The Command Task: This is the last and the final task in the GTO tasks. This is the confirmatory task. Contrary to what we have analyzed all this while, this activity concentrates on the behavior of the individual instead of dealing with the entire group. Let us now see how this task is actually carried out and some of the features.
The Command Task is very similar to the PGT that we have done earlier. The rules remain the same, barring the group rule.
All the members of the group are made to sit in a place that is far away from the actual testing location.
This task is usually conducted on the second day of the Group Testing series of activities.
An individual from the group is called by the GTO officer for a chat. He is selected as the Commander at this stage. In order to make this person easy and comfortable, the GTO exchanges some pleasantries and talks to him.
The task or the activity is then explained to the Commander by the GTO following which; he or she is asked to choose some subordinates to complete the task.
Like always, a time period of 15 minutes is allotted to the group within which they are expected to complete the command task successfully.
Purpose of the command task
A number of qualities are put to test via this task alone. Let us have a look at the purpose of this activity:
Leadership skills of the commander
How well the Commander plans the task and goes along with it
How well the Commander can tackle failure and disappointments and still have the strength to continue further
Crisis handling skills of the commander
The popularity of the leader within the group
The interest and body language of the others in the group and to check how motivated they are in the activity.
Tips to do well in the command task
As a commander, a lot of your leadership skills are put to test. So, it is best to be extremely careful and vigilant in taking decisions. Here are some ideas to help you get through this task with flying colors:
It is essential to listen to the GTO properly while he is briefing you about the task.
When you are asked to choose the most appropriate members of your squad, make sure it is a well-informed It is best not to hold personal bias or pre-conceived notions in the mind.
Making a good plan for the task is half the work done. But one important aspect here is to communicate with the team members about your ideas so that everyone is on the same page.
Being a leader means you would be expected to be fair and rational in your behavior. Appreciating your team members for a good job is as important as correcting them for errors. But, everything has to be done politely.
One essential quality of a leader is to maintain his position of leadership. So, make yourself absolutely necessary and be an indispensable part of the group.
This task is synonymous with a real military operation. In there, the decisions can mark the difference between death and life. So, these choices become very important. Similarly, measure your decisions well in this Commander task.
In order to test you, the GTO might try to divert your attention or distract you. This is done mainly to see how consistent you are, as a leader. So, in spite of all the distractions, the focus should not shift from the main plan and execution. It also happens sometimes that the GTO purposely rejects a certain proposal you make. This is his way of analyzing your reaction to failure and how you cope with it.
Finally, group dynamism once again makes its way here. Since this is a group activity, proper coordination is expected to be maintained at all times. The body language of the team members goes a long way in portraying how well they are kept, how motivated they are and how well they have accepted your leadership. This is what will lead to adjustment and coordination within the group.
Hi All, I want to share my experience in getting recommended for Army(TGC-128 entry) in my first attempt with all of you. Before I start, I want to thank various people who helped me throughout this process. My friends Mohit and Sanjay who were always there whenever I had any clarification needed with the SSB process and also shared their experience with me which helped me to prepare in a better way. They helped me with every minute details I asked. Then I want to thank Cdr.K.Natarajan, I didn’t personally meet Sir but I had bought one of his book(SSB Interview the Complete Guide) which gives insight into the overall SSB process. I personally feel the book is very helpful in making your understanding clear about each of the task/assessment during the SSB process. For each test, it has examples and also few practice sets which helped me very much to get to know in and out of each Task and prepare in better way. Last but not the least I want to thank SSBCrack, I have been following their website from the moment I started preparing for SSB and going through the experiences of people helped me a lot and hence I am here today sharing my very own experience as well.
To introduce myself, my name is Manohar Singh D. I did my B.E. degree in CSE and graduated from the batch of 2016 from Chennai and I don’t belong to a defense background. My advice to all the gentlemen who are applying for any of the forces would be to understand each of the test involved in SSB, see what the officers are looking from that test and prepare. I have heard many people saying that SSB is all about personality and you cannot change your personality. I agree to it, but some people get it in wrong way and don’t practice for the different TESTS involved, i.e. you cannot change your personality but one of the important aspect I feel every candidate must have is to “Know Themselves”. If you don’t know yourself then it will be very challenging for you to show your qualities to the officers. My dear friends, there is a great saying we all would have heard of ” PRACTICE MAKES A MAN PERFECT”. And I believe in this, with practice you improve the speed of your answers, and you can assess your own answers and see what other better way you could have written the answer to it. I practiced each of the SSB Test and did self-assessment to understand what could have been done better, it helped me a lot I can say.
The next thing every aspiring candidate should know is the 15 OLQ’s(Officer like Qualities), I feel it is must for everyone to know these OLQs so that you can figure out which are the qualities in you and then prepare as to how you are going to show it to the officer. For example, If I say I have the “Ability to Influence Group” then I should also have all the incidents recollected from my life where I have influenced the group(you may be asked by the IO as to why you feel and you can share these incidents). During my preparation, I figured out which OLQ’s I have in me, and be honest to yourself and figure out these qualities because if any one of the officers finds a contradiction in your qualities then it’s not good for you. For example, in your SRT, you have written answers which shows that you are very courageous but in PI/Group Task the officer notices that you are not showing the similar quality then it becomes a contradiction and hence impacts your chances of recommendation. So don’t select OLQ’s just for sake of showing it rather figure out which are the ones you have in you, so that in the tests you have to be yourself and only think of showing those qualities, but if you try to fake then my dear friends believe me somewhere or other you will be caught because in the pressure situation the truth will come out. So be natural, know yourself in advance and work on showing those skills to the officers. Coming to my SSB experience, I had gone to SSB-Bhopal Centre and my batch was from 2nd Sep, we had to report directly to the Centre at 0600 hrs, As usual, we got all the documentation work done, had our breakfast and reported for our OIR test in the hall. Below I will share how I prepared for each of the TESTS involved and how was my experience from BHOPAL of same.
Day 1:
OIR: For the OIR test I bought a book written by R S Agarwal and prepared both the Verbal and Non-verbal sections from it. It has all the questions with answers given so spend enough time for this test as this is very important for anyone to get screened in. Remember the different type of questions under each section and with good practice, you can do well.
During my OIR, in the verbal section I attended 25/45 and in the Non-Verbal, I realized I had to work faster so I was able to do 31/45. As Time is a constraint, I would suggest everyone not to spend time on working larger problems, skip it and move forward.
PPDT: As we all know this is the second test for screening, I used the Book I have mentioned earlier by K.Natarajan Sir, it has sample stories and mock test images. Practice and write stories, make sure you are showing the OLQ’s in the story. For this reason, you should not write the OLQ’s but the actions should speak. For example, if you are trying to say in your story the person is having the quality of responsibility then show it in actions what he has done that makes him responsible and avoid saying that my character he/she is responsible person. Remember “ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS”. So you need to show the qualities but indirectly. And for narration, your confidence matters, so be confident and calm and narrate your points. even if you don’t get a chance to initiate/conclude a GD make sure you jump into the discussion with strong points that convinces few members of group at least. And at same time if you feel someone has put good points then accept the same and see if you can add further good points that show Teamwork. One important point is even though the picture may look like a negative mood, I would suggest you to come up with a positive story as it is all about perception there is nothing like which is correct and which is wrong. So there is no harm in writing a positive story when everyone else perceived it as negative but make sure that your positive story is catchy enough to grab officers attention.
Coming to my experience, I wrote a decent story on the picture shown to me with Responsibility being the theme of it. And I feel I did a decent narration without any stammering and did it with a smiling face to make myself feel confident. During GD I was listening to people and shared my views when I felt right moment to which a couple of my group members agreed and hence I was chosen to conclude the story as well which I did confidently.
DAY 2:
TAT: TAT is similar to PPDT except that you have to write 12 continuous stories and there is no narration/GD here. So preparation wise its similar to above. And for the 12th slide(Blank one) I think this should be prepared in advance where you show the OLQ which you figured about yourself in short story. I had written a real incident from my life for this slide.
I would suggest everyone to practice this and watch the time so that during your TEST you can write your stories in time.
WAT: It also requires timely practice and assesses your answers when you practice and see if you could have framed a better sentence. During the test you won’t get time to think and write but practicing more will help you to tackle this test easily and you can finish it easily.
I used the book to prepare for this test and gave many mock test to improve my time, and during the actual test, I was able to attend all the words in time.
SRT: This is one another Psychology test to assess your mental thinking and reaction ability, practicing sample questions more and more will help you improve your time and also one should always write practical answers. For ex: if you get a situation where you see a group of thieves attacking a person then if you write that you will fight all of them then its too much to digest for anyone, instead write something practical like you will call the police and gather locals around and confront the thieves. Remember we don’t have to be Superman in this Test, just be natural and give answers. I was able to attend around 55 questions out of 60.
SD: This section should be prepared by you before you go for SSB, make it short and to the point. Focus more on what you think about yourself and what you want to become.
As time is a constraint here, I would recommend to show your best points and finish it, else you may fall short of time.
During my SD I wrote short and simple what my family, friends, employer think and focused more on what I think of myself and the longest was what I aspire to become.
PIQ: I would say this is the basis for your personal interview, so think and write and be honest. if you don’t have achievements in sports or extracurricular its okay you don’t have to make up things, coz if they dig deeper it might be trouble, to be honest to the max.
Day 3:
PGT: I would recommend people to view the different videos available on Youtube by various channels and understand what are the different types of obstacles. By watching that you will get fair idea about how the TASKS are going to be and perform well. Remember working as a team is more important, we may not realize this during the task and hence there will be so much of mix up of ideas and team will be facing challenges in moving ahead. This is what happened in our group, but somehow we crossed some of the obstacles. Listening to the instructions and abiding by them is very important throughout the tasks, that shows how serious you are taking the activity.
HGT: In this the group was divided into half and we are asked to cross obstacles just like PGT, but this time as no. of people were less we performed well and everyone gave their inputs and also listened to others inputs. We finished TASK well within time and that too by trying several different ways which the officer asked us to do. This is the task when we realized that working as team is more important than dominating the group individually.
Group Obstacle Race(SnakeRace): This is one of the entertaining task I found, where we had to cross 10 obstacles with a snake like rope to be carried by team. Showing swiftness and working as a team can help you perform better and probably win the race. Remember the instructions and don’t break rules else you maybe asked to repeat depends on the penalty.
FGT: This was the last field task we were going to do as a team, and after our HGT we discussed among team to work together and how it will help us, so everyone was performing better than PGT this time and we finished the obstacles within the given time.
GD: Here the group has to Discuss on 2 different topics one by one and share your views, one is usually social topic and other being current affair. So to improve your knowledge and share good points one should have the habit of reading newspaper regularly and be updated on the latest happenings around, this will help you put your points with fact during GD.
Remember, a good speaker is one who is also a good listener, let others talk as well and avoid cutting people during their chance. Instead let them finish and then share your inputs. And don’t argue just for the sake of being noted, if you feel whatever someone has said is valid then sometimes it is good to agree to their views. Remember Quality matters more than quantity, its fine if you didn’t speak much but make sure whatever you say has an impact and people in your group should be able to agree to it as well.
We had GD on 2 topics:
* Should India accept foreign aid in times of calamity?
* Reason for teenagers being violent.
Lecturette: Here we are given 4 topics and 3mins to prepare speech on any one and talk for 3mins. I chose the topic of Road Safety a concern in India. Remember friends choose a topic which you are more comfortable talking on, if you choose a high level topic but can’t talk for whole 3mins with good points then it better to choose easier one where you can talk for 3mins. Finishing before time is not a good idea, so be calm and talk little slow so you will be able to cover your points. I have seen people speaking fast and finishing before time which is not a good sign and also shows that you are nervous.
GPE: Here we were given a situation and each one of us was asked to write their way of handling it. Usually, this will have 4 situations which needs attention and you need to prioritize and work on solution based on that, the book I referred to had nice sample which should be suffice for practice.
Command Task: The Officer has a casual discussion with you first as this is the first time the GTO gets to hear about you personally, it will be a casual one like I said before, about your native place, family, friends etc. Then you will be briefed about the task and asked to call 2 sub-ordinates, be ready for your answers if the GTO asks why you chose these 2 people only.
I was given task of missile diffusion, before this I was called by 4 people as their sub-ordinate and maybe that’s the reason why I got one of the difficult task as the helping objects were less and it was more challenging. I took my time and thought of ways to get in, and came up with idea and did it successfully and while coming out I was asked to use other path, this was another challenge and I did it with some thought.
Remember friends, you have to lead the TASK and you should be carrying the load/ diffusing the missile. Never ask your subordinate to do the final TASK you have to own the responsibility there. you should take their help only to move through the obstacles.
Individual Obstacle: I would suggest one should be doing little bit of regular exercise to keep themselves fit so that it will help you in completing the obstacles and maybe you will have time to repeat some obstacle if you are quick enough.
After the GTO briefed us, I had planned my way of completing it i.e. where to start from and all. I repeated 3 obstacles.
Day 5:
Conference: This is the day everyone has been waiting for, once you are in the waiting hall an officer comes in his Uniform and addresses you. Seeing the officer in the Olive Green uniform only makes you desire more to get into the armed forces. And soon one by one Folks were called in conference room. There was good 10mins discussion before I was called in, the president of the Board wished me and so did I. Below is our conversation:
Officer: Manohar Tell me how was your SSB experience?
Me: It was great Sir, I got to learn a lot of things.
Officer: And what is that?
Me: Sir, Time management, bonding with people in such a short span of time, living a life without cellphone. All these have been wonderful experience for me Sir.
Officer: Good, so tell me Manohar What do you think is the reason behind Kerala Floods?
Me: I kept forward my views on it( Thanks to reading newspaper it came handy to me).
Officer: So what would have you done if you were the State Secretary of Kerala to avoid this in future?
Me:* a SRT now*, I shared my views on what would I have done.
Officer: Good, so Manohar you play sports?
Me: Sir I represented my School at District level in Hockey.
Officer: Tell me the latest rule change in Hockey?
Me: I knew one of the rule change as to how the penalty strokes are taken now compared to when I used to play and I shared that with them.
Officer: Ok Manohar, Any other suggestions?
Me: No Sir.
And then the conference was over and I left the room greeting them.
My chest no. was 5 and after sometime, the results were announced, as chest no.2 and myself were the only ones who were asked more questions from our group during conference my friends were saying that we both will get recommended surely. But I was not getting carried away by that and wanted to hear it from the officer himself. So the Psychology officer gave the closing address and then went ahead to call out the Chest nos. in below order:
Chest No.2
Now I was hoping my number would be called out.
Chest No.16(Believe me I thought my number has gone and I didn’t make it to the list and I had already accepted this thinking it could be due to any of the mistakes I did during the task)
Chest No.5 (I was taken away when I heard my chest no. and couldn’t be happier, I shouted my name and Roll Number and stood side by other recommended friends)
Chest no.21 was called out finally, 4 out of our batch got recommended and all four of us were freshers.
So this is my SSB experience friends, I hope it motivates people to work for their dreams and never give up. I got the final merit list and I have been selected for the course at IMA starting January 2019.
All the best to future Army officers.
IMPORTANT – Download eBooks for SSB Interview Preparations
NCC 46 Special Entry Scheme Army Notification: Indian army has published the notification of NCC Special Entry 46 for the NCC candidates with C certificate, it is a direct SSB entry and candidates who get shortlisted will get a direct call for SSB interview. Aspirants can apply for the NCC 46 entry from 09 January till 07 February 2019. Notification: Applications are invited from UNMARRIED male and female (including Wards of Battle Causalities of Army Personnel), for grant of Short Service Commission (Non-Technical) in the Indian Army. The course will begin in October 2019 at OTA, Chennai.
NCC 46 Special Entry Important Dates
NCC 46 Notification Date
09 January 2019
NCC 46 Last Date
07 February 2019
NCC 46 Cut Off
50 % aggregate marks in graduation or till pre-final year.
For NCC candidates (including wards of Battle Casualties) 19 to 25 years as on 01 July 2019 (born not earlier than 02 July 1994 and not later than 01 July 2000, both dates inclusive). Date of birth acceptable is that entered in the Matriculation or an equivalent examination certificate.
Graduate with an aggregate of minimum 50% marks taking into account marks of all the years. Those studying in final year are also allowed to apply provided they have secured minimum 50% aggregate marks in the first two/three years of three/four years degree course respectively. Such students will need to secure an overall aggregate of minimum 50% marks if selected in the interview, failing which their candidature will be CANCELLED.
The candidate should have served for minimum two academic years in the senior Division/Wing of NCC and should have obtained minimum of ‘B’ Grade in ‘C’ Certificate Exam of NCC.
NCC MEN: 50 ( 45 for general category and 05 for Wards of battle causalities of armed forces personnel only.)
NCC Women: 05 ( 04 for general category and 01 for Wards of battle causalities of armed forces personnel only.)
How To Apply:
Applications will only be accepted online on website No offline applications will be accepted.
Open the website
Click on Officers Entry ‘Apply/Login’ and then click ‘Registration’.
Follow onscreen instructions for registration. Fill online Registration after reading instructions very carefully. After registration, your profile will open. Click on ‘Apply Online’ to process the application. A page ‘Officers Selection-Eligibility’ will open.
Your registration details will confirm your eligibility to apply. Click on ‘Apply’ and a page ‘Application Form’ will open. Proceed with the application as per onscreen instructions. Read onscreen instructions carefully and click ‘Continue’ to fill details under various segments personal information, Communication details, Education details and details of previous SSB. ‘Save & Continue’ each time before you proceed to the next segment.
After filling details of last segment, you will move to a page ‘Summary of Information’ wherein you can check & edit entries you have made so far. Only after ascertaining’ the correctness of all your details click on ‘Submit’. After submitting click on ‘PDF’ and take out ‘two copies’ of the application form having the Roll Number and other details generated by the system.
The second copy of the printout of online application is to be retained by the candidate for his reference. There is no need to send any hard copy to Directorate General of Recruiting.
The following points will be considered deeply
Date of birth as mentioned in 10th certificate.
The degree or a provisional certificate issued by a recognized university by AIU.
The candidate must have scored minimum 50% aggregate in his graduation. A final year student must have scored aggregate 50% in his previous years.
The NCC certificate must have a minimum B grade.
Opening And Closing Dates Of Application Forms – the candidates can apply for it in between 09 January 2019 – 07 February 2019.
Important points: Candidates appearing/ appeared for the interview of CDS entry that is SSC 110 (NT) or SSC W 24 (NT) will not be eligible for NCC 46 entry.
Preparation Books for NCC 46 SSB Interview: Shortlisted candidates will face the SSB interview directly, you can straight away prepare for the SSB interview, the SSB preparation will help you in NCC 46 entry.
IMPORTANT – Download eBooks for SSB Interview Preparations
Indian Army will publish the SSC 53 Tech Men and SSC 24 TechWomen notification on 23rd January 2019, candidates can apply online for SSC tech 2019 entry up to 21st February 2019. Engineering graduates who are defence aspirants and want to join the Indian army after their graduation can apply for the SSC Tech 53 men and SSC Tech 24 women. SSC Tech is a technical entry for engineering graduates, it has no written exam and application are shortlisted based on your percentage in engineering. Applications are invited from unmarried MALE and unmarried FEMALE Engineering Graduates and also from Widows of Defence Personnel for grant of Short Service Commission in the Indian Army in all Arms/Services. The course shall be commencing in October 2019 at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu. As SSC tech entry has no written exam and if you are shortlisted, you will directly face the 5 Days SSB Interview. NEW: APPLY FOR SSC TECH 54 and 25
SSC 53 Tech SSCW 24 Tech
SSC 53 Tech SSCW 24 Tech Notification Date
23 January 2019
SSC 53 Tech SSCW 24 Tech Last Date
21 February 2019
SSC 53 Tech SSCW 24 Cut Off Date
April 2019
SSC 53 Tech SSCW 24 Tech SSB Date
May/June 2019
SSC 53 Tech SSCW 24 Tech Merit List
Sep 2019
Nationality: A candidate must either be : (i) A citizen of India, or (ii) A subject of Bhutan, or (iii) A subject of Nepal, or (iv) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st of January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or (v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by Government of India. Certificate of eligibility will however not be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal.
Age Limit: – (i) SSC(T)-53 Men and SSC(T)-24 Women:- 20 to 27 years as on 01 October 2019 (Candidates born between 02 October 92 and 01 October 99) (both dates inclusive).(ii) SSCW(Non-Tech)(Non-UPSC)- For Widows of Defence Personnel who died in harness only. Max 35 years of age as on 01 October 2019.
Educational Qualification: Candidates who have passed Engineering Degree course or are in the final year of Engineering course are eligible to apply. The candidates studying in the final year examination of Degree Course should be able to produce the Engineering Degree within 12 weeks from the date of commencement of training at OTA. Such candidates will be inducted on Additional Bond Basis for recovery of the cost of training at OTA as notified from time to time as well as stipend and pay & allowances paid, in case they fail to produce the requisite Degree Certificate within the specified time.
SSC 53 Tech SSCW 24 Important Note: – Candidates must note that the minimum educational qualification for induction into SSC(T)-53 Men and SSC(T)-24 Women is BE/B.Tech degree in the Engineering stream notified below. Therefore, to become eligible for induction into SSC(T)-53 Men and SSC(T)-24 Women course, candidates studying in final year of engineering must complete all the formalities including written, practicals, projects, backlogs, viva voce, etc, for the award of qualifying BE/B.Tech degree before 01 October 2019 failing which their candidature is liable to be canceled.
SSC 53 Tech SSCW 24 Vacancies
Applications will only be accepted online on website “”. Click on ‘Officers Entry Apply/Login’ and then click ‘Registration’. Fill the online registration form after reading the instructions carefully. After getting registered, click on ‘Apply Online’. A page ‘Officers Selection – Eligibility’ will open. Then click ‘Apply’ shown against Technical Graduate Course. A page ‘Application Form’ will open. Read the instructions carefully and click ‘Continue’ to fill details as required under various segments. Personal information, Communication details, Education details and details of previous SSB. ‘Save & Continue’ each time before you go to the next segment. After filling details on the last segment, you will move to a page ‘Summary of your information’ wherein you can check and edit the entries already made. Then click on ‘Submit now’ only after carefully ascertaining that the correct details have been filled in. After submitting, click on “PDF” and take two copies of the application form having Roll No and other details generated by the system.
Short listing of Applications. Integrated HQ of MoD(Army) reserves the right to shortlist applications and to fix cutoff percentage of marks for each engineering discipline without assigning any reason.
Only shortlisted eligible candidates depending on the cutoff percentage will be interviewed at Selection Centres, Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP), Bangalore (Karnataka) and Kapurthala (Punjab) by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and Interviewing Officer. Call Up letter for SSB interview will be issued only through candidate’s registered e-mail id and through SMS. Candidates will not be interviewed locally. Allotment of Selection Centre is at the discretion of Dte Gen of Rtg, IHQ MoD (Army) and NO request for changes are entertained in this regard.
Shortlisted candidates will have to log in on the website using their username and password and select the SSB dates as available on the website.
Interviews will be held from March/April 2019 onwards.
Candidates will put thrtwo-stagestage selection procedure. Those who clear Stage I will go to Stage II. Those who fail in Stage I will be returned on the same day. Duration of SSB interviews is five days excluding day of arrival and details of the same are available at official website of Rtg Dte
On 15 Dec 2018 Indian Air Force got it’s 7th female fighter pilot flying officer Priya Sharma, she joined the IAF flying branch as a fighter pilot. flying officer Priya Sharma is the 7th woman to become an Indian airforce fighter pilot. There were 139 cadets who passed out from Indian Air force academy, Dundigul on the morning of 15 Dec 2018. Out of the 35 fighter pilots who graduated from the Air Force Academy this year, only one is a woman. Flying Officer Priya Sharma is the seventh woman fighter pilot in the history of Air Force, and third from Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan. A native of Pilani from the State, she was in awe of ‘Hawk’ and ‘Jaguar’ planes which she used to see regularly as her father-an Air Traffic Control officer- was posted in Indian Air Force Station, Bidar, and now she looks forward to flying them. Flying Officer Priya is the only fighter pilot who graduated from the AFA on Saturday. She did her schooling at IIIT, Kota. She completed her first and second stages of training in the Air Force at Dundigal and Hakimpet since July 2017. Her third stage training will begin in January at Bidar Air Force Station.
Priya’s father was her inspiration. He was posted as ATC Officer in Air Force Station in Bidar. “I used to see dad perform. I got motivation from that.” She feels Air Force is the best place to explore and serve the nation. “As a fighter pilot, I would say, you should give it a try, it is definitely worth it,” she suggests fellow young women. “The case of us three (Mohana, Pratibha and Priya) should be an inspiration for other girls from Rajasthan to join the Defence Forces,” Priya says commenting on the gender inequality in her state.
She said the incidents of crashes during training should not deter one from going ahead with the training. “In fact, it is a part and parcel of the job. Such incidents should motivate us,” she says. Though initially nervous of flying an aircraft, a super excited Priya said: “I’m now comfortable in the cockpit, it is like my second home.” Flying Officer Priya Sharma always dreamt of flying a plane since her childhood. “As my father is an air traffic control (ATC) officer with IAF, I got introduced to fighter planes and flying officers early in life. This inspired me to become an IAF fighter pilot,’’ Priya said, after the Combined Graduation Parade in which 139 flying cadets got ‘stripes’ (IAF rank) at Air Force Academy, Dundigal. Of the 139 flying officers, 24 were women.
Combined graduation parade ceremony of Indian Air Force (IAF) was held in Hyderabad. It was organised in the Air Force Academy. The event was organised to mark the successful completion of pre-commissioning training of Flight Cadets belonging to various branches of Indian Air Force. The Chief of Army Staff, General Bipin Rawat was the chief guest and reviewing officer of the passing out parade. Having undergone rigorous training in the last one year, 139 flight cadets, including 24 women, of Air Force Academy, Dundigal, passed out on Saturday during a Combined Graduation Parade (CGP), which was reviewed by Chief of Army Staff Bipin Rawat. The Army chief said that it is the matter of great pride to review the combined graduation parade of Indian Air Force.
“He advised the graduating trainees to be alive to various situations, rapidly changing geopolitical scenario and constantly strive to keep themselves fighting fit at all times to take on any tasks,” a press release issued by Air Force Academy said. Feasts were displayed by the skydiving team of Air Force by displaying Sarang, a helicopter, and two aircrafts-Suryakiran and PC7. The participants were wowed by the aerobatic show. Among the 24 women, only one woman Priya Sharma of Rajasthan got selected as a fighter pilot. From Hyderabad two cades- A Saraswat and Kirti Singh- figured among the 139 flying officers. This Rajasthani woman is the 7th woman fighter pilot in the Indian Air force.
“SUCCESS IS NOT FINAL. FAILURE IS NOT FATAL. IT IS THE COURAGE TO CONTINUE THAT COUNTS.” Hello aspirants, MANDEEP KULHAR HERE. I recently got recommended from 33 SSB BHOPAL for NDA – navy in my 6th attempt and believe me I didn’t take any coaching. All I did is believed in myself and overcome my shortcomings and keep going. Simply, its hard to continue but I did, overcome all negative thoughts myths and just did what I felt right. So today I am sharing my SSB experience. Its bit long to be with me till the end and you will surely learn a few things. So on the eve of 28th Aug, I reported at Bhopal station. An army bus to pick all of us. The bus was an hour late but that’s fine as I used that time to get familiar with others which helped me further in tests. Actual testing started the next day. DAY 1: We all 52 reported for our first test i.e. OIR test. I had already prepared for the same. So I finished all 45 questions in 15 minutes. Same with 2nd OIR test. So OIR is key for screening believe me. Prepare for dice questions with YouTube and SSBCRACK books and give your best. 2ND test is PPDT in which we were shown a hazy picture of a girl looking outside. I made a story on “solar energy” theme and after that discussed well in group discussion and everyone agreed to my story which was made final story. So I was screened in total 24/56. After that, we fill our PIQ forms. I already carried well-prepared PIQ form and filled same in all 3 forms. Your PIQ is your first impression so make it valid and write all true things. Don’t brag in it any false things otherwise you will be in trouble.
DAY 2: On this day there was psych test for which I started practiced 2 months earlier of my SSB , because of that I really performed well and completed all 12 stories with 120-150 words in each story which is important. In WAT I completed all of them 60/60 and all of them observational responses. In SRT I did 57/60 action oriented responses and completed my SD in time which I had already prepared earlier. So it really went really well just because of my daily practice. At the end of the day I was satisfied with my performance.
DAY 3: GTO -1
So I was all charged up with my preparation. As I studied well about all general awareness topics and I am in habit of reading newspaper. So I nailed in Group discussion(GD). Our topics were 1.”What is the reason of declining moral values in youth” options were social media, nuclear families and economic freedom? I stuck to social media and put points to prove it. So stick to one option and prove it, key in GD. I spoke first in both of them and it matters. I spoke 4-5 times or may be more in each GD. Another Important thing is to speak when everybody is exhausted of points.
In Group planning exercise I completed solution in time and speak first in GD and spoke 4-5 times to conclude for a solution. In progressive group task I was at the front and implementing ideas. And kept this rhythm In all following tasks. Don’t be at front without any ideas. Nor only give ideas. Do both things give ideas and also implement them. It’s key in PGT, HGT, FGT and command task.
In group, obstacle race doesn’t break any rule that’s it. Nothing else matters much. Help your teammates. If the rule is broken repeat the obstacle. I have broke a rules 3 times in GOR but every time I repeated it. Everybody does mistake, those get success who learns from their mistake and improve them. That’s all GOR is about. In individual obstacle, I did all 10/10 individual obstacles. The same thing applies in all GTO tasks. DON’T BREAK ANY RULES IF YOU BREAK REPEAT IT.
So after my GTO I was having my interview. I run to bathroom dressed, in formals and went for the interview, one already knew most of the questions so prepare them in advance and keep improving your replies daily. IO also asked me a lot of physics questions like about Bernoulli theorem, Archimedes principle and its application in ships, current national and international affairs, about navy, commands, rank, how plane fly, about INS Vikramaditya and about length conversions and all. So give answers confidently and just be honest that’s all they want. If you lie you’re going to die. It went for smooth 1:15 hours and I was happy at the end of the interview.
DAY 4: GTO-2
It started with the command task. I was called 2 times as subordinate. During my turn, My task turned out to be very difficult but I managed to do it. GTO kept changing colors. After completion, he asked me to sent back my subordinates and do it alone. So again he asked me to apply different methods and I did as he said with help of hints he kept giving me. So listen to GTO every time that’s very important. My command task went for ½ hour which surprised everyone and everybody including me thought I did really well.
After that, the last task of GTO is FGT, I did task along with help of team. I kept to remain in front and cooperating with others and did it in time. Don’t dominate but cooperate also perform on your level don’t be a dummy.
“Day is a day not good or bad but this one is really the day of happiness”. We were ready for results. I somewhere knew this time I will make which comes out to be true. When psychologist announced chest no 18. Explaining that feel of getting rejected for 5 times, giving 3 NDA exams, cooperating with my BTECH and being the topper of college for two sems , losing 12 kg of weight , going through that 2 years of pain of rejection but at end hearing your chest no is the best feeling in the world.:). I kept going I knew I would make it one day. I knew the value of that moment, that life-changing moment. I just never accepted failure so you must do. keep going It will come to you when you will be ready. 5/24 got selected most in any NDA- navy batch in 33 SSB Bhopal.
It is clear from last few years that more and more women are interested towards Indian Air Force than Army and Navy, as per the recent data it is published that the IAF has more number of women officers than Indian army and navy. The Indian Air Force reportedly has the highest share of women officers in India at 13.09% among all the three major forces in the country. While women representation in the Indian Navy stood at 6%, the Indian Army records the lowest women representation at just 4%. The trend has been similar over the past few years, and as of 2017, there were 13% women officers in Indian Air Force, 5% in the Indian Navy and nearly 3.65% in the army. It appears that the Indian Air Force has soared ahead of the country’s other defence forces — at least when it comes to employing more women officers. The Air Force has the highest share of women officers in India at 13.09%; the Indian Navy, in comparison, accounts for 6% women officers; and the Indian Army has only 3.8% representation of women, reported Press Trust of India citing Subhash Bhamre, the Indian minister of state for defence.
It also appears the trend has improved only slightly compared to previous years: there were 13% women officers in the Indian Air Force as of July 2017, while the share of female officers in the Indian Navy was 4.49% as of June 2017. The Indian Army had the lowest number of women officers at only 3.64% women as of January 2017, according to data released by India’s Ministry of Defence. Interestingly, commercial airlines in India also have the highest percentage of female commercial pilots compared to other countries, according to data by the International Society of Women Airline Pilots.
Currently, Indian airlines have 1,092 female pilots as against 8,797 male pilots, reported the Times of India. In India, women representing the army, navy and the air force are appointed only for the officer’s rank. The country’s defence ministry is reportedly planning to induct more women as sailors in the Indian Navy, to boost women participation in the non-office cadres, reported India Today.
The 18thmeeting of the India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Military Technical Cooperation (IRIGC-MTC) was held here today. The meeting was co-chaired by Raksha Mantri Smt Nirmala Sitharaman and Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation General Sergei Shoigu. In the framework of the bilateral Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership, the IRIGC-MTC meeting discussed a wide range of issues relating to defence equipment, industry and technological engagement between India and Russia as well as after sales support/upgradation of military equipment of Russian origin. The Ministers expressed satisfaction at the dynamism and progress in bilateral defence cooperation. Intensive discussions were held on joint manufacturing projects, including the Kamov-226Thelicopters, naval frigates and projects related to land systems. The two sides also agreed to take forward inter-governmental arrangements for facilitating joint manufacturing of spares for Russian origin equipment in India, under the ‘Make in India’ initiative.
With a view to enhancing military-to-military engagement and rationalising the functioning of the Commission, a revised Inter-Governmental Agreement on restructuring the existing IRIGC-MTC to the IRIGC on Military and Military Technical Cooperation was also signed by the two Ministers. An additional institutional Working Group headed by Chief of Integrated Defence Staff to the Chairman COSE (CISC) and Deputy Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of General Staff of Armed Forces of Russian Federation would be set up under the expanded Commission.
The Ministers expressed satisfaction progress in structured engagement between their armed forces, including joint exercises, resumption of training exchanges and other interactions in the framework of the Bilateral Road Map on Defence Cooperation signed in June 2017. The inaugural meeting of the IRIGC-MTC is proposed to be held in Russia in 2019 on mutually convenient dates.
The Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun is one of the premier Institutions of the Country training Gentlemen Cadets for commission into the Indian Army. The Academy is known for its glorious history. Its dynamic efficiency and valiant traditions are not only an integral part of the Nation’s proud heritage but also form an indispensable sheet anchor of independent India’s national security. Through the portals of the IMA with the Credo ‘Veerta Aur Vivek’ pass out the future Army Officers of the Indian Army. The path of the leadership of troops is paved with a challenging, exciting and an exacting service. The Military Academy is no soft option to glamour and heraldry. It is an austere Institution imparting rigorous training in leadership, self-discipline and the art of war. The hallowed portals of this great institution boast of having bred the majority of the officer cadre of the Indian Army.
Here are some pictures of young Indian army officers passing out from the Indian Military Academy after a year-long tough training. Hope these pictures will motivate the young defence aspirants to join the Indian army and server the motherland. The training at IMA is aimed at the optimum development of intellectual, moral and physical qualities essential for leadership in the profession of arms. Training at the IMA thus inculcates those qualities of mind and heart, patriotism, character, dynamism, initiative, and understanding that are the very basis of leadership in war as well as in peace.