Under the aegis of the Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and Chandigarh Directorate, NCC cadets have launched an extraordinary 710-km bicycle rally from the historic War Memorial in Hussainiwala, Ferozepur, to Delhi Cantt. The event, flagged off on January 7, 2025, by Major General Jagdeep Singh Cheema, Additional Director General of NCC Directorate, pays tribute to the sacrifices of India’s freedom fighters and war heroes.
The Journey:
- Duration and Route: Over 14 days, the rally will cover six districts in Punjab and four in Haryana, culminating at the Parade Ground in New Delhi.
- Participants: The team, led by Colonel Somveer Singh Dabas, includes 12 cadets—six of whom are girls—accompanied by Army instructors and NCC officers.
- Tributes and Interactions: Along the way, cadets will interact with war veterans, honor their sacrifices, and pay homage at various war memorials, reflecting a spirit of patriotism and gratitude.
Preparations and Challenges:
Before embarking on this arduous mission, the team underwent intensive physical and mental training at the NCC Academy in Ropar. Braving the harsh January cold, the cadets are showcasing resilience and determination as they cycle through challenging terrain.
Symbol of Patriotism and Empowerment:
This rally is not merely a physical journey but a testament to the cadets’ dedication to national service. It embodies the NCC’s commitment to transforming youth into future leaders, fostering patriotism, and empowering women as active participants in nation-building.
The event stands as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices that underpin India’s freedom and inspires citizens to embrace selfless dedication to the nation. We salute these young ambassadors of patriotism for their courage, commitment, and unwavering spirit.