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Careerairforce Website Got Beautiful Makeover

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I don’t know when it happened but one of my blog readers question forced me to open http://careerairforce.nic.in/ website which is an official website of IAF. Wow, I was shocked as well as excited to see the new look of this website , they have made it more usable and kept a very easy navigation to help the candidates and visitors understand better.

New Features :

1. Look and Feel: I real appreciate the work by the website designer , the look of the website is very professional now , also the easiness provided to the user is commendable.

2. Easy Navigation: There is a easy vertical navigation menu for easy findings, that makes it better.

3. Recent Update ticker : On the right hand bottom there is a recent update box which is a very useful again.

4. Fast and Fit: Now the websites gets download easily and fits to all screen size

4. Online Application : One can register and make his/her account to apply online for AFCAT , also he/she can take the printout of registered application anytime , also see the status of registered application.

Overall registration process is very easy and self explanatory.

Also I like the website design of Nausena-bharti which provides the easy navigation and accessibility  to the user .
Now the point is who controls joinindianarmy.nic.in ??  here they are planetecomsolutions.com , they are responsible of site design for joinindianarmy as mentioned in the website. The management is pathetic overall for Army website, especially when site gets crashed during form filling and shockingly they do not provide any option to download the registered application form again which is there in Navy website or may be in new Airforce website.
I would say  the work on joinindianarmy  is very unprofessional and website needs more care. Hope the defence budget goes on right hand.

What do you think about the new make over , also do you agree with the bad website design of joinindianarmy ?? Post your creative comments on the comment box below .

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TES-27th Merit List Army

10+2 TES-27th Merit list is being released on joinindianarmy.nic.in , candidates those who have cleared SSB Interview and medical examination are waiting eagerly  for this merit list. 10+2 TES-27th is a technical entry by Indian Army. Candidates who have made it in the final merit list will join OTA-Gaya in July 2012 for Phase-I,  01 year  Pre-commissioning Training at OTA Gaya & 03 Years at CME Pune/MCTE Mhow/MCEME Secunderabad. Phase -2 will be,  01 Year Post commission training at CME Pune/MCTE Mhow/MCEME Secunderabad.

10+2 TES 27th Merit List:

Cut off : PCM 80% and above.

Total number of Candidates appeared for SSB Interview: 7650

Merit List : TES -27 Merit List Click to Open

TES -27 Joining Date Click to Open

TES -27 3rd Merit List

10+2 TES 26th Merit List:

Cut off : PCM 82% and above.
Total number of Candidates appeared for SSB Interview: 6516
Number of candidates made in the final merit list: 178  [ 16 Med Unfit] 

UES-21 Merit List Army


UES-21 Merit list for July 2012 course is published by Joinindianarmy.nic.in , candidates who have made into this list are going to report to IMA Dehradun on 03 Jul 2012 but joining Instructions  (JIs) will be issued on the basis of merit position subject to medical status  and educational qualification.

Click to Open UES-21 Merit List {1st List}

Important Note:

Candidates are advised to submitt attested photocopies of Mark sheet of 1st to 7th Semister of Engg degree Course and furnished Certificate as mentioned below by 15 Jun 2012 positively, if not already done so, otherwise candidature would be cancelled. These docus should be forwarded by speed post to Addl Dte Gen of Rtg (UES Entry), West Block 3, RK Puram, New Delhi, Pin -110066, with envelope marked as “UES-21 Edn Qual”. OR BY FAX NO. 011-26196205

Click to Open UES-20 Merit List 

CDSE (II) 2012 Notification


The UPSC will conduct the examination for CDSE (II) 2012 on 16th September, 2012 for admission to the Army, Air Force wings and  Navy of the IMA for the 135th Course & SSC 98th, 12th OTA,  194th Flying Course and Naval Academy  commencing from July 2013 respectively .

***Candidates graduating(final year) in Jun-July 2013 can apply

Important Dates 

Application Online Date: 02 June 2012
Last Date For Receipt of Application: 02.July.2012(MONDAY)
Date of Exam: 16.Sep.2012  (SUNDAY)
Likely Result Date: Jan-Feb 2013
Likely SSB Date – Feb to Mar 2013(SSB can sometimes gets delayed, so this is just for reference)

Age limits: 

  1. Indian Military Academy Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July,1989 and not later than 1st July,1994
  2. Naval Academy Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July, 1991 (2nd July, 1989 in case of Naval Wing ‘C’ Certificate holders) and not later than 1st July, 1994 
  3. Air Force Academy Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July, 1990 and not later than 1st July, 1994
  4. Officer’s Training Academy Male candidates (married or unmarried) born not earlier 2nd July, 1988 and not later than 1st July, 1994
**Marital Status : Unmarried


  1. IMA & OTA:  Degree of a recognised university or equivalent.
  2. Air Force Academy: Degree of a recognised University (with Physics & Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of Engineering.
  3. Naval Academy: B.Sc (with Physics & Mathematics) or Bachelor of Engineering.

Note:Candidates who are studying in final year Degree Course and have yet to pass final year degree examination or equivalent examination can also apply for examination, but they will be required to submit proof of passing by the specified dates published in Commission’s Notice for Examination.

Vacancies Per Course 

  1. IMA -135th Course July, 2013: 250 [includes 32 vacancies reserved for NCC ‘C’ Certificate (Army Wing) holders] 
  2. Naval Academy July, 2013 Executive (General service/Hydro): 40 [including ten reserved for NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders (Naval Wing)]
  3.  AFA, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) July, 2013 i.e. No.194th F(P): 32
  4. OTA, Chennai  98th SSC Course (for Men)  October, 2013 :175
  5. OTA, Chennai  (Madras) 12th  SSC Women Non-Tech October, 2013: 15  

Date Commencement of Training – Jul 2013 & Oct 2013.

Training Academy – IMA- Dheradun ,AFA-Hyderabad,NA-Ezhimala ,Kerala

How to apply: Candidates are required to apply online by using the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in.Detailed instructions for filling up online applications are available on the above mentioned website

Important Points:

The result of the written part of the examination is likely to be declared in the month of Jan, 2013

Last date for receipt of applications: The online applications can be filled upto 2nd July, 2012 till 11.59 p.m. after which the link will be disabled

 CDSE Syllabus : CDSE (II) 2012 Syllabus
 How to Fill by UPSC: Click here

Facilitation counter for guidance of candidates:  In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding their applications, candidature etc candidates can contact UPSC’s facilitation counter near gate ‘C’ of its campus in person or over Tel 011-23385271/011-23381125/011-23098543 on working days between 10.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs

Use Full Books:

Please visit www.upsc.gov.in for more accurate details and official advertisement.
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Airforce Merit list for July 2012 Course


Indian Air Force is going to release the merit list of candidates passed in the SSB interview and medical examination  for the course commencing from July 2012 at Air force Academy , Hyderabad  conducted under AFCAT 2/2011 entry. Merit list for flying course through CDSE is already released by UPSC. Lets have a look at some statistical data regarding the previous merit list of Jan 2012 course and upcoming July 2012 course.

IAF- July 2012 Course :

No of candidates passed AFCAT written exam: 18,494 (Excluding CDSE)

Merit List July 2012

IAF-Jan 2012 Course : 

No of candidates passed AFCAT written exam: 8,041 (Excluding CDSE)
Merit list Jan 2012 Course : 
  1. Air Warrior AFCAT Flying [1fit] 
  2. CDSE Flying [12fit +1unfit ]
  3. AFCAT Flying[18fit+1 Unfit +5 Reserve List] 
  4. AFCAT GDOC (all branches )[ 312fit + 2 Unfit]
  5. AFCAT Technical (all branches) [ 138fit+2 Unfit]

CDSE (II) 2011 Merit List By UPSC

UPSC has released the merit list of CDSE(II) 2011 , for joining/admission in Indian Military Academy  IMA-133th Course  , Indian Air Force Academy 192th Flying Course  and Naval Academy . There are some common candidates in the three list for various courses as mentioned above. Merit list is prepared without considering the Medical examinations ,means it is only on the basis of SSB Interview but not the medical examination. 


  1. Number of candidates passed in SSB Interview for IMA-133th Course : 259
  2. Number of candidates passed Naval SSB Board Interview for Naval Academy:  68
  3. Number of candidates passed Air force Selection Board Interview for Flying 192nd course : 29

Number of Vacancies as intimated by Govt. of India :

  1. 250 for Indian Military Academy [including 32 vacancies reserved for  NCC ‘C’ certificates (Army Wing) holders] .
  2. 40 for Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala  (including  06 vacancies reserved  for NCC ‘C’ Certificate Naval Wing) holders]
  3. 32 for Air Force Academy, Hyderabad.
Still the SSB Interviews are going on for SSC-96th Men(NT) and SSCW-10th Non Tech for joining Officers Training Academy (OTA) through Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2011, the result for  OTA is still pending and may come near September 2011.

Candidates must check the Final merit list which considers the medical examination result also, final merit list will be released on official websites of respective branches .

If you have any concerned query regarding the UPSC merit list of CDSE (II) -2011 , you may directly contact UPSC at  Facilitation Counter near Gate ‘C’ of the Commission’s Office, either in person or on telephone Nos.011-23385271/011- 23381125/011-23098543 between 10:00 hours and 17:00 hours on any working day.

Click to Open CDSE (II) 2011 UPSC Merit List

Also Check:
NDA-128th Merit List By UPSC

IMA-133th Merit List By UPSC

TGC 115 Merit List


All candidates who have passed the TGC-115 SSB interview are  egarly waiting for the merit list of TGC-115. TGC-115 merit list is expected to come in June 2012, it may come near  2nd week of June though it also depends on the Army HQ and how fast they deal with the paper work, expectations are high with the recent release of NDA-128th and IMA-133th Merit list by UPSC, hope to see the TGC-115th merit list soon. Lets have a look at TGC-114th and TGC-115th related statistics . 


Merit List TGC-115

TGC-115 Joining Instruction 

Number of Applicants : 30,858

Allotted with Bhopal SSB: 14,518
Allotted with Allahabad SSB: 11,681
Allotted with Bangalore SSB:  4,659

Approx  Digits  


Number of Applicants : 14,224

Allotted with Bhopal SSB: 4,234
Allotted with Allahabad SSB: 7,129
Allotted with Bangalore SSB:  2,861

Approx  Digits  

TGC-114th Joining Instructions/ Merit 

Branch Total Fit Unfit 
Civil  7 7 0
Electrical  12 10 2
Mechanical  28 27 1
Automobile 1 1 0
Electronics  6 6 0
Commn/Telecom/ECE  37 35 2
Food /Bio Tech 3 3 0
Compute Science Engg 24 23 1
Info Tech 8 8 0
AEC 2 2 0

IMA 133 Merit List



The highly awaited merit list of IMA-133th is going to be published soon in  joinindianarmy.nic.in ,all the successful aspirants  will join the prestigious IMA-Dehradun for 133th course commencing on July 2012. 

IMA 133th 

Total number of candidates passed CDSE for IMA 133th Course  : 4924

Number of candidates allotted with Allahabad  :2497
Number of candidates allotted with Bhopal  :679
Number of candidates allotted with Bangalore :949
Number of candidates passed SSB Interview : 356

Note: Approx  figures 

10+2 B.Tech Cadet Entry PC Navy Notification


Indian Navy has published the notification of 10+2 B.Tech Cadet Entry Scheme for the course commencing in January 2020 at Indian Naval Academy. Applications are invited from UNMARRIED MALE CANDIDATES (fulfilling the conditions of nationality as laid down by the Govt. of India) to join the prestigious Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala for a four-year degree course under the 10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry Scheme.



  • Age: Born between 02 Jul 2000 and 01 Jan 2003 (both dates inclusive).
  • Educational Qualification: Passed Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 Pattern) or its equivalent examinations from any Board with at least 70% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) and at least 50% marks in English (either in Class X or Class XII).
  • Who can Apply: Candidates who have appeared for JEE (Main) -2019 (for B.E./ B.Tech) exam. Call up for Service Selection Board (SSB) will be issued on the basis of JEE (Main) – 2019 All India Rank.


  • All candidates recommended by SSB will have to undergo medicals as per extant regulations. There is no relaxation in medical standard on any ground. Guidelines for physical standards are available on the Indian Navy website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in
  • Relaxations in height is permissible to candidates holding domicile of specific regions details of which are available on the Indian Navy website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in.
  • Guidelines for tattoo are available on the Indian Navy website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in


  • Promotions: The promotion from Sub Lieutenant to Commander is on time scale basis subject to completion of mandatory courses, sea time and medical condition.
  • Pay and Allowances: The admissible pay and allowances alongwith other facilities & privileges are available on Indian Navy website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in
  • Group Insurance & Gratuity: A basic Insurance cover of Rs. One Crore (on contribution) and gratuity will be granted to the officer as per the latest rules in force.
  • Leave Entitlements: On commission, officers are entitled to annual and casual leave as per extent regulations. Leave during training period will be as per the Training Policy in force.
  • Sports & Adventure: The Navy provides facilities for various sports. In addition, one can also learn and participate in adventure sports such as river rafting, mountaineering, hot air ballooning, hand gliding, wind surfing etc.


  • IHQ of MoD(Navy) reserves the right to fix the cut off for shortlisting of applications for SSB based on JEE (Main) All India Rank- 2019. No communication will be entertained on this account. SSB interviews for short listed candidates will be scheduled at Bangalore / Bhopal / Coimbatore / Visakhapatnam/ Kolkata from Aug – Oct 2019.
  • Shortlisted candidates will be informed about their selection for SSB interview on their E-mail or through SMS as provided by candidates in their application form. You are advised to maintain your mobile number and e-mail ID till selection process is over.
  • SSB interview will be conducted in two stages. Stage I test consists of Intelligence test, Picture Perception test and Group Discussion. Candidates who fail to qualify in Stage I will be routed back on the same day. Stage II test comprises Psychological testing, Group testing and Interview which will last for 04 days. Successful candidates will thereafter undergo Medical Examination (approx duration 03-05 days).
  • Change of SSB venue for interview is not permissible.
  • Any correspondence regarding further change of SSB date is to be addressed to the Call up officer of the concerned SSB. Award of fresh dates for SSB would be subject to availability of batches/slots.
  • No compensation will be paid in respect of any injury sustained as a result of tests.
  • AC 3 tier rail fare is admissible for the SSB interview, if appearing for the first time for particular type of commission on production of tickets. Candidates are required to carry photo copy of the first page of bank passbook or cheque leaf where the name, account No. and IFS Code details are mentioned while appearing for SSB.


  • The training is scheduled to commence in Jan 2020.
  • Candidates recommended by the SSBs and declared medically fit, will be selected for training in Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala, Kerala, based on All India Merit and number of vacancies. All India Merit will be prepared as per SSB marks. Selected Candidates will be inducted as Cadets for the four year B. Tech Course in applied Electronics & Communication Engineering (for Executive Branch), Mechanical Engineering (for Engineering Branch including Naval Architect specialisation) or Electronics & Communication Engineering (for Electrical Branch) as per Naval requirements. On completion of the course, B.Tech Degree will be awarded by the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU).
  • The entire cost of training, including books and reading material, will be borne by the Indian Navy. The cadets will also be provided with free clothing and messing.


  • Candidates are to register and fill application on the recruitment website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in from 31 May to 17 Jun 2019.
  • Whilst filling up the e-application, it is advisable to keep the relevant documents readily available to enable correct filling up of personal particulars.
  • All relevant documents (preferably in original) Date of birth proof (as per 10th/12th certificates), 10th marksheet, 12th marksheet, JEE (Main)-2019 scorecard (indicating All India Rank) and a recent passport size colour photograph should be scanned in original JPG/FITT format, for attaching the same while filling up the application.
  • If any scanned document is not legible / readable for any reason, the application will be rejected.
  • Print one copy of online application form and carry it along with original certificates/documents as mentioned in Para 22 Note (c) while appearing for SSB interview.

Please read the instructions given on the website carefully before finally submitting your online application. Candidates can call on TollFree Number 1800-419-2929 and press option 7 to speak to a customer care representative from Monday-Sunday between 0800-2000 hrs.


NDA Written Exam Tips and Tricks 2020


Hi all! I am Swastik Mohapatra. I have cleared the written and the SSB rounds of the 128’th NDA course. I am writing this article to give you some important tips and tricks of trade to help you prepare for NDA written examsNow assuming that you know all about NDA I won’t waste time in mentioning that NDA is one of the best military institutions in the world and stuff. Coming straight to the point:
How to prepare for the NDA Written Test?

Now, for being successful in the written exam you need to have a systematic approach and a lot of practice. Remember, NDA Written exam is NOT difficult at all but you need to have a lot of practice to get good marks in written.
The syllabus can be found here :
Now that you know what the syllabus is, I will give you some useful tips (which have been really useful for me) to help you succeed. I suggest you begin preparing at least 3-4 months in advance because then you will have enough time for revision.
Starting with Maths : Maths section comprises of 300 marks. It entirely consists of the 10+1 and 10+2 syllabus. So if you are a class 12 student, no worries. Complete your 12’th Maths Syllabus and revise the 11’th syllabus. That would suffice. For students in class 11 (and under) I suggest starting in at least 6 months in advance. That way you can complete your own syllabus and also complete most of the 12’th syllabus. I recommend you buy the book published by Arihant “Pathfinderfor NDA and NA Entrance Examination” . It is a really good book. It first gives the important formulas of the Chapter and then gives you lots and lots of questions to practice. It also gives the hints and explanations for the difficult questions. This book will also be helpful for preparation of CBSE exams as it contains some really good question.
Start doing one chapter at a time. If you know the chapter well, then just read through the formulas and do the practice. If you are not familiar, then write each formula at least 10 times. This will help you to memorize formulas. I know its not the right way of learning but then you have to memorize formulas to solve problems quickly. After memorizing the formulas, see the Examples in the book which will help you know how to apply the formulas to problems. Then do the practice questions. I repeat again “PRACTICE AND  PRACTICE”!! Try to give yourself a time limit and solve the problems within the stipulated time. This will increase your  speed. Keep practicing. That’s the key. DO all the maths questions in the book and you are bound to get a very high score in math in the Written Exam.
Next up , General Ability Test which is of 600 marks. The Arihant book covers all the aspects of each and every chapter in detail and then gives practice questions. So I suggest that you go through the book and practice the questions. Physics, Chemistry, English do not require much memorizing. You just need to understand the concepts and solve problems. For biology, history, civics and economics you need to do a bit of memorization. What I suggest is that you should make notes as you read through and revise those notes regularly to help you memorize the things.
Also I would suggest that you buy the book “10 years NDA & NA Entrance Exam Solved Papers” by Arihant. Do all the questions and you are bound to succeed.
As a last bit of advice I would suggest that you should test yourself every week on the syllabus completed in that week. This way you will not lose track of thing and you can prepare in a systematic way. Try to enjoy your preparation. This time will never come back. SO enjoy your preparation and you will see success following you.
So see you in NDA cadet
nda+tips Author: Swastik Mohapatra : He is very passionate about Defence Forces . His dream is to join Indian Defence Forces and he is recommended for NDA-128th in his very first attempt.
