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Indian Navy Pilot/Observer 2019 Notification


Indian Navy Pilot Observer Recruitment June 2019 Course. Indian Navy invites unmarried men and women to join the Indian Navy as short service commission officer as pilot, observer and air traffic controlled for the course commencing in June 2019.  Applications are invited from unmarried eligible male & female candidates for Short Service Commission (SSC) in Pilot/Observer/ATC entry of the Indian Navy for course commencing Jun 2019 at the Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala, Kerala. Candidates must fulfill the condition of Nationality as laid down by the Govt. of India.
How To Prepare for SSB Interview:



Indian Navy Pilot Observer ATC Recruitment

Event Date
Notification Date 25 Aug 2018
Last date for online application 14 Sep 2018
SSB Interview Date Nov 18 to Mar 19
Merit List May 2019
Joining Date June 2019
SSB Interview Prep Books Let’s Crack SSB

Breaking the Code of SSB Psych

Indian Navy Cadet
Indian Navy Cadet

 Indian Navy Pilot Observer ATC – ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS

  • Who can Apply? Candidates who have passed Engineering Degree or are in the final year of Engineering Course in any discipline from a AICTE recognised university / educational institute with at least 60% marks till 5th / 7th semester, in regular / integrated course respectively. In addition, for ATC entry the candidate must have 60% aggregate marks in class X and XII and minimum 60% marks in English in class XII.
  • Call up for SSB: Candidates will be issued call up for Service Selection Board (SSB) interviews based on their academic performance.
  • Minimum %age on joining INA: The candidates will, however, be required to pass final examination BE/B.Tech / Integrated Course with minimum 60% marks. The candidates failing to meet minimum %age in BE/B.Tech Degree / Integrated Course will not be permitted to join INA Ezhimala.

    Indian Navy Pilot Course
    Indian Navy Pilot Course

Indian Navy Pilot Observer ATC – Age Criteria & Vacancies

S. No. Entry Age Vacancy Gender
1 ATC Born between 02 Jul 1994 and 01 Jul 1998; both dates inclusive 08 Male or Female
2 Observer Born between 02 Jul 1995 and 01 Jul 2000; both dates inclusive 06 Male or Female
3 Pilot (MR) Born between 02 Jul 1995 and 01 Jul 2000; both dates inclusive. 03 (maximum of 02 vacancies for females subject to they being in merit list of SSB) Male or Female
4 Pilot (Other than MR) Born between 02 Jul 1995 and 01 Jul 2000; both dates inclusive. 05 Male


Indian Navy Pilot Observer ATC – MEDICAL STANDARDS

S.No Branch/ Cadre EyeSight Height & Weight
1 Pilot / Observer Distant Vision 6/6, 6/9 Correctable to 6/6, 6/6 Should not be colour blind/night blind 162.5 cms With correlated weight, leg length, sitting height and thigh length.
2 ATC Distant Vision 6/9, 6/9 Correctable to 6/6, 6/6 Should not be colour blind/night blind Male – 157 cms Female – 152 cms With correlated weight, as per age and height.

Permanent body tattoos are not permitted on any part of the body, however, certain concessions are permitted to candidates belonging to tribal areas communities as declared by the Government of India. For other candidates, permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e. from inside of elbow to wrist
and on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of hand.

Pay Scale & Promotions:  The promotion from Sub Lieutenant to Commander is on time scale basis subject to completion of mandatory courses & medical conditions. The PayScale and promotion criteria as per 7th CPC is as follows:-

SUB LIEUTENANT (S Lt) 56100-177500 10 15500
LIEUTENANT (Lt) 61300-193900 10B 15500
LIEUTENANT CDR (Lt Cdr) 69400-213400 11 15500
COMMANDER (Cdr) 121200-212400 12A 15500

Job Roles

  • Pilot Entry: Pilot candidates will undergo 22 weeks of Naval Orientation Course (NOC) at INA, Ezhimala followed by Stage I and Stage II flying training at the Air Force/Naval Establishment. On successful completion of training, the candidates will be awarded wings. The candidates will be entitled for flying pay and allowances only after award of wings.
  • Observer Entry: Observer candidates will undergo 22 weeks of Naval orientation course (NOC) at INA, Ezhimala, Kerala. On completion of NOC the candidates will undergo SLT(X) Tech course followed by ab-initio training at Observer School. On successful completion of training at Observer School, the candidates will be awarded Observer wings. The candidates will be entitled for flying pay and allowances only after award of wings.
  • ATC Entry: Candidates will undergo 22 weeks of Naval Orientation Course at the INA, Ezhimala, Kerala followed by professional training at Air Force Academy and at various Naval Training Establishments/Units/Ships.

How to Apply: Candidates are to register and fill application on the recruitment website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in. The candidates are to apply from 25 Aug 18 to 14 Sep 18.

Selection Procedure:

  • Candidates will be shortlisted based on their graduation percentage.
  • Candidate with good percentage has more chance to get shortlisted for the SSB.
  • Shortlisted candidates will get the call for the SSB interview.
  • There will be no written test before SSB interview.
  • Candidates who will clear the SSB interview will undergo the medical test.
  • A final merit list will be prepared by the Indian Navy.
  • Candidates will get the joining instructions based on their order in merit.
  • We recommend these two books for the Indian Navy SSB interview: Let’s Crack SSB and Breaking the Code of SSB Psych


ssb interview book
Best SSB Interview Book
Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best Psych Book –>  Breaking The Code of SSB Psych
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best NDA Book –> Let’s Crack NDA
Best CDS Book –> Let’s Crack CDS
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT


Download eBooks
 TAT eBook  SRT eBook
 WAT eBook  OIR Test
 NDA Solved Papers  AFCAT Solved Papers
 Current Affairs eBook  101 Maths Shortcuts


www.nausena-bharti.nic.in ||  NAVY PILOT/OBSERVER DEC 2012 . Applications are invited from unmarried Indian citizens (Men &Women)  for Short Service Commission (SSC) as  PILOT/OBSERVER in the Executive Branch of the Indian Navy for Course commencing Dec 2012 at the Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala,Kerala.


Age.   19 to 24 years born between 02 Jan 1989 and 01 Jan 1994;both dates inclusive.

Note:- Applicants who have FAILED in PABT (Pilot Aptitude BatteryTest) earlier are not eligible for Pilot Entry, but can apply for the Observer Entry scheme.


Date of commencement of receipt of Online (e-application) 24 Apr 12
Last date of registration of Online (e-application) 19 May 12
Last date of receipt of printed copy of the Physical Application at Naval Headquarters 28 May 12

Educational QualificationsA graduate degree in any discipline with minimum 60% marks.
Should have qualified Mathematics & Physics at 10+2 level.
The gender requirement is as follows:-

Pilot – Men
Observer -Men & Women

Note:-  Candidates  who have not completed their Degree (i.e.appearing candidates) need not apply

More Details : Navy Pilot/Observer official Advertisement
Apply Now:Click To Apply

Please check http://www.nausena-bharti.nic.in/ for more accurate details .

Problem while applying ?? check the link below for step wise procedure.

How to fill Indian Navy Online Application Form



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PPDT and TAT Best Sample Stories 2023


PPDT and TAT Best Sample Stories 2023. Hi dear aspirants, here we are posting the 10 best stories written by our readers for PPDT Picture Perception and Discussion Test and TAT Thematic Apperception Test for a particular picture. Stories below are not numbered according to the rating, but numbered according to the time it was posted in the blog. Read them carefully and choose the best story from below and tell why did you like it.

Also Read: 

1.ajay k
Rahul is an young graduate who is coming from his frnds house late night.On his way to his house heavy rain dropped in with huge thunders and lightnings.He ran under the village community building for shelter.He understood that the rain is getting worse and observed many people in huts lying inside and the water
pouring into their huts.He sensed trouble and ran with huge leaves which are lying there, by keeping on his head to the village sarpanch’s house.He expalined the situation to the sarpanch,took keys of the community building,and with the help of young men evacuated the people under huts to the community building.That night rain turned to cyclone and many huts were damaged.But all thanked Rahul for his timely action which saved many lives.

2. Aravind Govindaraj
Mohan was a sarpanch of Zaria village. He went to near by city to purchase some seeds. While coming back to his home town, there was a huge thunderstorm and heavy lightning. Mohan tried to reach asap to his home but unfortunately the rain has started so he find some shelter to stand. Already some peoples stand in nearby shelter, Mohan also joined with them. Suddenly one huge tree has fallen down in center of the road. At the time there was an ambulance with the emergency patient need to cross the road. Without evacuate the tree, ambulance could not able to move further so Mohan asked help to evacuate the tree from road side. Finally the tree has evacuated from the road side and got an ambulance get a way to go hospital.

3. praveen
Venkat was doing his final year mechanical engineering in krishna college of technology.he came to his native in semester vacations in the month of July .he visited his friends and relatives in the day.while coming from his friends house it started to rain,he borrowed his friend’s umbrella and began to walk to his home.while on the way he saw his neighbour near a shelter .he called him and shared his umbrella and took her to home and he also returned home….

4. kaprykon
Raj was coming home from work on a cold stormy evening.At first he felt that he would reach home before the weather got any worse,but the downpour only got worst.He took shelter underneath some trees.And as he stood there,he heard a loud cry for help,he rushed towards the direction from where he heard the cry,and in front of him he saw what remained of a destroyed hut because of the storm.quickly he started searching underneath the ruins only to find a small little girl fighting for life against the weight of the debris.he quickly pulled her out and asked if there were others also in danger. She said no and that her parents were out working the fields of others in another village and hadn’t come back yet.he wrapped her up with whatever material he could find and then carrying her on his back ran as fast as his legs could take him towards the nearest village to help her. The village doctor saw her and gave her the required medicines and advised that she must get a lot of rest.

5. rahul
Ramesh was a B.A graduate hailing from a small village of Uttar pradesh.His father was sarpanch of the village.Ramesh was preparing for IAS and every month in the starting weeks he used to go to magazine shop to buy Pratiyogita darpan as dere was limited stocks.It was monsoon season,he went to take the book on monday and wen he was on his way his father called him and told him about sum women along wid there small babies had cum to seek help becz dere babies didnt take the polio drops on sunday becz of heavy rain.His father instructed him to go to d doctor and report him about the situation.He went dere but the shop was fully packed with patients,he requested the assistant to report the problem to doctor.The doc as he was busy culdnt be able to go to his village so he juz instructed him about how to give polio drops.He tuk d small bottles and walked towars his village and gave the drops to the babies.

6. anupam khanduja
Atish was pursuing graduation in the local college in his village.That day he was returning to his home from his friend’s place after studying as he had an exam the next day.
But it started raining heavily so he stopped under the shed beside the road for the rain to stop.In this mean time he got a call from the hospital on his mobile that a patient needs O+
blood in emergency because there is shortage of O+. As, he was voluntary donar in some of the hospitals . So he decided to move to the hospital in the heavy rain and reach hospital as quickly as possible. He also informed his mother that he might get late as he is going to the hospital for donating blood.He walked quickly and reached the hospital on time .He donated the blood to the patient. Till that time rain also stopped so he was able to return to his home on time.

7. Aam banda
Naval was headmaster in the village high school. As always he was on the walk around the fields in the village. But today he was not feeling the fresh air,rather he was coughing due to the polluted air. As he moved on, he saw big flames of fire in the field. He ran up to that field quickly and what he saw was the farmers were burning the waste after cultivating their crop, which was polluting the fresh environment of early morning. On the same evening, Naval with the help of panchayat members talked to the farmers of the village and told them about the new government plans for controlling air pollution, according to which they can sell the waste to fertilizer companies and they should keep some amount of it in fields itself, as it will provide nutrients to the soil for next crop. In this way Naval help the cause of pollution control in his village.

8. kamal
Sambodh was a teacher of a primary school in lohjang area of Uttrakhand. One day while coming from school, there was a huge thunderstorm and heavy rain.All the roads were blocked. He took shelter under a tree.After some time he got a phone call from one of the parents of his students that their son has still not reached home. Despite the thunderstorm he went back to the school. But he didnt find anyone there. He again left from the school and finally found the boy stuck under a tree. He took him to hospital for first aid and later took him to his home.

9. rajat
Ravi was a college student living in a village. one day while coming from the college huge rainfall started with heavy thunderstorm.he took shelter under avtree with other people standing there.suddenly a jeep overturned while turning due to slippery mud as the road was not concrete made.ravi quickly rushed toward the spot and overturned the jeep with the help of other people.he took out the driver and tied his handkerchief to his hand as blood was flowing out of it.he along with two more persons put him in the jeep and took him to nearby hospital and informed his relatives,after their arrival ravi went to his home.next day he visited again to hospital and found that driver condition was improved.

10. Amit Sharma
Kamal belong to a small city near the Kangra district and was studying in MCA final year one day while going to his area he saw that a speeding car hit a man who was crossing a road he immediately note down the car number and saw a passing vehicle and took a lift to admit him to hospital after admitting him he was sad with the traffic rules of the police and casual behavior of the police on duty after reaching his area he report to the representative of his village and went to police station to report against such careless duty by traffic police as that speeding car driver was driving after consuming liquor and latter he visit hospital and then was very happy to know that that man is out of danger
All stories are judged on the basis theme and qualities, rather than the words and grammatical way of it.

Check How to make a desirable story in TAT and PPDT and How to write a story in TAT and PPDT. You can again take part in the story writing, see the sample picture and please write your story in the comment box below.
About this pic: You must have seen this pic in SSB Interview Psychology test, yes it is an original SSB Interview TAT pic.
Interesting Point: Many candidates are unable to identify the actual object in front of the boy, in the very first look.

bannerfans_3897580 (1)

Also Check: 

Lost TGC Online Application Form for SSB Interview


This question is very common amongst SSBCrack readers and followers, specially with the fresher. What if you have lost the application form for SSB Interview ?? Do not worry there are other ways to it, I will write in details regarding this issue in detail, and classify it according to the type of SSB entry.
1. CDSE and NDA (UPSC) Entry : Well, in this case there is no such problem, because you do not have much to loose. You have to apply online and have to make online payment for the successful submission of the application. Then you will get the notification in
your e-mail regarding the same. After some time you can download you admit/hall ticket from UPSC website, yes you can search your admit card in UPSC site by your registration number or Name and DOB. Keep in mind that you must remember your roll number for checking the result online, even UPSC roll number is  required during SSB Interview.
2. TGC and SSC(Tech): Well here comes the main problem, “ I didn’t save my TGC or SSC application form what should I do now ??” or “ I was unable to save my TGC or SSC application form due to system crash , what can I do now?? “, these are the common question in case of TGC and SSC(Tech). Well its not your fault , I must say that the official site of Indian Army i.e. Joinindianarmy.nic.in is ill managed , but you do not need to worry, why??
  • You can’t apply again if you have successfully applied once.
  • You can not get back the application form.
Does the above two points sounds sarcastic ?? well do not worry if you have filled your TGC or SSC(tech) online form successfully then you will get your call letter, even candidates do not send the necessary docs gets the call letter. But please follow the instructions as mentioned in the advertisement and stop worrying about your lost online form. Again it won’t be a problem during SSB Interview because there are many victims of site crash or server problem.
3. AFCAT and Indian Navy Online Forms: In AFCAT you have to apply in a hard copy ( not online) and send it via normal post, you will get the admit card and call letter ( if passed in written ) at your sweet home. In case of Indian Navy , you will get the online application form link in your email id which you will provide while submitting the Navy online application form, you can print your application form and call letter( comes after few months by post and online) from mail sent to your e-mail id by Indian Navy.
Hope this post helps you, here are few more FAQs by readers do check them as well:How to postpone SSB Interview dates.
Please keep your suggestions and comments in the comment section below:
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UES 22 SSB Interview Call Letter


bannerfans 3862569
UES 22 SSB Interview Dates, UES 22 Call up letter UES 22 Selection Center|University Entry Scheme. Candidates waiting for the UES 22 Call letters for SSB Interview have to wait for some more time the Interview dates will come in JUL/AUG

UES-22nd Merit List for Indian Army Course July 2013Check UES 22nd Interview Dates Here


Vacancies Per Course
Notify in Employment News and leading Daily news Paper
Notified by Additional Directorate General Recruiting / AG Branch in May. Applications to be forwarded to respective Command Headquarters as per the areas indicated in the notification.
Eligibility Criteria
Age between
19 and 25 yrs as of first day of month in which course is due to commence
Pre Final year students of Engineering Degree Course
Marital Status
Un Married
Application to be Received by
 as specified in the notification.
Likely SSB Date
Jul/Aug during final year
Date Commencement of Trg
Jul at IMA Dehradun

courtesy: joinindianarmy.nic.in

39th SSC 10th SSC Tech SSB Interview Dates



39th SSC Tech SSB Interview Dates and 10th SSC Tech SSB Interview Dates are released on Indian Army Official career site, joiindianarmy.nic.in , though few lists are pending and getting updated one by one.

Women: SSCW(T)-10 OCT 2012 COURSE

Allotment of Centres : Click to Open 

BhopalSSCW(tech) Bhopal SSB Interview Dates – First List Only  + 2nd Updated List
Bangalore : SSCW(tech) Bangalore SSB Interview Dates UPDATED**
Allahabad : SSCW-10th Tech Allahabad

Men:  SSC (T)-39 OCT 2012 COURSE

BhopalSSC(T)-39 Bhopal Click here. + Second List Updated on 10 jun 2012  + 3rd List 
BangaloreSSC-39th Tech Final List Bangalore + 2nd List 
Allahabad:SSC-39th Technical Allahabad

Also check:

Advertisement 39 SSC Tech and 10- SSC Tech 
How to change/postpone/prepone your Interview Dates.

How To Postpone SSB Interview Dates


How to postpone SSB Interview Date? I always come across the same question from my reader regarding the change of SSB Interview date, because most of the candidates are studying or they are working somewhere. You may have exam during your SSB or you may not get leave from office because of some project.But I feel that fresher’s are not aware more about the present SSB Interview procedure, mainly they do not know about. How to postpone SSB Interview date??
I must tell the candidates that SSB dates are fixed according to the availability of particular SSB board and the time duration. Few SSB interview dates are easy to postpone and few are hard , I will tell you why and how.
Let’s talk about it according to the type of entries and gradually discuss how to postpone SSB interview date and what are the procedures to  be followed to
postpone SSB Interview date.
1. CDSE Exam: It is conducted by UPSC so all the procedures are followed strictly, the possibility of getting call letter at your home is 99%, I will cut 1% for other factors such as postal service at your location. Candidates always ask for the SSB Interview dates , I do not know why do they behave so restlessly, instead of preparing for the SSB Interview they are more interested in  waiting for SSB Interview dates, one who clears CDSE surely gets the call letter.
  • How to postpone the dates: In this entry you get the absentee batch date, so you have to attend SSB either regular or absentee. The good thing is if you do not attend on the regular batch you will again get a call letter at your home to attend the absentee batch( but again it depends on the mood of the board).
  • When I say CDSE, it consist of IMA, OTA, AFA and NA.
  • Suppose if you did not get your call letter on time then you can take a print out of online list with your roll number. Please make sure you go with other important docs such as your 10th 12th and degree certificates.
  • For convenience go with originals but if you do not have them then go with attested copies and custodian certificate.
2. NDA and NA Exam: Again NDA & NA is conducted by the UPSC so all the rules are applicable same as CDSE Exam.
3. AFCAT: AFCAT was introduced in 2011 and till now IAF is doing a commendable job by handling all the applications manually by its own, the number of applicants are increase from 70 to 80% since 2011-2012 ( AFCAT exam held on Feb 2012). But again some glitches are there. Chances of getting admit card and call letter is 70-80% only, there are many cases of not getting admit card , call letter or whatsoever. If you get the call letter there will be only one date mentioned in the and no official absentee batch date. To be straight forward there is not absentee batch, all batches are regular batches only.
  • How to postpone the dates: First have a valid reason for postponing the SSB Interview dates, got the reason , open your SSB call letter, search for the contact details on the top. You can mail them , Fax them or you can talk to them on the phone. I suggest to do all the methods but the most convenient is call them . You should know your roll number, name( I am not kidding) , DOB(againWinking smile) and the date of SSB Interview, request the person who takes your call and tell them the valid reason, if he is kind hearted then he will ask the details of yours and he will provide you the date on next batch or any other batch. The batch will be regular but you will be added to it.
  • Good thing is you can prepone your SSB Interview dates also , procedure is same as mentioned above. *Cheers*
  • SSB Interviews list comes in parts like 1st , 2nd and 3rd lists, the official sire of IAF is very good and well managed. careerairforce.nic.in
3. TGC: It’s the most ill managed entry one must have faced, especially with the SSB dates. Chances of getting you name in the online list for SSB is 95%, 5% for those who apply offline or messed up with something else. Online list comes very late but it comes , also it will come in parts like 1st list and 2nd list.
  • How to postpone the dates: For Allahabad you will get primary, secondary and absentee dates you have to attend in one of those, further you will not get any other dates. For Bhopal and Bangalore you will get primary and secondary dates so better to attend in any one of those. There will be no official absentee date for you.
  • TGC officials are very lazy to attend your queries on phone so better do not take any chances of missing any dates given in the call letter.
  • Name not in the online list: Don’t worry there will be another list , calling TGC department barley helps you because all the lists are computer generated and if you have registered you will get your names for sure.
  • I did not send the documents by post: Do not worry if you have applied online successfully then you will get your name for sure.
4. SSC tech: Every thing is same as TGC except the type of commission , SSC is short service commission and TGC is for permanent commission.
5. Navy: All the direct entries like Logistics , ATC, Education, SSC Pilot etc. You have to apply online and send the docs if mentioned, strictly follow the deadlines.
  • How to postpone the dates: Mail them, Fax them and even you can call them, they will tell you the exact procedure. For direct entries there will be no absentee batch mentioned, but entries like NDA&NA you will get absentee batch(UPSC rules). But there are very well managed and they send you the e-mail and SMS. Also they will send you the email for absentee batch if you have missed the regulate one.
6. Other entries: Entries like NCC special are easy to manage so the process is quit smooth and you will get the call letter in time. Also you will get the online list so that you can check your ssb center and date of SSB Interview.

NDA 1 2012 Cutoff Marks NDA 1 Answer Key 2012 Paper 1st, 2nd Solution



NDA & NA 1st  Exam 2012 Paper solution sheet NDA & NA Key 2012, NDA 1 2012 Cutoff Marks. Cheers to warriors who are waiting for the answer key / answer sheet of NDA-1 2012 is published in our blog. Aspirants can look at the answer keys for their NDA written exam, here of paper-1st and paper-2nd with set-a, set-b, set-c, set-d.

Check: NDA 2 2013 Cut Off Marks NDA 2 Answer Key 2013 for Mathematics and General Ability 

Check: NDA I 2013 Cut Off Marks

Thanks to  Cavalier Coaching Institute for publishing their nda-1 answer sheet 2012 which is shown as below. Check out nda-1
answer key 2012 below :-

Remaining answer key of nda-1 2012 published, below, check now. If you want to share or ask please do it  in the comment box also share the remaining NDA answer keys if you got  any:-

nda (i) 2013 cut off, answer sheet, question paper

NDA 1 Cutoff Marks 2012 :-

Please check your marks in NDA 1 2012 and post your marks below in the comment section  to analyse your result.

Mathematics 300 and General ability 600. Total 900 marks

  1. Cut off will be above 550 350 out of 900 this year in NDA 1 2012
  2. There will be individual cutoff  of 35% 27% in each subject.  
Click like and share this post if you like our work.

Also Check: NDA 2 2012 Key and Cut off 

How to fill Indian Navy Online Application Form



Nausenabharti,No record found?? Check How to fill Indian Navy Online Application Form

This post is regarding the online application form submission for various entries in Navy like Logistics ,ATC, Education and many more.

Things you should have before applying online for Navy logistics Cadre, Education Branch and ATC. 
  • Read the Advertisement carefully and check the eligibility criteria.
  • Note down the number of entries for which you are eligible.
  • Priorities the types of entries according to your interest, if you are eligible for more than one entry
  • You must know marks obtained and total marks for each semester in your graduation ( B.sc, B.tech etc.)
  • Have a latest color passport photo of less than 10 KB in size, it is required to be uploaded in the form.
  • Know your particulars like Name, DOB, Address so on.  
  • Have a good net connection, and clear cache and cookies in your browser before applying.
  • Try different browser you get problem with any browser. 
1. Check the  Advertisement  and click on the link below to apply:
2.   You must have completed you graduation before applying for this entry.
3. Fill all the respective particulars, Now candidates with 1st year with one sem only got reliable option.
4.  Check again all the details before clicking on submit button:
5.  Check the type of entry for which you are eligible or interested:
6.  Click on Submit
7. Be very careful filling your details now:
8. As mentioned earlier , you must have a passport photo of 10 kb in size, system will not accept the size more than that and photo upload is mandatory. Click on preview after it.
9.  Last chance to make any change , click on edit if you wanna make some change or else click on submit for the final move.
10.  Here is an important note for you after submitting the form.
11. Well done , you have registered successfully , you got your registration number here.
12.  Take the print out of the form and follow as mentioned in the advertisement: 
Note: Merely applying online will not make you eligible for SSB, there are more formalities to be done, like sending your application form to the concerned department.
To reduce the size of photograph to 10 kb follow this :

1. Open the picture with microsoft office.

2. Click on Edit picture option.

3. Click on compress picture option in the right pane.

4. now select the web document option or the email message option. (which ever reduces the size of the photograph to 10 kb or less).

5. Now save the picture.

That’s it… U’re done..  [Method by:Saurabh]

Any problem ??? Write it in the comment box below. 

Also check How to change/postpone/prepone your Interview Dates.

Applications for Logistics Cadre(PC) Education Branch and ATC(SSC) Male and Female for Dec 2012 Batch



Applications are invited from unmarried Male candidates for Permanent Commission in Logistics Cadre and unmarried Male and Female candidates for Short Service Commission in Education Branch and ATC of the Indian Navy.

Candidate can submit only Online (e-application) for this entry from 12 Apr 12 to 25 Apr 12.

**Not for appearing candidates** 

Date of Commencement of Online Application:12-04-2012
Last Date Of Online Submission of Application:25-04-2012
Last Date Of Receipt of Online Application at Naval HeadQuarters :05-05-2012

DUTIES OF LOGISTICS OFFICER :Logistics Officer deals with the logistics aspects of men and material. He plays a vital role in the human aspect of the ship/ establishments organisation. A modern
warship irrespective of its role needs a continuous supply of fresh provisions, fuel and spares. You as a Logistics Officer will be responsible for smooth supply of stores to all naval units. In no other career does an Officer get such a vast exposure to keep abreast of modern and latest development in the field of management and finance. Officers with Work Specialization would get a wide exposure in Civil Works and Infrastructure related appointments during the span of their career.

DUTIES OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL OFFICER:The Indian Navy operates various types of modern aircraft from shore based airfields as well as from ships. Air Traffic Control Officers in the Indian Navy control naval fighter aircraft, maritime reconnaissance aircraft and multi role helicopters both ashore and afloat. In no other career, an officer gets exposed to such a wide spectrum of opportunities to keep abreast of modern and latest developments in the field of Air Traffic Control. Life in the Navy is full of challenges and adventures. The Navy provides some of the finest training facilities, which will turn you into a skilled professional, mentally agile and physically fit Officer.


1DUTIES OF EDUCATION OFFICER:Education Officers are responsible for imparting instructions onboard training ships and establishments. Avenues to specialize in ,meterology and oceanography/ Naval Communications/ Anti Submarine Warfare/ Gunnery/ Navigation & Direction/ Hydrography/ IT and Mtech courses are also available. Education Officers will also be responsible for control and co-ordination of schooling/ libraries/ academic facilities, distance education, naval examinations (on/ off line), development of training design and evaluation and human resources.

Eligibility Criteria:–

Branch/ Cadre From To Gender Born Between
Logistics/ Works 19.5 25 Male 02 Jan 1988
01 Jul 1993
Education 21 25 Male/ Female 02 Jan 1988
01 Jan 1992
ATC 19.5 25 Male/ Female 02 Jan 1988
01 Jul 1993

Educational Qualifications:–

Ser No Educational
Eligible Qualifying
Eligible Qualifying
Eligible Qualifying
(1) BCOM Yes 60 No NA No NA
(2) MCOM Yes 60 No NA No NA
(3) BBM Yes 60 No NA No NA
(4) BCA Yes 60 No NA No NA
(5) MCA Yes 60 Yes 50 No NA
(6) BA
Yes 60 No NA No NA
(7) MA
Yes 60 No NA No NA
(8) BBA Yes 60 No NA No NA
(9) MBA Yes 60 No NA No NA
(10) BSc (IT) Yes 60 No NA No NA
(11) MSc (IT) Yes 60 No NA No NA
(12) B.E./ B.Tech
(Any Discipline)
Yes 60 No NA No NA
(13) ICWA Yes 60 No NA No NA
(14) Chartered
Yes 60 No NA No NA
(15) B Architecture Yes
(Works Officer)
60 No NA No NA
(16) B.E./ B.Tech
(Works Officer)
60 No NA No NA
(17) PG in
Material Management
Yes 60 No NA No NA
(18) MSc Physics No NA Yes
(Maths in BSc)
50 Yes 55
(19) MSc Maths No NA Yes
(Physics in BSc)
50 Yes 55
(20) MSc
(Operational Research/
No NA Yes 50 No NA
(21) MSc
Atmospheric Sciences)
No NA Yes 50 No NA
(22) MSc
No NA No NA Yes 55
(23) BSc
No NA No NA Yes 60
(24) BSc Maths No NA No NA Yes 60
(25) BSc
No NA No NA Yes 60
(26) MA (English
or History)
No NA Yes 50 No NA
(27) B.E./ B.Tech
(Computer Science)
Yes 60 Yes 60 No NA
(28) M.Tech
(Computer Science)
No NA Yes 60 No NA
(29) B.E./ B.Tech
Yes 60 Yes 60 No NA
(30) M.Tech (Mechanical) No NA Yes 60 No NA
(31) B.E./ B.Tech
Yes 60 Yes 60 No NA
(32) M.Tech(IT) No NA No NA No NA
(33) M.Tech
No NA Yes 60 No NA
(34) M.Tech
No NA Yes 60 No NA
(35) M.Tech
No NA Yes 60 No NA


Whilst filling the e-application, it is advisable to keep the following information readily available to enable error free submission: –

(i) Name, Fathers Name and date of birth as given in matriculation certificate.
(ii) A valid e-mail address and Mobile Number as these fields are mandatory.
(iii) A recent passport size photograph of size less than 10 kb in .jpg or .jpeg format.
(iv) The total marks and the marks obtained in each year/ semester of the Post Graduation/ Graduation/ BTech/ BE.


Step 1
Keep the information listed in guidelines for online application in the above mentioned paragraph readily available.
Read these instructions carefully and click on Apply Online.
Enter your date of birth, gender and qualification and other details asked carefully. Then enter the verification code appearing on the screen and click on Submit.

Step 2
As this is a common application form for the Permanent Commission (Logistics), Short Service Commission (Education) and Short Service Commission (ATC), you will be shown the entries for which you are eligible for submitting your application based on your age, gender and qualification. You will have to choose the entries for which you would like to submit your application.

Step 3
In case you choose for more than one entry in Step 2 above then indicate your priority for the entry that you would desire to be considered for.

Step 4

Fill the online registration form. Tips to assist in filling up fields have been provided as you highlight each field.

After filling the form Click on Preview and check if all the information entered by you are correct. If you find that some information is incorrect click on Edit and correct the relevant entry.
Before clicking the Submit button it should be checked whether all the details entered in the form is correct because you will not be able to make any corrections after saving the record.

After submitting the form, an Application Number will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. This Application number will automatically be available on the print out of the online application form. If the system does not generate the Application Number, it is an indication of non-acceptance of Application by the system.

Candidates are required to print two copies of the Application form with the system generated Application Number. One copy of this Application is to be duly signed and mailed (posted)to Post Box No. 04, Chankyapuri, New Delhi – 110 021 along with the following documents:-
Self attested photograph stapled to the top-left corner of the print-out of the application form.
Attested photo copies of 10th class certificate, Post Graduation/ Graduation/ B.E./ B.Tech certificates and mark sheets of all semesters/years .

Step 5

(vi) A superscription is to be made on the Envelope: –
ONLINE Application NO. ______ APPLICATION FOR The name of the Entry(first choice)Dec 2012 COURSE” Qualification ______ Percentage ______%. Application and requisite enclosures must be properly tagged/stapled. IHQ MoD(Navy) will not be responsible for loss of enclosures of documents not attached properly.

1. Final receipt of the printout of the Online Application Form with system generated Application Number and all documents as mentioned in sub Para (b) above by 05 May 12, will be the final CONFIRMATION of receipt of your Application at IHQ MoD(N).
2. Your application is subject to subsequent scrutiny and the application can be rejected, without assigning reasons, if found INELIGIBLE at any point of time. Hence, only filling the application online/ generation of Application no does not imply that the candidate has fulfilled all the criteria given in the advertisement.


Problem while applying ?? check the link below for step wise procedure.

How to fill Indian Navy Online Application Form

CDSE(II)-2011 OTA SSC-10 Women Interview Dates


CDSE+2012+SSC 10+Women

10 SSCW(tech) Bhopal Allahabad Bangalore Call Up List ||SSB Interview | Interview schedule and center allotment for CDSE(2) OTA  (SSC WOMEN (NT) – 10 COURSE

1. List of allotment of center to all the CDSE(OTA) passed candidates

2. Bhopal SSBClick Here

3. Allahabad SSBClick Here

4. Bangalore  SSB:  Click Here

All Lists are Updated Now. 

Check Men List Here: