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Current Affairs 2 September 2015



Current Affairs 2 September 2015


  • Centre allocates Rs 410 crore for drought affected districts
  • E-Auction of FM Radio completes 108 rounds
  • Smart National Common Mobility Card to enable metro travel, shopping
  • Venkaiah Naidu inaugurates Bio-toilets in girls college in Varanasi
  • Centre launches Common Facility Centres to empower West Bengal women in jute sector
  • Mobile services restored in Gujarat except Ahmedabad; Ban on Social Media continue


  • India emerges as 8th largest tourism market for Australia
  • Myanmar passes monogamy law seen as targeting Muslims
  • Russia and china may face US sanction for cyber attacks
  • Ukraine’s right wing exits parliamentary coalition
  • Commonwealth bank named Tejinder pal singh as Australian of the day


  • India accuses Google of abusing its dominance in search advertising
  • RTGS facility will not operate on 2nd, 4th Saturdays: RBI
  • Atul sobti to be BHEL’s next CMD
  • Auction of 22 iron ore mines to take place in October-November
  • Yes bank restructured its organisational structure to support its retail and SME


  • Kashmiri separatist leader Masarat alam re-arrested after J&K court’s order
  • SC welcomes government’s step for quota for disables
  • TSRC chief Jagan Mohan to sit on indefinite fast for special status of AP
  • Vice president must resign for supporting Muslim quota: Vishwa Hindu Parishad
  • Hardik Patel to address rally in Maharashtra2-september-2015-curent-affairs


  • ONGC all set to move oil platform in south china sea
  • Army chief want army to stay ready for short wars
  • Australia stepping forward for strengthening defence cooperation with India
  • Adani group interested in licence for warship manufacturing
  • 48 Mi-17 and 7 squadrons of Akash Missile purchase deal cleared


  • Government to recognize Yoga as sports discipline
  • Mumbai clinch Buchi Babu Memorial Trophy
  • Ivanovic crashes out of US Open in first round loss to Cibulkova
  • India wins series beating Srilanka in last match by 117 runs
  • Ishant sharma with three Srilankans charged for misconduct

10 Pictures Of Passing Out Parade Will Motivate Aspirants and Their Parents


Lakhs of candidates apply for defence recruitment and attend SSB interview ever year, few make their dream come true and join the mighty armed forces but most of us are not so fortunate, we need motivation from self, friends and our parents. Herer are few pictures from IMA, OTA, NA and AFA passing out parade which sums up the dream of aspirants to join the forces and their parents to put rank on their shoulders in the POP. These pictures of young officers with their parents in pop will surely motivate all the future warriors and their parents.

10 Pictures Of Passing Out Parade Will Motivate Aspirants and Their Parents

Passing out parade at Officers Training Academy in Gaya 3 4 5 6

Chennai: A cadet with her parents after a passing out parade at Officers Training Academy in Chennai on Saturday. PTI Photo (PTI9_13_2014_000073b)

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Story Of Lt. Kritpal Singh, Saluting His Elder Brother In IMA POP


We have seen a lot of movies where younger son or brother from the family gets success and make the family proud. This also happens in the real life when a soldier’s son becomes an officer in the armed force. The picture below is of Lt. Kritpal Singh who was lucky enough to salute his elder brother who is also in the army, this is a dream for both the brothers to serve in the army together in this life. We can not imagine the hard work both of them have done to reach this height in life. Look at the picture which says it all.


Younger brother Kritpal Singh and elder brother Karamjeet Singh salute each other in IMA POP.

Younger brother Kritpal Singh and elder brother Karamjeet Singh

image source: hindustantimes.com

8 Ways You Misunderstand Defence Personnel

Indian army liquor

So after hearing a lot many people rant about the facilities which military people get, and the so called “Free” stuff they are entitled to, I think it is time to clear up some misconceptions! Here are some misconceptions about the facilities and other things which civilians totally got wrong about defence personnel:

  1. There is nothing like free liquor: Free liquor is a myth! Civilians often find military people having an advantage of free liquor. Bursting the bubble I would like to tell you that they don’t get free liquor at all. All they get is liquor on subsidized rate. So the price is lesser than civilians pay.
  2. CSD is a boon: Yes they get things on cheaper price, but saying that they get everything on half rate is wrong. To facilitate them, CSD is there, so that they can get their daily stuff from it, at one place. Also isn’t it fair to get some perks for the things they do.
  3. Bar, Mess, Sports is all free: They are made for their recreation. So instead of unending gossip TV shows they rather turn up to the mess, bar for recreation. And can you imagine all work, at a place where there is an issue of electricity.
  4. Boarding lodging free myth: They pay for the houses they get, they pay for the uniforms they wear and the sports they play. Maybe it is lesser than the civilian world, but still they do pay.
  5. They keep weapons: They are authorized to have weapons only on orders. When they are deployed in operations, they are issued weapons. Weapons are allocated to people, they get it issued and deposit it. Only in operations, field areas and counter insurgencies areas they keep them. If a pilot flies a Sukhoi, he obviously doesn’t own and he obviously can’t keep it with him.
  6. They have a thug/cool life, with no work: Of course they have a cool life, with all sorts of facilities and enjoyments. But nobody can understand the work they do, unless they are themselves in their shoes (and here they are combat boots). They live in areas where there is no proper basic amenity; they survive in extremes of temperatures, and extremes of people. There are times when they don’t even get to sleep or bath, nobody says that.Indian army liquor
  7. The misconception about peace postings: If an Army officer is posted in a city like Mumbai, Bangalore or any such peace city, people think that he is having the time of his life. No work, and only enjoyment, obviously there are no wars in such cities right? Well no, to go for war, you need to prepare in peace, no matter where an officer is posted, every day he is sweating to bleed less in war.
  8. People joining Defence after high education are fools: People comment that the guys who join defence after B.Tech or other such qualification, are fools, and they were obviously not getting good jobs, so they joined defence. Dude, it is their passion that they joined it. No job is good or bad, but nothing better than our Fauj!

Every job has its own perks. In your job in the non-military domain, you get so many perks for doing something which is obviously not threatening your life. So isn’t it fair that military people who spend their life and time away from their family, in order to make sure you are safe, and which in turn may cost their life, should get some perks too. Obviously they just get concessions, and nothing is free. We can’t ever pay them back for the things they do and the sacrifices they make.

Story Of Flying Officer Dara Chinoy, Behind Enemy Lines

Story Of Flying Officer Dara Chinoy

On September 10, 1965, Flying Officer Dara Chinoy, a 20-year-old Parsi from Mumbai, was flying a French-built Dassault Mystere fighter-bomber out of the Adampur air base in Punjab. He was a rookie, having been commissioned just two years earlier. Then his unit was tasked to take out a Pakistani artillery position just across the border in Pakistani Punjab. According to Chinoy, “There was a gun position harassing our Army and they had to keep their heads down. They were trying to cross the Ichhogil canal but they couldn’t because of these heavy artillery guns which were keeping them down. We were supposed to destroy one of these targets [located] in South Pakistan.”

Eager to rush into battle with his squadron mates, the young Flying Officer didn’t bother to grab a quick bite, or for that matter, drink a drop of water, something that nearly cost him his life in the hours ahead.

“As we pulled up for the attack on the gun position, I felt a solid thud in the bottom of my aircraft”. With his fighter jet on fire (there was no co-pilot), Chinoy ejected.

Floating to the ground with his parachute, he very nearly made an easy target. “On the way down, they were firing at me with rifles. I could hear the zing of the rifle shots as I could also hear the loud booming of the anti-aircraft guns. As I landed, escaping the gunfire from the rifles, they were shouting saying ‘Maaro’ (kill) and using abusive language.”

With his heart in his mouth, the young pilot ran for his life. “They chased me on jeeps and on foot but, fortunately, the crops were not being attended to and the grass was tall. It was a sugarcane field with grass and sugarcane growing upto six feet high, so I was dodging them like a rabbit. I managed to dodge them by heading North, keeping the setting sun to my left. They expected me to head East.”

But the game was far from over. Chinoy realised that the only real opportunity to hot-foot it across the border and get into India would be under the cover of darkness. “I waited for the sun to set. There was the moon rising at the same time as the sun set (in) those days, so that guided me towards the East. I burnt all my authentication sheets and maps and removed all shiny objects.”

Alternating between running, jogging and walking for the next five hours, Chinoy was tired, his throat parched and his legs and back aching because of the force of the ejection he had undergone hours earlier. “My greatest fear was that I would fall unconscious because of a lack of water – dehydration – and whoever found my unconscious body would kill me and ask questions later.”

Eventually, he regained his strength after finding a well where he drank to his heart’s content. But there was hardly a moment to waste. Swimming across canals, some deep, and running some more, avoiding villagers and stray dogs along his hastily-improvised route, Chinoy came finally across what looked like the Amritsar-Batala highway.

But he wasn’t sure. And even if this was India, the danger was not behind him. “At dawn, I came across some soldier talking in a South Indian language. I challenged them first saying ‘kaun hain vahan? (who goes there)’? Of course, [within moments] they had me kneeling at gunpoint with my hands raised. I said I was Flying Officer Chinoy. They asked for ID.” But the young fighter pilot had none to show – he had destroyed or thrown away all personal identification when he was behind enemy lines.  Story Of Flying Officer Dara Chinoy

Eventually, he was freed and allowed to return to his Unit. Back at his base in Adampur in Punjab, Chinoy received a raucous welcome. “My roommate, in good humour, said ‘Oh no, he’s back'”.

And within days, Chinoy was back in the thick of action flying over Pakistan.

Remarkably, Chinoy who retired as Group Captain, has cheated death three times in a little more than the last fifty years. Even before his ordeal in 1965, Chinoy, just a trainee-pilot in 1964, ejected from an Ouragan fighter over the Brahmaputra river after his jet developed a serious loss of control problem with a runaway electric trimmer (a key control system in the aircraft). In 1987, Chinoy faced another life and death situation when he had to eject from a MiG-21 after a bird hit to his jet.

But his love for aviation remained steady. For several years, Dara Chinoy continued flying as a civilian pilot, clocking thousands of hours operating corporate aircraft belonging to the Tatas and the Ambanis.

CDS 2 2014 Final Result OTA SSC 102 and SSC 16

OTA Chennai Cadets

The following are the lists, in order of merit, in respect of 262 (*220 + ^ 42) candidates who have finally qualified on the basis of the results of the Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2014 conducted by the Union Public Service Commission and Interviews held by the Services Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence for admission to the (i) *Officers Training Academy, Chennai, for 102nd Short Service Commission Course (for Men) and (ii) ^Officers Training Academy, Chennai, 16th Short Service Commission Women (Non-Technical) Course, commencing in October, 2015. The list of 102nd Short Service Commission Course (for Men) also includes the names of the candidates who were recommended earlier on the basis of the result of the same examination for admission to Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala and Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course(s).

The number of vacancies as intimated by the Government, for (i) 102nd Short Service Commission Course (for Men) is 175 and for (ii) 16th Short Service Commission Women (Non-Technical) Course is 12.

The results of Medical Examination of candidates have not been taken into account in preparing the merit list. The candidature of all the candidates is Provisional. Verification of Date of Birth and Educational Qualification of these Candidates will be done by Army Head Quarter.

Candidates can also obtain information regarding results by accessing to UPSC website http://www.upsc.gov.in. However, marks of the candidates will be available within 15 days from the date of declaration of final results on Commission’s website for 60 days.Final_Result_CDS_II_14_OTA_Engl OTA Chennai Cadets

Union Public Service Commission has a Facilitation Counter near Examination Hall Building in its Campus. Candidates may obtain any information/clarification regarding their examination on working days between 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM, in person or over telephone No. 011-23385271, 011-23381125 and 011-23098543. Candidates can also obtain information regarding result by accessing to UPSC Website http.//www.upsc.gov.in

Check CDS 2 2014 Final Merit List for OTA


10 Problems Faced By SSB Aspirants

ssb bangalore

No matter how much a candidate is prepared for the SSB, he/she will always be facing some or the other kind of problem when in SSB. The reason being very simple that the place, procedure and the people are new. There is immense pressure on the candidate to perform, and all of that when the stake is their career, and their dream. However the board leaves no stone unturned to help the candidates and provide them a comfortable stay and good food, yet there are some problems which a candidate may face, and the board might be unaware about it.

  1. All new customs: When a candidate goes for SSB, he has to face all new customs. Be it the fall in, the various new terminologies or the new style of living. It is true that before going to SSB we live our life in a different way, and in SSB it is different. This is very rapid transition and has to be adapted in a very short span of time.
  2. Terminologies: A lot of the candidates come from a civilian background. They get amazed and confused at the new terminologies which are used in SSB. These are normal terminologies for the people in the board and for those who are from the background of Armed Forces, but not for those who are coming from a background different than that.
  3. Non-Compatible Group Issue: We may be kept with a group in which nothing we find common. We feel isolated or may have a different mindset and thus a difference of opinion with others. Since we have to do most of the task with this group only, it is a problem.
  4. The bully guy: In your group there may be a person who is a bully, who will force you and the group to agree to his/her terms and conditions. You have to bear the consequences and carry on with this person.
  5. And the dork: There may be a person who may be a dork, totally socially inept and contemptible. We have to carry around with this person too.
  6. No phone issue: When our life totally depends on our phones it is hard for us to stay without them. Not only for the cut-off communication issue but also for our basic needs like alarm clock, time etc. The most important things is we refer to the internet as and when we want to look for the things we need to read or study. Staying without phones is an issue definitely.
  7. Waking up: Okay so just mentioned above that phones are our necessity and waking up without the alarm clock becomes an issue. Of course, there are loudspeakers in some centers yet the problem remains which is getting up early.
  8. Getting lost in the book-outs: We are without phones and so are our other group mates. When we go out, we go out in a group, we stick with each other and in case one of the person gets lost, it is almost impossible to locate him, so the only way remaining is meeting back in the SSB center. We feel we are in the stone age almost.ssb bangalore
  9. A Battle between right and wrong: With no clues and no words about the center officially, we depend on various sources to prepare for our SSB. We hear so many versions that we get confused that what is wrong and what is right and which one to follow.
  10. Getting intimidated in the conference: When we enter in the conference hall, there are scores of officers sitting in their uniforms. We get intimidated by their personality.

Although none of these problems are big enough and they can be resolved easily, by our efforts and judgment.

AFCAT 2 2015 Question Paper [Sample Paper]

AFCAT 2 2015 Question Paper [Sample Paper]

Candidates who are preparing for AFCAT exam can download the AFCAT 2 2015 Question Paper [Sample Paper] by SSBCrack.com. We are going to publish more AFCAT exam question papers for candidates. All the questions are solved and marked, in this AFCAT 2 2015 question paper. Questions are based on the latest syllabus of AFCAT and candidates will be facing a similar type of questions in AFCAT 2 2015.

AFCAT 2 2015 Question Paper Instructions

The AFCAT Question Paper will have few questions. All questions will be of three marks each. For every correct answer, the candidate will get three marks and for every wrong answer one mark will be deducted under negative marking. The total time allotted for the paper is two hours.AFCAT 2 2015 Question Paper [Sample Paper]

AFCAT 2 2015 Question Paper Topics

Each Question Paper will have questions from the following topics:-

  1. General Awareness – History, Sports, Geography, Environment, Civics, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Current Affairs, Politics etc.
  2. Verbal Ability in English – Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary.
  3. Numerical Ability – Decimal Fraction, Simplification, Average, Profit & loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple interest.
  4. Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test – Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability.

This AFCAT 2 2015 Question Paper doesn’t include EKT [Engineering Knowledge Test] Question and we will be publishing EKT 2015 Sample Question Paper soon.

AFCAT 2 2015 Question Paper Solved [Sample Paper]

Also Read

Life Of Women In Armed Force

Life Of Women In Armed Force

It all began in 1992 when the first batch of women was inducted in the Armed Forces of India. A revolutionary step indeed and a step which received mixed reactions from the people. In a patriarchal society like India, this was a step which would mark the revolution for the equality of women. However, this was a remarkable step and the sheer enthusiasm and application which the Indian Armed Forces receive from women now is magnificent. The number of lady officers in the Armed Forces is a reason big enough to show that there is no gender bias when it comes to being a soldier, a soldier is just a soldier.

The life in the Armed Forces is not easy. Be it a man or a woman, the pressure is strong enough to break you. However being a women, it is slightly more tougher than it is for men. Men and Women receive almost a similar kind of training, in the Armed Forces. However for some branches the training for men is tougher. In the Indian Armed Forces, there are no direct combat roles for women. That is to say our women soldiers don’t go as a fighter pilot, or as an infantry soldier. Their main role is in the supporting arms like administration, logistics, supply, signals and ordinance. Of course there are women military pilots too, confined to transport and helicopters. Whether women should be allowed to serve in the combat roles or not, is a question of debate. Keeping conditions like prisoner of war and physical strength it is a no, however seeing women from other countries like Israel in the combat roles it has to be a yes. Nevertheless this topic is subjective to a person’s own view.

The life of a women Armed Force officer is full of challenge and grit. It is definitely not an easy task. The continuous relocations, far away from the family at times, can be difficult for both body and mind. The training they receive is at par with the training that male officers receive for the same post. The physical part is tough and the mental part is tougher. Yet the will to wear those pips on the shoulder fights against all the odds that come their way. The training is grueling, and they made to face a lot of scenarios in order to make them string enough to sustain. There have been rumors about the sexual harassment of women in the Armed Forces. I would have easily dodged this topic in this article, but I wouldn’t do so. Armed Forces is a very big family and a clean organization and even the minutest scar is enough to bring down its image. I have just one thing to say in this regard, that a mistake of a few can’t represent the whole organization.

Thus the Armed Forces provide an excellent job opportunity for women with grit and determination. It is a place where you get a chance to face all odds, yet emerge out of it victorious. Of course, it is not a conventional career choice and you will be one amongst a few who get into this. But if you can make it in this, you’ll have the best times of your life. A place where you can grow and learn, in an environment of safety and security, and most importantly get a chance to do whatever you can for your motherland.Life Of Women In Armed Force

I would conclude by these lines I have read repeatedly on the inter, liked it every time I read, though I am unaware of the original author of these lines, yet whoever wrote this, it is simply brilliant:

“While you carry a purse, she carries a 65lb rucksack. While you shop with your girlfriends, she cleans her rifle with her battle buddies. When you wear heels, she wears her combat boots. Instead of the make-up that you wear on your face to make yourself look pretty, she paints her face for camouflage. While you kiss your husband goodbye for the day, she kisses hers goodbye for the year. Don’t forget about the women who serve our country and protect our freedom! God bless our troops!”

How To Prepare For SSB Interview In 30 Days

How To Prepare For SSB Interview In 30 Days

Six days can prove to be a great turning point for you, your career and your dreams. However to succeed in these six days, you need to prepare in a systematic and regular manner. The question is how many days before your SSB you should start your preparation, and how many days are enough. The answer is that it depends on you, your efforts and your abilities. Nonetheless, extra preparations have never caused a hard. It is a common go-to line between students that if we’ll study from long before, we’ll forget it by the time the exams come. SSB is an exam for personality, and you need to work on your personality before anything. Let us see how you can prepare for SSB in thirty days:

Initial 3 Days

Know what all it takes: If you know your enemy well, you have won the war already. This is true for exams too, only that there is no enemy and no killing. If you know what all is going to come in SSB, what all is there is the tests, then you can obviously prepare well for it. So devote these days to know the SSB. Read all what you can to understand what all is there in each test. What is the pattern, what is the syllabus?

Start your fitness regime: Start mild jogging and stamina building exercises. Getting into shape takes time. You’ll need a lot of stamina and strength for the long duration of tests in SSB. Also the Ground Tasks require a decent fitness level.

Next 7 Days:

Start with GA: You have start working on your General Awareness. Start reading the newspaper, make notes regarding important points. Collect information on probable topics of GD and lecturette. Read as much as you can.

Self-Awareness: Write down everything you need to know about yourself and your near ones. This includes your positives, negatives, achievements. Basically an introspection of your personality. Your hobbies, interests and information related to that. Information related to your friends, family and their likes dislikes, and your likes and dislikes in them.

Time yourself: Start with the PPT’s available for TAT, WAT and SRT. They come with an automatic timer. You can time yourself to perform in certain duration as required in the SSB. Every Psychological test in SSB is time bound, and that is their way of creating pressure on you. You need to practice to think fast at the spur of the moment. Write your SDT as well.

Public Speaking: Start practicing lecturette, this will not only help in lecturette but in every task that requires public speaking. How To Prepare For SSB Interview In 30 Days


The following Days:

Read about the Forces: Gather basic and important information related to the Armed Force you have applied for. This will include information like commands, Chief of staff, recent procurements and ranks etc.

Continue with what all you have been doing, such as practicing for psychological tests, lecturette, interview etc. See what all documents you’ll need for SSB. Make sure you have them. You can anytime refer to various articles available on our website regarding any help with any test. For any queries post your questions in the comment box below. Keep calm and give your best!