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Executive Branch And Technical Branches Notification Indian Navy


Eligibility: BE/B.Tech

(Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Information Science/Technology, Instrumentation & Control Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Production / Plant Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation & Electronics)

Note:Candidates not qualified or appearing in final exam are not eligible to i.e Final year Students. 

Last Date: 1 April 12

Indian Navy, invites applications from unmarried male candidates for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in Executive Branch (General Services) and
Technical Branches of the Indian Navy for Dec 2012 Course at Indian Naval Academy (INA) Ezhimala, Kerala 
Educational Qualifications :  Completed BE/B. Tech Engineering with minimum 60% marks in aggregate from a recognised university with one of the following streams: –

Sl. No. Branch/Specialisation Eligible streams of BE/B. Tech.
Technical Branch (General Service)
(a) Engineering (E) Branch (i) Mechanical (ii) Marine (iii) Automotive  (iv) Mechtronics (v) Industrial & Production (vi) Metallurgy (vii) Aeronautical /Aerospace
(b) Electrical (L) Branch (i) Electrical (ii) Electronics (iii) Tele Communication (iv) Instrumentation  (v) Instrumentation and Control (vi) Electronics and Instrumentation (vii) Electronics and Communication (viii) Power Engineering (ix) Control System Engineering (x) Power Electronics (xi) Computer Science Engg.
Submarine Specialisation
(c) Engineering Branch Mechanical
Electrical Branch
‘Electrical’ or ‘Electronics’ or ‘Control’ or ‘Telecommunication’ or Instrumentation
Executive (GS) Branch
(e) Executive (GS) Cadre (BE/B. Tech (Any discipline)

Note : (i) Candidates who are educationally eligible for more than one Branch/Cadre should fill up (apply only one Application Form) and mention his priority in the Form. (ii) Candidates not qualified or appearing in final exam are not eligible to apply.
Pay Scale : PB-3/15600-39100/-
Physical Fitness : In Naval Academy curriculum, a lot of emphasis is laid on physical fitness. You are therefore, advised to remain fit by undertaking regular physical exercises, sports, running, swimming, etc. so that you meet the training goals successfully.
Physical Standards : The candidates should not be colour/night blind & must be physically fit according to following physical standards: (a) Height and Weight. Minimum height for male -157 cms with correlated weight. (b) Eye Sight.

Sl. No. Branch/Specialisation Eye Sight
without glasses with glasses
1. Technical (‘E’ & ‘L’) (General Service) 6/24 6/6
2. Technical Submarine Specialisation (‘E’ & ‘L’) 6/24 6/6
3. Executive (GS) 6/12 6/6
Age :
Sl. No. Entry (Branch/Cadre) Age Born between (both dates inclusive)
(i) Technical (General Service) 19½ to 25 years 02 Jan 1988 to 01 Jul 1993
(ii) Submarine Specialisation (‘E’ & ‘L’) 19½ to 25 years 02 Jan 1988 to01 Jul 1993
(iii) Executive (GS) 19½ to 25 years 02 Jan 1988 to 01 Jul 1993

Selection Procedure : (a) The candidates will be issued call up for Services Selection Board (SSB) based on their performance in Degree Course. If a candidate possesses higher qualification with better percentage, his higher qualification will be considered for cut off. Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Navy) reserves the right to shortlist applications and to fix cut off percentage . No communication will be entertained on this account. SSB interviews for short listed candidates will be scheduled at Bangalore/ Bhopal Coimbatore during May – Sep 2012.

Candidates are to submit application in ‘e-application‘ (Online) for this entry. The candidates desirous of applying online (e-application) can do so from 09 Mar 12. The online application registration will cease on 01 Apr 12Online (e-application):- Whilst filling up the e-application, it is advisable to keep the relevant documents readily available to enable the following:- (a) Correct filling up of personal particulars. Details are to be filled up as given in the Matriculation Certificate. (b) Fields such as e-mail address, mobile number are mandatory fields and need to be filled. Print two copies of the online Application Form having the system generated Roll Number. One copy of this Application Form is to be duly signed and mailed (posted) to Post Box No. 04, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 011 along with the following documents:- Self attested photograph, Attested photo copies of 10th &12th class certificates along with Mark Sheets, other educational certificates and mark sheets of all semester/years. (f) A superscription is to be made on envelope : ONLINE ROLL NO. __________ Application for SSC X(GS)/Technical Branch (E/L/SM) – DEC 2012 Course Qualification ______ Percentage _____% . Application and requisite enclosures must be properly tagged/stapled, IHQ MoD (Navy) will not be responsible for loss of enclosures, if sent loose.
Important Dates :
Date of commencement of receipt of Online e-application) 09 Mar 12
Last date of registration of Online (e-application) 01 Apr 12
Last date of receipt of printed copy of the Physical Application at Naval Headquarters 10 Apr 12

Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT)

Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT)
PILOT APTITUDE BATTERY TEST (PABT)Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) is a unique test. It is aimed at assessing a candidate’s aptitude to be trained as a pilot. PABT is being used as an independent selection device to induct potential officers into Flying Branch of Indian Air Force. PABT comprises three tests viz Instrument Battery Test (INSB), Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA) and Control Velocity Test (CVT). Instrument Battery Test (INSB) is a paper pencil test and other two are machine tests. The Instruments Battery Test (INSB) comprises two parts. 

This test assesses assimilation of the briefing and the ability of an individual to read and interpret the dials of an instrument panel of an aircraft. The candidates who score the minimum laid down criteria are subjected to the machine test. The machine test includes Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA) and Control Velocity Test (CVT). These tests measure the psychomotor co-ordination skill of the individual. These tests are conducted on a single day and administered only once in life time.
INSB contain 75 question in two parts 15 and 60.Total time is 35 minutes.  You have to find out the direction of fighter plane, like its descending, ascending, left bank or right bank. The Officer Incharge will explain all this before test properly. They will show you the large dummy meters so that you can easily understand. It includes a brief study of all important meters in aircraft ie.(compass meter ,climbing or diving meter, horizon detector, altimeter). After getting the knowledge of these meters the candidate has to give test related to these meters. Those only who qualify this test are eligible to give machine test. 2nd: This machine test has two parts. 1. There is a two rectangle (small one is in big one). There is a dot comes from upper screen which has to be adjusted in small rectangle. Another beep killing has to be executed by pressing jockey button. Another process is to put off yellow & red light simultaneously by left hand lever. 2. Another machine test is control velocity test in which by jockey a small dot should be superimposed on free falling yellow dots coming from upper screen. You get three chances to appear all these machine test.
Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT)Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) is a unique test. It is aimed at assessing a candidate’s aptitude to be trained as a pilot. PABT is being used as an independent selection device to induct potential officers into Flying Branch of Indian Air Force. PABT comprises three tests viz Instrument Battery Test (INSB), Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA) and Control Velocity Test (CVT). Instrument Battery Test (INSB) is a paper pencil test and other two are machine tests. The Instruments Battery Test (INSB) comprises two parts. This test assesses assimilation of the briefing and the ability of an individual to read and interpret the dials of an instrument panel of an aircraft. The candidates who score the minimum laid down criteria are subjected to the machine test. The machine test includes Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA) and Control Velocity Test (CVT). These tests measure the psychomotor co-ordination skill of the individual. These tests are conducted on a single day and administered only once in life time.

  • The aim of giving this test is generally to find out whether the candidate possesses mental alertness, presence of mind and self confidence and has adequate control over his nerves, and particularly whether he will be able to balance and control the flight of the aircraft and will not break down under stress.
  • These tests are designed to measure the ability relevant to the art of flying a plane. These are : (a)  Meter Reading Test  (b)  Flight Control Test (c) Drum Test.

Meter Reading Test

In this test the candidate is given 5 questions to be answered in 12Minutes.  After this there is a second set of 60 questions on two Meters (Horizon and compass) for which 20 minutes are given to answer them.
This test is designed to see whether a candidate has the ability to read meters quickly so as to enable him to adjust his flight with the help of these meter readings.

  • The Magnetic Compass – The compass needle always points out to the North. In this the meter reading the needle of the compass shows the bearing of the plane in relation to North.  Thus one can find to which direction the plane is moving.
  • The Altimeter – In altimeter, the needles move in clockwise direction.  By reading the needles in the altimeter, Pilot is able to know the altitude (height) at which the plane is flying at a particular time.  Adjustments in the plan’s altitude are made with the help of the altimeter.  The accuracy of the altimeter in the plane is very important for its safe flying.
  • Air Speed Indicator or Speedometer – The needle in this also moves in clockwise position.  By reading the needle, the Pilot can find out the speed of the aircraft per hour. He, therefore, can make adjustments where necessary.
  • Turn Indicator – From TI, the Pilot can find out whether the aircraft is turning left or right.  If the plane is turning left, in the instrument the black ball remain in the centre and the white needle will move to the right and if the plane is turning right the black ball will remain in the centre and the white needle will move to the left.  It means the white needle will invariably move to the direction opposite to which the aircraft is turning.
  • Climbing up and Diving Down meter – In this, if the aircraft is climbing the needle will move up and when it dives down the needle will move down.  Thus the pilot can find out whether the plane is going up or coming down.
  • Gaining or Loosing Height Meter – It shows as to whether the plane is gaining losing or maintaining its height during the flight. Necessary adjustments are made by the Pilot with the help of this instrument.

Flight Control Test

The entire apparatus is installed in a room. The ground glass screen is in the front and a stool fixed in the centre of the room. There are number of gears along both the sides of the stool. There are
mechanical gadgets to control and direct the flights.
This has two aims.  Firstly, it is meant to test a candidate’s aptitude for flying an aircraft and controlling it during the flight, so that it follows a correct route in the air and keeps correct balance which is very essential during flight.  Secondly, it also judges a candidate’s presence of mind, nervous control and alertness. 

This test judges the reflexive capabilities of a candidate. In this test, a spot of light (ball) is to be maintained in the centre of 2 concentric squares. The spot of light, if left, moves across randomly all over the screen. Also, there are 2 lights, yellow and red which come up in the top left and top right corners of the screen intermittently.

Now, the devices needed to control the spot are:
  1. A hand operated stick: This stick controls the movement of the stick in up and down direction. It is of the shape of the gear-changer in cars. Moving the stick back moves the ball up and moving it in forward direction moves it towards the bottom of the screen.
  2. Foot pedals: The operation of the pedals moves the spot of light (ball) to right or left.
  3. Light lever: A hand lever is provided which when moved forward puts off red light and when backward puts off yellow light.
  4. Beep button: A button on the top of the stick is used for putting off the beep sound in the headphones.
Here is a sample window for this test. Its exactly what you see at the screen at some random instant of time.

Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT)

Drum Test

In this test, a spot of light (red) is to be superimposed on a series of yellow lights running on the screen from top to bottom. Whenever there is a successful superimposition, there is a small blip in the headphone. The more times you succeed in superimposing the red ball on the yellow balls, the more points you get. A sample screen is shown as:

Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT)

It must be borne in mind that these tests are explained clearly to the candidate by the officer In charge before he administers them,  Candidates are, advised not to be afraid of this test and attempt it with confidence. 
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Equivalent Officer’s Rank in Indian Armed Forces


Army:India has a Field Marshal rank, but it is mostly honorary. It does not currently exist in the army organizational structure; however, two distinguished officers were conferred with this rank, namely the late Sam Manekshaw and the late K M Cariappa.
Airforce: The IAF’s rank structure is based on that of the Royal Air Force. The highest rank attainable in the IAF is Marshal of the Indian Air Force, conferred by the President of India after exceptiona
service during wartime.
MIAF Arjan Singh is the only officer to have achieved this rank. The head of the Indian Air Force is the Chief of the Air Staff, who holds the rank of Air Chief Marshal. The current Chief of the Air Staff is Air Chief Marshal N.A.K Browne, appointed on July 31, 2011, following the retirement of Air Chief Marshal P.V.Naik.

Navy:While the provision for the rank of Admiral of the Fleet exists, it is primarily intended for major wartime use and honour. No officer of the Indian Navy has yet
been conferred this rank. (Both the Army and Air Force have had officers who have been conferred with the equivalent rank – Field Marshals Sam Manekshaw and Cariappa of the Army and Marshal of the Indian Air Force (MIAF) Arjan Singh.)

Lieut Flying Officer Sub Lieut
Captain Flight Lieut Lieut
Major Sgn Leader Lieut Commander
Lt Col Wing Commander Commander
Colonel GP Captain Captain
Brigadier Air Commodore Commodore
Major General Air Vice Marshal Rear Admiral
Lt General Air Marshal Vice Admiral
General Air Chief Marshal Admiral

courtesy: wikipedia

Medical Examination Procedure at Services Selection Board [SSB]

Indian army medical

Recommended candidates appear before the medical board for carrying out their medical board after the SSB results.  It takes 4 to 5 days time for the concerned Military Hospital to complete the medical board and after that the candidates are dispersed.  NDA candidates are examined both for Army and Navy unless otherwise instructed and endorsement of fitness status will be made accordingly.  

President of the medical board will guide the candidates for Appeal/Review Medical Board procedures.  Candidates may seek the advice of President Special Medical Board for review/appeal in case they have been declared unfit.

Procedure of Appeal Medical Board

The Appeal Medical Board will be held at one of the following hospitals
  1. Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt.
  2. Command Hospital, Southern Command, Pune.
  3. Command Hospital, Eastern Command, Kolkata.
  4. Command Hospital, Central Command, Lucknow.
  5. Command Hospital, Western Command, Chandimandir.
  6. Command Hospital, Air Force, Bangalore.
  7. Command Hospital, Northern Command, C/o 56 APO.
  8. INHS, Ashvini, Mumbai.
The candidates will report for medical examination within the stipulated period i.e., 42 days from the date last examined by the Special Medical Board for re-examination along with the receipted copy of the MRO/TR as directed by the President Medical Board.  The Endeavour will be to complete the Medical Board in one day.

Review Medical Board

In case of candidate being declared unfit by the Appeal Medical Board, he/she may challenge the proceedings and may be granted review of medical proceedings based on the merit of the case.  Any candidate desiring for a review should address the request to Recruiting Directorate (Personnel & Coord), Army Headquarters, West Block III, RK Puram, New Delhi with a copy to the President of Appeal Medical Board within one day of the holding of Appeal Medical Board. The application for RMB are routed through DG AFMS. The decision for grant of RMB is with DG AFMS, and is not a matter of right. RMBs are conducted at R&R Hospital  Delhi Cantt and AFMC, Pune.

Stay During the Medical Examination

The recommended candidates after the declaration of SSB results will stay in the Selection Centres in the lines earmarked for the recommended candidates for their medical examination by the Military Hospital.  The candidates will be allotted fresh medical chest numbers for the purpose.
Candidates who go for Appeal Medical Board or have to get their medical examination done at a later date due to some unavoidable reasons will do so under their own arrangements.

Discipline during Medical Examination

It is utmost important that recommended candidates maintain proper discipline during their stay in Selection Centres during their conduct of medical examination.  The candidates are required to put on their medical Chest Number (with Red Cross) whenever they are present in the campus of Selection Centres.
  • Running : 2.4 KM in 15 minutes
  • Push ups: 13 Nos
  • Sit ups: 25 Nos
  • Chin ups:  6 Nos
  • Rope climbing: 3-4 metres
Candidates are advised to build themselves up by physical training, sports, running, swimming etc, so that they meet the training goals successfully.
Ideal Age, Height and Weight for Male:   It should be within permissible limits (+ or – 10%) of the ideal weight as per correlation table between age, height and average weight given below in recording fraction  lower than 0.5 kg will be noted and 0.5 kg above will be recorded as 1 kg:

Height and Weight Standards for Men:-

 Height in Cm
           Weight in KG (Age Range in Years)
Age 15-17
152 – 158
46 – 49
47 – 50
50 – 54
54 – 58
159 – 165
50 – 53
51 – 55
55 – 59
59 – 63
166 – 171
54 – 56
56 – 59
60 – 64
 63 – 66 
172 – 178
57 – 60
59 – 63
64 – 69
67 – 71
179 – 183
 61 – 63 
64 – 66
 69 – 72 
72 – 74
184 – 185
67 – 68
73 – 74

Height and Weight Standards for Women

Height in Cm
Weight in KG (Age Range in Years)
Age 20-25
148 – 151
43 – 45
46 – 48
152 – 155
46 – 48
49 – 51
156 – 160
49 – 51
52 – 55
161 – 165
52 – 54
55 – 58
166 – 171
55 – 58
59 – 62
172 – 176
59 – 61
63 – 66
177 – 178
62 – 63
Note : A 10% variation on either side of average is acceptable

Medical Standards

  • The candidate should be free from wax (EARS), DNS, Hyrocele/Phimosis. Defective Colour Vision, LASIK Surgery, Over/Under Weight, Under Chest, Piles, Gynecomastia, Tonsillitis, Veri-Cocele And Aids.
  • You should be able to read 6/6 in a Distant Vision Chart
  • Colour Vision Standard should be CP-III
  • Minimum 14 Dental Points With Sound Teeth
Physical standards
Minimum Height
Minimum Weight
152 CM
42 KG
NDA & 10+2 TES
(Under Graduate
Entry Men)
(Graduate Entry Men)
152 CM
157 CM
43 KG
45 KG

Also Read

  1. Indian Air Force Vision Standards
  2. Height and Weight Ratio 
  3. Medical Examination After AFSB Interview

A Career in the Defence Forces

Indian Navy Women Officers 3
A career in the Defence Forces as an officer has always had a place of dignity and respect amongst the youth, though not very high on the popularity graph as a career option these days. Not withstanding the exponential growth in white collar jobs in the last two decades, the reason to a large extent also depends upon unawareness among the youth regarding the options available, service conditions and quality of life.

A student finishing plus two examination can now opt for an engineering career in the Army or Navy through Technical Entry Scheme, which enables him to become an engineer at Army expense before getting commissioned as an officer. No UPSC examination is required for this entry. Besides this the entry through National Defence Academy , Khadakvasla after a UPSC written exam is still quiet popular. NDA provides world class training facilities which

include a graduation in science/humanities stream from JNU. It gives one innumerable opportunities to develop one’s personality and cultivate new interests. In fact one can choose from over thirty different extra-curricular activities like aero-modeling, golf, gliding, sailing, wind surfing astronomy and many more.

A graduate can join through the Combined Defence Services examination as a regular/short service commissioned officer. Training for regular commissioned officers is carried out at Indian Military Academy , Dehradun, known as the cradle of Military leadership. Those desirous of joining the Short Service Commission get trained at Officer’s Training Academy at Chennai and serve for a period of five years. On completion of this term he can either resign or opt for an extension for five years or a permanent commission.

Engineering graduates can join in the pre-final or that final year through the University Entry Scheme or after completion of graduation through Technical Graduate Scheme without any written examination, by appearing before the Service Selection Board . In both the cases the candidate gets an ante-date seniority of two years and gets commissioned as a captain.

Women’s entry at graduate, post graduate or an engineering graduate level has been very popular and competitive. A woman officer now gets to serve up to fourteen years after being trained at OTA, Chennai. Entry is based on selection by the Services Selection Board . Women officers have performed well in all spheres with their male counterparts even under field conditions.

The Armed Forces have, over the time systematically focused on making the services more attractive, which include faster promotions, improved accommodation availability and quality schooling for children. The modernistic equipment profile in the services is highly challenging as well as exciting.

Above all it is the rich quality of life tempered by good discipline offered by the services which cannot find comparison. The glamour of large compensation in the private sector attracts a lot of young people. While some do make a pretty success out of it but in a majority of cases the pressure of prolonged working hours, often against the biological rhythm brings in a lot of dysfunction in their life. This leads to a quick burn out and avoidable stress related medical problems. It is time the new generation realized life is not about being in a hurry but to step back and enjoy the journey of life.

By Col R S Gadhok

Contact Details Of Services Selection Board (SSB)


Here are the contact details of all SSB and concerned branches for your convenience, if you feel any difficulty while applying or anything related to SSB interview, you can contact the respective concerned branch mentioned below.

Contact Details Of Services Selection Board (SSB)
Naval Selection Board Indian Navy Sr No. Name Postal Address Tele.No. Call Up Officer (a) 12 SSB Bangalore The President
12 Services Selection Board
Selection Centre South
Cubban Road
Bangalore-560042 09480948061/ 09916322971 080-25327671 / 080 25006804 080-25591075 extn 6804
FAX-080-25594954 / 25587883 (b) 33 SSB, Bhopal The President
33 Services Selection Board
Selection Centre Central
Sultania Infantry Line
Bhopal-462018 0755-2702223 / 0755 – 2731245 0755 – 2731255 FAX-0755-2735980 (c) NSB,Agrani The President
Naval Selection Board
INS Agrani
Red Fields
Coimbatore-641018 Toll Free-1800-425-4599 Fax No- 0422-2325957

 Telephone: 011-23010151

 TeleFax: 011-23011282


 General entry : [email protected]

 University Entry Scheme: [email protected]

(a).Call up officer Bhopal – 0755 – 2730692 /2735980

(b).Call up officer Bangalore – 09480948061 /  09916322971  / 080-25327671  / FAX-080-25594954

(c).Call up officer Coimbatore – 0422-2325957 / Toll free no -1800-425-4599

For any further query, contact IHQ-MOD (N)/DMPR at 011-23010151 / 23011282 / 23010097.

Indian Army Services Selection Board

Selection Centre South Bangalore

NO 9480948061 (BSNL) AND /

9916322971 (VODAFONE)


080-25591075 Extn 6804

Fax – 080-25587883

e-mail – [email protected]

Selection Centre Central, Bhopal

Phone No:   0755-2731245,  0755-2731255,  0755-2702223

Fax – 0755-2735980

Selection Centre East, Allahabad

Phone No: 0532-2422680,  0532-2422688, 0532-2296987,  0532-2424816,  0532-2424817

Fax – 0532-2424815

e-mail : [email protected]

Air Force Selection Board AFSB Indian Airforce


Air Headquarters (Vayu Bhawan)

Motilal Nehru Marg

New Delhi – 110106

Tele: 011 – 23013690

011- 23010231 Extn 7080

Fax – 011 – 23017918

E- Mail : [email protected]


Post Bag No – 5

RK Puram (Main) P.O.

New Delhi – 110066

Tele: 011 – 26160286, 26160289

E – Mail: [email protected]


Clement Town

Dehradun- 248002

Tele: 0135 – 2642269

Fax: 0135 – 2640104


CV Complex

Sidharth Nagar PO

Mysore – 11

Tele:  0821 – 2526621

Fax:   0821 – 2502836



Sector 9


Tele: 079 – 23242600 Extn 5754


Varanasi Cantt

Varanasi – 221002

Tele: 0542 – 2503853 Extn 213

Fax: 0542 – 2502836


  1. For queries regarding clarifications on eligibility and advertisement, contact- ‘DISHA’
  2. For queries regarding AFCAT application, admit card, AFCAT centre, contact – AFCAT Cell.
  3. For any queries regarding SSB interview, contact respective Air Force Selection Board detailed for.
  4. For clarification on submission of documents after recommendation/medical, merit list, joining instructions, contact- 011 – 23010231 Extn 7973.

If you know contact information of other SSB center, please post it in the comment box below.


How to fill application form of SSC-39th and SSC-10th Army.


This is how to fill the marks in TGC, SSC-39 and SSC-10 Indian Army, specially the cumulative %age of marks (upto 2 decimals) and SGPA, CGPA and DGPA if applicable.Below are few examples of “how to fill the marks in Army TC, SSC-39 and SSC-10 on-line application form.

You can check How to convert CGPA and DGPA and Cumulative %age



Example 2:


Example 3:




Thanks to VipinNavin Kumar, Mohit Suri and Maha for providing us their form’s screen shots.

Kindly, share more screen shots to help others understand.

Send it to: [email protected]


Apply Now:
SSC (Tech)-39
SSCW (Tech)-10

The Psychological Testing in SSB Interview

ssb interview candidates 2018

The Psychological Testing is a priceless tool designed for the observation of human beings responding to a variety of controlled conditions, conditions which resemble as nearly as possible those of everyday life, and of course, some unusual conditions. It helps ¡n recording various emotional and behavioral reactions, what previous experiences determined them, to what degree and what manner.
SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]

 It is based on the very popular psychological theory that “In every living Organism, a Stimulus creates a Response”. The technique employed at the selection center is ‘Projective Testing’.

Projective Testing:

The word ‘Projection’ has two psychological uses which can be clearly distinguished; these are in psychotherapy and exploration of personality. In psychotherapy, the projection process implies the referral or attributing of one’s own repressed emotional trends to others. In exploration of personality, a projective is one which aims at exteriorizing, that is, as if projecting on screen a spontaneous written behavior or basic interpersonal attitudes. These have been widely used in personality assessment. The projective technique stem from the idea that what one perceives in the world around him is influenced by his own personality, his needs, his attitudes etc. As Tomlinson has rightly said ‘We see things not as they are, but as we are!” These tests are conducted under time and space pressure so as to elicit from the individual, his unrestricted and free responses to stimulus situations. The assumption is that what he perceives and records as responses is a projection of his own self. These techniques permit as in the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT); free association to a set of selected words as in Word Association Test (WAT); or responses to verbally presented problem situations as in case of Situation Reaction Test (SRT). The TAT, WAT and SRT constitute the battery of projective tests used by the psychologists in the SSB’s.

There is also Self-Description (SD) through which the individual projects his attitude towards himself, other’s attitude towards him and his capacity for objective self-estimation. This is interpreted in the light of other data presented in TAT, WAT and SRT. The rating achieved in the intelligence test is also referred to by the psychologist as a valuable input. These techniques help in finding out the individual’s inner feelings, fears, hopes, attitudes and goal: his adjustment to work and people and his sense of responsibility, the impact he creates on others by his intellectual, social, emotional, and moral qualities and also his leadership potential. The psychologist goes about interpreting the individual’s reactions to various stimuli presented ¡n different tests and then goes on to make a mental picture of various traits of the individual’s personality and their relevance various OLQ’s.

The battery of Projective Tests
  • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
  • Word Association Test (WAT)
  • Situation Reaction Test (SRT)
  • Self-Description (SD)

AFCAT 2013 Sample/Practice Question Paper


bannerfans 2919660
AFCAT is approaching fast, hope all of you are preparing for it with full josh and hosh .Before going into actual details let me discuss something about this test, those who were unable to crack it last time don’t get sad, you just need and little bit of preparation and tricks (smart work).
AFCAT 2013 Original Questions

Below, I have mentioned the actual syllabus of AFCAT (as mentioned in the Airforce website), just go through it and pick your strong and weak topics from the syllabus, just arrange them according to the difficulty level , decide which part you are going to do first and last , also set the time limit accordingly. Do not neglect this because such things matters a lot in any competitive exam, you don’t need a diehard practice to crack AFCAT but you do need a more concentration, practice and smart work.

  1.   Attempt the easiest part first
  2.   Do not waste more time on single question , especially in numerical ability
  3.  Do not feel nervous when you lack in one part , there are more and more simple questions .
  4.  Hit and try only for few questions ( you must have some idea at least ) 
  5.  Do not hit and try just like that, in the end you will screw your whole paper with -ve marks
  6.  According to me the difficulty level goes like this , starting from the simplest one 

1  Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test

2 Verbal Ability in English
3 General Awareness
4 Numerical Ability
I have prepared one model paper for my readers hope it will help you a lot in facing the real AFCAT. You can download it and share it among your friends too.
Keep preparing, All the best
The scheme of syllabus and examples of questions are given in the following paragraphs:-

1. The AFCAT Question Paper will have 100 questions.  All questions will be of three marks
each.  For every correct answer the candidate will get three marks and for every wrong answer
one mark will be deducted under negative marking.  The total time allotted for the paper is two

2. Each Question Paper will have questions from the following topics:-
 (a)  General Awareness – History, Sports, Geography, Environment,
Civics, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Current Affairs, Politics etc.
(b)  Verbal Ability in English – Comprehension, Error Detection, 
Sentence Completion, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary.
(c)  Numerical Ability – Decimal Fraction, Simplification, Average, Profit 
& loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple interest.      
(d)  Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test – Verbal Skills and Spatial 
Download Links Below:

General Awareness AFCAT 2012 Sample Paper.pdf

Reasoning and Aptitude AFCAT 2012.pdf

Verbal Ability in English AFCAT 2012.pdf

Numerical Ability.pdf

SSC 39th and SSC 10th (Tech ) Notification 2012 Indian Army


officer traning academyApplications are invited from Male Engineering Graduates for 39th Short Service Commission for (Technical) course and 10th Short Service Commission (Technical) Women course Commencing in October 2012 at Chennai.

How to Fill SSC 39 and SSC 10 Online Form:

Qualification:B.E/B.Tech(Civil/ Electrical/Electronics/Mining/Automobile/Mechanical/Production/Information Technology/Communication/ Architecture/ Computer Science & Engineering/Information Technology. Final year students can  apply.

For 39th SSC (Men) Vacancies :

Qualification Vacancies
Civil (including Mining/Construction) 21
Electrical (including Electrical & Electronics) 6
Mechanical (including Industrial/Industrial Engg. & Management) 7
Automobile Engg./Workshop Technology 1
Production (including Manufacturing/ Metallurgical/ Metallurgy Explosives 1
Electronics (including Electronics & Instrumentation/ Micro Electronics & Microwave/Opt Electronics) 4
Communication/Telecommunication (including ECE/Electronics & Communications) 6
Architecture/Building Constr Technology 2
Computer Science & Engg/Computer Science/M.Sc (Computer) 2

For 10th SSC (Women) Vacancies :

Qualification Vacancies
Civil (including Mining/Construction) 4
Mechanical (including Industrial/Industrial Engg. & Management/Automobile) 7
Architecture/House Building Tech 1
Electrical (including Electrical & Electronics) 4
Electronics & Comn/Telecom/Electronics & Tele Comn 7
Electronics (including Electronics & Instrumentation/Micro Electronics & Microwave/Opt. Electronics) 8
Information Technology 1
Computer Science & Engg 2

Eligibility: BE/B.Tech(Architecture Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Information Science/Technology, Instrumentation & Control Engineering, Manufacturing /Automation Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical /Materials Engineering, Mineral / Mining Engineering, Production / Plant Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation & EIectronics, Electronics & Information technology)

MSc(Computer Science)

Last Date: 1 March 12

Age: 20 to 27 years. Born Between 02 October 1985 and not later than 01 October 1992

Physical Standard : For men: – (a) Min. height & Weight: 157.5 cm  with correlated weight, (b) Eye Sight: The minimum acceptable vision standard for distant vision 6/6 and worst eye sight 6/18. 

For Women :– (a) Min. height & Weight: 152 cm  with correlated weight, (b) Eye Sight: The minimum acceptable vision standard for distant vision  6/6 and worst eye sight 6/18.

Method of Selection : Only selected candidates will be called for SSB interview

How to apply
SSC (Tech)-39 (Commencing in Oct 2012)
SSCW (Tech)-10 (Commencing in Oct 2012)

Candidates should Apply On-line at Indian Army Web Site www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. on or before 01.03.2012.  Take a printout of the system generated online application and send to Additional Directorate General of Recruiting (Rtg-6),TGS Selection, West Block-III,R.K Puram, New Delhi-110066 on or before 10.03.2012. Candidates should write “Online application for 39th SSC (Tech) Men/10th SSC(Tech) Women and the Roll No.——————
——”  on the envelop.

(Ref: Malayala Manorama Thozhilveedhi dated 21st January 2012)