CDS I Exam 2015 Admit Card is published by, aspirants can Download CDS I Hall Ticket 2015 Online. UPSC which stands for Union Public Service Commission is going to conduct the examination UPSC CDS I Exam 2015 on 15 February 2015 (Sunday). The UPSC has released the USPC CDS 1 Admit card 2015 official site. The applicants can download their hall ticket for UPSC CDS Exam 2015 from here by entering the required details.
There were lac of students who have already applied for the UPSC CDS 1 Exam 2015 which stands for Combined Defence Services Exam (I) and now are ready to download their hall ticket for CDS exam which is available now on official site Download the UPSC CDS I Call Letter 2015 from the steps mentioned below as :
Download USPC CDS I Admit Card 2015 Here :
- Visit UPSC official website
- Click on download CDS 1 2015 link from right hand side section.
- Enter the mandatory details like your roll number , name , registration number and date of birth and click the submit button.
- Admit card will be displayed on screen to download.
- Take a hard copy of the admit card to be used at the examination time.
UPSC CDS-1 Admit card Hall Ticket 2015
UPSC CDS-1 Admit card Hall Ticket 2015. The candidates must possess their hall ticket for UPSC CDS I Exam 2015 otherwise they will not able to enter in the examination hall. The candidates must produce a identity proof with the admit card at exam time. So the candidates are advised to download their UPSC CDS 1 Admit card 2015 as early as possible from UPSC.
UPSC CDS I 2015 Examination pattern:
The examination will be having three papers i.e Paper I and Paper II and Paper III. The total time allotted for the examination will be 2 hours.
Paper Subject Total marks
- English: 100
- General Knowledge: 100
- Elementary Mathematics: 100
The candidates needed any help in downloading their hall ticket can write to us. We wish all candidates best wishes. You can download the UPSC CDS Admit Card 2015 from the link below as: CLICK HERE for UPSC CDS Admit Card 2015
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