
Blue Print for Military Planning Exercise or Group Planning Exercise

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Blue Print for Military Planning Exercise or Group Planning Exercise

Group planning exercise is the first task of the GTO, and also a very sound opportunity for making an impression on the GTO. A group planning exercise contains a set of problems which brings out all “officers’ like qualities” in a candidate which encompasses quality to lead (the lads), organising, courage, team work, spontaneity, and effective intelligence, etc.

Blue Print for Military Planning Exercise

  1. First and foremost see the map and scale up the distance. For calculating the distance you can use your hand. For Example: If the scale says 5cm = 1km, and my hand (the distance from the tip of the hand to the start of the wrist) is approximately 15cm, so my hand is equal to 3km on the map. This technique will give you a clear vision of the distance in the map, which will also give you a better knowledge of the time required.
  2. This technique will help you to understand the distance and time required to solve a problem.
  3. The second important thing is to locate your position using the direction mentioned in the map. If you get the opportunity to narrate the plan, use direction, distance, time required and the right time to narrate the story.
  4. And always remember, when a GTO narrates a story, listen to it very carefully and count the no. of problems. It will help you to remember the no. of problems and set the priority accordingly.
  5. Prioritize your solution, help the person who need it utmost. For Example: Let’s suppose if you are alone and going to bring water from a village where you see a girl have fallen in the well. Then what would you do? You first help the girl using the rope and the bucket from the well. Do not run for the help because the case might be that the girl would drown in the meantime. Now when you have rescued her, give her CPR as well, it will show your awareness and spontaneity.
  6. Use the resources efficiently , it will increase your chance to stand out in your group. For Example: Like if you are at a petrol pump, you can use petrol to make bombs. You can find some bottles and can make petrol bombs
  7. If you are coming from a Match you will have a first-aid kit which you can use to help the casualties.
  8. Or if you are at a PCO booth you can call the fire-brigade, RPF, Police, Bomb disposal squad, Disaster Management, or NDRF team.
  9. Use the resources which are certain: like using a cart instead of asking a lift. This way you can do your task till the time you will get the lift.
  10. If you are trapped, you can also use a knife, match-box, and fire for signalling.
  11. Never engage yourself in a fight with the “terrorists” till the time you don’t have any other options. Try to maintain a safe distance and keep an eye on them. If they try to escape, use petrol bombs or use fire to stop them. In case of goons and thieves, you can engage yourself but try and make sure your people don’t get hurt.
  12. If you require more manpower, use villagers or co-passengers.
  13. Divide the group according to requirement. Send more people where the situation is more vulnerable.
  14. If a car is collided with the truck on a highway, first clear the highway otherwise more accident will happen. Remove the remains of the vehicles to clear the site. If that is not possible, use placards or red cloth for signalling the traffic.
Blue Print for Military Planning Exercise or Group Planning Exercise

Blue print for a better group discussion 

  1. Keep your bond stronger in your group using interpersonal skills so that it will help you in the group discussion as the group will listen to your points carefully and support it.
  2. Also try to talk to your group a day before the task and make a strategy. It will help you and your group to follow a strategy.
  3. If someone is narrating the conclusion do not interrupt him in-between.
  4. If you think that a person in a group talks too much or in any means is intimidating, try to talk to him before the task starts and tell him that the purpose is to get recommended not to fight.
  5. If you don’t agree with the conclusion, don’t start a fight. Try not to add any points after the conclusion. If still you want to add a single point, you can add it after the conclusion. But you should remember not to contradict with the conclusion. It will draw a bad impression of you and your group as well.
  6. Try to give a reason behind your points it will help others to understand your point.
  7. Use proper postures and gesture to put your point more effectively.
  8. Always wear a smile while a task, you are there for a discussion only not a war.
anurag+new Anurag Joshi, Editorial Team

Anurag Joshi is a defence aspirants, he has completed B.tech Graduate with Electronics subjects. He lives in Vasundhara, Ghaziabad. His area of interest are aligns sports, general awareness and social reforms. Mail us to join our editorial team now.
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