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Group Planning Exercise 5 With Solution

Group Planning Exercise 5

Dear aspirants, this test basically designed to check our decision making capabilities i.e. how quick and effective we are in making decision in time bounded environment. We are given a set of problems all of the problems need to be solved in different time constraints. This test involves few steps and according to mine experience, I would like to tell you what to be done in which step.

Step 1: Brief introduction of the concerned area by GTO

Friend here you need to be very attentive because if you missed any place or misinterpreted anything on map, it will hamper your performance. so be attentive, listen to every minute detail meticulously and keep them in mind.

Step 2: In next step GTO is going to read out the problem in the concerned area to you. He has the write up with him. In this test you need to co-relate the problem to the map, and  while listening pay attention to hidden  resources, given resources, time constraints ,and total no. of  problems and  what all problems are. So at the end of this step you must be able to answer these questions to yourself.

  • How many problems are there?
  • What are the resources given and hidden?
  • What are Time constraints of each problem?
  • What are other constraints like no telephone is working, your vehicle broke down. Head lights are not working and so on.

Step 3: Now GTO will give you 5 min. to read out the write up of the problem. Friend if you were good in listening and were attentive in step 2 then in this step you will get advantage. Those five minutes you can utilize in your planning. now be quick and do the followings.

  • Decide priorities of problems, and have always a reason for giving the particular priority to a particular problem, it will help you in discussion.(keep loss and time available in mind while doing this)
  • As a problem can be solved in more than one ways. Start thinking for available solutions to each problem and decide which one to follow and how many persons you need to solve that problem. Friends whatever solution you follow have a reason for that. Most important thing which I learned recently from 14ssb board GTO that whenever you have a choice between possibility and certainty go for certainty. Example. You are on a road with an injured person, you have two options one to take lift and at a short distance you have a petrol pump or garage. Then it is certain that you will get vehicle at garage or pump, but you may or may not get lift. So always select an option which is accessible to you and which ensures you the solution.
  • After you get a solution to each problem now you have a clear idea about how many persons are needed in each problem. So now you can decide in how many sub groups you will divide your team.
  • Friends if you jump on dividing the group first before solution, you can get wrong in mid way. So do it at last.

Step 4:- in this step GTO will ask you write your individual solution on a paper. Let me clear my friends everything is evaluated in ssb, nothing is just for time pass, so do not believe on rumors that this copy will not be evaluated. For writing always follow a particular way so that you don’t miss anything. Like this

“We group of _ friends, on our way to the —encountered with some problems. According to priority problems are:-





Write what you have (resources) quickly,  and always mention hidden resources as it shows you are practical and can think other options too.

Now write I will divide my group in _ sub groups of 3,2,2,3 (according to you)

Now attending each problem priority wise write down solution attending these points for each

Who, what, when, where, how, time- distance and action

Always mention distance according to scale given to you, you can go to the model or map and measure it with you hand so that you can get a rough idea of distance and time needed to travel that distance using the particular mode of transport.

After you finish this reassemble your group mates and move where you were going prior to the problems.


Step 5:- group discussion to reach a common solution. Again it is a discussion so all the things which are tested in GDs ,will be there. But this time one more thing will be tested and this is your decision making ability and how you persuade others to your decision. Presence of mind and listening are most important things. If you have made a good plan then discuss reasons behind your particular choice of priority or particular path, particular  transport anything you say there have a reason for that and it is sufficient for a good discussion. other things are same as in group discussion. If you have strong reasons your group mates will agree automatically. And keep in mind what group is deciding for common plan so that if your group nominates you to give final plan. You don’t hesitate and can give it confidently. And this is a fact that group will nominate you automatically if you were good and active throughout the discussion.

Group Planning Exercise 5

Example for group planning exercise

You are a group of 10 students returning to your hostel at doper after a picnic at Rampur your vehicle developed problem and you left it at garage near petrol pump and your group decided to enjoy ferry as your jeep will be repaired by 6pm. You stopped at tea stall and having tea, one of your friends found a rifle and accidently he fired a bullet which injured him in his shoulder. While you were thinking about what to do, a boy came to you to seek your help as his father fell down near wheat fields from his cart and broken his leg. As he finished a man came on cycle to you and informed that miscreant who are hidden in shanty village, and they are going to remove fish plates of train track and also will blast a train going from dholpur to Rampur which leaves at 4:45 and they plan to blow it at 5:30 over the bridge. And villagers are afraid of goons so they are not informing police. just as he finished a woman came to you and asked for help as her cow was stranded in marshy land and it is the only source if her livelihood as it 4pm now, and you need to reach hostel before 7 pm you are also provided that a bus leaves from shampur to dholpur leaves at 5 pm. boats are also available at ferry. No telephone or mobile is working. What you will do in such a situation?

Way to find GPE Solutions

Note that carefully I am suggesting ways to think solution not how to write solution.

Step 1 priority setting

  1. Person injured with bullet: reason:-he needs immediate assistance as excessive bleeding is dangerous for him.
  2. Person with broken leg: – reason as we have enough time for train problem and the farmer can’t go himself anywhere. And he also needs some medical assistance.
  3. As train will leave at 4:45 and reach the bridge at 5:30 it is 4:00 now so we can give this problem 3rd priority.
  4. Cow stranded in marshy land. As human life is not involved

Step 2 Solution to each problem and assigning it to subgroups

Problem 1:- person injured with bullet

  • First of all I will stop his blood using cloths now, (think solution in these 7 points)
  • Who: 2 of us
  • What: take the person to hospital
  • When: start 4:15 as it will take some time to plan and take lift.
  • Where: to the hospital
  • How: we will take lift from passing vehicles.
  • Time and distance: it will take near 15 min to cover the distance of 15km and additional 15 min to take him to hospital.
  • Action: admitted the person to the hospital and treatment started. and sent a ambulance to pick up the  leg broken person and take him to hospital.

Problem 2: leg broken person

  • Who: 2 of us + cycle +son of that person
  • What: will go to wheat field and take him out  so that ambulance can pick him up
  • When: start at 4:15
  • Where: we will move from tea stall to wheat field
  • How: using cycle and cart
  • Time & distance: to cover 4 km cycle will take near 10 minutes and we will take him out on his cart in near 10 min.
  • Action: we will take him to tea stall and wait for ambulance so that he can be taken to hospital and can be treated.

Problem 3: train problem

  • Who: 3 of us
  • What: 1 will inform shanty village police and 2 will inform railway person at manned railway crossing.
  • When: at 4:15
  • Where: police station in village and at manned crossing
  • How: 1 will take help of villagers to reach police station using villagers motor cycle or cycle. And other two will reach ferry in running and take boat to reach the manned crossing near temple.
  • Time & distance: 1 man will use villager’s resources and in 20 minutes he can find the police station .and 2 others will cover 3 km. in 10 min. and then reaming 8 km by boat and it will take 10 minutes as speed of current will also support us.
  • Action: informing the concerned person on time will resolve the issue till 4:50 pm.

Problem no. 4: cow in marshy land

  • Who: 2 of us + lady + villager who informed us about miscreants
  • What: will take the cow out of marshy land
  • When: they will start at 4:15
  • Where: will move to marshy land
  • How: we will collect resources like rope, man power, some some sticks, a wooden plank etc. and using them we will pull the cow out
  • Time & distance: it will take us 5 mins to cover 2 kms and then 10 mins to gather resources. And near 30 mins to take cow out.
  • Action: we will save the cow with help of villagers. Till 5:00.

After all problems are solved

  • All of us will gather at tea stall till 5:20 and catch the bus and reach garage and collect our jeep and return to the hostel before 7:00 pm.

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How To Prepare Well For CDSE Exam

Indian Army Medical Examination

Hello aspirants! All set for CDSE? few days are left and I am sure everybody is going through the last minute nervousness. Keeping in mind the vast course that CDSE exam covers it is very difficult to mug up everything and go and give the exam. CDSE exam requires a lot of dedication, hard work and patience. You need to focus on your studies and concentrate when you are studying. Well what you need to do is to make a study chart and prepare accordingly. Since very less time is left hence you need to be more focused and appropriate in what you study. Here are some tips which will help you in preparing for CDSE.

How To Prepare Well For CDSE Exam: Time Management

You need to make a study plan and a routine and study consistently if you are serious. Many students have the habit of procrastinating studies to night and doing useless things and passing away time during the day. This is a bad habit. You must start studying since morning. Get up early take a walk and sit down to study. It is a scientifically proven fact that what you study in morning goes directly in your head like a bullet! So make a time table and follow it strictly.

How To Prepare Well For CDSE Exam: Divide and Study

Divide the portions giving a particular amount of time to each Like say for example you feel better to do math when you are fresh so do it in the morning. Then study General awareness after lunch and then English in the evening. Burning midnight oil is fine but remember a good sleep recharges you and if you are sleeping late then you’ll be dizzy the whole next day. So you should divide the time according to the attention you feel you need in an area.

How To Prepare Well For CDSE Exam: Dealing with Math

Math in CDSE is above average difficulty level but if you are clear with the concepts then you can do well. Write all the formula’s neatly on a paper. When you sit to study math then spend the initial five minute in reading the formula, you can even practice by writing it every day. Go for clearing the concept first. If you are clear with the basic concepts then you can do a variety of questions.

How To Prepare Well For CDSE Exam: Dealing with GA

Now this is not something which can be prepared within a day. Revise the main sport event, India’s position in important events like Olympics etc. Take into account about recent award winner in India. You can divide the rest like study for Physics chemistry and biology from the book you have purchased or you can read from nutshells in NCERT books or any 10th level book. The same goes for history and geography. Indian polity is important as well. Here also remember to clear the concepts.

How To Prepare Well For CDSE Exam: Dealing with English

Brush up all your grammar portions keep clear with the main concepts here as well. As far as antonyms and synonyms are concerned divide the words into groups like negative words, positive words and neutral words. You can also make cards and write some typical words on them and its antonym and synonym of that word on the other side of the card and carry it with you so you’ll be able to see it whenever you like for a number of times and you’ll be able to remember it.

How To Prepare Well For CDSE Exam: Previous Years Papers

The more questions you practice, more knowledge you gain. If you practice a lot number of questions and especially the previous year’s papers then you come across many facts specially in the GA portion hence don’t forget to do this.

AFCAT 2 2016 Question Paper


AFCAT 2 2016 written exam is over now, and we hope all of you have done well in your exam. Through our Facebook page, we have tried getting questions from AFCAT 2 2016. We have consolidated all questions and prepared AFCAT 2 2016 Question Paper. As you know, IAF don’t let us go with the question paper after the examination, few aspirants have helped us to gather questions based on their memory. Hope you will like this effort, we would take some time to collect the original question paper of AFCAT 2/2016.

AFCAT 2 2013 Question Paper And Answers

AFCAT 2 2016 Marking Scheme

  1. Total Questions: 100
  2. Total Marks: 300
  3. Correct Answer: +3
  4. Wrong Answer: -1

AFCAT 2 2016 Question Paper

We will update the question paper soon.

AFCAT 2 2013 Result


AFCAT 2 2013 Result

IAF aspirants who have attended AFCAT 02 2013 written on 25th Aug must be waiting for AFCAT 2 2013 result now. Generally, IAF declares the result of AFCAT written after 30-40 days from the date of written examination. AFCAT 2 2013 result will have the AFCAT numbers of all the successful candidates those who have cleared the AFCAT 2 2013 written test.

Also Read

If you think that you have done well in AFCAT 2 2013 and you are sure of crossing the AFCAT 2 2013 cut off marks, then it is right time for you to prepare for AFCAT 2 2013 SSB interview. After IAF declares the result of AFCAT 2 2013 written test, candidates need to follow certain things before attending their AFSB interview.

AFCAT 2 2013 Result

  • Candidates whose AFCAT Numbers figure in the list are required to login to their account and select the venue and date of further testing at one of the Air Force Selection Boards (AFSB). Thereafter candidates are required to print a call up letter from the website and report at their selected venue along with Call Up letter, AFCAT Admit Card and other documents listed in the Call Up letter
  • Shortlisted candidates who fail to select their AFSB venues on or before   the mentioned date would be allotted their AFSB batches by the IAF and intimated through their registered E Mail ID. On receipt of email, candidates are required to login and print the call up letter from the website. They would then report at their selected  venue along with Call Up letter, AFCAT Admit Card and other documents as listed in the Call Up letter.

AFCAT 2 2013 Written Results Are Out Now 

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bannerfans 4678671+(1) About SSBCrack Editorial Team

The Editorial Team of SSBCrack consists of a group of Professional writers and aspirants. Their main aim is to provide up to date information regarding SSB Interviews and sharing quality information about Indian Defence to help aspirants. Mail us to join our editorial team now.

AFCAT 2 2013 Cut Off Marks


AFCAT 2 2013 Cut Off Marks
Air Force Common Admission Test AFCAT 02/2013 written exam was conducted by Indian Air-Force on 25 Aug 2013, AFCAT 2 2013 paper was in similar format like prior AFCAT exams, there were no such differences in type of questions or in marking scheme. In this post we will share the expected cutoff marks of AFCAT 2 2013. AFCAT 1 2013 cut off was 144 out of 300 marks.

Air Force has kept the same standard of AFCAT 2 2013 question paperthis time also, questions were neither easy nor difficult but do required a good preparation beforehand.
OMR Sheet
  • Again, OMR answer sheet was used in AFACT 2 2013 to avoid any kind of discrepancy which we have seen earlier at the time of AFCAT 2 2012.

Difficulty Level of AFCAT 2 2013 Questions
    afcat 2 2013 cut off

  • General Awareness: This section was average if we compare it with last AFCAT. Though, most of the questions were from GK and General Science.
  • Verbal Ability in English: This section was slightly tougher than other sections, the level of questions came from Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary were tough. We would say that IAF is keeping English level really high for aspirants, even higher than what comes in CDSE.
  • Numerical Ability: In this section, questions were mostly from percentage and profit/ loss. Overall, this section was easy and not that hard. Most of the questions were similar like we have seen earlier.
  • Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test: This section was the easiest among all. Though, reasoning section was with average difficulty level. One must get maximum marks out of this section. 

AFCAT 2 2013 Expected Cut off

Seeing the trend of AFCAT cut off marks, we don’t think there will be higher variation in AFCAT 2 2013 cut off mark.
  • AFCAT 1 2012 cut off: 135
  • AFCAT 2 2012 cut off: 143
  • AFCAT 1 2013 cut off: 144
  • AFCAT 2 2013 cut off: 110- 130
In short is you have done at least 35-45 correct questions ( Zero wrong), then you would have higher chances of clearing AFCAT 2 2013. 
Let’s hope for the best, hope our AFCAT preparation tips worked well for you. If you have any concern related to AFCAT 2 2013 cut off marks, do post it in the comment section below.

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bannerfans 4678671+(1) About SSBCrack Editorial Team

The Editorial Team of SSBCrack consists of a group of Professional writers and aspirants. Their main aim is to provide up to date information regarding SSB Interviews and sharing quality information about Indian Defence to help aspirants. Mail us to join our editorial team now.

NCC 34 Special Entry Women Merit List


NCC 34 Special Entry Women Merit List

Female candidates who have cleared the SSB interview of NCC 34 special entry can check their names on NCC 34 women merit list now. Joinindianarmy.nic.in has published the merit list of NCC-34 for women entry. There are total 22 female candidates names are listed.

NCC 34 Special Entry Women Details

  • Fit Candidates: 14
  • Awaited Candidates: 8
NCC 34 Special Entry Women Merit List
Important Note:
  1. SSCW (NCC Special Entry) Course ser-34 is commencing from 08 Oct 2013 at OTA, Chennai. Reporting date is 05 Oct 2013.
  2. Joining Instructions will be issued on the basis of merit position subject to medical status and availability of vacancies.
  3. Though all precautions have been taken for preparation of Merit list, this Directorate does not guarantee against any distortion/ tampering of information. Authenticity of the merit list may be checked with the Merit List displayed in the Recruiting Directorate’s notice board.

Check NCC 34 Special Entry Women Merit List

Also Check

bannerfans 4678671+(1) About SSBCrack Editorial Team

The Editorial Team of SSBCrack consists of a group of Professional writers and aspirants. Their main aim is to provide up to date information regarding SSB Interviews and sharing quality information about Indian Defence to help aspirants. Mail us to join our editorial team now.

Because Lakshya Ko Har Haal Mein Paana Hai

OTA Chennai Passing Out Parade Nov 2020

We all know that We are somewhat eager to get into the Indian Army as soon and easiest as possible.Yes, me too. I passed my 12th class in Commerce stream (without Maths) in May 2012. I know I’ve very few attempts to get into the army as I’m not that Engineer from 3 idiots like most of the applicants here.Frankly saying, I’m an Introvert, due to being socially unadaptable because of embarrassing Gynecomastia .

My parents were never interested in Sports or in Defence either taking as a career for themselves or persuading me to get into any of  them. I inherited this belief for years, of having a stable 10-5 government job for life with a regular salary and other incentives. Btw,My father is an engineer in MTNL and Mother is an Art teacher in a private school.   Most of us have got interested in Defence, taking  as a career choice either by inheritance or interest since birth or involving self into sports in initial years of life, or mostly due to watching loud movies  like Lakshya,Border etc……..So, I got the first spark in 2000 when I was 6 and unaware of Kargil war but was much influenced by movie Prahaar which left a image in my mind of Army.   As the time moved further, I lost that spark and built an atmosphere in my mind that its Money above Everything and I started giving more interest to Business stories and Business ideas.

Finally , when I reached class 10th , I was determined that I would take up Commerce and it would be easy to get it in almost 60-70 percent. So , I got 7.4 Cgpa out of 10 (72.52 %) in 10th. My luck as I knew ,mostly works against me. My principal increased the cutoffs to get commerce ,from that year and I got commerce  stream without Maths, due to poor grade in Maths. Now as 11th passed by and I came to 12th I got to know that I must think of many other options instead of relying on just BBA or BHM +MBA+Job  idea .   While it was May 2011, I was enjoying summer vacations of 12th. One night, there was a movie playing on a very unpopular channel on TV. I found out after initial acknowledgements that that Movie was “Lakshya”. I had always ignored that movie due to its army ingredient. Somehow, I was afraid of death very much since childhood so I was never interested in Army. That Night, it was about 2 a.m when that movie finished , and surprisingly I watched it whole.   I cant express that how much I cried that whole night till morning about my Life, for the Soldiers who lost their lives , and especially because of realizing that how much bad and disgusting my mindset was, For Life , Country and Army and What I was going to do . My Introspection began the next day, maybe it was a new beginning when I got a new attitude. May be It seems that I am stupid but It is true that Movie is very influential. Thanks to Farhan n Hrithik.  

So I took a week almost , and finally came to a conclusion that I will join Indian Army at any cost. Now looking at present circumstances at that time , my school routine was about to start, my tuitions were going on for Eco. and Accounts and it was July in 2011. As Mental Pressure was very high to get good marks in 12th and get admission in any Commerce college in DU or IP university. So, now it was the time to list out the things I should do for now, and priority was to start Maths tuition in mid of 12th class from level of 11th and give an additional paper in Boards, and simultaneously  prepare for NDA. After, months of daily torture of 7 hour school routine , 6 hour tuition, Parents and Teachers scolding every day , Gynecomastia , Fat , Friendsless society and Introvert nature , I stuck in a situation , where I lost all my senses. I passed 12th with around 70 % and failed in Maths paper (6/100) after an expensive tuition of 300/hr for 5 months 6 days/week.  I tried to search some options apart from NDA as I got my Maths capability result.  I was very disappointed with life. But , thankfully my Papa had always loved me alot. I dropped all negative things in minds .I joined gym for 3 months for the hopefully for NDA SSB.

In June 2012 , After applying for CLAT,BBA,BHM,BCom,BA etc in many universities , finally I got 1274 rank in BBA entrance of IP university and took admission in MAIMS. Then, after this relief , I had to give my last NDA exam on first week of August almost and somehow after some preparation I became confident that I’ll crack it but I wasn’t able to clear even the written test . I felt lost as I didn’t knew what is happening to my decision and confidence to get into Army. Till that Time, I was late to apply for NCC that year, unfortunately.   After all this, Since the beginning of college years, I got into the real world of an Introvert .I had no one in college to be friends with at that time so I got into habit of spending whole night and days awake on internet giving answers to my curiosity researching , watching and learning about every single thing whether its about space/ aliens or its about religion or history or geography or exploring new lonely places in the city and in the world or trying new cuisines or seeing trains on a railway station or sitting in a park for many hours or going to a far place from home to near by city on a scooter or going to airport to see people coming from foreign land or crying in a lonely place or walking in rain or visiting the cantonment area or visiting Rashtrapati Bhavan etc etc etc …….Finally I did almost as many weird things that I wanted to do or had a weird feeling in me since many years . It seems stupid but it was such a nice feeling. I spent almost 8 months from my first year of my college and my attendance survived on medicals. I gained the intellectual level like that of philosopher or Artists. The value of money has been very minimized since then. Frankly I have realized my Real self. I got knowledge to make a View point about every thing which is happening around the world. I developed interest in National and World Politics as well . Briefly, I feel that I am intellectually stable and good today , as I know how to live and what to do with my future and present , and I also know that now after my Gynecomastia surgery, I’ve gained a lot confidence and stability in mind and I have to start my physical preparation for SSB and hopefully NCC as well.   Thankfully with efforts , I passed my first year in July 2013 without any back papers. This time in 2nd year of college, I’ve applied for NCC (SD Army) from Open College option , due to non availability of NCC in IPU.   Again, unfortunately I got to know that , for just this time ,the selection is tough,vacancies have been reduced , and selections to NCC will be directly made by the Commanding Officer himself who is head of the unit and of Lt.Col level. He changed all the previous criteria and things that were usually happening till now. I feel , how every single person is interested to demage my soul. Its been 2 weeks since C.O has asked me to improve and being able to win the race. I don’t know whether its possible or not as I have to lose weight first and then build endurance and its practically very difficult to do in 6 days. My Family is still hopeful as I am , as I have promised that I will get into the army for sure , one day. I think the only option which seems now is CDSE for which I have total 7 attempts. The struggle will be legal to start from next year July 2014 onwards , when I will reach in my final year. Actually No one in my whole family has ever been interested in Sports or in Defence. And I want to take that initiative. Hopefully either I will get into NCC too or will rely on CDSE from next year and I am getting great help from SsbCrack…I know my article is not related to SSB experiences but it will give you some idea of being Natural throughout your SSB J..Lets See What Happens… But I’m sure that I am experiencing the Real Life and surely I’m Living to the Fullest….May Passion remain forever…..and I get into the great organization of Indian Army.

SSCW 12th Non Tech Women Merit List


sscw 12 non tech merit list

Joinindianarmy.nic.in has published the merit list of SSCW-12th Non-Tech Merit list. Names of female candidates who have cleared CDSE 2 2012 written and SSB interview are mentioned in this list. SSCW-12th (Non-Tech) Course  is commencing from 08 Oct 2013 at OTA, Chennai.

SSCW 12th Non Tech Merit List Details

  • Fit Candidates: 61
  • Awaited Candidates: 11
  • Not Meeting Medical QR: 6
  • Total Candidates: 8
sscw 12 non tech merit list
Important Note
  1. SSCW(Non-Tech) Course ser-12 is commencing from 08 Oct 2013 at OTA, Chennai. Reporting date is 05 Oct 2013.
  2. Joining Instructions will be issued on the basis of merit position subject to medical status and availability of vacancies.
  3. Though all precautions have been taken for preparation of Merit list, this Directorate does not guarantee against any distortion/ tampering of information. Authenticity of the merit list may be checked with the Merit List displayed in the Recruiting Directorate’s notice board.
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bannerfans 4678671+(1) About SSBCrack Editorial Team

The Editorial Team of SSBCrack consists of a group of Professional writers and aspirants. Their main aim is to provide up to date information regarding SSB Interviews and sharing quality information about Indian Defence to help aspirants. Mail us to join our editorial team now.

SSC 13th Non Tech Women SSB Interview Dates


SSCW-13th Non Tech SSB Interview Dates

Joinindianarmy.nic.in has published the SSB interview dates for SSC-13th Non-tech course for Women. Female candidates those who have cleared CDSE (I) 2013 written exam for Officers Training Academy [OTA], will be facing SSB interview at Allahabad, Bhopal and Bangalore as per their allotted centre. SSC 13th non-tech course is starting from April 2014 at Officers Training Academy, Chennai.

SSCW 13th Non Tech SSB Interview Centre Allotment Details

  • No of candidates for Allahabad: 555
  • No of candidates for Bhopal: 363
  • No of candidates for Bangalore: 250 
SSCW-13th Non Tech SSB Interview Dates

SSCW 13th Non Tech Women SSB Interview Dates

Keep visiting for full update on SSB dates.

bannerfans 4678671+(1) About SSBCrack Editorial Team

The Editorial Team of SSBCrack consists of a group of Professional writers and aspirants. Their main aim is to provide up to date information regarding SSB Interviews and sharing quality information about Indian Defence to help aspirants. Mail us to join our editorial team now.

CDS Mathematics Paper Structure


CDS Mathematics Paper Structure

I want to share my views regarding CDS mathematics paperwhich is the 3rd paper and necessary for entry into AFA, IMA and NA. I am going to discuss here the paper pattern, knowing which can help candidates like me and you to score high and clear the CDSE written exam. I would like to emphasize on attending 65 correct questions. There are few factors which govern our score in this part of exam.

CDS Mathematics Paper Structure

CDS Mathematics Paper Structure

  1. Speed: speed can be developed by regular practice and analyzing what kind of questions consumes more time and which portion consumes less time. Varies according to candidate’s preparation.
  2. Analyzing topic of expertise or topics which can be mastered in few days: going through previous year papers helps us to know, in which portion one is good and in which one is average and where we are lacking. Like I know I am good and fast in arithmetic, geometry and mensuration portion so I will first go to these portions. Everyone has his own topic of expertise and it can be found if one wants to know.
  3. Attending questions according to pattern:  I have tried to give an idea based on my analyses of previous year question papers.
    • Algebra:-number of questions from algebra are 13-15.
      • Topics covered:-quadratic equation, linear equation in 1 and 2 variables, HCF and LCM of polynomials, basic factorization, and problem based on ages.
    • Arithmetic:-number of questions is 22 to 25.
      • Topics covered are time and distance,average,profit loss,partnership,ratio and     proportion,c.i.,s.i., percentage, time n work, unitary method, LCM, HCF, decimal fractions. 
    • Mensuration: number of questions are 15 -20. Area and volume are topics covered. 
    • Trigonometry: number of questions are 10 with 4, 5 height and distance questions. 
    • Geometry: number of questions are 16 to 19.
      • Topics covered are Coordinate geometry, lines and angles, triangle, circle, parallelogram, quadrilateral, polygons. 
    • Statistics: number of questions are 6-8. 

Hope this blueprint of CDSE Maths question paper will help you to prepare for CDSE II 2013. For more tips on CDSE written preparation, check the links below.

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gaurav Gaurav Vaishnav, Editorial Team

Gaurav is a defence aspirant and appeared for SSB interview 8 times, he is here to share his experience of different selection centres across India. Mail us to join our editorial team now.