 15 seconds each and we had to write a sentence on it within the time limit. The words are common and the test is easy. Try doing as many words as you can, I did 58.

After a short break next test is the SRT or the Situation Reaction Test where we have to write reactions to real life situations. A total of 60 SRTs are given time given is 30 mins. Try to do them quickly but make sure you write a complete and logical action (You are a normal human not a superman, so think and write a possible solution). Don’t worry even if you could do less SRTs, the thing which matters more is a good and effective reaction. I could do only 41 SRTs but properly.

The last test is the Self Description where we have to write half para each about:
1. Parents Opinion
2. Teachers Opinion
3. Friends Opinion
4. Your Opinion about yourself .
5. Qualities you want to improve/Aims.
Write whatever you feel like, all your good qualities and few of your bad qualities as no one is perfect.
three mins were given to write for each point i.e. total 15 mins.

Thus, the Psychological Testing is over. Some of the candidates have their interviews the same day while rest can visit the city, sleep, use the canteen or do whatever they feel like.

Day-3 : Stage-2 Testing:–GTO & Interview

Group Testing Officer spends the most time with the candidates. He looks the individual’s performance in a group.The day starts off early again. At NSB only 3 GTOs were there and so our entire GTO was scheduled to be held the next entire day and so we were called for interviews. The other three groups went for the GTO testing and one of the  groups had to finish off the same day as the GTO had to take our tests next day.

Personal Interview: My  interview was scheduled at 9:40 am. I waited for my turn as another candidate was being interviewed, after he finished off, I was called in after sometime. I entered the room confidently with a smile, stood besides the chair and wished the interviewing officer a very good morning. He asked me to have a seat and began some informal conversation about the pysch tests and my stay at NSB. He then gradually began asking me some serious questions. He asked about my city, why do I want to join the force, have I taken any coaching about my school etc. He then asked a series of questions in continuation i.e. the rapid fire questions. The questions were, Since you are from defence background how do you find the life in the defence forces, tell me about the Navy, also tell about the rank structure, what will be your duties after becoming an officer, coastal cities, naval commands etc. Questions in one go. I managed to answer almost all of them. He further asked about studies, girls, friends, and General knowledge questions. So please be attentive all the time, be smart while answering, always maintain an eye-contact while answering and sound confident. Don’t try to FAKE at any point and be natural, sit in a comfortable position and maintain good posture throughout. If you don’t know any answer then tell him you’ll find it out and tell it later(He might ask you the same question in conference). Don’t get nervous at any point. A good GK is a big positive, issues like Syria, Indo-China, US etc. are asked frequently.

During my interview another officer came in and began talking to my IO but I kept answering. This usually doesn’t happen. My interview lasted for 1 hour 10 minutes. The time flies by if you enjoy the interview. Its a great experience. Leave the Hall with a Smile. 😀

I discussed my interview with my friends and all others who had gone through the same shared their experiences. By then you have many friends and you enjoy your time. We went outside to a mall and enjoyed at McD, we came back in the evening had out dinner and went off to sleep.

Day-4 : Stage-2 Testing:–GTO

The final testing day started. We had our entire GTO testing to be done in a single day. We started of with a brief talk with the GTO, he then explained about the tests and we sat on chairs for GD. The GTO gave a choice of two topics and we had chosen the topic Naxalism. In the second GD, GTO gave the topic  Women Security in India. Everyone tries to jump into the discussion and put their views. Try to speak at the right time and put VALID points. I spoke 4 times and gave points about history of it, the measures being taken etc. Listen to what others are speaking and appreciate their points if you find them good and stay involved. Don’t show uneasiness. After GD, we had the GPE or the group planning exercise where we had to solve a few problems and write the solution on a sheet and then discuss to give common group solution. Being in a group, we have faced with problems and a layout of an areas was shown to us.

Points to keep in mind:

  1. Always save the Human first, then a disaster and then a small problem.
  2. Write fast and think logically.
  3. During discussion adopt a story that is the best or come to a common conclusion.
  4. One person who explains doesn’t get any extra preference.

Then comes the most interesting group activity i.e The Snake Race or the Group Obstacle Race. There are few obstacles which the group has to cross carrying a snake made out of jute or some other material. Listen to GTO’s instructions carefully. Do not fear, show JOSH, keep cheering, take initiative, help other members and do well. Our group did very well in it.

In PGT, four obstacles are to be crossed using material provided like the rope, fatta and balli. Give ideas and explain what you are trying to do to your group. Be with the group and use your brain. I was leading my group as I had ideas and was implementing them successfully. Also listen to other group members ideas and stay involved in tasks. We crossed all obstacles.

The next is HGT, which is similar to PGT, but only half the group has to do it and only one obstacle is there. This is easy. After these comes the Lecturette. You have to pick a card containing 4 topics, choose one topic, prepare for next 3 mins and then deliver a lecture for 3 mins. Choose a good topic on which you have sufficient knowledge. I spoke on the topic, The Future of one-day Cricket. Speak Loudly and confidently, give good and interesting points. Stand in a proper manner. Even if u get stuck, carry on with the topic and don’t be nervous and manage time properly.

Next comes the individual obstacles. I did all 10 in three minutes. If u have a good fitness level it helps a lot. Even if you don’t perform well in it, doesn’t matter much if  you have performed well in other tasks. Any normal person can do at least eight tasks. Many repeat the obstacles also. It is interesting but be careful about injuries.

Command Task can give you the hint about your performance in GTO. If you are given a tough obstacle, that means you have done well. You are the commander and instruct the two men you choose from group to help you cross obstacle. The GTO also talk for few minutes with you individually, answer smartly to him. I had a very complicated obstacle which I managed  to clear with a little hint from the GTO. I was also called by four of my group members as a subordinate to help. So I could judge that my obstacle was way tougher than theirs.

The last task of the GTO series is the Final GroupTask i.e. FGT where entire group has to cross only one obstacle using plank, rope and balli/log. It is very easy, GTO then debriefed us and wished  good luck for conference.

Day-5: Stage-2 Testing:–Conference

The main aim of the conference is to make you familiar with the officers where you see them in uniform and they see you. All the three assessors then discuss their results and the president of the conference board then decide whether to recommend you or not.

There are some 12 /15 officers sitting around a round table in a conference and then candidates enter one by one and are asked general questions about stay, facilities and suggestions if any. I entered with a smile, wished them, they asked me questions about my stay and if I made any friends.

Declaration of Results:

It was a very tensed moment, everyone was silent. The officer then comes and gives a brief speech and then announced the results. I could feel my heart in mouth, the moment he called up my chest no. 17, I was delighted. It was a great feeling, I exchanged hugs n handshakes from other recommended candidates and called up home and friends. I also cleared the medicals at INHS Sanjivani.

SSB is an experience of a lifetime, but you must have fire in you. It’s indeed a proud feeling being a boy of 17 and a half years. I will share my experience at Allahabad in the next testimonial. Sharing my Allahabad pic now  😀 Cheers !!

Jai Hind

profilepic Author: Ayush Yadav: He is 17 year old and got recommended in 10+2 Tech entry for Navy, from Coimbatore and also in NDA-AF from 11 SSB board Allahabad.

What are 14 Dental Points

14 dental points ssb

Medical test (Dental Points) is conducted by SSB medical board for recommended candidates after SSB interviews, it is a very crucial part of the selection procedure, generally, in each batch, the medically unfit rate goes up to 45% – 55 %. Candidate can be declared unfit medically for one or various health issues.

Aspirants must go for proper body check-ups before proceeding towards interviews, also a regular monthly check is mandatory. 14 dental points are one of the must-have things during medicals, let’s talk more about it.


What are 14 Dental Points

types of teeth

For SSB Interview get ”Let’s Crack SSB interview”  by SSBCRACK

Something about point system on teeth:

  • Teeth which are not considered necessary for efficient work are given with 1 point each.
  • Teeth assumed to be essential are allotted with 2 points each.
  • Each incisor, canine, 1st and 2nd premolars holds 1 point provided their corresponding lower teeth are present.
  • Each 1st and 2nd molar and well developed 3rd molar holds 2 points provided they are in good opposition to corresponding teeth in the lower jaw.
  • If 3rd molar is not well developed,  it holds only 1 point.

When we have all 16 teeth intact in the upper jaw with a good functional opposition to corresponding teeth present in the lower jaw, the total points can be 20 to 22 ( based on 3rd molars are well developed or not).


Conditions for 14 dental points:

  • When we have all 16 teeth intact in the upper jaw with a good functional opposition to corresponding teeth present in the lower jaw, the total points can be 20 to 22 ( based on 3rd molars are well developed or not).
  • Any 4 of the 6 anterior and any 6 of the 10 posteriors. When following teeth will be present in the upper jaw and in good functional opposition to corresponding teeth in the lower jaw.
  • Provided there are at least 14 dental points in the mouth, all these teeth must be sound and repairable. The minimum number of points required is to be medically fit are 14 points.


In very rare cases, aspirants may have less than 14 dental points, but few may have damaged teeth due to some accident or any other health issues. Though there are very rare cases of getting unfit due to less dental points, as said precaution is better than cure. It is advisable to go for proper oral cleanup before medical examinations.

SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]

AFCAT 2012 New Results


Today Indian air force published a new list of candidates those who have actually cleared the AFCAT 02/2012 test and would be called for further testing at AFSB centers. All shortlisted candidates would be intimated by call up letters, e-mail and notifications on careerairforce. Though the previous list and this one, hardly differs.

Indian Air force Pilots
Pic: careerairfroce.nic.in

According to IAF cut off marks for AFCAT 02/2012 are 143/300. Cut off marks are decided on the basis of induction requirements of IAF and performance of candidates in the written test. Also, IAF is going to upload the marks of all  candidates on 30th OCT, so you can cross check your marks and satisfy yourself.

Slight modification has been done in the results, few candidates might have missed their name in the new list of AFCAT results, but most of them are their like earlier. Also, Indian Airforce is providing the marks of AFCAT written for the first time just to make sure the process is fair for all.

Candidates those who have cleared AFCAT 02/2012 can start preparing for their AFSB interview process. Though their is still some confusion in the selection of AFSB center and date of interview. Hope IAF will put the notification soon for the further action. 

Updates from IAF:

Dear Candidate,

1. Please refer results of AFCAT 02/2012 which was held in abeyance due to technical issues. The revised results have been uploaded on our website ‘www.careerairforce.nic.in‘. 

2. Shortlisted candidates would be called for further testing at one of the Air Force Selection Boards. Please keep visiting our website for information regarding Reporting Place, Date and Time of interview.

With regards

 AFSB Centers:

  • Mysore
  • Varanasi
  • Dheradun
  • Gandhinagar

Dates of AFSB:

  •  Nov-Dec 2012

Click to Check AFCAT 02/2012 Revised Results 

Also Check: AFCAT results updates

They Say We Lack Officers In Indian Armed Forces


They say that we lack officers in the Indian army. Then you are up for it and apply. Then they say, you are not eligible. I wish they’d make up their minds. 2012 is certainly a bad year for Indian defence aspirants. We have seen so many changes recently in various defence entries like TGC, SSC, AFCAT, Navy, etc. So many blunders in deciding eligibility, merit list, and recently in publishing the correct result. Let’s see what all happened.

Before we move further, let me clarify that this post is not for criticizing or letting any organization down, but to show aspirants how things have changed now. Let’s talk about it one by one.

Indian Army: 

1,129,900 Active personnel, and 960,000 Reserve personnel, I seriously doubt we lack officers and army keeps on supporting me with this.

1. SSC-10th Technical Women Merit list disaster: Army notified some eligible engineering branches in their notice, and they have recommended many women candidates from those branches. At the time of the merit list, they have directly removed those branches and canceled the candidature of recommended candidates.

Affected Branches:

1. Electrical and Electronics
2. Mining/Construction
3. Industrial Engg & Management/Automobile
4. Electronics and Instrumentation
5. Micro Electronics & Microwave/ Opt Electronics

This is a serious issue that is handled by the army very lightly, at least think about candidates, putting branches on notice which do not have sufficient vacancies is sheer negligence and shows poor administration, waste of money and time, for both. With no clear idea about how many female candidates got victimized, but roughly near 30-40.

More details here:

2. TGC and SSC-Technical Entries: A very popular entry, which is very hard to manage and handle because of the uncontrolled population of engineering students in India. Seriously, the most ill-managed SSB interviews are for TGC and SSC-tech, candidates who went for TGC- Allahabad, Bhopal, and Bangalore can understand it very well.

First of all, why the army is following this entry, what is the outcome they want from technical entries? As most of us know that techies go to the technical field or some unit related to technical work like EME etc, but again, do the army think how they are going to select suitable candidates?

The answer is NO because they do not know the difference between IT and CSE, and many other streams. They are recruiting candidates based on the alphabet their degree name has, but not the subject they have studied. Why Indian army specifically need CSE students? do they need their degree name or the subjects they have studied, a CSE student is more like an IT student, then on what bases they have decided the vacancies, whether you recruit CSE student or IT student it doesn’t matter because both are capable of doing some work. But when you say CSE is eligible then you can not say IT is not eligible, it becomes a Joke, a joke like joinindianarmy.nic.in website. I guess the army must have a look at their website condition, total scrap, hope with this they may hire IT students so to fix their website for free and with a better design and navigation. God knows where the whole defence budget goes.

Recently in TGC-117 they have eliminated 4 more branches, and kept a clear-cut statement something like this ” No Deviation From Above Qualifications Is Acceptable. Claims Of Course Content/Similar Stream Will Not Be Accepted.“. Now you can not argue on this, case close.

What is to be followed:

  • Look at IAF, they conduct AFCAT, if you have seen their eligibility criteria for technical entries, they ask you to mark some 8-10 subjects from a set of subjects. If you have studied a minimum 8- 10 subjects from a list mentioned subjects, you are in. This shows that IAF really want them to do some technical work and this brings them more talented and intelligent officers. The army must follow something like this, just do not put old notifications, just by modifying a few branches, do some research on what actually you want.
  • With the present defence budget, army can easily conduct something like AFCAT, twice every year. This is not happening because army really don’t need techies, technical entries are happening just for the namesake, it shows there is no actual technical work happening in army or defence, carry on with this and we will forever buy equipment from outside.
  • Now if you say forget technical entry and go by CDSE, then, how would a IT student find it easy when  a CSE student is going for a technical entry that too without any written exam.
  • At last, we can not do anything except write a mail to them or post something like this.

Indian Air Force:

1. AFCAT 02/2011 Merit List: IAF is known for its flawless work, also you may find AFSB interviews very convinced. IAF has a record of hiring more candidates in a particular entry, but what about making vacancies for them. Last time in AFCAT 02/2011 there were many candidates got merit out.

You can see it here: 

85+22+52 =  159 candidates were out, and that too after reserve merit list.

Hope IAF understands the hardwork of aspirants behind this and the dream they have to join IAF. They either recommend in limits or increase vacancies, but not something like this.

Hope best results come in AFCAT 01/2012 merit list.

2. AFCAT 02/2012 Result Failure:  IAF published AFCAT results on time, but after few days they have cancelled the result stating error in published results and mailing system. Now it being more than one month and results are still pending, however mistakes happens but for something like IAF, there is no margin for errors. That is why SSB interviews are hard, no margin for errors, one wrong officer in force and boom. So, IAF must follow something which they look in aspirants. PERIOD.

More details on AFCAT results here


Keeping a high standard since long, apparently navy do not have more vacancies as compare to Army or IAF, but whatever they have, kept at very high standards. Minimum cut off in any navy direct entry goes up to 70%. I have no idea how much fair it is, and what kind of thought process is behind it. We have been taught that officers are judged by OLQs and other things are secondary. So, apparently, Navy  has the best officers when compare to Army and IAF, with both OLQs and high academic %.

Entries like Tech/Sub are fine but why so high cut off for logistics, Pilot, observer etc.
Hope in the group of more than 70%, Navy is getting good officers because probability goes low when you limit candidates on certain eligibility criteria.

So, dear friends if you want to join Navy but you are a victim of high cut off, then go by raamband “CDSE”.


Hope die hard defence aspirants will make it by hook or by crook, nothing much to conclude on this.

What is your opinion on this, do share your valuable response and comments below, let’s discuss more !!

Get Your Weak OLQs Assessed By An Ex-SSB Psychologist


psychological test in ssb interview
It is observed that repeaters, after having multiple SSB attempts, are not able to succeed in the SSB Interview, due to their unawareness of their wanting OLQ. On our request, Lt. Col P Balasubramanian of Shankars SSB Academy Salem (Tamilnadu) has offered to spare time and evaluate few SSB repeaters by analyzing their responses to the given below SRTs. Repeaters are requested to avail this opportunity and send their responses to [email protected]
Though it is difficult to test whole psychological test, but sir decided to evaluate situation reaction tests for candidates and specially he and his coaching academy is focusing on repeaters. Hope you make most of it, please follow the guidelines as mentioned below for successfully and free evaluation of your SRT.


    1.Write your responses for SRTs shown below, keep them real and avoid manipulating. 

    2. Do mention following particulars:

          – Name: 
          – No. of attempts with details:
          – Took coaching earlier (Yes/No):
          – Anything else you want to share:
    3. Write your responses in a word document and send it with necessary details.
    4. Please follow mentioned guidelines like a gentleman. 

Situation Reaction Test:

  1. You were leading a convoy (a group of vehicles) in the front, one of your driver could not control the vehicle and killed one man.  The villagers surrounded you all.  You …..
  2. You are coming to your home town on leave.  One station short of the destination you find the town is under curfew.  You ….
  3. Your sister’s marriage in home town and Defence Office annual inspection are scheduled on the same day/time.  You …..
  4. Your telephone is out of order.  In response to your complaint, the mechanic tells you that the instrument is to be changed and if you follow the regular procedure, it may take a few days.  You remain with phone always very busy and are in urgent need of the phone. But he is prepared to help you out of the difficulty, if you pay him Rs 50/-. No other phone source is available. You 
  5. You are escorting a criminal in a vehicle.  You see a man lying unconscious in the road due to head injury. If you attend the injured, there is more likely of the criminal being run away/escaped.  You …
  6. One of your known people has made phone call from your PCO/STD booth.  He does not bother to pay for it.  You …
  7. You find that the Dal being served in your college hostel mess for the last 10 days is having a lot of stones and you are fed up with eating it.  You …..
  8. When you boarded a train to SSB Interview, your reserved berth has been found to be occupied by someone. When you asked that person to vacate your seat, he refused.  You …..
  9. Your college students declared a strike and wanted your participation, because of the unpleasant behavior of one of your class Professor with a girl student. You ….. 
  10. The students who were playing cricket on the park of your colony struck the ball on the glass of window of your house and broken.  You …
  11. He and his girl friend have gone to see a new movie.  House is full.  Tickets are available in black.  His girl friend insists to see the movie.  He …
  12. You came on leave and one day while you were walking along with a friend in an agriculture land, suddenly you friend slips and falls into a ground well nearby.  You do not know swimming.  You …
  13. During floods in your village, you found that the people have moved away with their belongings leaving the animals behind.  You …..
All thanks to Lt. Col. Bala sir for lending a helping hand towards aspirants. Hope aspirants can make most out of this. All the best. 

Lieutenant colonel Author: Lt. Col. Bala (Rtd.)
He is a Retd. Col from Indian Army, director of Shankar’s SSB Academy, with an excellent track record with his coaching academy. Visit Shankar’s Academy Here

SSC Pilot Observer Notification June 2013 Navy


pilot observer entry indian navy
Indian Navy published the notification for pilot/observer entry 2013. Indian Navy invites young graduates to join Indian Navy, pilot and observer branch. It is a short SSC-short service commission pilot/observer entry which is going to commence in June 2013 in Ezhimala, Kerala. One has to apply online from nausena-bharti.nic.in. 

indian navy pilots

Important Dates:

Date of Commencement of Online Application: 19-10-2012

Last Date Of Online Submission of Application: 02-11-2012

Last Date Of Receipt of Online Application at Naval Head :12-11-2012


Age: 19 to 24 years

Educational Eligibility: 

Branch/ Cadre
Basic Qualification
Minimum Percentage
Graduate(any discipline) with Maths and Physics in 12
Any Discipline
Any Discipline
Any Discipline
Graduate(any discipline) with Maths and Physics in 12
Any Discipline
Any Discipline
Any Discipline

How to Apply: 

  1. Go to nausena-bharti.nic.in.
  2. Fill the online registration form and submit it. 
  3. After submitting the form, an Application Number will be generated. Application number will automatically be available on the print out of the online application form. 
  4. Take two print out of the application form. Forward complete printout of one application duly signed to Post Box No. 02,Sarojini Nagar- 110023.
  5. Add following  documents, Self attested photograph,attested photo copies of 10th and 12th class certificates along with Mark Sheets, other educational certificates and mark sheets of all semesters/ years.
  6. A superscription is to be made on the Envelope: “ONLINE Application NO. ______ APPLICATION FOR SSC Pilot/ Observer-Jun 2013 COURSE” Qualification ______ Percentage ______%.
  1. Candidates in final year or waiting for results are not eligible. 
  2. Candidates with less % as mentioned, are not eligible.
  3. Candidates has to follow whole registration procedure, IHQ MoD(Navy) will not be responsible for loss of enclosures of documents not attached properly.

Click here to apply now.

Indian Army Don’t Need Much Techies


Are you an engineering graduate, are you interested in Indian army and want to join some technical field in India army. If yes, then you must be very careful with this dream of yours. Indian army is going very strict on technical entries like TGC and SSC-tech. They are reducing technical entry vacancies with time, also they are keeping some cut off for these entries, both for men and women.

Also Check:  SSC-40th Tech Men Cut off. 

The old victims of this change are IT branch candidates, they have been isolated from technical entries since TGC-115, now not only IT branch, but many other renowned branches have been removed from recent technical entry TGC-117 . Lets see the change in vacancies by your self.

Vacancies Notified in TGC-116th :

tgc 116 vacancies

All these branches were eligible in TGC-116th, you can find most of the know branches and sub branches. The red strike through lines are few branches which are not notified in TGC-117th notification.

Army is very clear with this, they are considering only mentioned branches and not self assumed things by candidates.

Vacancies Notified in TGC-117th:

tgc 117 vacancies

Well, compare the text in both images, can you see the differences. Yes, it clearly shows the difference in vacancies and eligible engineering branches.

Cut off for TGC-117th is still unknown but with the recent update in SSC-40th tech cut off , it is clear that TGC-117th will also follow some cut off and probably same like SSC-40th tech.

List of Branches not eligible for TGC-117th [ *Might not be correct ]

  • Electrical and Electronics [EEE]
  • Automobile engineering/ Workshop Technology
  • Metallurgical/ Metellurgy and Explosives
  • Rubber Technology/ Plastic Technology/ Textile 
  • Micro electronics and microwave/ Opto Electronics 

*Newly Added Branch

  • Bio- Tech/Food Tech/ Bio-Medical Engg/ Chemical Engg. 
Recently Indian army has done something surprising by removing some branches form SSC-10th tech women, those branches were well notified in the advertisement, in fact many female candidates were recommend from those branches and later noticed as ineligible for that particular course. 
What is your opinion on this, do your share you valuable thoughts and comments below.