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Indian Air force Lost Young Pilot Flying Officer Kartik Thakur

Flying Officer Kartik Thakur

The nation mourns the loss of Flying Officer Kartik Thakur, 23 of the Indian Air Force. He belonged to Lahla village in Lad-Badhol Tehsil of Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh. He is survived by his parents.

Flying Officer Kartik Thakur
Flying Officer Kartik Thakur

Flying Officer Kartik Thakur

Just 3 months after Flying Officer Kartik Thakur passed out of IAF Academy and earned his wings, we have lost this budding pilot to an unfortunate accident while training in Kolkata.

Flying Officer Karthik Thakur (23 yrs old) had featured in the series, Breaking Point: Indian Air Force Academy recently. The series had captured the grit, pride, fear and utmost patriotism of 4 cadets, who were in various stages of their training at the Airforce Academy, inspiring many youngsters to join the forces.

The 23-year-old brave-heart Flying Officer Kartik Thakur was currently posted in Hyderabad. These days he had come to Kolai Kanda near Kharagpur, Kolkata for training.

It is being speculated that on 15th September after drowning in the swimming pool at Kolai Kanda, it was led to his death due to head injury.

The country respects and salutes you for your service. You will be missed.

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What Questions Does IO Ask in SSB Interview: The 6 CIQs Decoded

ssb interview questions

The interview is a very important part of your SSB. Your performance in interview mostly is responsible whether you make it or not. IO has different ways of testing whether the person is fit enough for being an officer or not and some questions he asks are all at a go and they confuse the candidates and they generally go with the flow and answer something which dismisses their chances of selection.

The candidate would need to grasp the questions being asked and respond in the same order as they were asked. Generally, the questions asked all at a go is divided into 6 CIQs or Comprehensive Information Questionnaire. These are standard questions asked by any Interviewing Officer.

OIR Test eBook SSBCrack

In this article, we are going to present to you the 6 CIQs that is asked in the SSB Interview so that it is easier for you to grasp and respond in the same sequence.

1st CIQ:

The first CIQ is mostly related to your academic performance and participation in sports and games. The questions will go something like this:

“Tell me about your academic performance starting from your 10th till the graduation. Tell me the percentages scored by you in each class. Also tell me the games, sports and extra-curricular activities that you took part in your school and college. Also, do tell me who are your best friends and favourite teachers and what qualities you like in them. Tell me about your relationship with your friends and teachers and also tell me about your favourite subjects. You may start.”

The IO might ask some questions in between to clarify his doubts related to the questions he asked.


2nd CIQ:

This CIQ is related to your relations with your family/neighbours and how you spend your time with them. The questions would be something like this:

“Okay candidate, now I would be interested in knowing about your family members and their occupation. What all activities you do together and how do you spend time together. Also, tell me who do you approach in need and how do you fulfil your monetary requirements and how do you spend your money. Also, tell me about what relation do you have with your neighbours. Please Start.”

It is always a good practice to ask “have I missed any question, sir” after answer the questions.

TAT ebook part 1 ssbcrack 324x324 1

3rd CIQ:

It deals with your hobbies and interests and how do you spend your spare time:

“Very well, now I would like to know what all activities you do in your spare time, your hobbies and interests. Also, tell me about your daily routine.”

ssb interview questions

By this time, the IO has already decided whether to clear you or not.

4th CIQ:

In the 4th CIQ, the questions are related to your hobbies/interests in-depth, GK and Current Affairs. The IO might ask you about the sport you play and about that sport, its ground, team, current affair related to that, etc. He might also ask you the latest happening in and around the world, national and international news and news related to your hobbies/interests.

5th CIQ:

In this CIQ, the IO is interested to know about yourself and your performance in the previous tests:

“Please tell me about your strengths, weaknesses, improvements you’ve made to overcome your weakness, self-assessment, and which test did you like the most in Psych and GTO and why.”

This is to know how aware you are of yourself and how well do you want to improve yourself.

oir test and ppdt

6th CIQ:

This is an optional CIQ and IO generally covers these questions in the previous 5 CIQs. It deals with how willing are you to join the defence forces. The questions asked might be something like this:

“Why do you want to join the defence?”

“What if you do not make it this time?”

“Okay, now tell me what alternate career options you have if you did not make it to defence?”

“Why do you think you were not recommended the previous time?” (for CO candidates)

“How is this attempt different than your previous attempt?”

With these CIQs, the IO would conclude the interview and might ask you whether you have any questions to ask. He will ask you to leave at the end.

Now that you know the questions asked, you just need to remember the sequence and answer accordingly. Also, pay attention to the questions asked and do not blindly answer the questions that you had learned from this post. Be short, crisp and to the point.

Indian Air Force GARUD COMMANDO Recruitment Rally Punjab 2018


If you want to join the Indian Air Force as a Special Forces Soldier, then this is a great opportunity for you. Join Indian Air Force Garud Commando As an Airmen.Indian Air Force offers opportunities for UNMARRIED MALE INDIAN/NEPALESE CITIZENS from designated Districts of State of Punjab to join as Airmen. The Recruitment Test for Group ‘Y’ (Non-Technical) {Indian Air Force (Security) [IAF(S)]} Trade will be held at Diesel Loco Modernisation Workshop (DMW) Stadium, Patiala, Punjab as per the Selection Programme given below.

The Recruitment Test shall be conducted from 6 AM onwards as per the details given below. Candidates (from designated districts of State of Punjab) fulfilling the domicile requirements and eligibility conditions reporting up to 10 AM on 02 October 18 and 04 October 2018 at Diesel Loco Modernisation Workshop (DMW) Stadium, Patiala, Punjab (Rally venue) shall only be permitted to appear in the Recruitment Test.Indian Air Force Rally

Date of Birth Block:  Candidates born between 14 July 1998 and 26 June 2002 (both days inclusive) are eligible to appear in the Recruitment Rally.

Educational Qualification: Candidate should have Passed Intermediate / 10+2 / Equivalent Examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and English with 50% marks.

Domicile Requirement: To be eligible to appear in the rally at Diesel Loco Modernisation Workshop (DMW) Stadium, Patiala, Punjab, the candidates shall be required to satisfy the following conditions:
(a) The School / College / Institute from where candidates have passed the qualifying examination should be within the geographical / administrative limits of designated Districts (as specified in Paragraph 2 above) of State of Punjab. If the name of District is not mentioned with the name of Institution in the certificate / marks sheet of qualifying examination, the candidates shall produce ‘Domicile Certificate’ issued by SDM/Tehsildar (having powers of SDM) or any official authorized by the state Government of Punjab or Government of Union Territory of Chandigarh.
(b) Permanent Domicile of designated districts (as specified in Paragraph 2 above) of State of Punjab who have passed the qualifying examination from anywhere in India shall produce the Domicile Certificate prior to commencement of examination from appropriate authority as given in the notification.
(c) Sons of serving Air Force personnel {Officer/Airmen/NCs(E) and Unit cadre Civilians paid from Defence Estimates} whose father/mother is presently serving in any Air Force Unit/any other Organisation located in the designated Districts (as specified in Paragraph 2 above) of State of Punjab irrespective of their domicile status, shall be permitted to appear in the rally subject to production of latest SOAFP (Son of Air Force Personnel) Certificate (format available at CASB site on AFNET).
(d) Sons of Air Force personnel {Officers/Airmen/NCs(E) and Unit Cadre Civilians paid from Defence Estimates} whose father/mother is Retired/Discharged/Deceased and they are residing in the designated Districts (as specified in Paragraph 2 above) of State of Punjab shall be permitted to appear in the rally subject to production of proof of minimum stay of one year along with original and photocopy of Service Book/Discharge Book/Casualty Service Certificate/Service Particular Certificate (issued from DPO-3/DAV, as applicable) in case of Officers/Airmen/NCs(E) and a Certificate duly signed by OIC Civil Admin and countersigned by CO/C Adm O of the last served unit, in case of Civilians.

Current Affairs eBooks

Medical Standards:
(i) Chest: Minimum range of expansion: 5 cm
(ii) Weight: Proportionate to height and age.
(iii) Corneal Surgery (PRK/LASIK) not acceptable.
(iv) Hearing: Candidate should have normal hearing i.e. able to hear forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters with each ear separately.
(v) Dental: Should have healthy gums, good set of teeth and minimum 14 dental points.
(vi) Health: Candidate should be of normal anatomy without loss of any appendages. He should be free from any active or latent, acute or chronic, medical or surgical disability or infection and skin ailments. Candidate must be physically and mentally FIT to perform duty in any part of the world, in any climate and terrain.

IAF airmen height weight security
Height, Leg Length, Visual Standards and Colour Vision

Body Tattoo : Permanent body tattoos are not permitted, however tattoos only on inner face of the fore arms (inside of elbow to the wrist), back (dorsal) part of the hand/reverse side of palm and Tribals with tattoos which are as per custom and traditions of their tribes may be considered. However, right to decide on acceptability/unacceptability of the individual shall rest with the Selection Centre. Candidates with permanent body tattoos shall submit two photographs (close up and distant view) with details of size and type of the Tattoo.

Pay & Allowances: During training, a stipend of Rs. 14,600/- per month will be paid. On completion of training the starting gross emoluments at the minimum of scale of pay including Military Service Pay (MSP) will be Rs. 26,900/- per month plus Dearness allowance (as applicable) which, in subsequent years, may rise as per the career progression of the individual.  Special Force (SF) Allowance {IAF(S)} @ Rs. 17,300/- per month on completion of training will be applicable to Indian Air Force (Security) Trade. 

Perks:  Perks such as Ration, Clothing, Medical facilities, Accommodation, CSD (Canteen) facilities, Leave (60 days Annual and 30 days Casual in a Calendar year as a privilege, subject to service exigencies), Recreational facilities, Transport for school going children and Leave Travel Concession (LTC) are also provided as per the existing rules. Group Insurance Cover of Rs. 37.5 Lakhs at a premium of Rs. 2300/- per month for all airmen and facility of Group Housing Scheme are also extended.

IAF Airmen Examination Special Forces Garud Commando:

Group ‘Y’ (Non-Technical) IAF (Security) Trade

Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
(i) 1.6 Km run – within 5 minutes 40 seconds: The Candidate is to run 1.6 Kms on a marked course, within timings.
(ii) Chin up – minimum 08: The Candidate is to hang from a bar with under-grip and pull his body upwards till the chin clears the bar. He is to lower the body until the elbows are completely straight and the body is in the ‘dead hanging’ position.
(iii) Push-ups (plank type) – minimum 20 : The candidate is to place his palms flat on the ground directly underneath the shoulders with the elbows straight and locked. The body is to be straight and inclined to the ground with the body weight supported by the hands and the toes. The body is to be maintained straight when being lowered with only the elbows bent. The chest is to remain off the floor in the lower most position.
(iv) Bent Knee Sit Ups – minimum 20 : The candidate is to lie down flat on his back with fingers interlocked behind the head, with knees bent in a comfortable position. A partner is to stand on the candidate toes to prevent them from lifting. The candidate is to sit up to a vertical position touching the knees with his forehead and return to the starting position. Candidates are advised to bring their sports shoes and shorts/track pant.

Written Test: All candidates who qualify PFT will have to undertake Written Test on the same or subsequent day depending on the local conditions. The Written Test will be objective type and question paper will be bilingual (English & Hindi) except for English paper. Answers are to be annotated on OMR sheet. Detailed procedure shall be explained before conduct of the examination. Duration of the written test will be 45 minutes and will comprise of English as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA). CANDIDATES ARE TO QUALIFY IN EACH PAPER SEPARATELY. Results of the written test will be declared on the same day.

Adaptability Test-1:  All candidates who pass the Written Test will have to undertake Adaptability Test-1 on the same or subsequent day depending on the local conditions. Adaptability Test – 1 is to assess suitability of a candidate for employment in the IAF which involves deployment in varied geographic terrain, weather and operational conditions.

Adaptability Test-2:  All candidates who pass Adaptability Test-1 will have to undertake Adaptability Test-2 as per policy in vogue. Adaptability Test-2 is to select candidates who can adapt to the environment of Indian Air Force and are able to adjust to the military way of life.

Dynamic Factor Test (DFT): All candidates who pass Adaptability Test-II will have to undertake Dynamic Factor Test to assess the required qualities to function as IAF(Security) in Indian Air Force.

Medical Examination: Candidates who qualify Adaptability Test-2 shall be medically examined in the month of January 2019 at SMC Air Force Station Ambala / 9 Air Force Hospital Halwara. Medical Examination shall be conducted by Air Force Medical Team as per IAF medical standards and existing policy in vogue. Medical Examination would also include Baseline Investigation of: –
(a) Blood Haemogram – Hb, TLC, DLC (b) Urine RE/ME (c) Biochemistry:-(i) Blood Sugar Fasting & PP (ii) Serum Cholesterol (iii) Urea, Uric acid, Creatinine (iv) LFT- Serum Bilurubin, SGOT, SGPT (d) X- Ray chest (PA view) (e) ECG (R) Candidates declared Medically Unfit can avail the option for Appeal Medical Board (AMB) against their Unfitness by depositing Rs. 40/- in a Government Treasury/RBI/SBI through Military Receivable Order (MRO). The application for AMB along with original copy of MRO, photocopy of Unfitness Certificate are to be submitted to the representative of 1 ASC, AF within three working days of Medical examination. AMB Centre will be SMC Air Force Station Chandigarh.

Read Official Notification

Pakistani Forces Mutilated BSF Jawan With Throat Slit, Eyes Gouged Out

BSF Head Constable Narender Kumar

A Border Security Force jawan on Tuesday had his throat slit and eyes gouged out by Pakistani troops along the international border near Jammu. Official sources said the body of Head Constable Narender Kumar also bore three bullet wounds and it could only be retrieved from a spot ahead of the Indo-Pak fence after over six hours as the Pakistani side “did not respond” to the calls to maintain the sanctity of the frontier and ensure that the BSF search parties were not fired upon.

The Pakistan Rangers, the sources said, were asked to take part in a joint patrolling to trace the missing jawan, but they only came up to a point and cited waterlogging issues in the area that prevented them from undertaking a coordinated action. The BSF then waited for the sun to set and launched a “risky operation” to bring the jawan’s body back to the post. Officials in the security establishment said the incident of brutality with the jawan, probably a first at the IB, was taken “very seriously” by the government and the Ministry of External Affairs and the Director General of Military Operations (DGMO) were also expected to take up the issue with their Pakistani counterparts.BSF Head Constable Narender Kumar

A “high alert” has been issued across the entire IB and the Line of Control (LoC) in the wake of the brutal and “unprecedented” incident that took place in the Ramgarh sector.

The Border Security Force has lodged a strong complaint with its counterparts — the Pakistan Rangers.

(With PTI inputs)

AFSB Interview Dates – AFCAT 2 2018


AFCAT 2 2018 was held on 18th and 19th Aug 2018 at various online exam centres and soon it will be conducted for Kerala Centres. To check your AFCAT 2 2018 written exam result, candidates can login to AFCAT CDAC website with their correct ID and Password, currently the AFCAT 2 2018 exam cut off is not visible and candidates can only see their pass and fail status.
Prepare for your AFSB Interview with best books


Official Statements:

  • Call Letter for NCC SPECIAL ENTRY (02/2018) for courses commencing Jul 2019 is available for download. Candidates may download their call letter by login into their account.
  • The afsb seats have been allotted to met 02/2018 candidates. Candidates may login into their account to download their call letters. The met batches will start from 08 oct 2018.
  • Dear candidates, the results for AFCAT 02/18 were declared on 07 Sep 18, however the individual marks and cutoff was not shared. The same was not done as the AFCAT exam could not be conducted for Kerala students due to floods. The exams for the candidates of Kerala are planned on 22-23 Sep 18. The marks for all candidates and cutoff marks would be shared with all, once the exam at Kerala is over. This has been done to give equal opportunity to all candidates. Expect the individual marks and cutoff to be shared by 01 Oct 18.AFSB Interview Date

All the successful candidates can select the AFSB venue and AFSB interview date, once done, they are required to download the AFSB interview call letter from the same portal for AFCAT 2 2018. Candidates are suggested to choose the correct date and venue as per their convenience. AFSB interview dates selection for AFCAT 2 2018 is active.


afsb date selection

AFCAT 2 2018 AFSB/SSB Interview Date Selection:

  • Candidates who have cleared the written exam successfully can select their AFSB venue and interview date once the option is active. The selection of date and venue will be based on first come first serve basis, every date will have limited number of slots i.e. fixed number of candidates can select a particular date, the allocation will be based on first come first serve.
  • Choose your AFSB interview date and venue wisely, once selected, it will be difficult for you to change it. Make sure you also check for traveling arrangements before opting for a particular venue and SSB date.
  • If you are failed to select an AFSB venue and date before the given time, you will alloted the same randomly.

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How to select AFSB interview date and venue

  • Got to AFCAT CDAC website.
  • Click on candidates login.
  • Enter your login details
  • Click on Result and AFSB Selection.
  • You will see the available dates and AFSB venue with the number of slots available.
  • Make sure you read the instructions on the screen before selecting a date.
  • You might face issues while applying, you can keep trying till you get the date.


  • Only available AFSB details based on your category and availability are displayed here.
  • It is suggested to candidates who have given choice of flying branch should select Dehradun, Mysore, and Varanasi as their first preference if available and last preference Gandhinagar.
  • Please refresh the page or table for fresh AFSB seat availability.
  • AFSB Interview call letter will be available for download after you select the date and venue successfully.

ssb interview book
Best SSB Interview Book

Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best Psych Book –>  Breaking The Code of SSB Psych
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best NDA Book –> Let’s Crack NDA
Best CDS Book –> Let’s Crack CDS
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT

Got Recommended In 9th Attempt For Air Force

AFSB Interview Candidate

Hello everyone. I am Gaurav Singh. Basically, I am from Auraiya district in UP but currently living in New Delhi. I have done my B.tech in EE from KNIT Sultanpur ( 2015 pass out ). To join forces was always my childhood dream. But after 12th I got crazy for the IIT so didn’t even applied for NDA. I feel it was the biggest mistake of my life. But fortunately, that childhood dream got wings during my college days where I again started thinking to appear in SSB. Recently I got recommended from 4 AFSB Varanasi for AFCAT 1 2018 Entry {AE(L), ADM, LGS}. Overall it was my 9th attempt. First attempt was in 2016 at AFSB Dehradun where I got conference out. After that, I went to Gandhinagar Allahabad Bhopal Varanasi for AFCAT and CDS entries where I got conference out 4 times and screened out 4 times.
SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]

Recently I had my SSB on 20th August at AFSB Varanasi. I reached on 18th at one of my friends in IIT BHU. Next day I went to write AFCAT 2 2018. Finally, on 20th morning, I reached Varanasi Cantt station. There was a huge gathering as usual. 172 candidates reported in which 74 got screened in. For screening, in my opinion apart from OIR and GD, the narration is the key part. Do bold, crisp and confident narration within the given time. After screening, I got chest no. 65. There were 10 candidates in my group. After some documents verification and 2 hours break, there were psychological tests from 6 to 9 PM. I wrote simple stories in TAT. Some related to current events like Kerala flood, the insurgency in J&K. I did 59 WAT and 54 SRTs. In WAT, try to write small sentences because they don’t even give 15 seconds to write it. In SRTs, although quality matters more than quantity but tries to write as much as possible. The reason is you would present more content to showcase your OLQs to the psychologist. SD was previously prepared so I wrote it within 10 minutes and gave extra time to correct incomplete words in WAT. Next day I had nothing to do. No interview No GT. I enjoyed the sports facilities available there like TT, Billiards, Pool, Volleyball. I used to enjoy every game although only Cricket is my cup of tea. But SSB is the only place where u got the chance to learn new games free of cost ?. Next day I had my interview with one serious Sardar Ji. He didn’t ask any rapid fire questions. My interview was totally one to one question answer. He started the interview by asking me at which number I played in my college cricket team and why I didn’t play at number 1 as an opener. He argued with me on this for about 6-7 minutes. Then he asked normal family Friends teachers related questions where u should answer by having PIQ and SD in back of your mind. Later he asked Various questions of GK related to the south China Sea, North-South Korea, Indian Airforce, it’s participation in various Wars and operations, questions related to President of India and his hometown & education etc. I answered many of them and where I didn’t know answers, I said Sorry sir, I don’t know. Never try to guess random answers. It gives a very negative impact. Always be specific.

On day 4, we had our GT first round. I gave various points in GD. Always be polite and calm in GD. Don’t try to dominate the group. In GPE, it was all chaos. I wrote the solution in a priority wise. In PGT whole group performed well. It was my first SSB where my group reached till the finish line of the last obstacle. I gave many workable ideas during PGT. Try to use every helping material. Every structure has 2-3 ways to cross it. Try to find those solutions. In HGT, only I gave an idea to cross obstacle and the group accepted that idea. The lecture was normal. Always be highly active during snake race. GTO always have eyes on every Candidate.AFSB Interview Candidate

On day 5, initially, we had remaining GT. In command task, he asked me to stand on a structure inside a circle and to find solutions to come out of the circle. He increased the difficulty level but I gave solutions every time quickly. I did 9 individual obstacles and also gave idea in FGT. After GT, most of the group members were saying that I performed very good in GT. But I was not confident of recommendation because my interview didn’t go very good. Even I performed better in my earlier interviews in other SSBs.

During the conference, I waited for around 20 minutes outside the conference hall. After 20 minutes, 4-5 officers came out and went here and there for washroom etc. I was shocked as I felt that since last 20 minutes they were taking a break and now they will start discussing me. Anyway, bell rings. I went inside. Board President asked me about the place Hauz Khas in Delhi where I used to live. He asked why it is famous. Which monument is famous. The first idea came to my mind about Hauz Khas village ( Night Club and Pub area ?? ) but I told him about some Delhi Sultanate era. After that, he asked me to leave. My conference hardly went for 40 seconds.

Finally DSO came to announce results. He started by telling stories of Abdul kalam, Amitabh bacchan of their SSB failure. I was bored of listening to these stories again and again in every SSB. It always gives the feeling of rejection . Finally, he announced results. Chest no. 42, chest no. 45 and last but not the least chest no. 65. Friends, it was the moment which I can’t express here in words. I was on seven heaven. Everybody was clapping. My group mates were cheering. I was rechecking my chest number to reassure that It is not mistaken. Finally, DSO congratulated us and left. Later, in 2-3  hours documentation finished. And then I left for IIT BHU again but this time IAF officer’s Gypsy dropped me at station.

On 10th September I had my medical at AFCME Delhi in which I got declared medically fit. It was wonderful stay at Camero Officer’s mess. Enjoyed a lot with new friends. I want to thank my family and parents who always supported me. I also want to thank many friends including Flt Cadet Manas Ranjan, Capt Harshit, GC Rajveer, Chetan, Amit Lambu, Mahima, Saurabh, Anish, Abhishek and of course SSBCrack who always motivated and supported me during this journey. Thank you. Jai Hind.

ssb interview book
Best SSB Interview Book

Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best Psych Book –>  Breaking The Code of SSB Psych
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best NDA Book –> Let’s Crack NDA
Best CDS Book –> Let’s Crack CDS
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT

Decoded: 3 Days De Novo Selection Process and Tests

3 Days De Novo Selection Process and Tests

Indian armed forces are trying out a new system of officer selection to bring the selection process in tune with the changing job requirement of a modern military officer while allowing them to better assess the newer generation of aspirants. The new selection system once approved, will be implemented from 2019. It is being called as “De Novo Selection Process” which means, ‘A Fresh/New Approach to Selection Process’.
SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]

The Need for New Selection System:

The existing Services Selection Board (SSB), in vogue since 1948, is a five-day long process for officer selection which includes an interview, group testing and psychological testing of the aspirants. Candidates who are called for the SSB without having passed a UPSC written exam are administered a screening test on the first day. Qualifying on the screening test is mandatory for the candidates to take further tests.

Formal education is not as important for a military officer of the future as the ability to adapt, learn, unlearn and relearn repeatedly and comprehensively. It is about the modern mind, not the traditional mindset. The new ‘De Novo Selection System’, which has been designed by DRDO’s Defence Institute of Psychological Research (DIPR) lab over five years, will accomplish the SSB testing in three days.

In the existing system, there is nothing wrong ‘per-se’, except that it takes longer and maybe we can speed it up. Some of the suggestions which have been gathering dust at the Army HQ include the following:

  1. Have the screening done online (similar to GRE etc). Can be done once a quarter, with an individual getting three chances.
  2. Get the Psych tests done online too as the Psychologist never meets any candidate.
  3. Call the individuals who clear screening and Psyche Tests for GTO, Interview and Conference.

This will cut down the time by half. There are also other ways to reduce time further, but it should not be reduced to less than 2½ days. Hence, the process is 3 days long.

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The Process:

The new system is being trialed at an SSB at Bangalore for two years, running in parallel with the existing tests. The aspirants who are regular readers of SSBCrack and who were there and witnessed the tests in Bangalore and Bhopal, gave us an insight of the testing process of De Novo Selection System.

The test will be held in two stages – Stage 1 and Stage 2 as similar to the current process.

The Stage 1 testing will be a screening test which will be held near a candidate’s home at a specified test centre, just like the regular CETs. After the completion of stage 1 and selection, the candidates will be called for stage 2 at any of the existing selection centres.

Stage 2 selection will have three testing techniques, namely Interview, Psych and GTO. However, the procedure is a little different.


Day 1:

In Psychological Tests, TAT is replaced by SAT or Situation Apperception Test. It is same as TAT – you will be shown a picture and you have to write a story based on it in 4 minutes. However, the number of pictures is reduced to 9 instead of 12. It is followed by a new procedure of WAT in which there will only be 45 words displayed. It will be followed by 2 sets of SRTs – SAT(A) and SAT(V). Situation Assessment Test (Affect) and Situation Assessment Test (Values) are two tests that replace SRT. There are 36 + 18 situations in total for the two tests. There is no SDT for the new selection procedure.

Day 2:

In the GTO series, there are 2 rounds of GD, followed by a GPE, being called as Combined Situation Planning (CSP). It is followed by Outdoor Task Execution 1 (OTE 1) which resembles PGT and OTE 2 which resembles HGT. It is then followed by a mix of IO and GOR which is called Combined Obstacle Course (COC). Finally, the test culminates with a Leadership Situation (LS) that resembles Command Task. There is no Lecturette and FPGT in De Novo process.


Interview is held on either day 1 or day 2 after the completion of the test of the day. The interview is similar to the current process with just minor changes.

Day 3:

The final day of the De Novo process is a final board conference where the findings of IO, GTO and Psych will be discovered and based on that candidate will be recommended or not.


The De Novo Selection System is likely to be implemented at all SSBs in 2019. By reducing the period of SSB testing to three days, the new system will also help in making up for shortages by allowing a greater number of candidates to be tested.

9 Things You Need To Know About New 3 Day SSB Interview Procedure

ssb interview book
Best SSB Interview Book

Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best Psych Book –>  Breaking The Code of SSB Psych
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best NDA Book –> Let’s Crack NDA
Best CDS Book –> Let’s Crack CDS
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT

Recommended For Indian Military Academy From 22 SSB Bhopal

Recommended IMA

We often wonder what is special about the candidates who get selected in SSB interview. Success sure is something we all want, and it is quite natural to look upon somebody who has attained it. So, I Indrajeet Sachin from Munger, Bihar recommended for IMA-146 course from 22 SSB Bhopal through this article want to share my experience of SSB how I  got successful in the toughest interview of India. It’s very truly said that success belongs to those who actually strive for it. And these words truly depict their meaning in my case. How the failure in one SSB completely transformed me which later on gave me the chance to live my life’s dream.
SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]

My first experience of SSB was at 21 SSB  Bhopal for IMA-145 entry. I had been selected for appearing at SSB after clearing my UPSC CDS Exam. I gave my best at the SSB but unfortunately, I did not get recommended then.

“Some goals are so worthy that it’s even glorious to fail” I actually felt this. It is very rightly said that it requires a lot of effort and sheer dedication to get through in SSB. Although I was not selected but the entire experience of the SSB helped me a lot. And before I forget I would like to mention the efforts of my bhaiya Lt.Colonel Kumar Nisant and Fuferi Bhabhi Major Shivani who played a significant role in motivating me and gave in their all to guide me.

The life turning moment came when I cleared the UPSC CDS Exam for the second time and was selected to appear for the SSB once again. This time it was 22 SSB Bhopal. Although the selection center was the same but the thing which was not the same was my perspective. This time attitude was different, the determination was more firm and confidence was running through my veins.“Perseverance always helps” as said by someone and I have seen it come true.

Now comes the whole of my SSB journey:

Psychology Test

I had chosen my SSB dates such that I had almost a month’s time for preparation in which I practiced lots of TAT, WAT, SRT which helped me a lot over there. I wrote all the 12 stories more or less projecting my qualities through the protagonist. In WAT I somehow managed to write 59 sentences. In SRT I could only do 48. Self-description is a very important part and needs to be written with full honesty and I can say being honest and true is always fruitful.


Right after my Psychology test, I was scheduled for my interview and I was going to be interviewed by the Commandant of the SSB himself. I kept myself composed. The interview went really smooth. Apart from few questions that were related to GK which I was not able to give I answered rest of the questions very confidently with full honesty. This time I could really feel the difference in my answers so I can say my interview went amazingly good.SSB Interview IMA


Since my group was very helpful and cooperative all the group tasks like PGT, HGT, GOR, FGT went really well. Lecturette part was also good as I was able to give a good lecture.I did 11 Individual Obstacles and the best part was the Command Task which I finished very fast and that too from three different sides. I can say I was feeling very much confident after the GTO tasks were over. I had given everything in each and every task with full dedication.


I was nervous as to what would happen. The only thought that was revolving in my mind was that this day can change my entire life and that what really happened.

On my turn, I went inside the conference hall. They asked me about my thoughts about my performance including some hard and rigid questions of science. At last, they asked me about my stay at SSB and my suggestion before wishing me good luck.


One of our Psychologist declared the result after giving the closing address. And I can say what a moment it was when my chest number was called out. I really could not believe it, but it was the reality. I had made it to the recommendation. The dream that was knitted when I was hardly 8 years old when I used to see my Fufa Colonel Kunwar Singh and the army life which motivated me to take up this service as my career, I could actually see it being converted to reality.

A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work…One needs to realise this so as to succeed in SSB as every champion was once a contender who refused to give up. At last I would like to extend my deepest regards to God,my Parents, ,my relatives and specially my Grandfather Advocate Godhan Prasad Singh and to each and everyone who was always by my side during the prepration and its the combined efforts of them that today I have made it to the one of the most coveted services of India.


ssb interview book
Best SSB Interview Book

Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best Psych Book –>  Breaking The Code of SSB Psych
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best NDA Book –> Let’s Crack NDA
Best CDS Book –> Let’s Crack CDS
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT

Recommended for NDA In My 1st SSB Attempt (Flying branch)


Like every other defence aspirant I used to read all the success stories of recommended candidates. It might seem exaggerated but SSBCrack was the only reason for me being on Instagram. As, along with dedication and practice, motivation is the strength which helps you get along all the ups & downs of your journey and SSBCrack kept me motivated. This is going to be a very long post as I’ve been waiting since the very beginning of my NDA preparations for this one post. Before sharing my experience let me give you my brief introduction. I am Shubham Chaudhari from Pune recommended for NDA-Air force (Flying branch) in my 1st SSB attempt.
SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]

It was obvious being an Army brat to have a deep interest in serving the Indian Armed Forces. My father Sub Ramakant Chaudhari has been the biggest source of motivation to me. He served in the 1st Para Special Forces and was a part of multiple major operations. He spent countless hours working together with the gallant officers such as Maj. Mohit Sharma,Maj. Sandeep Unnikrishnan, Maj. Udai Singh, Capt. R Subramanian to name a few. My father himself was wounded by a bullet in Operation Dumblor (which was a part of Op. Rakshak) in Tral Sector of Pulwama district. He also served as an NSG commando. Hence, I was raised in an environment which fostered my interest towards the armed forces.

Starting with my SSB experience, I received 1 AFSB, Dehradun as my SSB centre and I left from Pune on 3rd Aug 2018 accompanied by my father (who retired from service on 31st July 2018). I reached Ambala Cantt on 5th August early morning. From there we left for Nahan, Himachal Pradesh which is home to 1st Para SF, a place which holds major part of my childhood memories. We met all of my father’s colleagues. We spent a day there & reached Dehradun on 5th August at 2100 hours. It was raining heavily and somehow we managed to get a room. The next morning, I got up early and reached to see a total of 266 candidates all dressed up neatly at Dehradun MCO. Buses from the centre arrived to pick us up.We were served complimentary breakfast after headcount, brief document check  &  general instructions were announced. We were then allotted Chest numbers and soon the testing started.

DAY-1 (Screening & Psychological Tests)

After briefing the candidates about the OIR test the officer announced the commencement of test. The OIR Test comprises of 2 booklets having 50 questions each and the allotted time for each booklet is 30 mins (though the time given was less than 30 mins). I managed to completely solve both the booklets.

We then moved to ‘ ALAKNANDA Hall ‘ for Picture Perception & Description Test (PPDT). A very hazy picture was shown to us & we were asked to frame a story within 4 minutes with proper description of the characters. Followed by a Group Discussion (GD) in groups of 15 to narrate and discuss our stories to come to a common conclusion (Coming to a conclusion was quite difficult as each member of the group had a completely different perception of the picture).

After lunch, the results were announced and 109 candidates out of 266 were screened in. Then we all went through a very long document verification process, we all also handed over our phones. We were then asked to move our luggage to the allotted rooms. Where we rested for an hour and were asked to assemble for Psychological Testing. We were done with the Psychological Tests by 2300 hours ( I managed to complete 48 WATs,58 SRTs, all 12 TATs, and the SDT). We were then made to fill 2 PIQ forms. 

We had our dinner at 2330 hours and with this Day 1 came to a satisfactory end.NDA SSB Candidates


Being in the 1st  group of candidates to be interviewed, we were asked to assemble in the Anteroom at sharp 0700 hours. In order to ensure I’m not late and everything is ready including my documents, I decided to skip my Breakfast for that day. Around 1000 hours my chest number flashed on the screen and I headed with my documents towards the Interview Room. My Interview with the Interviewing Officer lasted for an hour. He asked me questions from all walks of life. The questions were majorly based on what I’ve mentioned in Personal Information Questionnaire (PIQ ) form.Apart from that ample amount of questions from current affairs, General Awareness and Defence were asked. This was the gist of my Day 2 and I’d say that I left the Interview room with a sense of contentment.

We then spent the rest of the day binge-watching movies in the TV Room and playing Pool and Table Tennis.


DAY-3 (Group Testing)

Day 3 caused a stir among all my group members as we were to undergo our GTO tasks today. We all got up early & were ready on time ensuring all the details are followed meticulously. We were then taken to a room where our Group Testing Officer(GTO) briefed us about the schedule of all the tasks. The testing started with Group Discussion (GDs) followed by GPE. Each and every member of the group was there to speak and not to listen. In such a scenario it is of utmost importance that you calmly prepare a strategy & don’t let the group members deviate from the common goal.

Then we were taken to the Group Testing Area for Outdoor Tasks. First was Progressive Group Task (PGT) followed by all the remaining tasks Half Group Task(HGT), Command Task(CT), Lecturette, Full Group Task (FGT), etc. I ensured that I actively participated in each and every move of the group and made sure that no one is left behind. I gave valuable inputs throughout the testing which were appreciated by all. And thus we managed to cross all the obstacles and performed really well as a group. I was called as a subordinate 4 times by my group members during the Command Task. At the time of my Command Task the GTO kept increasing the intensity of the obstacles and asked me to come up with alternate solutions. But I managed to complete the task in time. By 1500 hours our group was done with the testing and we all were free for the day.

In the evening we were asked to assemble in front of the Auditorium. We were then showed the NDA documentary “My Life, My Flag” which was indeed one of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen on NDA.

Book for SSB Interview Psychology Tests
Limited Copies – Get It Now


No testing was to be done for our group on this day. In the evening a trip to Indian Military Academy (IMA) was scheduled for all the candidates. We were highly delighted to see the picturesque beauty of IMA. We saw the IMA war memorial, Capt Vikram Batra Mess, Salaria Aquatic Centre, etc. The sight of the well dressed GCs made us long to be there someday.

 DAY-5 ( Conference )

Then comes the D-DAY. We all dressed up wearing our best set of formals. After having Breakfast we were all made to sit in the Alaknanda Hall. When it was my chance to enter the conference hall, I was made to wait for a good 8-10 mins and then I was asked to enter the hall. I took a deep breath and entered the room and to my astonishment I saw around 25-30 Air Force Personnel dressed up in their uniforms, sitting in a semi-circular arrangement. The panel comprised of IOs, GTOs, Psychologists, Deputy President, and the President.   

The Deputy President then asked me to take my seat. I greeted them and the conference began. The Conference went on for 4-5 mins. They asked my opinions on various adages. They then asked me about my stay and also asked for suggestions. They then wished me luck and my Conference was over.

After Lunch, results were announced and out of 109 candidates, only 8 got recommended. I never realized, it would take another 5-6 hours to fill out/. the forms after getting recommended. At 2000 hours we were finally free.


1st Test ( Cognitive Abilities )

All the recommended candidates were to undergo CPSS (Computerised Pilot Selection System) today. We all were asked to assemble in front of APJ Abdul Kalam Azad CPSS Hall. The test had 2 parts. The 1st part was an MCQ test. Out of 9 (1 candidate from another center) of us, only 4 managed to clear 1st stage, I being one of them.

 2nd Test (PSYCHOMOTOR Testing)

After the 1st test, we were made to sit in a CPSS machine which is like a cockpit with a joystick, pedal and a  lever ( like in an aircraft) with a screen in front of us. We were then made to play a number of games and the combined score is then calculated.

After the tests, the 4 of us were eagerly waiting for the results since one can give CPSS only once in the lifetime. The CPSS Testing Officer then announced the results saying only 1 out of 4 has cleared the CPSS examination. He walked towards me, shook hands with me and said “Enjoy Flying”.

Since I was the only one selected for Air Force I was asked to report at AFCME, Delhi the next day while my friends were asked to reach Bhopal on a later date for their medicals.

My medicals went on for 8 days and I was declared fit for all the three services. And thus the journey came to an end. A journey which gave me memories that I’ll cherish for the rest of my life,a memory which in hard times will make me realise that YES! I have it in me J


“Be Natural, be positive and be a team player”

Your personality as depicted by the Psychologist, the GTO and what you tell about yourself to the IO should be consistent. Thus, any mismatch may mean rejection. So, be what you are. If you have any weakness or negative point, don’t hesitate to mention it. And don’t ever try to fake during the SSB, the selection process is so exhaustive that they’ll surely dig the real YOU out.


ssb interview book
Best SSB Interview Book

Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best Psych Book –>  Breaking The Code of SSB Psych
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best NDA Book –> Let’s Crack NDA
Best CDS Book –> Let’s Crack CDS
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT

Indian AirForce Airmen Cut Off Marks Group X & Y 2019

Indian Air Force Airmen Cut Off

Indian Air Force Airman Result Group X & Y 2020 PDF: Indian Air Force official website for airmen airmenselection.cdac.in CASB has published the list of the successful candidates for the PHASE -1 written exam conducted for the Airmen Group X and Group Y exam for the  Intake 01/2020 on 10th March to 14 March 2019. The exam was held online by CDAC across many online test center and on 09 April 2019 Indian Air Force Group X and Y Result 2020 result was declared. Around 13000+ candidates were able to clear the airmen exam phase 1 for group X and group Y. Successful candidates can check the Indian Airforce Airmen 2020 cut off marks and download the admit card for Phase- 2 testing from the official website by login at airmenselection.cdac.in.


IAF Airmen1 2020 STAR Online Exam Cut Off Marks

air force airmen cut off 2020Airmen STAR 2020 cut off marks

Indian Air Force Airman Result Group X & Y 2020 [Updated]

  • Around 13000+ candidates have cleared the Phase -1 online exam of Indian Air Force Airman Group X & Y 2020. Total 600000+ Candidates have registered for the same exam.
  • List of candidates who are shortlisted for Phase II testing are mentioned below. Candidates are to download the Admit Card uploaded on their Individual login from website www.airmenselection.cdac.in and are to adhere to Instructions provided therein. They are to carry the Admit Card for Phase II and Instructions provided along with them while arriving for Phase II testing.
  • Check IAF Airman Result Group X & Y 2020 – Click Here 
  • List of selected candidates for Phase-2 testing – Click Here
  • Download Phase II Admit Card – Click Here



Indian Air force Group X and Y online exam was conducted from 13 September 2018 to 16 September 2018.  Indian Air Force group X and Y was registered through an ONLINE application for selection test from 13 September 2018 to 16 September 2018 to join as Airmen in Group „X‟ Trades (except Education Instructor Trade) and Group „Y‟ {Except Automobile Technician, GTI, IAF (P), IAF(S) and Musician} Trades for the course commencing in July 2019.

STAR : 01/2018 Group ‘X’ (Tech) PSL NOT IN PSL
Group ‘Y’ {Except Auto Tech, GTI, IAF(P), IAF(S) & Musician} PSL NOT IN PSL
Jan – Jun 18 (Rallies) Group ‘Y’ (Med Asst) PSL
Group ‘Y’ { IAF(S) } PSL NOT IN PSL
UPDATE 9 Oct 2018Result of Indian Airforce airmen online STAR 2/2018 has been uploaded at airmenselection.cdac.in candidates can login and check their results and cut off marks. Phase 2 Admit card for candidates cleared the written exam will be available in their login under view result. Registration no. And group qualified in respect of candidates shortlisted for phase-ii testing is available under candidates tab.
  • The website might not work properly due to heavy traffic, candidates are suggested to check airmen result on the official website once it is back.

Indian Air Force Group X & Y  Cut Off Airman

Since Indian Air Force doesn’t disclose the marks of written examination earlier and the cutoff marks of the subsequent exams ( AT 1 , AT2 ) it is difficult to decide the cutoff marks for getting in the Indian Air Force Group X & Y merit. For the second time Indian Air force group X and Y exam was conducted online and below you can find the cut off marks for the STAR 1 2018 and STAR 2 2018 below.

Indian Air Force Group X & Group Y Airmen Cut off Marks/Merit List:-

IAF Airmen Exam Important Dates
STAR 2 2018 exam date 13 to 16 Sep 2018
STAR 2 2018 Result Date 09 Oct 2018
STAR 2 2018 Final List 30 April 2019

Indian Airforce Airmen Cut Off

Indian Air Force Airman Cut Off Marks Group X & Y 2019 Expected Cut off Marks & Minimum Qualifying Marks for IAF Group X & Group Y Post Exam. IAF Airmen Expected Cut Off Marks/ Merit List will be available shortly after Conducting Exam & Based on the Level of the Exam. Indian Air Force Group X & Group Y Marks and cut off marks will be published on https://airmenselection.cdac.in

Indian Air Force Airman Cut Off Marks Group X & Y 2019- Official

Minimum Pass Criteria 10 10 10 15
MAX 20 25 25 NA 70
CUT OFF NA NA NA NA 27.75 Pass/Fail
MAX 20 NA NA 30 50
CUT OFF NA NA NA NA 32.75 Pass/Fail

Indian Air Force Airman Cut Off Marks Group X & Y 2018 – Last Cut Off

Minimum Pass Criteria 10 10 10 15
MAX 20 25 25 NA 70
CUT OFF NA NA NA NA 38 Pass/Fail
MAX 20 NA NA 30 50
CUT OFF NA NA NA NA 36 Pass/Fail

Indian Air Force Airman Cut Off

Indian Air Force Airman Cut Off

Indian Air Force Group X & Y Selection Process:-

  • Written Test
  • Document Verification
  • Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
  • Adaptation Test-1
  • Adaptation Test-2
  • Medical Examination

Indian Air Force Group X & Y Date of Birth Block
(a) Candidate born between 13 January 1998 and 02 January 2002 (both days inclusive) are eligible to apply.
(b) In case, a candidate clears all the stages of the Selection Procedure, then the upper age limit as on date of enrolment is 21 years.

Indian Air Force Group X & Y Educational Qualification
(a) Group „X‟ (Except Education Instructor Trade).
(i) Passed Intermediate/10+2/ Equivalent examination with Mathematics, Physics and English with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.
(ii) Passed Three years Diploma Course in Engineering in any stream, as mentioned in the drop down menu of apply online section under candidate‟s login on the CASB web portal www.airmenselection.cdac.in. The candidate should have completed the course from a Government recognized Polytechnic institute with 50% marks in aggregate and 50 % marks in English in diploma or in Intermedidate/Marticulation, if English is not subject in Diploma Course.

Group „Y‟ {Except Automobile Technician, GTI, IAF (P), IAF(S) and Musician} Trades. Passed Intermediate / 10+2 / Equivalent Examination in any stream/subjects approved by Central / State Education Boards with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.

Group „Y‟ Medical Assistant Trade Only. Passed 10+2/Intermediate/ equivalent exam with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.

Indian Air Force Group X & Y Important Links

Indian Air Force Group X & Y Cut Off
Available Soon
Indian Air Force Group X & Y Result IAF Group X & Group Y Airman Result
Indian Air Force Group X & Y Recruitment Details Notification
Indian Air Force Group X & Y Official Website http://indianairforce.nic.in