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Lt Gen Manjinder Singh Reviews Integrated Veterans Complex in Jaipur


Lt Gen Manjinder Singh, the Army Commander of the Southern Western Command, recently conducted a comprehensive review of the Integrated Veterans Complex in Jaipur. During his visit, he engaged with veterans and evaluated the array of services provided at the Veterans Cell, ECHS Polyclinic, ESM Canteen, and the AWPO Regional Centre.


The visit allowed Lt Gen Singh to personally assess the quality and range of support services offered to veterans, ensuring they meet the needs of those who have served the nation. He interacted with the veterans, gaining insights into their experiences and the effectiveness of the facilities designed to aid them.


In his address, Lt Gen Singh emphasized the importance of continued support for veterans, urging all ranks to take the initiative in honoring and assisting these former servicemen and women. He highlighted that providing robust support systems for veterans is a critical tribute to their invaluable service to the nation.

This review underscores the Indian Army’s commitment to its retired personnel, ensuring they receive the respect, care, and support they deserve after their years of dedicated service.

Kargil Vijay Diwas Celebrated with Weapon and Equipment Display in Jaipur


In commemoration of Kargil Vijay Diwas and the Rajat Jayanti Mahotsav, the Tanot Brigade organized a grand weapon and equipment display in Jaipur. This event, part of the “Know Your Army” initiative, showcased the might and technological advancements of the Indian Army, drawing participation from local students and NCC Cadets.


The display was designed to instill a sense of pride and motivation among the youth, highlighting the technological absorption and capabilities of the Armed Forces.

Attendees had the opportunity to see up close the various tools and machinery used by the Army, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of the military’s role in national security.


This educational and motivational event served as a tribute to the brave soldiers of the Kargil War, celebrating their victory and the continued strength and resilience of the Indian Army.

The involvement of students and NCC Cadets emphasized the event’s focus on inspiring the next generation and providing them with firsthand knowledge of their nation’s defense mechanisms.

Lt Gen C Bansi Ponnappa Bids Farewell to Mahar Regimental Centre


Lt Gen C Bansi Ponnappa, Adjutant General of the Indian Army, made his farewell visit to the Mahar Regimental Centre, marking a significant milestone in his distinguished military career. During his visit, Lt Gen Ponnappa paid homage at the War Memorial, honoring the valor and sacrifices of the regiment’s soldiers throughout history.


In a special Sainik Sammelan held during his visit, Lt Gen Ponnappa addressed all ranks, commending them for their dedication and service. He also took the opportunity to felicitate outstanding individuals for their exemplary contributions to the regiment and the Indian Army.


Highlighting the event was a poignant ceremony where Lt Gen Ponnappa officially handed over the responsibilities of Colonel of the Regiment to Lt Gen Sandeep Jain, the current Commandant of the Indian Military Academy.

This transition symbolizes the seamless continuity of leadership and dedication within the Mahar Regiment.


The Colonel of the Regiment expressed deep gratitude towards the regiment, urging the soldiers to continue upholding the honor and traditions of both the Indian Army and the Mahar Regiment.

This farewell visit not only commemorated Lt Gen Ponnappa’s contributions but also reinforced the ethos of continuous leadership and commitment to the regiment’s future.

Major General Gaurav Bagga Assumes Command of the Golden Katar Division


In a significant military ceremony, Major General Gaurav Bagg took over the command of the Golden Katar Division from Maj Gen S S Virk. The change of command ceremony was marked by a solemn tribute to the bravehearts at the Ahmedabad War Memorial, where both officers paid their respects and urged all ranks to continue serving with zeal and enthusiasm.


The Golden Katar Division, officially known as the 11th Indian Infantry Division, has a rich and storied history. Initially established on 15 September 1940, it served in the Malaya Command during World War II.

The division participated in several critical battles, such as the Battle of Jitra and the Battle of Kampar, enduring heavy casualties and ultimately surrendering to Japanese forces on 15 February 1942 during the fall of Singapore.


After a significant period of reorganization, the division was re-raised on 1 April 1965. It is currently an integral part of the XII Corps based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.


The division’s primary operational responsibilities include safeguarding India’s borders with Pakistan, particularly in the strategic regions of Southern Rajasthan and Gujarat.


Maj Gen Bagga’s leadership comes at a crucial time as the division continues to uphold its legacy of valor and resilience. The transition of command is expected to further strengthen the division’s capabilities in fulfilling its critical defense roles.

General Upendra Dwivedi Commends Retiring Officers for Their Service at Seminar


General Upendra Dwivedi, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), interacted with officers who are set to retire on July 31, 2024, during the Retiring Officers’ Seminar (ROS). This event serves as a platform for recognizing the contributions of outgoing military personnel and preparing them for their transition to civilian life.


During the seminar, General Dwivedi commended the retiring officers for their dedicated and selfless service to the nation and the organization. He expressed his gratitude for their years of commitment and highlighted the significant impact of their work on the country’s security and development.


General Dwivedi also reaffirmed his belief that these officers will continue to play a vital role in nation-building post-retirement. He encouraged them to leverage their skills and experiences to contribute positively to society in their future endeavors.


The Retiring Officers’ Seminar is part of the Indian Army’s ongoing efforts to honor its members’ service and support them as they embark on the next phase of their lives, ensuring that they remain integral to national progress even after their military careers.

12 Qualities Of MARCOS That Will Make You Bow To Them


The MARCOS, or Marine Commandos, are an elite special operations unit of the Indian Navy, renowned for their exceptional training, versatility, and unwavering professionalism. Established over three decades ago, this specialized force has gradually earned a reputation as one of the most formidable maritime special forces in the world.

Recently, the Indian Navy commissioned a new naval base, INS Karna, which is wholly dedicated to the MARCOS and their rigorous training regimen. This dedicated facility underscores the importance and specialized nature of the MARCOS within the Indian armed forces.


As we delve into the remarkable qualities that set the MARCOS apart, it becomes clear why this elite unit commands such respect and admiration. From their intense physical conditioning to their unparalleled combat skills, the MARCOS embody the pinnacle of military excellence. Let us explore the 12 qualities that make the MARCOS truly extraordinary.

1. Comprehensive Training Regimen

The training of the MARCOS is renowned for its sheer intensity and comprehensive nature. Unlike other special forces, the MARCOS undergo a meticulous two-year training course that pushes them to the limits of human endurance. This training regimen covers a wide range of disciplines, from parachuting and combat diving to counter-terrorism and anti-hijacking operations.


The MARCOS are trained not only by the Indian Navy but also alongside the elite Para Commandos of the Indian Army, ensuring they are exposed to the best practices and tactics from across the armed forces. This cross-training approach equips the MARCOS with a diverse skill set that allows them to excel in a variety of operational environments.

2. Unparalleled Physical Conditioning

The MARCOS are selected from the fittest officers and sailors within the Indian Navy, and their training only serves to further hone their physical prowess. A typical day in the life of a MARCOS trainee begins with a grueling 20-kilometer run, followed by a 20-kilometer night trek while carrying a 60-kilogram load. This pattern of alternating long-distance runs and treks continues throughout their training.

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Additionally, the MARCOS undergo weekly 120-kilometer walks while carrying 60-kilogram backpacks, pushing the boundaries of human endurance. The infamous “Hell’s Week” takes this physical challenge to the extreme, with continuous training sessions exceeding 20 hours per day and less than 4 hours of sleep. Trainees are even required to run through thigh-deep mud while carrying a 25-kilogram load, before completing a 2.5-kilometer obstacle course.

3. Mastery of Diverse Skill Sets

The MARCOS are not just skilled in one or two specialized areas; they are true multi-domain operators. Their training covers a wide range of disciplines, including parachuting, combat diving, and counter-terrorism operations. This versatility allows the MARCOS to excel in both maritime and land-based missions, making them a formidable force in any operational environment.

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One particularly impressive feat is that all MARCOS are qualified for both HAHO (High Altitude High Opening) and HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) parachute jumps, further demonstrating their adaptability and mastery of specialized skills.

4. Uncompromising Commitment to Safety

Safety is of paramount importance in the training of the MARCOS, and they have implemented measures to ensure the highest levels of precaution. Unlike other special forces that may rely on simulators or dummy cartridges, the MARCOS training is conducted entirely with live ammunition and loaded weapons. This approach leaves no room for error or complacency, instilling a deep sense of responsibility and discipline among the trainees.


The MARCOS understand that their missions often involve high-risk scenarios, and they are committed to minimizing the potential for friendly-fire incidents or other accidents. This unwavering focus on safety sets the MARCOS apart and underscores their professionalism and dedication to their craft.

5. Exceptional Marksmanship

The MARCOS are renowned for their exceptional marksmanship, a skill that is honed through rigorous and uncompromising training. Even after the grueling physical challenges of “Hell’s Week,” MARCOS trainees are required to demonstrate their shooting accuracy by hitting a target from 25 meters away with live ammunition, while their co-trainee stands right beside the target.

This level of precision under immense physical and mental stress is a testament to the MARCOS’ commitment to excellence and their ability to maintain composure in the most demanding situations. Their marksmanship skills are a crucial asset in their counter-terrorism and anti-hijacking operations, where split-second decisions and accurate fire can make the difference between success and failure.

6. Unparalleled Resilience and Endurance

The MARCOS are known for their unwavering resilience and endurance, which are forged through their intense training regimen. The combination of long-distance runs, night treks with heavy loads, and the relentless “Hell’s Week” challenges pushes the trainees to the brink of their physical and mental limits.


Yet, the MARCOS emerge from this crucible of training with a level of resilience that sets them apart from their peers. Their ability to push through exhaustion, pain, and sleep deprivation is a testament to their indomitable spirit and their commitment to excellence. This resilience is a critical asset in the high-stakes, high-pressure environments in which the MARCOS operate.

7. Stealth and Secrecy

The MARCOS are renowned for their secretive nature, often blending seamlessly into their surroundings and maintaining a low profile. They are distributed across various naval bases in India, including Mumbai, Kochi, and Visakhapatnam, making it difficult for the general public to identify them.


This air of mystery and secrecy surrounding the MARCOS only adds to their mystique and the respect they command. Their ability to maintain a low profile and operate without drawing attention to themselves is a crucial asset in their counter-terrorism and special operations missions, where stealth and surprise are paramount.

8. Adaptability and Versatility

The MARCOS are not limited to a single domain or set of tactics; they are true masters of adaptation and versatility. Their training covers a wide range of environments, from the depths of the ocean to the skies above, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to excel in any operational scenario.


Whether it’s conducting underwater demolition missions, executing airborne assaults, or engaging in urban counter-terrorism operations, the MARCOS have the necessary skills and experience to adapt and thrive. This versatility is a testament to their comprehensive training and their ability to think critically and make split-second decisions in the face of rapidly changing circumstances.

9. Exceptional Teamwork and Cohesion

The MARCOS do not operate as lone wolves; they are highly trained and disciplined teams that work in perfect harmony. Their intense training regimen, which often involves collaboration with other special forces units, has forged a deep sense of camaraderie and trust among the members of the MARCOS.


This teamwork and cohesion are crucial in the high-stakes missions they undertake, where the lives of their teammates and the success of the operation depend on their ability to work together seamlessly. The MARCOS understand that their individual skills are amplified when they operate as a coordinated unit, making them a formidable force to be reckoned with.

10. Continuous Improvement and Innovation

The MARCOS are not content to rest on their laurels; they are constantly seeking ways to improve their skills and adapt to new challenges. Their training is an ongoing process, with regular evaluations and opportunities for further development.


The MARCOS actively seek out opportunities to learn from other elite special forces units, both within India and internationally. This commitment to continuous improvement and innovation ensures that the MARCOS remain at the forefront of maritime special operations, constantly refining their tactics and techniques to stay ahead of their adversaries.

11. Unwavering Commitment to the Mission

The MARCOS are driven by an unwavering commitment to their mission and the welfare of the nation they serve. They understand that their role is not just about personal glory or accolades, but about protecting the interests of India and its citizens.


This sense of duty and purpose is instilled in the MARCOS from the very beginning of their training, and it permeates every aspect of their service. They are willing to put their lives on the line to ensure the success of their missions, and they take pride in the knowledge that their efforts contribute to the security and stability of their country.

12. Unparalleled Psychological Resilience

The MARCOS not only possess exceptional physical capabilities but also demonstrate remarkable psychological resilience. Their training regimen is designed to push them to the limits of their mental fortitude, requiring them to maintain composure and decision-making abilities even under the most extreme conditions.


Whether it’s enduring the relentless physical challenges of “Hell’s Week” or facing the high-stakes, high-pressure scenarios of their missions, the MARCOS have developed a level of mental toughness that sets them apart. They are able to remain calm, focused, and clear-headed in the face of adversity, allowing them to make critical decisions and execute their tasks with precision and effectiveness.


The MARCOS are a true testament to the pinnacle of military excellence. Their comprehensive training, unparalleled physical and mental conditioning, and unwavering commitment to their missions make them one of the most formidable special operations units in the world.

As the Indian Navy continues to invest in the MARCOS and their specialized training facilities, it is clear that this elite force will continue to play a crucial role in safeguarding the nation’s maritime interests and responding to a wide range of security challenges. The 12 qualities highlighted in this article are a mere glimpse into the extraordinary capabilities of the MARCOS, and it is no wonder that they command such immense respect and admiration from both their peers and adversaries.

Officer Cadets at OTA Chennai Join Indian Army’s Tree Plantation Drive


In a proactive effort to combat climate change and promote environmental conservation, officer cadets at the Officers Training Academy (OTA) in Chennai have actively participated in a tree plantation drive. This initiative is part of the broader commitment by the Indian Army to create a cleaner and greener India.

Under the banner of #EachOnePlantOne and celebrating #KVDRajatJayanti, the cadets engaged in planting saplings around the academy, contributing to sustainable conservation efforts.


This activity not only helps in greening the environment but also instills a sense of responsibility and teamwork among the cadets, aligning with the Indian Army’s vision of environmental stewardship.


The tree plantation drive at OTA Chennai symbolizes the military’s ongoing commitment to ecological preservation and awareness.


Such initiatives underscore the importance of integrating environmental action into national security agendas, ensuring that the armed forces remain at the forefront of combating climate change and safeguarding natural resources for future generations.

Officer Cadets at OTA Chennai Complete Exercise SARPVINASH, Prepare for Future Challenges


Officer cadets at the Officers Training Academy (OTA) in Chennai have successfully completed Exercise SARPVINASH, a rigorous training program designed to hone their skills in counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism (CI/CT) operations. This exercise also focused on enhancing their endurance training and teamwork under pressure, preparing them for future challenges in their military careers.


Exercise SARPVINASH, which marks the final tactical camp for the senior course officer cadets, is a crucial component of their training at OTA Chennai. The program aims to equip them with practical, hands-on experience in complex operational scenarios, ensuring they are ready to lead in dynamic and challenging environments.


The cadets demonstrated determination and resilience throughout the exercise, showcasing their ability to apply tactical knowledge and physical endurance in simulated high-stress situations. This exercise is pivotal in their transformation into competent leaders capable of handling the demands of modern military engagements.


As these officer cadets prepare to graduate and enter various facets of the Indian Army, their experience in Exercise SARPVINASH will be instrumental in their roles, enabling them to effectively manage and lead in both peace and conflict situations.

Lt Gen Michael AJ Fernandes Addresses ‘Young Leaders Course’ at OTA Chennai


Lt Gen Michael AJ Fernandes, Commandant of the Officers Training Academy (OTA) in Chennai, recently addressed participants of the ‘Young Leaders Course’ at the academy’s Young Leaders Training Wing.

This special course, targeting Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs) and soldiers from the Indian Army, Assam Rifles, and Territorial Army, is designed to groom and develop their personalities over a 14-week period, aligning with their career aspirations.


The course focuses on a comprehensive developmental approach to leadership, equipping the selected officers and soldiers with the necessary skills to advance their careers within the military framework.

Lt Gen Fernandes highlighted the importance of such training in forging a path for personal and professional growth, turning their dreams into reality.

The enthusiastic response from the highly motivated participants reflects the significant impact of this training initiative in preparing them for future leadership roles.

The ‘Young Leaders Course’ at OTA Chennai continues to be a cornerstone in nurturing the next generation of military leaders, contributing to the overall effectiveness and readiness of India’s armed forces.

Lt Gen Prit Pal Singh Reviews Training and Operational Preparedness at Sabse Behtar Brigade


Lt Gen Prit Pal Singh, the General Officer Commanding of the Sudarshan Chakra Corps, recently visited the Sabse Behtar Brigade to assess their training and operational preparedness. During his visit, Lt Gen Singh also had the opportunity to observe various innovations and technological initiatives undertaken by the brigade.

The initiatives showcased by the brigade are aimed at promoting self-reliance and enhancing the capabilities of Combat Engineers during operations.


These innovations represent significant steps towards integrating modern technology in military practices, aligning with the Indian Army’s ongoing efforts to strengthen its operational capabilities through technological advancement.

Lt Gen Singh commended the brigade for their high level of preparedness and their proactive approach in adopting new technologies. This visit highlights the Sudarshan Chakra Corps’ commitment to maintaining and improving the readiness and effectiveness of its units through continuous training and innovation.


The Sabse Behtar Brigade, under the guidance of the corps leadership, continues to set benchmarks in operational excellence and adaptability.