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How to Fill Cumulative Percentage CGPA/DGPA in TGC 116 Army


Hi Friends, during TGC or SSC online application form filling  many candidates feels difficulty to understand what is cumulative percentage or how to convert CGPA/DGPA to marks and other related quires . I have already given few screen-shots of the application forms with the help of our readers , if you still feel that you need help please go through the few posts linked below and recent TGC -116 application form screen shot , which is given by Sushant Debnath .

1. Convert CGPA/DGPA into Marks

2. How to fill Application Form for TGC-116 and SSC

3. Apply TGC-116 Now

Now One can easily get the form saved after completely filling the form by clicking on the option “SAVE APPLICATION FORM“,the saved form is actually a link (HTML document) and can be easily drawn back for the print out. So no more loss of Application form in the system crash, be careful and save your application  after applying it.Shobhit Dubey

Form Screen shots : 

By:Sushant Debnath
marks for+ tgc

Sample TGC- 116 Application form filled : 

By:Shobhit Dubey

Please send your screen shots to help others , if you have already filled the form then you can make a dummy application form filled with marks and necessary details and take the screenshot.

Common Problems:

1. I did not save my application form and now while applying again it says duplicate entry or already registered : Please do not worry if it say so, that clearly means that you have registered , just send your docs with an application mentioning that you have applied but you were not able to save the form due to site crash.

2. Not able to fill properly: Use IE 5 6 7 only to fill the form, clear cache memory , if not try different browser or from different net connection ( a good one).

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How To Face Interviewing Officer In SSB Interview

ssb personal interview

Personal Interview is a key factor that decides your recommendation in the SSB Interview, SSB Interview questions and answers play a vital role in the assessment of the candidate. How to face the IO[ Interviewing officer] in the SSB PI[ SSB Personal Interview] is a major concern here, one wrong move can tarnish your image and reduce your chances to get recommended.

One must not take the PI as a formality, SSB Interview questions and answers sound very informal when compare to any other interview but they are designed to assess your overall quality as a person and helps to judge your suitability to become an officer in Indian Defence Forces. We will discuss the points you should keep in your mind to get the best impression in SSB Interview.

First Impression is the last Impression :

Let’s follow this saying in SSB Interview also, yes the first impression plays a vital role in the personal interview, it may do good or bad for you. To get the first impression as a good impression try to follow below-mentioned points:

  • Dress neatly, wear formals for Personal Interview, avoided wearing something which makes you uncomfortable, if you find yourself smart in front of the mirror other will also find the same so have a comfortable outfit.
  • Look out for the best color combination, wear light color clothes, do not wear a tie if you are not habitual to it , wearing a tie won’t put any additional impression but if you love to wear it then you must have it.
  • Enter into the room showing all teeth, I mean to say go with a decent smile and wish the Interviewing officer, do not ask for permission to go inside, already you have been called inside.
  • IO will ask you to sit, if he won’t then after waiting for 5secs you can sit on your own, it will show your confidence to take the action and self-decisions.

Body Language:

ssb personal interview

Once again, a very important point to keep in mind is to have decent body language during the whole interviewing process. Most of us forget about our body movements and postures while talking with someone; especially here the IO will have a total look at your body because he will be sitting 3-4 meters away from you, so avoid doing unnecessary yoga postures during PI.

  • Sit straight and lean backward, utilize the chair to relax not to become panic. Avoid leaning forward while answering to questions or putting some stress on a particular answer, it also shows you’re not confident but nervous. You might have seen during the PPDT most of the candidates start leaning forward and sits on the edge of the chair, it shows your confidence level is less.
  • You can use your hand while answering but make sure that hands should not start flying here and there , use them gently like a gentleman.
  • Look at the IO while answering , he was also a candidate like you , why to become nervous in front of him , think as if your are talking to a friend who is interested to know about you to make friendship . Please avoid watching here and there, talk to the person sitting in front of you, take it as a challenge  and say yes I am ready to face you.

Communication  :

We know the importance of communication skills, here communication means the way you pass your answers to the IO, if you are very good at speaking English but whatever you said goes above the head of the IO then it is of no use on the other hand if you are not so fluent but the way you speak is convincing and shows that you are confident while answering then you hit the target. Candidates from cities are supposed to speak well in English, candidates from rural areas are also supposed to speak in English but IO may overlook their mistakes.

  • Listen to the question first, think the answer for 2-3 secs and then say it, yes you can wait for some time to think before answering, no one asked you to speak as soon as IO stops. Think for 2-3 secs how and what you are going to say, it will help you to deliver the answer in a proper way with fewer mistakes.
  • Being a repeater, you must know the common questions which are asked by the IO every time, do prepare them well before the PI. You can check SSB Interview questions and answers here.
  • Speak softly and calmly, keep your voice  audible to the IO, do not raise the voice suddenly, try to speak normally with expression. Have you seen how  officers use to talk, yes, you got it now, follow that.

Listen First:

Yes, dear aspirants, being young blood we have decided not to listen to anyone and do our own, NOT HERE, listen to the IO carefully, do not assume a question like the way you want it to be or faced earlier. You may be answering the East when asked for West, just think how bad it will create your impression in PI.

  • Listen to the question properly, wait for the IO to stop and then think and speak.
  • Do not start thinking about an answer when the IO is asking questions, it won’t let you listen to the question properly and you will end up with saying the different answer.  Let the IO complete his words so that you won’t interfere in between.
  • Ask IO to repeat the question if you missed it, and then answer it properly.

Be Open; But in a Limit:

IO wants to know about your personality and your personal life (to some extent), for that you may come across few questions which you would like to hide just because you think that it will create a negative impact on your PI. This thing is correct up to some limit, but you should be careful in choosing what to hide or what not to hide. IO is a well-experienced person sitting over there so be careful while holding a mask or trying to hide, you must be a genius in this.

  • Try to speak what is asked by IO, do not put additional information, be to the point or else the IO will sleep off.
  • Again I say think before answering, it will help you to decide what to say or what not to say.
oir test and ppdt

Take the opportunity to ask Him :

Many IO provides you an opportunity to ask something, it could be anything. Take the chance and ask him something but make sure that you should not ask something very personal or irrelevant to SBB or Defence. Keep in mind that whatever you ask him also shows your own character and quality, IO may pick something from that too, so be sensible while asking something.

Territorial Army Notification 2012



Candidates can download Territorial Army Application form and  recruitment details in this post. The Territorial Army (TA) officers gainfully employed young men an opportunity of donning the uniform and serving the nation. Based on the concept of enabling motivated young men to serve in a military environment without having to sacrifice their primary professions. You can serve the nation in two capacities – as a civilian and as a soldier. No other option allows you such an expanse of experiences.

Territorial Army Notification July 2013


Only male citizens of India and Ex-service officers who are medically fit. 
Age – 18 to 42 years as on 30 Jun 2012. 
Qualification – Graduate from any recognized university. 
Employment – Gainfully Employed in Central Govt/Semi Govt /Pvt Firm/ Own business. 

Last Date    :

 Form completed in all respects with all required enclosures will be accepted till 30 Jun 12 at respective locations as mentioned above

Read How to Apply :

Click Here for Official Advertisement :

Click to download Application Form :

How to Join Territorial Indian Army as an Officer

jag 27 ssb dates

Many aspirants who are looking forward to joining the Territorial Army can read the official notification TA Exam 2021 on SSBCrackExams. In this article, we are going to talk about a frequently asked question which is, can I join the Territorial Army? So we are going to talk about what is TA and who all can join the TA.

But first, one needs to understand that the Territorial Army exam is not a regular entry, what do you mean by regular? Regular means joining the Armed Forces full-time through different entries like NDA, CDS, or AFCAT for Indian Air Force, etc. So what is TA? Territorial Army is a part-time commitment that you can pursue along with your current profession, that is why you can apply for the Territorial Army till the age of 42 years. You can carry on with your current profession and yearly you have to give 2 months of service in the Territorial Army, so yes, it will not be a full-time profession for you.

Before moving forward, if you are preparing for the Territorial Army exam, do check our TA Exam Online Course, which is a full-fledged course as per the latest syllabus of the Territorial Army exam. You can access this course on Desktop and via our Andriod App.

Let’s move ahead and know some basic eligibility criteria for joining the Territorial Army

  • You must be an Indian, of course.
  • Age must be 18 to 42 years as on last day of filling of the application.
  • You must be a graduate.
  • Physically and Medically fit.
  • You must be Gainfully Employed.

Now, the last part is where most of the aspirants get confused. What is Gainfully Employed? Gainfully employed means, you must have a job or business and you are earning from it. How would you prove that you are earning? You must be filling income tax, ITR etc. These are the records that will be checked during the process. So who all can apply for the Territorial Army?

  • Buisness Owners
  • Farmers
  • People working in MNCs
  • People working in other Govt services like Railways.
  • Doctors
  • Engineers
  • Actors, Artist, Musician
  • In Short all who are gainfully employed.

Serving officers because they are already serving in the armed forces and Students with no Jobs can not apply for the TA.

What is the Selection Procedure of the Territorial Army?

  • First TA exam will be conducted.
  • Candidates who clear the TA Exam will be called for a short PIB interview also known as Preliminary Interview Board.
  • Once who is selected in PIB will be called for 5 Days SSB Interview.
  • One who is recommended by the SSB board will go for the Medical Board.
  • One who is declared fit by the medical board will wait for the final merit list.
  • Based on the merit list, they will get the Joining Letter.

Once you go for the PIB after the written exam, you need to carry the following documents:

  • Application Form IAF (TA)-9 (Revised) Part-2 to be downloaded from www.jointerritorialarmy.gov.in and fill it up in their own hand writing.
  • All educational qualification certificates (Matric onwards).
  • Latest physical fitness certificate from a registered MBBS Doctor.
  • Copy of Identity proof with photographs (Voter ID/PANCard/Passport/Driving license etc).
  • Domicile/ Residential proof.
  • Certificate for proof of age (Matric/ Senior Secondary mark sheetand certificate for verification of date of birth).
  • Service certificate by candidates employed in Central Govt/ Union Territory/ State/Semi Govt/ Private Sector Authenticated by Head Office along with salary certificate and No Objection Certificate by the department as per format given below.
  • Self-employed candidates are required to submit an Affidavit on Non-Judicial stamp paper of minimum value duly attested stating nature of employment and annual income along with photocopy of PAN card and self-certified character certificate.
  • Candidates whose names vary in documents should submit copy of Gazette notification of India/ State showing the correct name or an affidavit duly supported by newspaper cuttings.
  • Latest income proof from the appropriate authority (i.e. Income Tax Revenue Department / Magistrate / Employer).

Now it must be clear, so if you are preparing for the TA do check the given links below:

All the best.

NCC-32 SSB Interview Army



NCC -32 SSB Interview dates are going to release soon , today official website of Indian Army updated the list of  allotment of SSB interview center for NCC-32 course aspirants . SSB dates are still not out for any center, according to Army the likely dates of SSB will be from Jun – Jul 2012 .


  2. SSB Allahabad : Allahabad NCC-32
  3. SSB Bhopal : No Updates 
  4. SSB Bangalore : Bangalore NCC-32


  2. SSB Allahabad : Click to Open 
  3. SSB Bhopal : Click to Open
  4. SSB Bangalore : No updates 


Vacancies Per Course
50 (Twice a Year)
Notify in Employment News and leading Daily news Paper
Notified by Additional Directorate General Recruiting / AG Branch in Jun & Dec
Eligibility Criteria
Age between
19 and 25 yrs as of 01 Jul of the yr in which course is due to commence for Oct course and 01 Jan of the yr in which course is due to commence for Apr course  
Final year appearing/Graduate with 50% Aggregate marks, 2 Yrs service in NCC Senior Div Army with minimum ‘B’ Grade in ‘C’ Certificate Exam.
Marital Status
Un Married/Married
Application to be Received by
Oct / Nov and Apr / May through NCC Dte
Likely SSB Date
Dec/Jan and Jun/Jul
Date Commencement of Trg
Apr and Oct
Training Academy
OTA, Chennai
Duration of Trg
49 Weeks 



Vacancies Per Course
As notified
Notify in Employment News and leading Daily news Paper
Notified by Additional Directorate General Recruiting / AG Branch in Jun / Dec
Eligibility Criteria
Age between
19 and 25 yrs as on 01 Jan of the yr in which course is due to commence for Apr course and 01 Jul of the yr in which course is due to commence for Oct course
Final Year appearing/Graduate in any discipline with 50% Aggregate marks, 2 Yrs service in NCC Senior Div Army with minimum ‘B’ Grade in ‘C’ Certificate Exam.
Marital Status
Un Married
Application to be Received by
Oct / Nov and Apr / May through NCC Gp HQ/NCC Dte
Likely SSB Date
Nov to Jan for Apr Course and May to July for Oct Course
Date Commencement of Trg
Apr and Oct
Training Academy
OTA, Chennai


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Indian Army Tattoos Rule for Officers Entry


Last year Defence Ministry has banned their recruitment as soldiers into the defence forces for the candidates having permanent tattoos on their body except hands. Now the question which is disturbing is whether this rule is applicable to officer’s entry also ?? candidates having tattoos,  applying for the post of commissioned officer in the Indian army are in dilemma because there is no clear explanation from Indian Army in this regard.
After going through the article published in Indian Express and NDTV, I think that army is considering this rule specially  for Jawan’s bharti in army recruitment camp.

Read Update on Permanent Body Tattoos Rejection

Reason for Ban on Tattoos ??

Army says there is a huge possibility of health hazard with permanent tattoos, also Brigadier Vinod Raizada, Deputy Director General, Recruiting, Jalandhar Cantonment, said, “We have instructions since November that any person with tattoos anywhere on the body, except for the arms, cannot be recruited in the Indian Army.

I think Indian Army should make tattoos policies like US army , this will help us to understand the rules and regulation related to tattoos in Indian Army, the present rule is for new recruitment  process but what about on service men, what rules are imposed on them ??

Will it affect SSB Interview Candidates ??

Though the picture is not clear yet but also there is no official statement is passed for SSB Interview candidates having  tattoos on their body. Hope Indian army clears this issue in the call letter , though all the medical standard are mentioned in the call letter and tattoos issue is not the one of them. So hopefully there is no restrictions for candidates with tattoos to become an officer in Indian army .Though the candidates having tattoos will go for special checkup in medicals .

Read Update on Permanent Body Tattoos Rejection

What candidates having tattoos should do ??

I suggest aspirants to keep applying for the various entries and do not get discouraged.

Please correct me if I am wrong and share if they know more about this issue .

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SSB Interview Procedure


ssb procedure

There are Six Selection Centers located across the country. These are at Allahabad, Bhopal , Bangalore, Varanasi, Dehradun and coimbatore . Each selection center consists of four to five Service Selection Boards(SSBs). Your SSB interview will happen at one of these centers.This post will be help full for SSB aspirants, specially fresher to know the basic procedure of SSB Interview.

RECEPTION. On the day of arrival you have to report to the Movement Control Office(MCO) at the railway station. Here, a representative of Selection Centre manning the reception will receive you and direct you to a bus that will take you to the Selection Centre. Those arriving late or by road should proceed directly to the Selection Centre. After reporting you will get sufficient time to settle down. Normally the afternoons are free(Except your interview day). You can make use of this opportunity to visit places of interest, shop and have fun.


The duty officer gives an introductory talk, explaining matters of administrative details, DOs and DONTs and code of conduct at Selection Centre. You are also required to complete documentation including verification of required certificates for age/educational qualifications. All candidates are allotted chest number for further testing. It is important to remember that you are not competing with other candidates. All of you will be assessed against a common standard of suitability and it is possible for everyone in the group to be recommended/Not recommended.
In some entries  like CDSE, UES, NDA other than the day of arrival/reporting, the SSBs have a five days testing schedule, if your reporting time is 7am in the early morning then Screening test will take place on the same day and that day will be counted as first day, it happens in the entries like TGC, AFCAT etc. With these tests they aren’t looking at your physical fitness. The tests are also geared to let us know more about various shades of your personality. The exact schedule of tests may be varied depending on the No of candidates to be tested, and GTO Tests may be done in a single day, if warranted. Details of testing are as under:-


Stage one selection system includes the following:-
(a) Intelligence Test (verbal and non verbal).
(b) Picture Perception and Description Test Picture is flashed for 30 seconds. The candidates have to broadly note down seven basic parameters viz number of characters, age, sex, mood, action relating to past, present and future for each character in one minute. Time for story writing is four minutes.
(c) Discussion of the picture – 30 Minutes In this phase batch is divided into different groups. Strength of group is around 15 candidates. Each candidate narrates his individual written story verbatim. Subsequently, in Part-II all the candidates have to discuss amongst themselves and achieve a common consensus about the characters and theme of the story.
Once all candidates have undergone stage one. The results for stage one testing are declared. Recommended candidates are retained for stage-II testing and those not recommended are dispatched back.

DAY – 2 (STAGE – II)

Psychological Tests include the following:-

Thematic Apperception Test. 12 Pictures including one blank are shown. Candidates are asked to write a story around what led to the situation? what is going on and what would be the outcome ?. Each Picture is shown for 30 seconds and candidates are asked to write it in 4 minutes. In the blank slide, they have to think a picture of their own choice and write a story around that.
Word Association Test. In this test, a series of 60 words are shown to the candidates one after another for 15 seconds each. The candidate is required to write down the first thought or idea that comes to his mind.
Situation Reaction Test. This test consists of 60 routine life situations regarding day to day activities. The situations are printed in a booklet and the candidate is asked to write his reactions by completing the sentences, as to how they would feel, think and act in these situations.
Self Description Test. Candidate is asked to write five separate paragraphs on each context about the opinion of his parents/guardian, friends, teachers/superiors.

GTO – Day 1 This includes the following:-
Group Discussion. Two topics of common interest (social issues and current events) are discussed. It is an informal discussion and not a debate. Each topic is allotted 20 minutes each. No definite conclusion is required to be deduced.
Group planning exercise. It comprises of five stages viz., explanation of the model, reading of the narrative by GTO, five minutes for self reading by candidates, 10 minutes for individual written solutions and 20 minutes for group discussion. Narration of the group solution and definite conclusion is required.
Progressive group task. It is the first outdoor task. A set of four obstacles with progressively increasing level of difficulties are to be completed in 40 to 50 minutes. Structures, helping material and load are provided to the group.
Group obstacle race. In this task the group is pitched against each other over a set of six obstacles with a snake like load to carry.
Half group task. It has one obstacle similar to progressive group task with helping material and load to be carried. Group is divided into two Sub Groups and assigned the same obstacle in turn in such a way that when one group is working, the other is not allowed to watch it. Time allotted to each sub group is 15 minutes.
Lecturette. It is an individual task and the candidate is required to give a short talk to the group. Three minutes are allowed to prepare any chosen topic from the four given in the Lecturette Cards for the talk.

DAY – 4

GTO – Day 2

Individual Obstacles. A set of 10 obstacles is set to be tackled individually. Obstacles are numbered from one to ten, denoting the points each one carries. Each individual is given three minutes.
Command Task. Each individual is nominated as commander for one task consisting of one obstacle similar to the Progressive Group Task Time given is 15 minutes.
Final Group Task. Task consisting of one obstacle similar to the Progressive Group Task . Time given to complete this task is 15 – 20 minutes

DAY –5.

This includes the following:-
(i) Closing address
(ii) Conference.
(iii) Announcement of results.
(iv) Dispersal.

INTERVIEWS:- Interviews are normally conducted in the afternoon by the interviewing officer. The interviews will carry on from day 1 to day 4. You will be interviewed only once and will be informed about it well in advance. The atmosphere throughout the interview is relaxed and informal. The questions are generally based on your everyday experience.

It is important that you understand that failure to clear the SSB interview is no reflection of your abilities. You could do exceptionally well in other professions. In fact, qualifying for the SSB itself means that they shortlisted you amongst the thousands.
The source of this information is Join Indian Army website.

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Convert CGPA/DGPA to Marks for SSB Application



How to convert CGPA/DGPA into marks while applying for TGC or Indian Navy, this is the most common question asked by aspirants and our readers while applying for these entries. After lot of search I have found some helpful instruction which may help the candidates to convert CGPA/DGPA in the required format.


How to convert CGPA/DGPA in filling SSB Online form for Indian Army?


Let :
Marks obtained in 1st Semester = 80
Marks obtained in 2nd Semester = 85
Marks obtained in 3rd Semester = 90

CGPA will be of these according to CBSE standards
Sem I  = 80 / 9.5 = 8.42
Sem II = 85 / 9.5 =  8.94
Sem III= 95 / 9.5 = 10

the conversion value may be different according to college or university, aspirants are adviced to ask their respective college and university for conversion key.

CGPA/DGPA to Marks :

CGPA/DGPA obtained in 1st Semester = 8.42
CGPA/DGPA obtained in 2nd Semester = 8.94 
CGPA/DGPA obtained in 3rd Semester = 10

Sem I  = 8.42 X 9.5 = 80
Sem II = 8.94 X 9.5 = 85
Sem III= 10 X 9.5 = 95

How to convert CGPA/DGPA in filling SSB Online form for Indian NAVY?

While searching for the same details online I found the answers in the official Navy website, they have given clear instruction to aspirants and advised them to ask their respective college and university for CGPA conversion:

Words of Indian Navy


1. Take out your University Approved Conversion Chart for conversion of your grades to percentages.
2. Compute your semester wise percentages based on the formula used by your University.
3. Note down all your semester wise percentages carefully.


Candidate A has grading system for evaluation in his University. He has secured the following grades in his 04 years of study.

Year/ Semester Credits Obtained Total Credits Formula For Conversion From Grades To Percentages Calculated Percentage
(a) Year 1
(Semester 1)
3.0 4 Multiply Credit Obtained by 20 60
(b) Year 1
(Semester 2)
3.0 4 60
(c) Year 2
(Semester 3)
3.0 4 60
(d) Year 2
(Semester 4)
3.0 4 60
(e) Year 3
(Semester 5)
3.0 4 60
(f) Year 3
(Semester 6)
3.0 4 60
(g) Year 4
(Semester 7)
3.0 4 60
(h) Year 4
(Semester 8)
3.0 4 60

                Now candidate A has to fill in the marks column, such that the total percentage is 60.
                He will have to enter 100 in maximum marks column and 60 in marks obtained column.
                Finally, the system will compute the aggregate percentage for his 04 years of study as 60 %.
                As explained, candidates should fill in the marks accordingly.

                There are few more helpful post related to the same topic , do check them


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                CDSE (I) 2012 SSB Interview Dates



                Aspirants those are waiting for Combined Defence Services CDSE (I) 2012 Results which is a non technical entry conducted by UPSC, have to wait for few more months. As mentioned by Army official website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in , the likely dates of SSB Interview are from  Aug to Sep .

                So the wait is still going on, please keep an eye on this post for the latest updates on Combined Defence Services CDSE (I) 2012 Result .

                Result By UPSC: CDSE- 1- 2012 Result


                1. Center allotment list: Click To Open
                2. SSB Allahabad: IMA-134th
                3.  SSB Bhopal: IMA-134th
                4.  SSB Bangalore :IMA-134th


                1. 193rd Flying Pilot

                1. Generate Call letter
                2. How to download call letter for CDSE Navy:

                  1. Open the link provided below 
                  2. Select Entry type as CDSE, enter  first letter of your name and father’s name , your DOB. 
                  3. Enter captcha code . 
                  4. Take the printout .


                Vacancies Per Course
                250 (Twice a year)
                Notify in Employment News and leading Daily news Paper
                Notified by UPSC under the aegis of CDSE in May/Jun and Nov/Dec
                Eligibility Criteria
                Age between
                19 and 24 yrs as of first day of month in which course is due to commence
                Graduation from Recognised University.
                Marital Status
                Un Married
                Likely SSB Date
                Jul to Aug and Mar / Apr
                Date Commencement of Trg
                Jan and Jul
                Training Academy
                IMA Dehradun
                Duration of Trg
                18 months 

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                NDA (II) 2012 Notification


                NDA 2012 Notification

                 The UPSC will conduct the examination for NDA (II) 2012 on 19th August, 2012 for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of the NDA for the 130th Course, and for the 92nd Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) commencing from July 2013.

                Application Online Date: 05 May 2012

                Age limits: Only unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July, 1994 and not later than 1st Jan, 1997 are eligible.
                Candidates appearing in the 11th class exam are  not eligible for this examination
                Those candidates who have failed INSB/PABT earlier are not eligible for Air Force

                Qualification: 12th Class of 10+2 for Army and with Physics and Math for AF/Navy

                Marital Status : Unmarried

                Last Date For Receipt of Application: 04.06.2012(MONDAY)

                Date of Exam: 19.08.2012  (SUNDAY)
                Result Date: January 2013

                Likely SSB Date – Jan to Apr 2013(SSB can sometimes get very delayed, so this is just for reference)

                Vacancies Per Course – 355 [(195 for the Army, 39 for Navy,66 for the Air Force and 55 for Indian Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme)].

                Date Commencement of Training – Jul 2013

                Training Academy – NDA , Khadakwasla, Pune

                Duration of Training – 3 Yrs at NDA and then 1 Yrs at IMA, Dehradun

                How to apply: Candidates are required to apply online by using the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in.Detailed instructions for filling up online applications are available on the abovementioned website

                Important Points:

                The result of the written part of the examination is likely to be declared in the month of April, 2013

                Last date for receipt of applications: The online applications can be filled upto 4th June, 2013 till 11.59 p.m. after which the link will be disabled

                Official Notification:NDA (II) 2012 Advertisement

                 NDA Syllabus : NDA (II) 2012 Syllabus

                Facilitation counter for guidance of candidates:  In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding their applications, candidature etc candidates can contact UPSC’s facilitation counter near gate ‘C’ of its campus in person or over Tel 011-23385271/011-23381125/011-23098543 on working days between 10.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs

                Use Full Books:

                Please visit www.upsc.gov.in for more accurate details and official advertisement.

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