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Air Marshal PM Sinha Celebrates with Troops in Eastern Ladakh

Air Marshal PM Sinha Holi

In a vibrant celebration of Holi, Air Marshal PM Sinha, the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, took a special journey to Eastern Ladakh to mark the festival with the personnel stationed at the forward posts.

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This early morning visit was not just a festive occasion but also a moment of pride and camaraderie among the members of the Army, Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), and the Indian Air Force (IAF).

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During his visit, Air Marshal Sinha extended heartfelt greetings to the troops, acknowledging their unwavering dedication and the challenges they face due to the demanding terrain and harsh weather conditions.

His presence at the forward posts on such a significant festival underscores the nation’s appreciation for the soldiers who remain on the vigilant frontlines, safeguarding the country’s borders.

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The celebration of Holi, a festival known for its vibrant colors and joyous spirit, in the rugged landscapes of Eastern Ladakh, serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by the armed forces.

It highlights the unity and strength of India’s military personnel, who stand resolute in their duties, even in the most challenging environments.

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Air Marshal Sinha’s visit and his commendations to the troops reinforce the message of solidarity and gratitude from the nation towards its soldiers, emphasizing the significance of their service in maintaining the country’s security and sovereignty.

2 Punjab Police Constables Achieve Dream of Becoming Indian Army Officers


In an inspiring journey of dedication and perseverance, two young constables from Punjab Police have triumphed over the odds to be selected for commission in the Indian Army. Anmol Sharma and Lovepreet Singh, both 24, have shown that with hard work and determination, dreams do come true.

Anmol Sharma, the son of a Punjab Police Assistant Sub Inspector and an international hockey umpire, secured the 99th rank in the all-India Combined Defence Services (CDS) examination. Lovepreet Singh, whose father serves as a subedar in the Defence Security Corps, made his mark by securing the 16th rank in the all-India list through the NCC special entry scheme for the Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai.

Punjab Police 1

Before their selection, Sharma and Singh were part of the 7th India Reserve Battalion (IRB) and were among the constables chosen for training in the newly established Sadak Surakhya Force (SSF). However, Sharma opted for the OTA following his selection, while Singh joined the SSF before moving on to the OTA.

Their journey was not without its challenges. Both Sharma and Singh managed their rigorous police training schedule, which started at 4 am and ended with lights out at 9:30 pm, to carve out time for their studies. They often studied together at a temple near their training center in Kapurthala, even using the light of a jot (flame) to continue their revisions during the night.

The Director General of Police, Gaurav Yadav, expressed pride in their achievements, noting that it was a great honor for the Punjab police and the state to have their youth selected to serve as officers in the armed forces. He emphasized that their success would inspire younger generations to serve with courage and valor.

Lovepreet’s selection fulfills a long-standing family dream, with his father and grandfather having served in the army. Despite the challenges, including a family history of near successes in military selection, Lovepreet’s determination paid off, bringing joy and pride to his family.

Anmol and Lovepreet’s story is a testament to their unyielding spirit and dedication. As they prepare to embark on their new roles as commissioned officers in the Indian Army, they stand as inspiring figures for many young aspirants across the nation.

Chinar Corps Marks World Tuberculosis Day with Awareness Drive


On the occasion of World Tuberculosis Day 2024, Chinar Corps, in a proactive endeavor to raise awareness about tuberculosis (TB) prevention, diagnosis, and management, organized a comprehensive awareness drive at the 92 Base Hospital in BB Cantt, Srinagar.

The initiative, aimed at educating troops and fostering a deeper understanding of TB-related issues, witnessed enthusiastic participation from over 100 Chinar Warriors.

As the world observed World Tuberculosis Day, Chinar Corps took proactive steps to address the global health challenge posed by tuberculosis. Recognizing the importance of raising awareness and promoting preventive measures, Chinar Corps conducted a series of health lectures and interactive sessions at the 92 Base Hospital.


The awareness drive kicked off with informative health lectures delivered by medical experts, shedding light on various aspects of tuberculosis, including its causes, symptoms, prevention strategies, and treatment options.

The sessions, tailored to cater to the specific needs of military personnel, provided valuable insights into the importance of early detection and prompt intervention in combating TB.

In addition to the health lectures, engaging role-playing activities were organized to simulate real-life scenarios related to TB prevention and management.

Through interactive role plays, Chinar Warriors had the opportunity to gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience in identifying TB symptoms, seeking medical assistance, and adhering to treatment protocols.


The highlight of the awareness drive was the dynamic question-and-answer session, where Chinar Warriors actively participated, seeking clarification on various aspects of TB prevention and management.

The interactive exchange of ideas and information fostered a sense of community engagement and collective responsibility in tackling the tuberculosis menace.

Through initiatives like these, we aim to empower our personnel with the knowledge and tools to safeguard their health and the health of their comrades,” remarked Colonel Gupta.

The awareness drive organized by Chinar Corps at the 92 Base Hospital not only underscored the importance of proactive healthcare initiatives but also highlighted the critical role played by the armed forces in promoting public health and well-being.


By prioritizing health education and preventive measures, Chinar Corps reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring the physical and mental well-being of its personnel.

As World Tuberculosis Day drew to a close, the echoes of awareness and empowerment reverberated within the walls of the 92 Base Hospital, serving as a testament to Chinar Corps’ unwavering dedication to the welfare of its troops and the larger community.

In the ongoing battle against tuberculosis, Chinar Corps stands united, determined to eradicate this global health threat and create a healthier, more resilient future for all.

Fire and Fury Corps Celebrates Holi with Soldiers at Siachen Glacier


In a heartwarming display of camaraderie and festivity, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of Fire and Fury Corps, along with the brave soldiers stationed at the icy heights of Siachen, celebrated the vibrant festival of Holi.

Despite the challenging conditions and the remote location, the spirit of joy and togetherness prevailed as soldiers immersed themselves in the colors of Holi, spreading cheer and goodwill in the harsh environs of Siachen.

The celebration, marked by traditional songs, dances, and the exchange of sweets, served as a welcome respite for the soldiers who have been tirelessly safeguarding the nation’s borders in one of the world’s most hostile terrains.

Amidst the towering peaks and freezing temperatures, the soldiers of Fire and Fury Corps found solace in the warmth of companionship and the shared bond of brotherhood.


The celebration of Holi at Siachen Glacier holds special significance, symbolizing the indomitable spirit and resilience of the Indian Armed Forces.

Despite the inhospitable conditions and the inherent challenges of high-altitude warfare, the soldiers remain steadfast in their commitment to duty, embodying the ethos of courage, sacrifice, and dedication.

As the festivities unfolded against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains and pristine glaciers, soldiers indulged in playful exchanges of colored powder, laughter, and camaraderie.

The joyous atmosphere served as a reminder of the bonds that transcend boundaries and unite soldiers in a shared sense of purpose and pride.

For the soldiers stationed at Siachen, far away from their homes and loved ones, the celebration of Holi brought a momentary reprieve from the rigors of military life. It provided an opportunity to cherish the simple pleasures of friendship and camaraderie amidst the awe-inspiring beauty of the Himalayan landscape.

The celebration of Holi at Siachen Glacier not only reaffirmed the unwavering spirit of the Indian Army but also highlighted the resilience and determination of the soldiers who stand guard at the nation’s highest battlefield.


As the colours of Holi faded into the horizon, the spirit of camaraderie and unity continued to shine bright, serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all.

As the soldiers of Fire and Fury Corps bid farewell to Holi, their hearts filled with memories of laughter and camaraderie, they returned to their duties with renewed vigor and determination, embodying the spirit of service and sacrifice that defines the Indian Armed Forces.

DG Assam Rifles Honors Fallen Heroes on 189th Raising Day


Lieutenant General PC Nair PVSM, AVSM, YSM, PhD, the Director General of Assam Rifles (DGAR), led a solemn ceremony to pay homage to the valiant soldiers of Assam Rifles who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the nation.

The poignant tribute took place at the War Memorial in Laitkor, Shillong, on the occasion of the 189th Raising Day of Assam Rifles, marking nearly two centuries of unwavering dedication and sacrifice by the force.

Against the backdrop of the serene hills of Shillong, Lt Gen PC Nair, along with senior officials and personnel of Assam Rifles, gathered to honor the memory of the 1182 Bravehearts who laid down their lives in the line of duty.


As the morning sun cast its golden rays upon the memorial, a sense of reverence filled the air, reminding all present of the profound debt owed to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the nation.

The War Memorial in Laitkor stands as a solemn reminder of the bravery, valor, and selflessness exhibited by the soldiers of Assam Rifles throughout its illustrious history.

It serves as a sacred space where the names of the fallen heroes are etched in stone, ensuring that their legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of future generations.

In his address, Lt Gen PC Nair paid tribute to the courage and sacrifice of the Bravehearts, highlighting their unwavering commitment to duty and their indomitable spirit in the face of adversity. “Today, as we commemorate the 189th Raising Day of Assam Rifles, we also remember with deep gratitude and reverence the brave soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice in service to the nation,” remarked Lt Gen PC Nair.

The solemn ceremony underscored the ethos of Assam Rifles, a force renowned for its professionalism, discipline, and dedication to the cause of safeguarding the nation’s borders and ensuring peace and security in the northeastern region.

The Raising Day celebrations served as an occasion to reaffirm the commitment of Assam Rifles personnel to upholding the highest ideals of service, sacrifice, and honor.

As the bugle sounded the Last Post and wreaths were laid in remembrance, the poignant ceremony drew to a close, leaving a profound impression on all those in attendance.

The sacrifice of the Bravehearts, immortalized in the annals of history, serves as a beacon of inspiration for the men and women of Assam Rifles as they continue to uphold the proud legacy of the force.


The 189th Raising Day of Assam Rifles not only commemorated the rich heritage and glorious tradition of the force but also reaffirmed the unwavering resolve of its personnel to serve the nation with courage, integrity, and honor.

As the sun set on the solemn ceremony at the War Memorial in Laitkor, the memory of the Bravehearts remained etched in the collective consciousness of a grateful nation.

Day 2 of IMT TRILAT: Indian Naval Ships Forge Maritime Bonds in Zanzibar


The second day of the Indian Maritime Training (IMT) TRILAT exercise witnessed Indian Naval Ships (INS) Tir and Sujata anchoring in Zanzibar, Tanzania, and Maputo, Mozambique, respectively.

This strategic maritime engagement, aimed at fostering cooperation and enhancing interoperability among naval forces, is a testament to the enduring friendship and shared commitment to maritime security in the region.

As the sun rose over the tranquil waters of the Indian Ocean, INS Tir docked in the picturesque harbor of Zanzibar, while INS Sujata found its berth in the bustling port of Maputo.


The arrival of these naval vessels marked the continuation of the joint exercise, with a focus on harbor phase activities aimed at honing essential skills and fostering camaraderie among participating navies.

Throughout the day, intensive training sessions unfolded on board INS Tir in Zanzibar and INS Sujata in Maputo, covering a wide range of maritime operations and procedures.

From communication protocols to casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) drills, joint diving operations, practical demonstrations, and pre-sailing briefings, sailors from India, Tanzania, and Mozambique engaged in hands-on learning experiences aimed at enhancing operational readiness and coordination.

The training exercises underscored the importance of shared knowledge and preparedness in addressing maritime security challenges in the Indian Ocean region.


By strengthening maritime ties and fostering a spirit of cooperation, the participating navies laid the foundation for effective joint operations and rapid response to emerging threats.

Commander Rahul Kumar, leading INS Tir’s contingent, emphasized the significance of the exercise in strengthening maritime partnerships. “Through IMT TRILAT, we are not just conducting drills; we are forging bridges of friendship and cooperation that will endure for years to come,” stated Commander Kumar.

The camaraderie and professionalism displayed by sailors from India, Tanzania, and Mozambique exemplified the spirit of collaboration and mutual respect that defines maritime cooperation in the Indian Ocean.

As naval personnel worked shoulder to shoulder, exchanging knowledge and expertise, they embodied the shared commitment to safeguarding maritime interests and promoting peace and stability in the region.


The IMT TRILAT exercise, marked by the hashtag #BridgesofFriendship, serves as a shining example of India’s commitment to enhancing regional maritime security through proactive engagement and cooperation.

As INS Tir and INS Sujata continue their joint training endeavors in Zanzibar and Maputo, the bonds forged between naval forces will serve as a cornerstone for future collaborations, ensuring a safer and more secure maritime domain for all. 🇮🇳-🇲🇿-🇹🇿

Indian Air Force Joins Global Environmental Movement with Earth Hour Participation


In a powerful demonstration of solidarity with grassroots movements advocating for environmental conservation and sustainability, the Indian Air Force (IAF) made its mark by actively participating in the ‘Earth Hour’ movement.

This global initiative, aimed at raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting action to protect the planet, saw the IAF making a significant contribution by observing a lights-out period across its major installations.

Yesterday evening, from 20:30 to 21:30 hours, the Indian Air Force took a proactive step towards reducing energy consumption and mitigating its environmental footprint by switching off all non-essential lights across its installations.


This symbolic gesture echoed the IAF’s commitment to environmental stewardship and its dedication to supporting global efforts to combat climate change.

The decision to participate in Earth Hour reflects the IAF’s recognition of the urgent need to address environmental challenges and its willingness to contribute to collective efforts aimed at preserving the planet for future generations.

By joining the global community in this momentous event, the IAF reaffirmed its role as a responsible guardian of the environment and a proactive advocate for sustainable practices.

Across major IAF installations, including airbases, command centers, and administrative offices, the lights dimmed as personnel embraced the spirit of Earth Hour.


The symbolic act of turning off non-essential lights served as a poignant reminder of the importance of individual and collective action in protecting the environment and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria, Chief of the Air Staff, expressed his pride in the IAF’s participation in Earth Hour, stating, “As guardians of the skies, it is our duty to also be guardians of the Earth.

By participating in Earth Hour, we demonstrate our commitment to environmental conservation and our resolve to be responsible stewards of the planet.”


The IAF’s involvement in Earth Hour not only underscores its commitment to environmental sustainability but also highlights the broader role of the armed forces in promoting national and global security, which encompasses environmental security as an integral component.

As the lights dimmed across IAF installations, the message sent was clear: the Indian Air Force stands united with the global community in its efforts to address environmental challenges and safeguard the planet for future generations. By taking a stand for the Earth, the IAF reaffirmed its role as a force for positive change, both in the skies and on the ground.

General Naravane Congratulates His Batchmate Air Chief Marshal R K S Bhadauria on Joining BJP


In a noteworthy move that has caught the attention of both defense circles and the political arena, former Air Force Chief, Air Chief Marshal (Retd.) RKS Bhadauria, has stepped into the political spotlight by joining the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The induction ceremony, held in the national capital on Sunday, March 24, saw the presence of prominent personalities, including Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur and BJP National General Secretary Vinod Tawde.

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Celebrating this transition, General Manoj Naravane took to Twitter to extend his hearty congratulations to his former counterpart. “Congratulations to my co-Chief. We will all be cheering for you. Best wishes from all Lions (Lima Squadron) and all Chappans (56 course NDA),” tweeted Naravane, reflecting the camaraderie and mutual respect shared among the top echelons of the Indian Armed Forces.


Air Chief Marshal Bhadauria, who has had an illustrious career leading the Indian Air Force as its 23rd Chief from September 30, 2019, to September 30, 2021, is revered for his strategic foresight and leadership skills. Originating from Bah tehsil of Agra district, Bhadauria’s decision to join politics has sparked interest and speculation, particularly with rumors suggesting that the BJP might field him as the Lok Sabha candidate from Ghaziabad. This move is viewed as a strategic play by the BJP, aiming to leverage Bhadauria’s distinguished service record and leadership stature to bolster its political ambitions and connect with a broader electorate.

The political ingress of Bhadauria nearly two and a half years after his retirement from the Air Force marks a significant juncture in his career, transitioning from military leadership to potentially playing a pivotal role in shaping national policies and governance. As discussions and speculations around his political journey unfold, Bhadauria’s induction into the BJP underscores a trend of former military leaders stepping into the political realm, bringing with them a wealth of experience and a commitment to serving the nation in new capacities.

Indian Army’s Brahmastra Corps Leads NCC Camp for Women Empowerment in West Bengal

ncc cadets

In a significant step towards empowering young women and nurturing future leaders, the Indian Army’s Eastern Command, under the banner of Brahmastra Corps, recently organized a two-week National Cadet Corps (NCC) Army Attachment Camp exclusively for Girl Cadets. This pioneering initiative took place at the Panagarh Military Station in West Bengal, emphasizing the Indian Army’s commitment to fostering Naari Shakti and Women Empowerment.


The camp, themed #ForgingTheFuture, saw participation from numerous girl cadets across West Bengal, who were provided with an unparalleled opportunity to gain firsthand military experience. Through a series of meticulously planned activities, the cadets were immersed in the disciplines of military life, from physical training to tactical exercises, all designed to instill a sense of camaraderie, discipline, and unity among the participants.


One of the key objectives of the camp was to motivate and inspire the youth, particularly young women, to aspire for greater roles within society and potentially consider careers within the armed forces. By exposing them to the challenges and rigor of military life, the camp aimed to build character, foster leadership skills, and encourage the values of self-service and national pride.

The initiative has been widely applauded by various defense officials and organizations, including the Additional Directorate General of Public Information (ADGPI) and the Ministry of Defense’s Spokesperson, highlighting the Indian Army’s ongoing efforts to integrate women into more significant roles within the defense framework.

As the camp concluded, the girl cadets emerged more confident and inspired, embodying the spirit of Naari Shakti and ready to contribute to their communities and the nation. This event not only marks a milestone in the journey towards gender equality within the armed forces

Defence Minister Celebrates Holi with Armed Forces in Leh


In a heartwarming display of solidarity and celebration, Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh joined the armed forces personnel for Holi festivities at the Leh military station. This significant gesture highlighted the close-knit bond between the nation’s leadership and its defence forces.


The Defence Minister was in the esteemed company of Chief of the Army Staff General Manoj Pande and General Officer Commanding, Fire and Fury Corps Lt Gen Rashim Bali during the celebrations.


The original plan for the Defence Minister included a visit to the Siachen area to mark the Holi celebrations. However, due to adverse weather conditions, the visit was postponed.


Despite this, Rajnath Singh ensured he connected with the troops stationed at Siachen by speaking to the commanding officer over the phone, promising a visit at the earliest possible opportunity.


Emphasizing the significance of Ladakh and Siachen, Rajnath Singh remarked, “If Delhi is our national capital, Ladakh is a capital of bravery and valour. Visiting you all to celebrate Holi makes this one of the happiest moments for me.


Siachen is no ordinary land. It is an unshakeable symbol of India’s sovereignty and determination.” These words underscored the strategic and emotional value of the region to India’s defence ethos.


Rajnath Singh also reiterated the government’s commitment to the welfare of the armed forces and their families. He acknowledged the sacrifices and dedication of the soldiers and assured them of the government’s readiness to support them fully.


In a move to foster unity and shared celebrations across the armed forces, he proposed a new tradition where the chiefs of the Indian Army, Air Force, and Navy celebrate festivals with personnel stationed at the frontlines, a day ahead of the actual festivities.


The Defence Minister’s visit and his message underscore the government’s recognition of the armed forces’ valor and the sacrifices they make to ensure the nation’s security.

From the challenging terrains of Kargil to the vast expanses of the sea, Indian forces remain vigilant, guarding the country against external threats. This Holi celebration in Leh was a testament to the spirit of unity, bravery, and the collective resolve to protect India’s sovereignty.