
15 Pictures That Perfectly Sum Up A day At the Officers Training Academy, Chennai

By SSBCrack

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OTA Chennai Lady Cadet 2015

Established in 1963 to train officers for Emergency Commission in the Army, it now trains those between 22 and 25 years for the Short Service Commission. It is also the only Academy, among the country’s four Army training establishments, which commissions women to be officers. Photos: K.V. Srinivasan.

1. Martyrs Memorial Service at The Hut of RemembranceOTA Chennai 1

2. Honour guard at The Hut of Remembrance.OTA Chennai 2

3. Drill Instructors march with their pace sticks.OTA Chennai 3

4. The main gates to Officers Training Academy.OTA Chennai 4

5. Cadets on the Parameshwaran drill square as flights take off from the airport bordering the Academy.OTA Chennai 5

6. Lt. Gen. Ravindra Pratap Sahi AVSM, Commandant OTA.OTA Chennai 6

7. 72 at a time. Cadets shimmy up the vertical rope.

OTA Chennai 7

8. A leap of faith across a ditch.OTA Chennai 8

9. Lady cadets perform dips.OTA Chennai 9

10. The 1861 built White House which has been OTA’s headquarters since its inception.OTA Chennai 10

11. The 200-year-old Adyar Officers’ Mess built in 1815.OTA Chennai 11

12. In the classroom.OTA Chennai 12

13. Gentleman cadets consult maps and the GPS before the navigational endurance exercise.OTA Chennai 13

14. Lady cadets with their battle gear.OTA Chennai 14

15. Cadets march at the Parameshwaran drill square.OTA Chennai 15


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