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Cube and Dice Question In OIR Test


You might have faced few tricky questions in verbal and nonverbal tests on SSB day 1, mostly these questions consist of a dice problem or finding the alike cubes. Just to familiarize freshers with these types of questions, we have solved few questions below. Though it’s very easy, try to understand the concept to do it fast because the time given is less.

Tricky Verbal and Non verbal Questions

SSB Cube Questions

These questions consist of cubes and you need to find the cubes which are similar. Read the instructions below to understand the real misery behind this type of question.


SSB Similar Figure Questions

verbal%2Band%2Bnon%2Bverbal%2B 1

Type of Question in Verbal Ability:

  1. Completion of Series: In this type, a series is given in which  a word, letter, a figure or digit is missing somewhere in between or at the end and the candidate is required to insert it.
    • Example 1: Find the missing, 3,7,11,15,__,__    Ans: ( write it in the comment box)
  2. Relationship of Analogy Tests: This is a mathematical type of exercise. There is certain type of relationship between two objects or ideas and bye establishing the same kind of relationship between the third and the fourth, the missing object or idea is to be provided.
    • Example 1: Q1 Bird is to fly as man is to _______ Ans: (write it in the comment box)
    • Example 2: Q2 Watch is to wrist as ring is to ______ Ans: (write it in the comment box)
  3.  Relationship Test: There is a certain relationship between the pairs of words.
    • Example 1: Write the number of the two word which have the relationship as tailor and clothes. (1) Cobbler (2) Doctor (3) Medicine (4) Shoes Ans: (write it in the comment box)
  4. Jumbled Spelling Test: In this type of test, jumbled spelling of common words are given. The candidate is required to think out the correct work. Sometimes a hint about the nature of the word is also provided.
    • Example 1: Which choice mentions the last letter of the word rearranged from the following jumbled spelling: Q: COYEKH is an outdoor game. Options: Q,X,Y,H.
  5. Coding and Decoding Test: In these tests, number, letters of alphabet do not stand for themselves but for some other letters, i.e., they have an artificial code value. These artificial or code values are given according to some set principle. By applying that principle the candidates can decode a coded word or number.
    • Example 1: If HKTG means Fire, what does YCVGT mean ?
    • Example 2: If 3=0, 4=4, 5=10, 6=18 then 7=?
  6. Multiple Choice or Best Reason Test: In this case a question or an incomplete statement is followed by many possible alternative choices as answers and candidates are required to select the more appropriate choice that completes the statement or answers the question.
    • Example 1: Delhi is famous because (a) It is very neat city (b) It is the capital of India (c) The President and PM live in it.
  7. Same Class Test: In this type of test, a group of words is given. Some of these words belong to one particular class but one ore more words do not belong to that class.
    • Example 1: Write the number of object which is different from the other objects in the following collection: (a) Teacher, (b) Professor, (c) Student, (d) Head Master, (e) Principal.
  8. Synonym Test: In this type, pairs of words with the same meaning are given. But a certain pair of such that the meaning of the two words in the pair is not the same. Candidates are required to pick it out and write the number of that pair.
    • Example 1: Write the number of the pair, the words which do not have the same type of meaning as the others. (a) Agony and Pain, (b) Danger and Risk, (c) Freedom and Bondage, (4) Integrity and Honesty.
  9. Antonym Test: In this type some pairs of words have opposite meaning but a certain pair of a different nature. Candidates are required to pick out the same.
    • Example 1: Write the number if the pair, the words of which have a relationship different from the other pairs. (a) Compulsory, Voluntary, (b) Help, Obstruction, (c) Excess, Surplus, (4) Food, Famine.
  10. Direction Sense Test: In this type of test, the candidates are required to make use of a keen sense of direction and remember the distance covered in each direction.
    • Example 1: If you start from point A and walk 4 miles towards the east, then turn left and walk 3 miles towards the north, turn left again and walk 2 miles, which choice mentions the direction in which you are going? (a) North, (b) East, (c) South, (d) West.
  11. Common Sense Test: In these type of tests, the candidates are required to make use of their common sense only. Alternative choices for suitable or probable answer may or may not be provided in this type of test. Candidates have to draw upon their own past experience.
    • Example 1: 3 years ago, Lakshmi was 5 years older than Sita. What is the difference between their ages today?
  12. Sequence Test: In this type, one is required to concentrate on correct sequence of days of the week, months of the year, sequence of words in the dictionary or sequence of letters of alphabets, etc, etc.
    • Example 1: If fifth of the month falls two days after Monday, what day of the week will precede the 19th of the month.
  13. Blood Relationship Tests: One is required to have fair knowledge of blood relations.
    • Example 1: X and Y are children of Z. Z is the father of X but Y is not the son of Z. What is Y to Z?
  14. Jumbled Sentences Tests: In this type the words forming a sentences are jumbled up and candidates are required to rearrange these to form a sensible sentence.
    • Example 1: Rearrange the following jumbled words to form sensible sentences. (a) All animals are animals but all cats are not cats.
  15. Confusing Instructions Tests: Questions of this type are simple to solve but instruction issued are confusing. The students are required to study the questions carefully and understand in which way the answer is to be expressed.
    • Example 1: If 1/2 when added to 1/4 makes 3/4. Write “wrong” unless 3/4 when divide by 1/4 makes 1/3 in which case write ‘right’
  16. Assigning Correct Mathematical Signs: Sometimes arithmetical questions involving addition, subtraction, division and multiplication are written but arithmetical sign are omitted . Candidates are required to insert these.
    • Example 1: 24_5_4=9 .
  17. Word Building Tests: This type of test is meant to test the ability of students in word building. For example: forming new words by suffixing or prefixing new letters or taking off from or adding new letters to the body of words.
    • Example 1: Think of a single letter which when prefixed to the following words forms new words: READ, RISK, OWL, RING, RIGHT.

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What is AFCAT- Air Force Common Admission Test 2022

indian airforce pilots
Indian Air force Pilots

Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) is a part of the unified selection system to provide adequate opportunities to the candidates eligible for multiple branches of the IAF to apply through a single application.  AFCAT is conducted for the following non-UPSC entries for induction into the Officers’ cadre of the IAF.

Various Entries Through AFCAT

  • Flying branch: Short Service Commission (Men / Women)
  • Technical branch: Permanent Commission (Men) / Short Service Commission (Men / Women)
  • Ground Duty branches: Permanent Commission (Men) / Short Service Commission (Men / Women)

AFCAT has been introduced with effect from courses commencing in Jan 2012. The first AFCAT was held on 27 Mar 2011.  Earlier, a candidate had to fill up separate application forms for induction into Flying, Technical, and Ground Duty branches and participate in the selection process by appearing in different tests. Through AFCAT, the candidates can apply for different branches by filling up one single application form as per eligibility and choice. A common entrance test i.e. AFCAT is conducted for all the branches.  Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) is two hours duration and contains multiple-choice questions on verbal ability, numerical ability, reasoning, general awareness, and aptitude.

Air Force Common Admission Test - AFCAT

Click here to view scheme of syllabus and sample questions of AFCAT. Candidates short-listed on the basis of AFCAT are called for further testing at one of the Air Force Selection Boards. Candidates recommended after Phase – II of SSB interview are administered the following branch specific tests based on their eligibility / choice of branches:-

  • Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) for Flying branch.
  • Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) 

Medical Examination is conducted at AFCME, New Delhi or IAM, Bengaluru based on the eligibility of the candidate and recommendations at Air Force Selection Board (AFSB). Candidates recommended by the AFSBs and declared medically fit are detailed for training in order of All India Merit List depending on the number of vacancies available in various branches / sub branches.     Advertisement schedule for AFCAT is Dec and Jun every year.

AFCAT released its official notification for AFCAT is going online across various examination centers in India. The exam, which used to be free of cost to apply, would be charged at 250/- INR per application.

Selection system for Officers and Airmen in the IAF has been continuously evolving and sustained efforts are in place to strengthen the testing system. Though the existing system is time tested and well proven, constraints of testing capacity and geographical reach were major limitations in according opportunity to all the deserving and eligible candidates from across the country especially to rural youth.

On the morning of 11th December, MoS for Defence Subhash Bhamre inaugurated the online examination web portal of IAF at Vayusena Bhavan. This contributes towards the vision of ‘Digital India’ of the Prime Minister.

The online examination system is developed in collaboration with Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) thus also following the ‘Make in India’ and ‘Design in India’ philosophy of the Govt of India.

IAF is the first amongst the three services to take up IT enabled Online Testing for induction in Officers and Airmen cadre. The project will be implemented with effect from Jan 2018 for Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) for Officer’s cadre and Scheduled test for Airmen Recruitment (STAR) for Airmen cadre.

Earlier IAF had 100+ centres pan India for Officer cadre exam and 14 centres for Airmen selection exams. Certain states/UTs did not have any testing centre. Consequently, candidates had to spend considerable time and resources on travelling to the testing centres. In the new system, there would be about 760 examination centre’s all over the country and the maximum distance a candidate would be required to travel now will be considerably less from the place of his/her residence. It will enable approximately four lakh candidates for Airmen selection and two lakh candidates for Officer’s selection, to appear in the exam every six months.

Here is how to apply for AFCAT 1/2019, NCC Spl Entry and Met Entry for IAF Jan 2020 courses:

  1. Goto either one of the websites – https://careerindianairforce.cdac.in or https://afcat.cdac.in
  2. The applications will open on 01 Dec 2018 and will close on 30 Dec 2018.
  3. Click on “Officer” button at the end of the page to join as officer or “Airman” button to join as an airman.
  4. Click on “Apply Online”
  5. Register with your valid details and click on “Register”.
  6. Fill up the application form with utmost care with correct details and pay the applicable fee.
  7. Click on “Submit”.

Your application has been submitted successfully.

Contact AFCAT Cell:

For queries regarding AFCAT application, admit card and AFCAT centre, candidates may contact AFCAT Cell:

West Block – VI Air HQs(RKP) RK Puram New Delhi – 110066 Tele: 011 – 26160458, 26160459 E – Mail: [email protected]

Download Previous Papers:

Previous AFCAT papers can be downloaded from the following links:

AFCAT Solved Question Papers: http://shop.ssbcrack.com/afcat-solved-question-papers-download

Pain of Failure, Joy of Success in SSB Interview


Failure is a fundamental part of life, we may be fortunate to get something very easy in life but not all of us, you must be trying very hard to get recommended in SSB even though you got screened out or conference out many times, you may decide not to attempt any more SSB interviews because you think you had enough but after some days you forget all your worries and seeking another chance for the SSB interview. Some of us are tired of failures and don’t want to attempt anymore, but promise not to stop and trying till we have eligibility because you never know when you will hear your chest number after the conference.

You may find someone who is attempting 10th SSB interview with an experience of 9 serial failures, take some inspiration from him and go for it. Nothing is easy unless you have a strong desire and nothing is hard if you have a strong and focused mind. Yes, it’s a desire, it’s something like heaven, one day you will be in UNIFORM. What is the fun in getting something easily? No one gets it easily there is extreme willpower and preparation behind that. We sometimes think that ” How can they recommended that guy, OMG he is so lousy ?” not your fault, this is a common human tendency to judge someone without having the knowledge of proper judgment.


Remember this SSB board gave us real heroes who scarified their lives for the motherland, SSB always wants to select you, they never call you for rejection it’s you who should be able to show your actual ability and quality.

Next time you will prepare for the SSB interview and not just go like trying for a lottery ticket prize, remember everything requires proper preparation, try to take the advice of everyone, and do what you think is the best for you. One day you will hear your Chest number after the board conference and that’s the moment you are living for so why not make it possible in this life. All the SSB aspirants having the same dream and they want to make it in reality. Stop crying if you don’t get recommended, stop yelling, stop cribbing, try to analyze your mistakes, try to find what others did and you did not, and finally, start performing and one day success will be yours.

SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]

How To Pass Screening Test In SSB Interview [PPDT]


SSB consist of 2 stages, the first stage is called as the screening test and the second stage consists of 3 important test knows as Psychology test, Group Testing Officers (GTO) Test and personal interview. This post is regarding screening, yes screening seems very difficult for those who got screened out many times. The screening test is indeed a difficult test because of the competition level, the screening test result is on the basis of your Intelligence tests [verbal & nonverbal] and PPDT [Picture Perception and Discussion test].

How To Pass Screening Test In SSB [PPDT]

Verbal and nonverbal is not difficult to crack because it’s just to test your OIR [ Officer’s Intelligence Rate ], try to attempt all the questions because time is very limited if they say 15 mins for a test take it as 10 mins and attempt most of the questions because no “negative” marking.  

Now the most famous picture perception and discussion test, what you need to do are write a story according to the picture shown to you for 4 mins only and later you have to discuss about the picture and make a common story in group discussion.

ppdt sample picture

What are the mistakes candidates do generally? Firstly you write a good story which has head and tail and matches with the picture shown to you, for god’s sake don’t write Ram, Mohan, Sohan,..do all of you have friends with this name only? if not use your friend’s name, I am sure every second person writes “RAM” as his hero, so choose a good name for your character. Also, some of them write totally different stories like if they see a “village scene” then the hero wanted to work for his village as an engineer !! Really you want to do that ?? At least write something which has quick action and not future plans kind of things. Some of you give rewards at the end of your story just for social work, getting a reward for good work is not that easy in Indian ( kidding)please avoid this reward system and just make a happy ending with some twists and turns in your story, Assessors should get some interest and attention while reading/listening to your story but again do not make detective type and superman type stories be normal and practical. Okay, you must be good at writing a story so where is the fault ?? let us talk about group discussion, a very tense situation isn’t it ??

Also Read: 

Tips while narrating: Be loud enough while narrating the story, be confident about your story, look at everyone while narrating except looking at assessors, try to convey the message of your story instead of going deep into the story content { do not take much time to finish}. Sometimes we get stuck in between during narration, do not worry about that try to come back on track as soon as possible, and keep your story simple during narration so that you don’t stick in between and also don’t bug others as well. On the whole, your story narration is easy and attractive because all you need to get is attention from assessors, again do not try to gain attention through odd means. What are the odd means ?? okay you must have seen a candidate saying ” gentleman I agree with chest number xyz story ” and that candidate keeps on saying this throughout the whole discussion, what is this? fine it’s good if you like others’ story but it didn’t mean that saying such lines let you in for 5 days, why are you there? you also have a story, did you put your point even once? did you contribute to the story making? did you convince others regarding few points which you think are correct?

ppdt ssb

All you need to do is to make a story with the help of others, so contribute some points during discussion and try to find out the common point in the story which others also observed and add it to the story because no one objects in something which he/she also observed. Suppose if most of you have seen a village environment then say that keep the village environment only and make a story around that instead of making something odd. All you need is to convince others and also agree with others, supporting your story is good but forcing others to take the whole part of your story as a common story is never gonna work for you. Sometimes GD becomes “Fish Market” and yes it’s not your fault because you are not getting involved but still, you didn’t get selected, why? because you didn’t say a single word, if you try to stop such stupid stuff in GD by convincing others then you have a good chance, try your best to convince them, tell them not to argue, and let’s try to make a good story. If you keep quiet under such a situation it’s difficult for you to get selected and yes people who are shouting may get selected because they were trying to do something to make a story.

Also Check: 

Who Is Your Best Friend- IO Question


Who is your best friend? What do you see in someone to make him/her your friend?? you must be facing this question in your personal interview in Services selection board, although this question looks simple but makes lot of sense . Now what is the need of asking such type of question by an interviewer, do  he wants to know what kind of friends you have and what kind of qualities they possess , I don’t think an interviewer wants to know about your friends and their qualities but it is all about you. 

Here your answer matters and shows your maturity level, how? Armed forces are related to very confidential matters and someone who makes friends without knowing about them can create problems  for the organization . Here we are talking about your friends qualities , take a simple quality as an example mmm say ” honesty” if you say a person should be honest then its good that you make a person who is honest but honesty with whom and in what ??? also how do you check someone’s honesty ? this is next question you will face …:)

But if you take your personal life encounters with a stranger did you every try to know about your ….classmate or bench mates  honesty level , Yes or No ? I guess most of you don’t think of such things because we trust our friends and we never judge a person on honesty level and then make him/her a friend . Whenever you answer try to think first or close your eyes and think now, if your answer something which is correct and not just pre- planned lines then it will make interviewer more attentive and interested towards you and your life incidents.

 Suppose if you like someone who makes you laugh and a cool guy/gal looks different from others , not selfish , don’t have bad habits , dosto ka dost yaro ka yaar wali baat, don’t you see all these stuffs ?? So probebly this is not the answer for everybody but what I mean is, try to be more open and correct while answering such questions . Hope you will react to this post and this post badly needs your comments so post your comments and answers in the comment box below .

Group Planning Exercise 1 GPE SSB Interview


The Group Planning Exercise (GPE) is a key component of the Group Task (GT) series at the SSB, designed to evaluate a candidate’s planning, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. In a typical GPE, you will be presented with a map, a situation, and several problems to tackle within a limited timeframe. You and your group must come up with a detailed, logical plan to address all issues effectively.

Below, you will find a situation (Model 1). Read it carefully, analyse the information, and then propose a step-by-step plan in the comments section.

Group Planning Exercise 1 Map

Group Planning Exercise Map 1 1

Group Planning Exercise Map 1 Situation

You are (as many as in your group) returning back to your unit at Lalpur after some routine administrative duties at rear Division Headquarters. You halted at the tea shop to have a cup of tea and also allow the Daily Convoy coming up Soni Hill to pass you. While you were having your tea, you saw your 3-ton truck moving downhill on its own, as it had jumped over the stones kept under its tyres. You all ran after the vehicle but it rolled down the road. Suddenly you saw a jeep coming uphill.

By the time you could reach the 3-ton, it collided with the jeep. You found the driver unconscious and an officer sitting in the co-driver seat bleeding from a head injury. He told you that he is from the Intelligence Corps and had just learnt that some anti-national elements have placed dynamite near the bridge on the Yamuna River, and intend to kill the GOC as his vehicle crosses it on his way from the helipad to the Rear Divisional Headquarters.

The GOC is landing at 1800 hrs. They also intend to kill the headman of Betia village at sunset, i.e. 1830 hrs, as he is an informer. Saying this, he fainted.

As you were thinking of taking some action, the tea shop owner came shouting for help. He said his pony has slipped downhill, broken his leg, and can be saved if you can transport it immediately to the Betia village vet (doctor).

Additional Information

  • Lilpur and Sonpur are border towns having quite a few army units.
  • The windshield and headlights of the 3-ton are damaged. The jeep is badly damaged.
  • The convoy returns down Lalpur every day and crosses the Temple at 1700 hrs.
  • A civil bus leaves Betia village for Lalpur at 1645 hrs.

Time now is 1700 hrs. As bold young men, what do you intend doing?

Your Task

  1. Identify the Problems: List the primary issues (public safety, flooding risk, injured travelers, missing child, etc.).
  2. Prioritize: Decide which problem should be handled first, second, and so on.
  3. Resources & Personnel: Consider the availability of villagers, local police, medical staff, and any transport facilities.
  4. Execution & Timeframe: Outline a step-by-step plan to tackle each issue, specifying who does what, how, and when.

Thought for a couple of seconds

How to Respond

  • Write your plan in a concise, logical manner, addressing all the problems.
  • Mention how you will coordinate with key figures such as the village headman, police, medical staff, and construction workers.
  • Use clear steps or bullet points to show the sequence of actions and time management.

Share Your Response

Please post your plan in the comment box below. Feel free to outline your thought process, as it will help illustrate your problem-solving approach. Constructive feedback and discussion are highly encouraged!

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Last year IAF EKT questions .


Airforce common admission test 2013 Previous Question papers by careerairforce.nic.in
AFCAT 2013  AFCAT 2012 AFCAT Previous Question Paper AFCAT 2012 Answer keysPrevious IAF EKT Papers

IAF EKT Syllabus and Model question paper


Download Hard copy here EKT IAF Syllabus and Paper

SRT Situation Reaction Test In SSB Interview


Well through this post I just want to put some light on importance of SRT (Situation reaction test) in Psychology Test. This is one of the SSB interview test in which candidates need to write their response for 60 situations within 30 mins of time duration,you are suppose to write your idea and reaction to tackle the situation.

Also Read:

Repeaters knows the kind of situations comes in SRT and Fresher can just go through this post to get more idea what to do or what not to do. Situations are common but rarely happens to someone  in other words the most common situations can happen to you but rarely. Simple example ” you lost your ticket while travelling in train” this is common but happens rarely to someone.
Okay, above situation is very normal when compare to other situations, situation like ” you saw two gunmen forcing a lady on road in the middle of the night, what will you do ??” this situation is very rare but it very common nowadays. Everybody has their own tactics to tackle some problem and the way of tackling a problem is also considered in SSB. Your response must be practical , practical ? what do you mean by practical?
It must be Practically possible, I mean, you must write something which you will actually do under such situation, after thinking wisely. Please do not say you will go towards gunmen and kick them with your kung-fu this is not practical even when you know kung fu, because gunmen having Guns which is much faster than your kicks.. okay  jokes apart…:) Okay I will give you one more example and please do not ask what I will do with those gunmen, because everybody has their own way to tackle situations, as I said above and I don’t want to make you confuse.
Below is the comment on SRT by one of the recommended candidate:
You are waiting for a relative at railway station. The train has arrived and suddenly you hear a loud explosion around. You see some people dead and some people badly injured or bleeding. People are running here and there. You will…….
Here the first reaction is to keep YOURSELF safe. If you yourself gets injured then who will help others? Ensure that you are standing at right place(open space) where probability of explosion is low. Then call the ambulance, Police, Bomb Squad etc and help the injured people.
To sum up:
In all SRT’s we need to think a little bit. In this case some people write ” I will run to the spot , call the ambulance, …”lekin spot pe bhag k jake karoge kya? On the spot pe jake ambulance ko call karne se accha hai ki you move away from the crowd, look around for empty space,and then call..and so on..”
Do comment on this post below for more interaction and queries about SRT.
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Thematic Apperception Test of SSB Interview

tips for TAT

The TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) of SSB Interview is popularly known as the picture interpretation technique because it uses a standard series of provocative yet ambiguous pictures about which the subject is asked to tell a story. 

The subject is asked to tell as dramatic a story as they can for each picture presented, including the following

  • What has led up to the situation
  • What is happening at the moment
  • What the characters are feeling and thinking their mood.
  • What is the outcome of the story.

How to prepare for TAT- Thematic Apperception Test

  1. Keep on practice by writing stories on various pictures
  2. Improve your writing speed.
  3. Keep a clean and calm thought process while writing story.
  4. Always write a practically possible story.
  5. Writing something from real life situations is also helpful.
  6. Do not use very tough language which is hard to understand.
  7. Write legible.

Download TAT practice sets

  1. TAT Set-1
  2. TAT Set-2
  3. TAT Set-3

For more sets visit: Thematic Apperception Test ppt Download

For best results download the file and play it in MS Powerpoint.


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