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5 Best Books For AFSB Interview Preparation


Today we will check the best books for AFSB interview preparation that will help you gain confidence and prepare better for your upcoming Air Force Selection Board interviews. AFSB is a five to six day process in which various tasks are held to judge you from all aspect. Your personality, psychology, and physical fitness are tested during these days and so is your ability to perform in a group, group spirit, and leadership qualities.

To crack SSB interview,  recommend you to get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” book from Amazon.

Since AFSB is a process where you are put under pressure and hence only the real you come out. So you have to be genuine. Also the AFSB people are searching for the best and most suitable fit for an officer hence your selection depends on whether or not you have Officer Like Qualities (OLQ’s). Let us see now what exactly the process of AFSB is.

Which is the Best Book for AFSB Interview Preparation?

1. Let’s Crack SSB Interview by SSBCrack.com

lets crack ssb interview book 1

One of the most comprehensive and detailed books for SSB interview preparation is Let’s Crack SSB Interview. More than a million copies are sold now, this book was first published in 2015 and came out to be the most to-the-point book for SSB interview preparation which broke many myths about the SSB interview. This book is an insight into the procedure adapted at Service Selection Boards, for the selection into the Indian Armed Forces. Certainly, if you are reading this, you, or somebody you know, is an Armed Forces’ aspirant. Pick this one, and we promise you won’t regret buying it. This book is unique in many ways. Right from defining the procedure of SSB interview in a different manner, to having exclusive articles, contents and points related to Armed Forces. The book will in all possible ways, guide you in the right direction of glory.

2. Breaking The Code of SSB Psychological Tests [Book]

breaking the ssb pyschological tests ssbcrack 2

This book is ideal for people who aspire to pass the psychology tests in SSB interview with flying colors. There are a number of different tests to be covered at each step-in order to clear the psychology test. This book will help you at every level, using the simplest language that is easy to understand and work with. The workflow of the content in this book is such that it caters to even the most novice candidates who are not very well versed with these psychological tests. All thanks to the well-structured outlined methods, it becomes easy for the aspirants to grasp the knowledge imparted. In another light, this book acts as a personality development manual. It has been put together after compiling experiences gathered from different SSB tests. Add to that, the feedback received from recommended candidates and SSB assessors. It presents to you with the perfect set of tools that are required in shaping up your personality for the Armed Forces.

This is just not a book that tells you how to behave in Psychological tests. Instead, it sheds light on your existing personality and choices and provides you inputs with what can be incorporated in it. What does the book contain? It starts with a description of the Services Selection Board and what one can expect at these interviews. The testing procedures are divided into three parts: Screening, psychological testing, interview testing and group testing. While this book is mainly focused on psychological testing procedure contains TAT, WAT, SRT and SD. Each such test is described in details with suggestions on how to deal with these situations. In this book you will read many examples of TAT, WAT, SRT and SD, like always we suggest our readers that these examples are to help you to understand how to deal correctly with these tests so avoid mugging up the same responses.

3. OIR Test & PPDT – SSB Interview Screening Test – Stage 1 Testing

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This book by SSBCrack is another evidence of efforts by our authors to provide quality guidance to the ssb aspirants. This book by SSBCrack was started with the purpose to be a torchbearer for the defence aspirants by introducing them to the concepts and testing procedures of stage 1 or screening tests I.E. OIR Test and PPDT. Our books have been known to guide and provide a comprehensive and detailed outlook about the ssb testing procedure that takes place at the services selection board. It is quite evident by the stage 1 rejection ratio of the SSB interviews that most of the defence aspirants are still trying to figure out the in-depth analysis of screening stage testing. This book will cover all the facets of the testing done at the SSB Interview during day 1 and will introduce you to the concepts and significance of all the tests in a way never told before. The context of the book is all in alignment with a comprehensive and methodological approach with regard to the stage 1 testing also known as the screening test. This book has been written in a way that caters to the interests of a fresher as well as that of a repeater candidate as it not only covers the requirements and to-be-done things from the perspective of a candidate but also covers all the avenues of the stage 1 testing in individual parts such as story writing, narration and group discussion. The book steals the perspective from the eyes of a candidate and presents you with the aim to reconnect it in a similar way. The picture perception and discussion test is also known as ppdt is covered in its entirety and has left nothing for the aspirants to dwell upon later.

An Experience of SSB Interview – Information Guide

ssb interview guide

Altogether every youngster has dream to be the part of Indian defence sector whether it’s Army, Air Force or Navy and only those who have spark in their eyes and confidence in attitude qualify the technically proposed tests scheduled by SSB – Staff Selection Board. After qualifying the written exam, one has to go through 5 days board testing divided into three assessments: Psychology; GTO and PI.

 Basic Guidelines

When the CDS written examination results get declared, the qualifiers get the INFORMATION LETTER either on their e-mail in the form of “Call Letter – Common” or it directly sent to the postal address by the board. And if the selected candidate doesn’t receive the letter, he/she can directly find it on the official website http://www.joinindianarmy.nic.in.

 The Information Letter contains all the information to appear for the staff selection test, like:

  • Venue – SSB Center
  • Time of Reporting
  • Belongings to carry along with you
  • Complete procedure of the test
  • Filling Form
  • Documents and Format – Aadhar Card, Voter ID, Passport, Pan Card and Mark-Sheets etc.
  • Other Instruction Manual

The traveling allowances to reach to the center provided by the board but don’t forget to keep the hard copies of your original ticket with you.

Experience @SSB Center

After reaching to the staff selection test center, you will find the interviewees in wholesale from different locations and cultures waiting for the bus to get picked-up and you might have to wait for some time to board the bus. Listen to everyone but carry on with your own attitude, try to be familiar with the one you face and don’t neglect as after the screening, they will give you company in different GTO tasks to flourish because a good team-player can only qualifies GTO test. When you will reach the center, you will be allotted a room to refresh and in sometime, you get the call to join a giant hall for documents collection and basic instructions. At the time of leaving the room for the gathering hall, make sure you carry all your documents, photographs and pen as you will get TA form if you are appearing for the first time and an identification form for everyone. After the completion of these formalities, you will get three numbers known as chest number will be your identity in the whole test span. You now get refreshment but before picking up the items to eat, keep in mind that this is paid breakfast as the vendor there will note down the items you picked up and open a KHATA on your chest number which you will have to pay at the time of leaving the hall.

Post you may also like: Story of Lt Anjana Mohan @SSB Crack

In the SSB test, one has to beat his competitors and sustain for all the five days of test to get finalized for the training details of which are given below:

1st Day: 3 Tests

  • OIR – Officer Intelligence Rating Test
    • Verbal and Non-Verbal Tests
    • Multiple Choice 50 Questions
    • Time – 15 Minutes
    • Questions Type – 10th Standard
    • No Negative Marking
  • Picture Perception & Discussion Test
    • You will get a blank sheet and have to write a story on a blurred picture shown
  • GD – Group Discussion
    • 30 seconds to speak on the given topic and you will get the chance to speak more on 3rd day of SSB test.

 2nd Day: 4 Tests

  • TAT – Thematic Appreciation Test
    • Same like PPDT test, you will now have to write story on 11 pictures shown to you
    • Languages – You can opt Either Hindi or English
  • WAT – Word Association Test
    • In this test, you will have to make logical sentences within the timeframe from 60 words will be given to you
  • SRT – Situation reaction Test
    • In this psychological test, you have to use your past life experience to answer 60 question will be given to you on different situations
    • The real you should reflect in your answers
  • SDT – Self Description Test
    • Describe your real attitude towards life and your thinking for surrounding and your social life – should be positive.ssb interview guide

3rd & 4th Day: 9 Tests

  • GD – Group Discussion
    • 2 Rounds
    • In the 1st round, you will get 15 minutes to speak on the topic given by the selector
    • While in 2nd round, you will have to debate with other group members on the topics given
  • GPE – Group Planning Exercise/ MPE – Military Planning Exercise
    • Wooden Map drawn with Jungle, River, Village and Humans
    • Different situations and Problems will be given to you and you have to write a story within 15 mins
    • Explain Group Plan to the interviewer
  • PGT – Progressive Group Task
    • They will give you 4 obstacles and helping material
    • Solve problem being in a team
    • Try to lead the team and appraise others for their suggestions, if remarkable
  • Snake Race
    • 6 Physical Obstacles like Walking over net, climb wall and crawl down the fences etc.
  • Lecturette
    • You need to pick one topic out of 4 given to you and have to give lecture on it for 3 minutes
    • They will check your tone, gesture, facial expressions and also you need to pretend to be a good listener while others speak.
  • HGT – Half Group Task
    • Whole team will be divided into 2 parts
    • In 15 minutes of time your team will have to solve the problem given and individually the contributions get counted
  • Individual Obstacles
    • You will get 10 obstacles each of different marks
    • You will get 3 minutes of time, prefer to attempt obstacle give you more marks
    • Avoid wastage of time if you stuck in any
  • Command Task
    • You will have to call any 2 candidates from your team who will play your subordinates and they will follow your orders but they couldn’t give you suggestions and even they will not talk
    • You will have to play the role of a commander and your subordinates should follow your orders but avoid abusing them
  • FGT – Final Group Task
    • Like the above tests, in 10 mins span this will also be carried on but with the complete group
    • After completing the task you will be called individually to ask SSB related your queries
    • The candidates qualified will be called for the personal interview.

 5th Day: Interview

  • Go through your resume in details
  • Keep PIQ Form and Self-Description Test in Mind
  • They will test your General Knowledge
  • Your Hobbies will be asked
  • Questions related to Family, Academics, Friends and Extra-Curricular activities will be asked
  • Your achievements in Life
  • Carry Blank Sheet and Pen in pocket
  • Be in formal attire and properly dressed like a gentleman
  • Avoid Mobile, Wallet, Gold Chain, Wrist Watch and Bands

Before appearing for the interview use toilet and take enough water and you very well know that if you are at that place shows you are deserving to be an officer and you have every quality of being an officer. So there is no scope of rejection as you only speak truth in front of interviewer.

by: Deepak Singh 

National Judicial Appointment Commission


National judicial appointment commission was recently in news and is important from the point of current affairs.

What this term means?

It is a way to make an appointment of Supreme Court and high court judges more transparent. As per this criteria, judges will be appointed by a commission. The commission member will be appointed form judicial, legislature and civil society

Current criteria of selection

Currently, the selection of judges, as per Indian constitution, is done by the president of India after consulting chief justice of India and other judges. In 1993 the second judge case which stated that the chief justice of India must agree to all judicial appointments which is known as concurrence. This step led to the formation of collegium system in which a 3 senior most Supreme Court judge bench will take a decision on the selection of chief justice of India or high court judge.

What’s new in NJAC?

The chairman of this pattern will be chief justice of India. Excluding CJI, 6 other members will be there in section committee. The selection panel will have 2 senior most judges after the chief justice of India, along with law and justice minister and 2 eminent people, which will be elected by the CJI, Prime Minister and leader of the opposition making a commitment. Out of two eminent people, one should be selected form schedule caste, schedule tribe, OBS or women.

NJAC system came after the three judge’s case (first, second and third judges’ case)

First Judge case 1981– The decision came under this case was that the president can refuse the name selected or recommended by CJI but with sensible reasons.

Second Judge case 1993- Recommending the primary role of chief justice of India in judicial appointment. But the three judges in this case did not agree to this decision. This led to the confusion in criteria of election and transfer of judges.

Third Judge case 1998- The final step was taken in this case in which 9 guidelines were framed on how collegium system must work. This case stamped the supremacy of the judiciary in the appointment and transfer of judges.National-Judicial-Appointment-Commission

Parliament’s Response

According to the supporters of this system, the system will not affect the separation of powers and even it seems to be so, then it is just a redistribution of power.

On the other hand, constitution describes that legislature can change the power governing the NJAC. So it violates the separation of powers. It gives legislature power which discourages democracy.

Another controversy arose here is that eminent person selected could not analyze the capability of a judge if they have no experience in this field and could become a risk for an independent judiciary.

Current Status

In a fresh step taken by supreme court, SC has rejected the NJAC Act and the 99th constitutional Amendment appealing the politicians as well as civil society to give a final say in the appointment of judges to the highest courts. The bench rejected the Act with a 4:1 majority as stated it as “unconstitutional and void”.

Current Affairs 17 October 2015




  • Maharashtra Govt. declares 14,708 villages as having drought-like situation
  • Government strikes down NJAC, collegium system to continue
  • Test results finds Maggie safe after test mandated by Bombay high court
  • Rail Neer racket busted by CBI recovering Rs 20 crore
  • India to launch six Singapore satellites in December17-October-2015-curent-affairs


  • US and Turkey agree to step up military pressure against IS militants
  • Former Moldova PM Vlad Filat detained over bank fraud of $ 1.5 billion
  • Egypt, Japan and Ukraine elected as non-permanent members of UNSC
  • EU agrees action plan with turkey in the sight of migrant exchange
  • US launches anti bulling campaign in Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu


  • SC dismisses plea against PM Modi over 2012 election affidavit
  • 55% voters turn out in 2nd phase of voting
  • Political row erupts after Haryana CM’s remarks on beef
  • Jammu Kashmir high court disposes off beef ban petition
  • Court rejects plea to summon former PM Manmohan Singh in coal block allocation


  • Aditya Birla group enters online fashion race with abof.com
  • Airtel’s deal to sell 3500 towers in Africa cancels
  • Chinese tycoons to invest $5 bn in Indian renewable sector
  • Mankind pharma to invest Rs 150 cr. In Paonta Sahib plant
  • Mark Zuckerberg to visit IIT Delhi this month


  • India’s cruise missile Nirbhay fails test
  • China proposes joint maritime drills with South East Asian nations
  • China opens a meeting with defense ministers from 10-nation ASEAN today
  • Hindustan Aeronautics Limited LCH completed performance trials, moving for finalization
  • Russia agreed to modernize Sindhukesri (sea king) submarine for Indian navy


  • Saina, Srikanth lose in Denmark Open; Sindhu enters quarter-finals
  • Saketh Myneni reaches quarter-finals of Vietnam Open
  • Indian team ends its campaign in 2015 C’wealth W’lifting C’ship
  • Rafael Nadal reaches semifinals of shanghai masters
  • Gary Kirsten called by BCCI for coach vacancy

PELE at Subroto Cup Football Final in New Delhi

PELE at Subroto Cup

Brazilian football legend Pele Brazilian football legend Pele on Wednesday night set foot in the Capital to a warm reception with around 100-odd enthusiastic fans and officials turning up to receive him at the airport in his first visit here.

Thrice World Cup winner Pele, who is considered the greatest ever footballer, landed at the Indira Gandhi International terminal at 8.15 pm in an Air India flight from Kolkata where he had spent three days in his second visit to that city.

The 74-year-old was received at the airport by officers of the Air Force, which is organising the Subroto Cup school tournament, with a few fans also turning up. Pele was greeted by Air Force Sports Control Board secretary Vijay Yadav and director Souvik Bhattacharya.

As soon as Pele stepped out of the terminal, some fans shouted his name and a girl was seen holding a placard that read ‘The Black Pearl Welcome’. One Air Force personnel came with a pencil sketch of his bust. Sporting a blazer and a formal shirt, Pele smiled as soon as he came out through the VIP gate.

The crowd mostly comprised Air Force personnel and sportspersons representing it.

Pele, who turns 75 on October 23, is here on a two-day visit on the invitation of the Subroto Cup International. He will be the chief guest of the Under-17 boys final match of the Subroto Cup at the Ambedkar Stadium on October 16.PELE at Subroto Cup

PELE at Subroto Cup 2 PELE at Subroto Cup 3

Tomorrow, he will hold a press conference at a Gurgaon Hotel where he will be put up. The Air Force will also host a dinner in his honour tomorrow as part of a charity night at the same hotel. Three Indian sportspersons, who have already qualified for Rio Olympics 2016, will be felicitated in Pele’s presence.

This is Pele’s second visit to the country after he came to then Calcutta (now Kolkata) as part New York Cosmos club side for an exhibition match against Mohun Bagan in 1977.night set foot in the Capital to a warm reception with around 100-odd enthusiastic fans and officials turning up to receive him at the airport in his first visit here.

Thrice World Cup winner Pele, who is considered the greatest ever footballer, landed at the Indira Gandhi International terminal at 8.15 pm in an Air India flight from Kolkata where he had spent three days in his second visit to that city.

The 74-year-old was received at the airport by officers of the Air Force, which is organising the Subroto Cup school tournament, with a few fans also turning up. Pele was greeted by Air Force Sports Control Board secretary Vijay Yadav and director Souvik Bhattacharya.

As soon as Pele stepped out of the terminal, some fans shouted his name and a girl was seen holding a placard that read ‘The Black Pearl Welcome’. One Air Force personnel came with a pencil sketch of his bust. Sporting a blazer and a formal shirt, Pele smiled as soon as he came out through the VIP gate.

The crowd mostly comprised Air Force personnel and sportspersons representing it.

Pele, who turns 75 on October 23, is here on a two-day visit on the invitation of the Subroto Cup International. He will be the chief guest of the Under-17 boys final match of the Subroto Cup at the Ambedkar Stadium on October 16.

Tomorrow, he will hold a press conference at a Gurgaon Hotel where he will be put up. The Air Force will also host a dinner in his honour tomorrow as part of a charity night at the same hotel. Three Indian sportspersons, who have already qualified for Rio Olympics 2016, will be felicitated in Pele’s presence.

This is Pele’s second visit to the country after he came to then Calcutta (now Kolkata) as part New York Cosmos club side for an exhibition match against Mohun Bagan in 1977.

source: ndtv

Story Of Brave Flight Lieutenant K Praveen, Lost His Life While Saving People In Uttarakhand


Flight Lieutenant K Praveen, 27, a flight lieutenant from Madurai knew it was a daunting task. But, all he wanted was to rescue the people who were facing an even worse challenge in their lives. What kept the young Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot going against all odds at Uttarakhand was his sense of duty and the gratifying smile of the rescued pilgrims.

“There are no roads, no proper food and punishing weather here. But, we are happy when people thank us after we rescue them. We want to rescue all the people stranded here,” he had told his mother on Tuesday morning. But, barely four hours later, the helicopter he was flying crashed, snuffing out Praveen’s life and 19 others.

Flying was a passion for Praveen, a topper of his batch in BE Mechatronics department in Thiagarajar College of Engineering. Soon after he completed his engineering, Praveen worked for two months at an IT company, but soon wrote the combined defence examination. “He turned out to be meritorious in the exam and was offered to join any of the defence forces. He chose air force,” said his uncle V Krishnan, an ex-army man.

Death of a person is always an unbearable loss to his or her family members, but the demise of Praveen has dealt a devastating blow for his mother Manjula, 52, who has toiled as a single mother for 27 years to raise her son after she legally separated from her husband.

“She has long stopped crying, but is refusing to speak to anyone,” said Krishnan. An office superintendent in the Southern Railway, Manjula had all her hope of future pinned on Praveen. Manjula was keen on getting her son married soon and was seeking alliances for him. “No one could console her. Everything in her life revolved around Praveen,” says another relative. Manjula’s aged parents N Chinnasamy, 85 and Seetha, 80, are also devastated. “We don’t know whom to console. They have not taken food ever since they got the news of Praveen’s death on Tuesday night,” said the relative.
27THPRAVEEN_1499467f article-2349098-1A860791000005DC-111_468x256 (1) PICTURE 124_0 Praveen11
“He had participated in several rescue missions in the last five years of his service. But he would not share the difficulties at all. Even this time, he never dwelt much on the difficulties the armed forces were facing. He went to Uttarakhand four days back, but whenever he calls us he would narrate only the plight of the people there,” Vipin, his cousin said.

“I am awaiting engineering counselling on July 14. He promised to come home to guide me chose the right course and college. But he never said that he would come in this state,” Vipin said breaking into tears.

Source: Indiatimes

How To Clear The AFSB Interview

How To Clear The AFSB Interview

AFSB interview also known as Air Force Selection Board interview which is nothing but an SSB interview. Not to be confused with the name, candidates going for AFSB interview will be facing the same 5 days SSB interview procedure. In this article, we are going to give few tips to clear the AFSB interview.

What is AFSB interview?

AFSB interview is conducted by Indian air force for candidates applying for officer cadre in IAF. Candidates who clear their NDA, CDS and AFCAT written exam are called for 5-day SSB interview by Indian air force selection board known as AFSB.

AFSB Centre List

There are total 5 active AFSB centers

  • 1 AFSB Dehradun
  • 2 AFSB Mysore
  • 3 AFSB Gandhinagar
  • 4 AFSB Varanasi
  • 5 AFSB Kanchrapara

AFSB Interview 5 Day Procedure

  • Day 1: Screening and Psychology Test
  • Day 2: GTO and Interview
  • Day 3: GTO and Interview
  • Day 4: Mini-Conference and GTO
  • Day 5: Conference


AFSB Interview Tips

  1. Communication SkillsThis is very important part of AFSB. You need to have a good communication skill in order to speak in a large group in discussions, in the personal Interview and also in order to interact with your group mates. Since SSB requires a huge amount of social adaptability hence you must be good enough in interacting with other and communicating your ideas to them. You must start practicing speaking in English. Psychological aspects and your speed of response: You need to be really fast in your thinking process in order to do the best in TAT, WAT and SRT. So you need to start building that habit from now onwards. Take sample tests from which ever source you can say for example SSBCrack has ample number of Sample practice series for TAT, WAT and SRT.
  2. Physical Fitness: You must start practicing running, jogging and mild cardio exercises in order to increase stamina and physical endurance. This will not only improve your physical appearance but will make you look fit. Also this will help you in enduring the long sessions of tasks done in the GTO series at a go. It also helps you to maintain a good body posture which is very important in AFSB. The way you sit, the way you walk everything counts hence be straight while walking and sitting and do not slouch.How To Clear The AFSB Interview
  3. General Awareness: You need to definitely have a good general awareness like the issues of national and international importance. Especially the issues related to Pakistan, Middle East, West Asia and China. You must be aware with all the things that led to the problems and the whole history of the problems which are currently occurring the world. You must also have strong views about certain problems and views can be made only if you knowledge about that particular problem in depth.
  4. You and Your Family:  You must be aware of the work your family members including their good and bad qualities same applies to your friends. You must have details of job you parents or siblings are in. You need to know about yourself in depth, your likes, dislikes, good and bad qualities, reason of joining Air force. If you have a certain hobby or like to play a game you must be aware of it fully. If you have played something on some good level then you are expected to know about the rules in detail and about major tournaments and players of that sport. You should be aware of your percentage in 10th, 12th, UG and PG. You must also be having good knowledge about you subject studied in the Graduation, B.Tech etc.
  5. Airforce Awareness: You need to know some basic things about Airforce like its commands, ranks and aircrafts and missiles. If any of your family members is in Airforce then you are expected to know in much greater details. Don’t forget to read about recent Defense deals and defense up gradations.
These are a few things you need to start preparing for improving your chances at the AFSB. Remember practice makes everybody perfect hence keep practicing will full dedication.


China: New Cause of Tensions


In recent times, China has shown his dominance over other nations and many steps taken by China have taken. India is also among the nations who are having stressful relations with China as per current scenario.

China dam on Brahmaputra river has made India a bit tense. Recently, China has announced that it has opened all 6 units of Zam hydropower station constructed over Brahmaputra dam. It is the highest-altitude hydel station in the world. The dam is built over Yarlung Zangbo in China, which is a tributary of the Brahmaputra. The tributary flows form Arunachal Pradesh and Assam which are expected to disrupt the water supplies. The station costs $1.5 bn or about Rs. 9800 Cr. Its first unit was started in November of last year. The main point of concern is not about the dam’s construction, but is about its negative use during the time of conflict with India. As per sources, China will construct few more dams on the river.

China’s name has been emerging in news from the last few years over the disputed South China Sea. China’s construction of two lighthouses on the disputed South China Sea is recently resisted by Vietnam. Vietnam says that lighthouse violates the sovereignty of the nation and is also a cause of tension. The lighthouses were constructed over Cuateron and Johnson south reefs. Whereas China says that the lighthouses will improve the navigation of the area. China is falling under conflicts with small nations in South China Sea and Japan for East China Sea over ownership of the islands.

China’s growing relations with Pakistan is a major cause of concern for India as both the nations are going ahead in military partnership. China and Pakistan have sealed a deal in which Pakistan will buy 8 submarines from China for $ 5 bn. All submarines are Yuan class submarines. It is not the first deal between China and Pakistan. China is the biggest military hardware supplier of Pakistan. The two nations earlier produced J-17 thunder warplane. As per the contract, 4 of the submarines will be built in China while other 4 will be built in Pakistan.China-New-Cause-of-Tensions

In another shot over the same issue, recently China hits back to U.S. for the statement over South China Sea. China in turn announced that it will use its force if U.S. tried to enter into 12 miles of the China’s claimed island. The statement was made after the U.S. defense secretary Ash Carter said that U.S. will fly, sail and operate, wherever international laws allows it, adding that the south China sea is not an exception. The dispute is over the islands in South China Sea, which China claims as its territory and water within 12 miles on them is also China’s territorial water.  Thereafter, U.S. rejected the claim and announced that it will sail a military patrol closer to the 12 miles from any one of the islands

Apart from these situations, Hand-in-Hand, Indo-China military anti-terror exercise is going on, escalating military engagement of both the nations. Recently PLA general has decided to visit India for which is said to be highest level visit of China to India in a decade. These signs made India a bit closer to China and further more peaceful engagements are expected.


Current Affairs 16 October 2015



  • Rajasthani writer Nand Bhardwaj returns Akademi award
  • Odisha government announces four more districts as drought-hit
  • Kailash Satyarthi selected for Harvard Humanitarian of the Year Award
  • Science Express ‘Climate Action Special’ train flagged off from New Delhi
  • Government planning Rs. 32,800 cr greenfield expressway from Delhi to Jaipur


  • India, Israel sign pacts on double taxation avoidance & cultural exchange
  • US deploys troops to Cameroon to help fight Boko Haram
  • US to keep 9,800 troops in Afghanistan till 2016
  • Myanmar signs ceasefire with 8 armed ethnic group, 7 deals rejected in India’s presence
  • Turkey want EU visa deal for cooperation on migrants16-October-2015-curent-affairs


  • Australia approves Adani group’s Carmichael coal mine with 36 conditions
  • TVS appoints Amitabh Bachchan as Brand Philosophy Evangelist
  • Facebook planning to launch its breaking news app ‘Notify’ by the end of October
  • TRAI doubles penalty for violation of service quality
  • E-commerce firms approaches RBI for relaxing FDI norms


  • PM Modi to visit J&K on 5 November to inaugurate Baghliar Power project
  • Himachal Pradesh CM Virbhadra faces arrest in corruption case
  • Supreme court holds ban on dance bars in Maharashtra
  • New Nepali PM to send Deputy to Delhi for talks with Sushma Swaraj
  • Supreme court allows use of Adhaar card on voluntary basis for government schemes


  • Top PLA generals plans rare India visit
  • Ministry of home affairs restores powers of chiefs of Assam rifles and CAPFs
  • Small batch production of J-20 to start in 2016, says china
  • Indian navy planning to induct women pilot says R. K. Dhowan
  • Ecuador cuts helicopter contract with Hindustan aeronautics limited


  • Zaheer Khan announces retirement from international cricket
  • India to take on Malaysia in 4th game in Johor Sultan Cup
  • S. Prannoy loses to Hsu Jen Hao of Chinese Taipei in 1st round of Denmark Open
  • Saina and 4 others advance to per-quarterfinals of Denmark Open
  • Pakistani cricketer Mohammad Amir fined for misconduct


Nobel Prize 2015


Recently, Nobel Prize winners have been declared and media have spread their name in all over the world. These names are necessary for competitive exams or even from the SSB’s point of view. So, here are the names of the selected people and their field of selection. The Prize is awarded for the outstanding contribution for humanity in the field of chemistry, physics, literature, medicine or physiology and peace.

NOBEL PRIZE – The award got its name after famous engineer, Alfred Nobel. He did nearly 355 inventions out of which dynamite is the most famous. The Prize is presented by the Swedish Academy (for Nobel Prize in literature), Norwegian Nobel Committee (for Nobel Peace Prize), Nobel Committee of Karolinska Institute (for Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology) and the Nobel Committee of Royal Swedish Academy of Science (for Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry). The First Nobel Prize was awarded in 1901. Nobel Prize for the economy was later on added in 1968. The Prize are awarded in Sweden except peace Prize, which is awarded in Norway.

Nobel Prize in physicsTakaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald

They are jointly awarded the Peace Prize for their discovery of Neutrino oscillation. The experiment proved that Neutrinos have mass.

Neutrino – It is a subatomic particle which contains no atomic charge. They were thought to be massless because of exceedingly small mass or a tiny fraction of the mass of proton.

Nobel Prize in chemistryTomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar

They all are jointly awarded Prize for their research and study on how cells repair their DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) and how they are protected from waves.

Nobel Prize in medicine or PhysiologyWilliam C. Campbell, Satoshi Omura, Youyou Tu

William and Satoshi are selected for their discoveries in the field for discovery of Avermectin, which is a treatment of roundworm parasite.

While Youyou Tu was awarded for her discovery of Artemisinin, a drug against Malaria

Nobel Prize in literatureSvetlana Alexievich

Svetlana Alexievich won the Nobel Prize in literature for her polyphonic writing, a monument to the suffering and courage in our time.Nobel-Prize-2015

Nobel peace PrizeNational dialogue quartet

The organization form Tunisia, got this Prize for its contribution in establishing democracy in Tunisia in the wake of Jasmine Revolution of 2011.

It is composed of Tunisia general labor union, Tunisia confederation of industry trade and handicrafts, Tunisia human rights league and Tunisia order of lawyer.

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Science in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2015Angus Deaton

British born professor, Angus Deaton is selected for the Nobel Prize in economics for his development work in health, well-being and inequality.

Nobel Prize winners from India

India has some elite personalities who were selected for the Nobel Prize. Following are their names along with the year and field of selection –

Nobel Peace Prize 2014 – Kailash satyarthi

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009– V. Ramakrishnan

Nobel Prize in Economic Science 1998 – Amarty Sen

Nobel Peace Prize 1989 – Tenzin Gyatso

Nobel Prize in Physics 1983 – Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (Indian born)

Nobel Peace Prize 1979 – Mother Teresa

Nobel Prize in Physics 1968 – Hargobind Khorana (Indian born)

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1930 – Dr. C. V. Raman

Nobel Prize in Literature 1912 – Rabindranath Tagore