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Indian Navy Technical/General Services Notification 2012

v1Applications are invited from unmarried  male and female candidates for grant of Short  Service Commission (SSC) in  Executive Branch (General Services)  and Technical Branches of the Indian Navy for Jul 2012 Course at Indian Naval Academy (INA) Ezhimala, Kerala.

 (i) Women Candidates can apply only for Naval Architecture Cadre .
(ii)  Male Candidates who are educationally eligible for more than one Branch/Cadre should fill up (apply only one Application From) and mention his priority in the Form.
(iii) Candidates not qualified or appearing in final exam are not eligible to apply.
(iv) Candidate with any backlog history in BE/B Tech is not eligible to fill the form
To apply Online Click the below links: 
To Apply Online for Short Service Commission Submarine Electrical, CLICK HERE
To Apply Online for Short Service Commission Executive {GS(X), CLICK HERE
To Apply Online for Short Service Commission Electrical , CLICK HERE
To Apply Online for Short Service Commission Engineering, CLICK HERE
To Apply Online for Short Service Commission Naval Architecture, CLICK HERE


 Candidates are  to submi t  appl icat ion  in  ‘e-appl icat ion’   (Onl ine)   for   this ent ry.  The candidates desirous of applying online (e-application) can do so from  16 Sep 11. The onl ine appl icat ion  regist rat ion wi l l  cease on  0 4  Oc t   11..

 Online (e-application):- Whilst filling up the e-application, it is advisable to keep the relevant documents readily available to enable the following:-

(a) Correct filling up of personal particulars. Details are to be filled up  as given in the Matriculation Certificate.

(b) Fields such as e-mail address, mobile number are mandatory fields and need to be filled.

F i l l i n g   u p   o f   e – a p p l i c a t i o n: – 

(a) Click on the “Officer Entry” button under the option ‘Apply Online’ on the Home Page.

(b) Fill the online registration form. Tips to assist in filling up fields have been provided as you highlight each field.

(c) Before clicking the Submit button it should be checked whether all  the details entered in the form is correct as you will not be able to make any corrections after saving the record.

(d) After submitting the form, a ‘Roll Number’ will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. This Roll Number will  automatically appear on the print out of the form. If the system does not generate the Roll Number, it is an indication of non-acceptance of Application by the system.

(e) Print two copies of the online Application Form having the system generated Roll Number. One copy of  this Applicaiton Form is  to be duly signed and mailed (posted) to Post Box No. 04, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 011  along with the following documents:- Self attested photograph, Attested photo copies of 10th & 12th class certificates along with Mark Sheets, other educational certificates and mark sheets of all semester/years.

(f) A superscription is to be made on envelope : ONLINE ROLL NO. __________ APPLICATION FOR SSC X(GS)/TECHNICAL BRANCH (E/L/SM) – JUL 2012  COURSE Qualification ______ Percentage _____%  . Application and requisite enclosures must be properly tagged/stapled, IHQ MoD(Navy) will not be responsible for loss of enclosures, if sent loose.

Note:-      (i) Final receipt of  the printout of the Online Application Form with system generated Roll Number and all documents as mentioned in sub para (e) above (if  received by 12 Oct 11) will be the final  CONFIRMATION  of receipt of your Application at IHQ MoD (Navy). Hence, only filling the application Online/generation of Roll No. does not imply that the candidate has fulfilled all the criteria  given in the advertisement.

(ii)  Your application is subject to subsequent scrutiny and the application can be rejected, if found  INELIGIBLE at any point of time.

To see the advertisement click the link below:

What Is SRT And How Can It Be Tackled

The answer to the SRT will therefore reflect the aspirant’s power of understanding, practical ability,initiative, temperament, imagination, resoluteness, social behaviour, consistency, stability under stress in varying conditions. The psychologist is mainly interested to observe, whether the aspirant reveals a co-operative attitude or a negative or obstructive behaviour, whether he places the group before self interest.

 If you critically analyse the questions, you will notice that the answer being given has invariably some relation to one of these aspects. Therefore, carefully ensure that your choices are and the answer reveals your attitude. Mainly, you have to sacrifice your personal interest to general or group interest. Finally,be careful to avoid contradictions and co-relate the answers with the statements you have made in the questionnaire. If you have given your hobby as hiking or trekking, then you must be able to answer the questions related to trekking with certain knowledge,as compared to others.

How SRT can be tackled? “One has to enter into the problem, bail out the problem and draw the solution with the resources available by observing and imagining”. SRT is another projective technique to assess human personality traits. One will actually indicate his presence in choosing a particular course of action under a given situation. The time stress has been purposely introduced to ensure that aspirant is bound to record his actions without detailed and prolonged deliberations. No special intelligence or technical skill is required to answer theses questions.

How to do well in SRT?
Intermix of many qualities are revealed. These major qualities are –
There are two components to solve the problem and to do well in SRT –
Perception: For perception, you know knowledge and information about various agencies, their role and your role in the organization.
Problem: One problem is associated with aspects of life. Let us exemplify the above as under –
Situation – He wants to marry Saleema Bano, but she is from different religion, both the parents are quarrelling and there is apprehension of riots. He…
Solution – Immediately situation with both parents, elders,discuss the merits and demerits and reach an amicable statement.

Interpretation –
A solution has to bring out the display of your personality through actions and reactions which spell your leadership qualities to come. You must bring solution to a problem. Assessment of situation is more important rather than offering a solution. Certain element will qualify the crisis. Level of problems and solutions both are interrelated.The important aspect to draw the solution is –

Source : My Appointment with a Psychologist by Krish Nair & Anoop T.

Individual Obstacles Tasks (IOT)

Individual Obstacles Tasks (IOT) These outdoor tasks are carried out on the second day of GTO. Overall this is the individual performance assessing day for each candidate except the Final Group Task which is a group task.The individual task consists of 10 obstacles laid in a typical fashion.The 10 obstacles are numbered and the same marks are assigned to the respective task.A minimum of all tasks should be performed in a span of 3 mins. and if time is left any other task can be gone over again.

It is not necessary to start the tasks from 1st , but it is left to the wish of the candidate where does he
want to start from.
Try to obtain 74 points ,that is, one round = 55 +9+10 = 74
The obstacles are
1. Difficult jump. (Jump over a small slide from the opposite side.)
2. Long jump. (jump across a 6 ft.* 3ft. drum.)
3. Zig – Zag Balance (walk over a zig-zag balance and complete I and land properly.)
4. High Screen jump ( jump over a slide and over a screen placed on it and land properly.)
5. Burma bridge (walk across a structure of rope tied between two ends of post carefully. Climb form
any side and climb down from other side.)
6.Tarzan swing ( While taking the leap fold your body and legs and leave the rope at the instant where
you feel it would be accurate for you to jump and cross the line.)
7. Monkey Jump (Climb on a big staircase structure and jump on the land safely.)
8. Double Ditch 8ft.*3ft. and 4ft.*3ft..(cross the 1st ditch with the help of a rope and the second one
with ease ,just by proper leg work..)
9. Commando walk (walk from any side up and down from another, maintain balance..)
10. Tiger leap (walk up a podium, leap and catch hold of a rope, count 1001,1002 and start coming down,don’t come rushing down , but do it step by step.)
The best way of doing this is to follow this sequence:
10, 9, 8, 4, 6, 7, 1, 2, 5, 3.

Or if not possible make circular arrangement on seeing the placement of obstacles at the same day itself, but do it fast.
A prior practice of climbing and running is necessary to enhance your performance.
Duration 3 mins. per candidate, 35-40 mins. overall.

How To Tackle Word Association Test [WAT] In Psychology Test


This test aims at judging the personality traits and basic psychology of a candidate. It brings out attitudes, thoughts, desires, feelings and even negative aspects of one’s personality.For testing the word association, candidates are shown a word of common usage for about 15 seconds, during which time candidates are supposed to write a sentence. After 15 seconds are over, another word is exposed for 15 seconds, the process continues and candidates are asked to write 60 sentences.


The words are easy and of day-to-day usage. Time given to the candidates is so short that they have to write down the very first thought that comes after seeing the word. The psychologists analyse the personality traits, attitudes and feelings on the basis of these natural reactions of the candidates to specific words.

There can be no ready made solutions to the word association test. However, with a little bit of practice the candidates can choose correct sentence. The pessimistic, negative, pervert and counter-productive feelings must be avoided whereas positive feelings of success, honesty, respectfulness, uprightness, optimism, humanism, etc should be highlighted. For example, the word “failure”, can be used as “Failure cannot always be avoided”, or “Failures are the pillars of success”. Whereas the former sentence depicts pessimism and defeat, the latter sentence shows how a negative word can also be used in a positive manner. On similar lines the candidates must prepare himself beforehand for words like defeat, death, disease wrong, etc. It must be ensured that the sentences used are small and convey some positive aspect of one’s psyche. Due care must be taken to ensure that the sentences do not depict the feeling of fear, insecurity, anxiety, cowardice, etc. To do well in this test the candidates must practice with several sets of words and do the self appraisal.



Candidates reactions: a) Peace overcomes war

b) War is destruction

c) I hate war

d) War means bloodshed

Suggestion: Love Peace, but be prepared for war


Candidate: a) Every one loves peace (Acceptable)

b) I love peace

c) Peace brings Progress ( Very Good)


Candidate: a) work is worship

b) Hard work pays (Acceptable)

c) Hardwork leads to success (Very Good)

d) Work while you work play while you play (Avoid using proverbs)


Candidate a) Defeat the enemy

b) Defeat the defeat

c) Defeat -dont get upset

d) Dont get depressed by defeats (Acceptable)

Suggestion: a) Defeat teaches us lessons.

b) Analyse causes of defeat to succeed


Candidate: a) I Love my Country (Good)

b) Serving our country is Nobel (Acceptable)

c) Its our duty to safeguard our country (A)

d) Country first self next

6.HOME Suggestion:. Home teaches us Manners

Few More..


oir test and ppdt

7 . Luck plus hardwork leads to success

8 . Ghost stories are famous in England

9 . Always trust your leader

10 . Enjoy good company of friends

11 . Playground teaches us many lessons

12 . Character is a virtue

13 . A part from studies involve in sports

14 . Happiness overcomes sadness

15 . Dont worry about failures

16 . success is the fruit of hardwork

17 . My garden has many kinds of flowers

18 . Indian army is known for its patriotism

19 .Music can cure diseases

20 . India won the kargil war

21 . Jogging keeps us in good health

22 . Its our custom to respect elders

23 . I have great affection towards my parents

24 . Fortune and hardwork makes one succeed

25 . Engineers are capable of rectifying faults

26 . Snakes poison is used as medicine

27 . ALways help others

28 . Co-operate with your neighbours

29 . I am a responsible person

30 . Yesterday I withdrew my savings to help the poor

31 . When intrested in work one feels seldom tired

32 . Soldiers risk their life for their motherland

33 . Boats are used to cross dangerous rivers

34 . Fail;ure is steeping stone for success

35 . Fight for a noble cause

36 . Every problem has a solution

37 . Machine is backbone of industry.

38 . Leaders always leads

39 .Education system in india is good

40 . Dont be afraid of obstacles

41 . Take things seriously and work

42 . Child was saved when he was drowned in the river

43 . Analyse the situation and jump into action

44 . Opinions always differ

45 . Exercise protects us from diseases

Download WAT Solved eBooks

Top SSB Interview Coaching Academy



Most of the readers are asking about the good SSB coaching academy, so that they can get good training and guidance  from there and achieve their dreams. This post consist name of some good SSB coaching academies, though I have asked few details from them by contacting the concerned branches. Below list is not based on any ranking structure, all are well known institutes in this field.

May be we have missed the names of few academies, so if you know about a good one do tell us. 

Below you can find their introduction, as given in their websites. You can check their websites if you find something interesting.

1 Baalnoi Academy

“Named after the achievements of 9 Rajputana Rifles in the 1971 Indo-Pak War in the “Battle of Balnoi” in the Poonch Sector “Baalnoi Academy” was created in 1997 as a need based coaching institute to train aspirants for the Defence Services. The Academy has a faculty of dedicated instructors who have served with the SSBs during current decade and are abreast with the latest procedures. Training is imparted through use of ‘State-of-Art’ technology and modern techniques of teaching. With its emphasis on maintenance of Quality, it has already made a name for itself among the leading institutions of its kind. “Baalnoi is one of the  well know Academy, they have a very good selection rate in the past years.

2. Minerva academy

“The Minerva Academy, since its establishment in 1955, with Over 30000 successes in SSB Interviews and over 1000 top positions, has achieved an enviable and unbeatable record of success in the field of coaching for interviews, in general, and the Service Selection Board, in particular. Every fourth officer in the INDIAN ARMED FORCES has been a student of the Minerva Academy The Academy gives training for SSB interviews/PABT only, being it’s Single-Line Specialty. We conduct no other type of teaching/training for any other exam, not even for written exams for NDA/CDS etc.”

3. Olivegreens

“The Olive Greens is a premier, SSB training & personality enhancement Institute committed to youth empowerment.  The Institute is located in the  heart of Chandigarh,  with a  sprawling campus, that houses hi – tech and spacious, air conditioned Activity Rooms.  The uniqueness of the Institute accrues from its outdoor layout of obstacles, including all types of Leaderless Group Tasks,  Command Tasks, Group Obstacle Race & Individual Obstacles.   In order to  infuse realizing into training, the dimension of all these obstacles has been precisely calibrated to those existing in various SSBs.
The faculty  comprises of  dedicated  professionals trained at the elite Defence Institute of  Psychological Research, New Delhi, Ministry of Defence and professional psychologists.  These highly experienced,  senior Army officers have been assessors and members of Services Selection Boards for protracted period of time”

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4. The Cavalier

“The Cavalier aims at quality education & training enabling the candidates joining the institute to face challenges of their fields confidently and successfully. The Cavalier is a recognized name in the field of career in defence services, computer training and resettlement of retiring defence personnel.
The Cavalier is an educational and training initiative of the Ex Defence Officers. It is engaged in training aspirants for Service Selection Boards and other interviews. The Cavalier also provides computer software / hardware and security resettlement courses conducted by Directorate General Resettlement (DGR), Ministry of Defence for retiring defence personnel.
The Cavalier caters for written coaching for competitions like NDA, CDSE, Central Police Force, SSC (Pre) and DOEACC ‘O’ & ‘A’ level computer courses. The Cavalier also provides computer software / Hardware resettlement courses run by Directorate General of Resettlement, Ministry of Defence for defence personnel. The Cavalier aims at quality education enabling the candidates joining the institute to face the challenges of their fields confidently and successfully.
Today The Cavalier is a recognized name in the field of competitions, resettlement of Defence personnel, both officers and men and computer education.

5. SSB Universal Counselling

Lt Col Rajeev Devgan, Ex. Group Testing Officer started the Universal Counselling Centre at H/C-317, Ganga Nagar, Meerut during February 2001. The Gunner officer is a product of Delhi Public School, Mathura Road & was commissioned in 5 FIELD REGIMENT through Indian Military Academy, Dehradun during December 1975.
The officer also served in 871 LIGHT REGIMENT, 224 FIELD REGIMENT, 305 MEDIUM REGIMENT, ARTILLERY CENTRE, HYDRABAD & NASIK respectively. The officer qualified as Group Testing Officer from Directorate Institute of Psychological Research, DIPR Delhi during January 1987 and upholds the GUNNER’S PRIDE in imparting best of Education and Training to Young Aspirants to join the Armed Forces in the Officer Category.
The Officer enjoys an extensive experience as a Group Testing Officer with a prolonged tenure in SSB Allahabad for approximately 3 years duration and also served Selection Boards on attachment schedules with SSB Banglore, Allahabad and Bhopal for short spans leading to an extensive overall period of 18 months.” 
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AFCAT 28th Aug 2011 Question Papers



1.The AFCAT Question Paper will have 100 questions. All questions will be of three marks each. For every correct answer the candidate will get three marks and for every wrong answer one mark will be deducted under negative marking. The total time allotted for the paper is two hours.

2.Each Question Paper will have questions from the following topics:-

(a) General Awareness History, Sports, Geography, Environment, Civics, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Current Affairs, Politics etc.

(b) Verbal Ability in EnglishComprehension, Error Detection,  Sentence Completion, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary.

(c) Numerical AbilityDecimal Fraction, Simplification, Average, Profit   & loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple interest.

(d) Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability.

Download Link Below:

Numerical Ability : 

Above links are very useful , do go through at least 5 questions of each type, almost 15 questions comes from Numerical ability so do not ignore this part :

Reasoning and Military ability is the most simplest part click here to see the type of questions comes in Military ability. Also check the previous post “AFCAT Study Material “.

Note: Remember there is “- ve” in AFCAT so do not try to make blind hit of more question it will reduce your chances of passing AFCAT, first solve the easiest part for you and fetch more marks . Your 3 wrong hits make you loose your one correct answer. 

Its All About Being Yourself In SSB Interview



Yes SSB is one of the very challenging and unique interview, its stressful for someone and on the other hand few enjoys it ( probably the freshers ). Yes it unique because it judge you on different level unlike common interviews which just go with your academics and personality even without judging it properly. But this is not the case with SSB interview, we always listen from others specially from the recommended one that ” just be yourself in SSB interview ” so what is it ??

What do you mean by being yourself, its simple, perform more than your ability but without changing your “unique” way to do the things, do not hold a mask.
What is the job of SSB Board:
1. They should provide the best men in the forces, and there is no scope for error. So they are very selective and they have unique methods to find the ” right fit “.
2 Also they should select the one who can utilize his/her ability in the Organization, and do not feel that he/she is in wrong place.
“One wrong person selected for a given job can cause a host of problems in an organization. Therefore, an rganization should ensure that suitable people are recruited, even if it involves some investment. There is a difference between the selection system between the corporate / private enterprise and the Armed Forces. The selection at the entry level in the private world is done on ‘as required basis’ and has the ‘best fit’ philosophy,meaning that the best of the lot is selected. The Armed Forces has a ‘right fit’ philosophy, wherein the Selection Centres are not aware of the vacancies and they recommend aspirants for selection, whom they find fit for the services.”
” If you are in uniform and someone says that you are not a good officer, how will you feel, it will be a very bad feeling , that’s the reason why SSB board tells you earlier that you are no meant for this organization and you may do wonders somewhere else” 
But again it gives you chances to comeback and prove yourself again !! Hardly you will get such chances in other sectors. Yes you can develop certain qualities with time which are required in a person to become an officer. Remember as I said there is no scope for error, if they find any doubt regarding you; they will not gonna select you, so do not hold a mask until unless you know how to hold it properly.
Also SSB needs a person who is good in his attitude , the way he/she act and react to the situations , someone is gentle and clever . Because you can change someone physically but its hard to change the mentality and attitude of someone in the training duration, that it the reason Psychology test hold so much of importance in SSB.
So practice hard for your SSB, don’t think much , behave in your normal way, think with a free mind , put your best effort , and you will be in sooner or later. 

CDSE & NDA Previous Question Papers 2012


NDA and CDSE are conducted by UPSC twice every year . Here you will get previous question papers for NDA and CDS examinations, all questions papers are taken from upsc.gov.in website. 

CDSE Previous Question Papers 2012                                                      

CDSE 2009 1 Paper  GK           CDSE 2009 2 Paper  GK              
CDSE 2010 1 Paper GK            CDSE 2010 2 Paper GK              
CDSE 2011 1 Paper GK            CDSE 20112 Paper GK              

AFCAT 2012 Study Material


Hi All, AFCAT syllabus has changes over the time, now Indian air force do not conduct EKT [Engineering Knowledge Test] in AFCAT for recommended candidates. AFCAT syallbus consist of 100 questions with 3 marks for each questions.

AFCAT Study Material:

  1. AFCAT 2013 Questions Paper
  2. AFCAT 2012 Question Paper
  3. How to crack AFCAT 2013
  4. AFCAT original previous question papers
All the best to all aspirants wrritting AFCAT this year, hope you do well in your exam.
Also read:

AFCAT Syllabus 2022 – 2023


Indian Air Force will conduct AFCAT tentatively in the month of February. The AFCAT 2022 – 2023 online application will open on the official AFCAT CDAC platform. You can check the complete AFCAT notification for flying, the technical and non-technical branch of the IAF. In this article, you can find a few important details regarding the upcoming AFCAT Notification. Candidates can join the Indian Air Force as an officer through AFCAT.

Indian Air Force invites Indian citizens (Men and Women) to be part of this elite force as Group A Gazetted Officers in Flying and Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical) branches.

The AFCAT is the best way to join the Indian air force and it is conducted only by CDAC on behalf of Indian Air Force across many online exam centers.

Male and Female can apply for the AFCAT online at their website afcat.cdac.in. To get the maximum deserving candidates for the entries, the Airforce authorities have planned a selection eligibility criteria, which is different for the entries of the exam. AFCAT exam will be conducted at various online centre across the country. AFCAT has a question paper of 100 questions with 300 maximum marks. More details related to AFCAT 1 2022 is mentioned below:

How To Prepare For AFCAT Exam Online

  • Serious defence aspirants can join our full AFCAT online course, the course is specially designed for the AFCAT aspirants that will help them to score better marks in the AFCAT 1 2022 exam.
  • Our AFCAT Online course covers the detailed syllabus for Numerical Ability, English, GK, Reasoning and Military Aptitude for the online exam. It also covers AFCAT mock tests for better practice.

AFCAT Branches and Age Limits

  • Flying
  • Ground Duty Technical
  • Ground Duty Non-Technical


  • Age – Flying Branch. 20 to 24 years as on 01 Jan 2023 i.e. born between 02 Jan 1999 to 01 01 Jan 2003. (both dates inclusive). Upper age limit for candidates holding valid and current Commercial Pilot Licence issued by DGCA (India) is relaxable up to 26 years i.e. born between 02 Jan 1997 to 01 Jan 2003 (both dates inclusive).

Educational Qualification

  • A graduate candidate with minimum 60% marks and must have scored minimum 60%marks in Maths and Physics in 10+2 in 12th standard.
  • B.Tech/ B.E candidates who have scored minimum 60% marks and have scored 60% marks in maths and physics in 10+2 in 12th standard are also eligible for it.

Ground Duty Technical

  • Age – 20 to 26 years as on 01 Jan 2023 i.e. born between 02 Jan 1997 to 01 Jan 2003 (both dates inclusive).

Educational Qualification 

  • The candidate must have B.Tech/ B.E degree in notified streams as mentioned in the official notification of the IAF with minimum 60% marks and have scored minimum 60% marks in Physics and Maths in 10+2 standard are eligible for technical entry.

Ground Duty Non-Technical

  • Age – 20 to 26 years as on 01 Jan 2023 i.e. born between 02 Jan 1997 to 01 Jan 2003 (both dates inclusive).

Educational Qualification

  • Administration and Logistics – Graduation degree with minimum 60% marks or equivalent.
  • Accounts – B.Com Degree with minimum 60% marks or equivalent.
  • Education – Post graduate degree (MBA / MCA or MA / M Sc degree in English / Physics / Mathematics / Chemistry / Statistics / International relations / International Studies / Defence Studies / Psychology / Computer Science / IT /Management / Mass Communication / Journalism / Public Relation) with minimum 50% marks, along with minimum 60% marks in graduation.

AFCAT 1 2022 Selection Procedure

  • Indian airforce will conduct the AFCAT online exam across the country at different test centers. AFCAT 1 2022 online exam will be tentatively conducted on Februray 2022.
  • IAF will publish the results of AFCAT 1 2022 in March 2022 and candidates will be able to check their marks, cut off marks etc on the official portal i.e. afcat.cdac.in
  • Selected candidates have to choose their AFSB interview venue and date on the same portal.
  • The screening test is the first stage of the interview, which consists of verbal, nonverbal tests and a PPDT test. The selected candidates will stay at the centres for further selection tests and those who could not qualify it, would be set free on the same day.
  • The next stage consists of a personal interview, Psychology and GTO tests, PABT (for flying only), on the last day conference will be conducted after which, the final result is announced. The selected candidates are sent for medical examination.

The subjects, the time allowed and the maximum marks allotted to each subject will be as follows:

AFCAT 1 2022 Online Exam Pattern

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Syllabus of the AFCAT 2022

  • English: Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion/Filling in of correct word, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases
  • General Awareness: History, Geography, Civics, Politics, Current Affairs, Environment, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Sports, etc
  • Numerical Ability: Decimal Fraction, Time and Work, Average, Profit & Loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple Interest, Time & Distance (Trains/Boats & Streams)
  • Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test: Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability

(a) General Awareness

  • History
  • Sports
  • Geography
  • Environment
  • Civics
  • Basic Science
  • Defence
  • Art
  • Culture
  • Current Affairs
  • Politics

(b) Verbal Ability in English

  • Comprehension
  • Error Detection
  • Sentence Completion
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Testing of Vocabulary

(c) Numerical Ability  

  • Decimal Fraction
  • Simplification
  • Average
  • Profit & loss
  • Percentage
  • Ratio & Proportion
  • Simple Interest

(d) Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test 

  • Verbal Skills
  • Spatial Ability
AFCAT Syllabus 2018 2019

Standard of AFCAT 2022 Question Paper:

  • The standard of Numerical Ability Questions will be of Matriculation level. The standard of questions in other subjects will be of graduation level (Indian University).
  • The Online examination will consist of objective type questions and will be in English only for both AFCAT and EKT

AFCAT 2022 Marking Scheme

  • Three marks will be awarded for every correct answer.
  • One mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer.
  • No marks for unattempted questions.

Questions will be based on the metric system of Weights & Measures wherever applicable. Candidates must appear for the Online AFCAT in person. Under no circumstance will any scribe or another candidate be allowed to appear/ assist in the exam. Air Force has the discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subjects of the examination.

AFCAT 1 2022 Important Dates

  • AFCAT 1 2022 online registrations are open from 1st December 2021
  • AFCAT 1 2022 online exam will be conducted on February 2022

Conclusion – The candidates have significant time to prepare and compete for AFCAT 1 2022. Those who are appearing in their graduation course as mentioned above in the educational qualification criteria can target the exam. The exam comes with the moderate difficulty level and a strategical approach can bring marks over the cut-off.

If you are preparing for the AFCAT 1 2022 written exam and SSB interview, you can check SSBCrackExams online courses and mock tests.

ALSO READ: AFCAT 1 2022 Notification And Exam Date [Out Now]