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Written Exams500+ Latest Idioms & Phrases For Defence Exams NDA CDS AFCAT

500+ Latest Idioms & Phrases For Defence Exams NDA CDS AFCAT

Check the list of 500+ English Idioms and Phrases questions and answers for your upcoming NDA, CDS, AFCAT, TA, INET, MNS, ACC exams, and other SSB interviews.

English idioms and phrases are one of the important features of English for all the defence examinations.

Below is a list of 500 most commonly asked questions that you can expect from the Idioms and Phrases section for your upcoming NDA exam, AFCAT exam and CDS exam and other Defence examination, as per the last five years’ exam trends.

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The below list of 500+ English Idioms and Phrases questions and answers will be really helpful for your upcoming NDA, CDS, AFCAT, TA, INET, MNS, ACC exams, and other SSB interviews 

English Idioms and Phrases are important for competitive exams like CDS NDA AFCAT UPSC etc. They come up all the time in different competitive exams in English papers. Having good knowledge of Idioms will help you to score around 10-20 marks on your English question paper for various exams like CDS AFCAT NDA Bank UPSC SSC etc. Idioms don’t always make sense literally, they are different words with different meanings and usage. To understand the Idioms, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the meaning and usage of each idiom. Learning idioms will be easy and the best way to understand and remember Idioms is by comparing English idioms to the idioms in your own language.


The candidates who are preparing for the NDA AFCAT CDS exam in 2022 – 2023 can read the Useful Idioms & Phrases given below. Reading idioms daily and gaining enough knowledge of Idioms and Phrases will help you to score more marks on your English paper.

Also Read: 1000+ Most Commonly Asked Synonyms & Antonyms For NDA CDS AFCAT Exam [DOWNLOAD PDF]

Below you can find the list of Idioms and Phrases for the competitive exams


List of most common English Idioms for the competitive exams. 

A blessing in disguisea good thing that seemed bad at firstas part of a sentence
A dime a dozenSomething commonas part of a sentence
Beat around the bushAvoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortableas part of a sentence
Better late than neverBetter to arrive late than not to come at allby itself
Bite the bulletTo get something over with because it is inevitableas part of a sentence
Break a legGood luckby itself
Call it a dayStop working on somethingas part of a sentence
Cut somebody some slackDon’t be so criticalas part of a sentence
Cutting cornersDoing something poorly in order to save time or moneyas part of a sentence
Easy does itSlow downby itself
Get out of handGet out of controlas part of a sentence
Get something out of your systemDo the thing you’ve been wanting to do so you can move onas part of a sentence
Get your act togetherWork better or leaveby itself
Give someone the benefit of the doubtTrust what someone saysas part of a sentence
Go back to the drawing boardStart overas part of a sentence
Hang in thereDon’t give upby itself
Hit the sackGo to sleepas part of a sentence
It’s not rocket scienceIt’s not complicatedby itself
Let someone off the hookTo not hold someone responsible for somethingas part of a sentence
Make a long story shortTell something brieflyas part of a sentence
Miss the boatIt’s too lateas part of a sentence
No pain, no gainYou have to work for what you wantby itself
On the ballDoing a good jobas part of a sentence
Pull someone’s legTo joke with someoneas part of a sentence
Pull yourself togetherCalm downby itself
So far so goodThings are going well so farby itself
Speak of the devilThe person we were just talking about showed up!by itself
That’s the last strawMy patience has run outby itself
The best of both worldsAn ideal situationas part of a sentence
Time flies when you’re having funYou don’t notice how long something lasts when it’s funby itself
To get bent out of shapeTo get upsetas part of a sentence
To make matters worseMake a problem worseas part of a sentence
Under the weatherSickas part of a sentence
We’ll cross that bridge when we come to itLet’s not talk about that problem right nowby itself
Wrap your head around somethingUnderstand something complicatedas part of a sentence
You can say that againThat’s true, I agreeby itself
Your guess is as good as mineI have no ideaby itself


List of common English Idioms and expressions for the competitive exams. 

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bushWhat you have is worth more than what you might have laterby itself
A penny for your thoughtsTell me what you’re thinkingby itself
A penny saved is a penny earnedMoney you save today you can spend laterby itself
A perfect stormthe worst possible situationas part of a sentence
A picture is worth 1000 wordsBetter to show than tellby itself
Actions speak louder than wordsBelieve what people do and not what they sayby itself
Add insult to injuryTo make a bad situation worseas part of a sentence
Barking up the wrong treeTo be mistaken, to be looking for solutions in the wrong placeas part of a sentence
Birds of a feather flock togetherPeople who are alike are often friends (usually used negatively)by itself
Bite off more than you can chewTake on a project that you cannot finishas part of a sentence
Break the iceMake people feel more comfortableas part of a sentence
By the skin of your teethJust barelyas part of a sentence
Comparing apples to orangesComparing two things that cannot be comparedas part of a sentence
Costs an arm and a legVery expensiveas part of a sentence
Do something at the drop of a hatDo something without having planned beforehandas part of a sentence
Do unto others as you would have them do unto youTreat people fairly. Also known as “The Golden Rule”by itself
Don’t count your chickens before they hatchDon’t count on something good happening until it’s happened.by itself
Don’t cry over spilt milkThere’s no reason to complain about something that can’t be fixedby itself
Don’t give up your day jobYou’re not very good at thisby itself
Don’t put all your eggs in one basketWhat you’re doing is too riskyby itself
Every cloud has a silver liningGood things come after bad thingsby itself
Get a taste of your own medicineGet treated the way you’ve been treating others (negative)as part of a sentence
Give someone the cold shoulderIgnore someoneas part of a sentence
Go on a wild goose chaseTo do something pointlessas part of a sentence
Good things come to those who waitBe patientby itself
He has bigger fish to fryHe has bigger things to take care of than what we are talking about nowby itself
He’s a chip off the old blockThe son is like the fatherby itself
Hit the nail on the headGet something exactly rightby itself
Ignorance is blissYou’re better off not knowingby itself
It ain’t over till the fat lady singsThis isn’t over yetby itself
It takes one to know oneYou’re just as bad as I amby itself
It’s a piece of cakeIt’s easyby itself
It’s raining cats and dogsIt’s raining hardby itself
Kill two birds with one stoneGet two things done with a single actionby itself
Let the cat out of the bagGive away a secretas part of a sentence
Live and learnI made a mistakeby itself
Look before you leapTake only calculated risksby itself
On thin iceOn probation. If you make another mistake, there will be trouble.as part of a sentence
Once in a blue moonRarelyas part of a sentence
Play devil’s advocateTo argue the opposite, just for the sake of argumentas part of a sentence
Put something on icePut a projet on holdas part of a sentence
Rain on someone’s paradeTo spoil somethingas part of a sentence
Saving for a rainy daySaving money for lateras part of a sentence
Slow and steady wins the raceReliability is more important than speedby itself
Spill the beansGive away a secretas part of a sentence
Take a rain checkPostpone a planas part of a sentence
Take it with a grain of saltDon’t take it too seriouslyas part of a sentence
The ball is in your courtIt’s your decisionby itself
The best thing since sliced breadA really good inventionas part of a sentence
The devil is in the detailsIt looks good from a distance, but when you look closer, there are problemsby itself
The early bird gets the wormThe first people who arrive will get the best stuffby itself
The elephant in the roomThe big issue, the problem people are avoidingas part of a sentence
The whole nine yardsEverything, all the way.as part of a sentence
There are other fish in the seaIt’s ok to miss this opportunity. Others will arise.by itself
There’s a method to his madnessHe seems crazy but actually he’s cleverby itself
There’s no such thing as a free lunchNothing is entirely freeby itself
Throw caution to the windTake a riskas part of a sentence
You can’t have your cake and eat it tooYou can’t have everythingby itself
You can’t judge a book by its coverThis person or thing may look bad, but it’s good insideby itself


List of difficult English Idioms for the competitive exams. 

A little learning is a dangerous thingPeople who don’t understand something fully are dangerousby itself
A snowball effectEvents have momentum and build upon each otheras part of a sentence
A snowball’s chance in hellNo chance at allas part of a sentence
A stitch in time saves nineFix the problem now because it will get worse laterby itself
A storm in a teacupA big fuss about a small problemas part of a sentence
An apple a day keeps the doctor awayApples are good for youby itself
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cureYou can prevent a problem with little effort. Fixing it later is harder.by itself
As right as rainPerfectas part of a sentence
Bolt from the blueSomething that happened without warningas part of a sentence
Burn bridgesDestroy relationshipsas part of a sentence
Calm before the stormSomething bad is coming, but right now it’s calmas part of a sentence
Come rain or shineNo matter whatas part of a sentence
Curiosity killed the catStop asking questionsby itself
Cut the mustardDo a good jobas part of a sentence
Don’t beat a dead horseMove on, this subject is overby itself
Every dog has his dayEveryone gets a chance at least onceby itself
Familiarity breeds contemptThe better you know someone the less you like himby itself
Fit as a fiddleIn good healthas part of a sentence
Fortune favours the boldTake risksby itself
Get a second windHave more energy after having been tiredas part of a sentence
Get wind of somethingHear news of something secretas part of a sentence
Go down in flamesFail spectacularlyas part of a sentence
Haste makes wasteYou’ll make mistakes if you rush through somethingby itself
Have your head in the cloudsNot be concentratingas part of a sentence
He who laughs last laughs loudestI’ll get you back for what you didby itself
Hear something straight from the horse’s mouthHear something from the person involvedas part of a sentence
He’s not playing with a full deckHe’s dumbby itself
He’s off his rockerHe’s crazyby itself
He’s sitting on the fenceHe can’t make up his mindby itself
It is a poor workman who blames his toolsIf you can’t do the job, don’t blame it on othersby itself
It is always darkest before the dawnThings are going to get betterby itself
It takes two to tangoOne person alone isn’t responsible. Both people are involved.by itself
Jump on the bandwagonFollow a trend, do what everyone else is doingas part of a sentence
Know which way the wind is blowingUnderstand the situation (usually negative)as part of a sentence
Leave no stone unturnedLook everywhereas part of a sentence
Let sleeping dogs lieStop discussing an issueas part of a sentence
Like riding a bicycleSomething you never forget how to doas part of a sentence
Like two peas in a podThey’re always togetheras part of a sentence
Make hay while the sun shinesTake advantage of a good situationas part of a sentence
On cloud nineVery happyas part of a sentence
Once bitten, twice shyYou’re more cautious when you’ve been hurt beforeby itself
Out of the frying pan and into the fireThings are going from bad to worseby itself
Run like the windRun fastas part of a sentence
Shape up or ship outWork better or leaveby itself
Snowed underBusyas part of a sentence
That ship has sailedIt’s too lateby itself
The pot calling the kettle blackSomeone criticizing someone else he is just as badas part of a sentence
There are clouds on the horizonTrouble is comingby itself
Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stonesPeople who are morally questionable shouldn’t criticize othersby itself
Through thick and thinIn good times and in bad timesas part of a sentence
Time is moneyWork quicklyby itself
Waste not, want notDon’t waste things and you’ll always have enoughby itself
We see eye to eyeWe agreeby itself
Weather the stormGo through something difficultas part of a sentence
Well begun is half doneGetting a good start is importantby itself
When it rains it poursEverything is going wrong at onceby itself
You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegarYou’ll get what you want by being niceby itself
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drinkYou can’t force someone to make the right decisionby itself
You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggsThere’s always a cost to doing somethingby itself

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Idioms & PhrasesMeaning
Rank and FileOrdinary People
By fits and startsIn short periods, not regularly
A wee bitA little
Out of the woodFree from difficulties and dangers
Under his thumbUnder his control
At one’s wits endIn a state where one does not know what to do
Between the devil and the deep seaBetween two dangers
Burn the midnight oilWork or study hard
Call a spade a spadeSpeak frankly and directly
Come off with flying colorsBe highly successful
Hoping against hopeWithout hope
Hit the nail on the headDo or say the exact thing
An axe to grindA personal interest in the matter
To get rid ofDispose of
At daggers drawnBitterly hostile
To play ducks and drakesTo act foolishly or inconsistently
To take the bull by the hornsTo tackle a problem in a bold and direct fashion
Rain cats and dogsRain heavily
To move heaven and earthTo make a supreme effort
No availWithout any result
Bark up the wrong treeAccuse or denounce the wrong person
Keep one at bayKeep one at a distance
Make a clean breast of itConfess – especially when a person has done a wrong thing
Have a card up one’s sleeveHave a secret plan in reserve
Like a cat on hot bricksVery nervous
Cat and dog lifeLife full of quarrels
Cock and bull storyMade up story that one should not believe
Cry for the moonAsk for the impossible
The pros and consThe various aspects of a matter in detail
Be in a tight cornerIn a very difficult situation
Cross one’s t’s and dotBe precise, careful and one’s i’s exact
At arm’s lengthTo keep at a distance
Out of the questionImpossible
Out of the wayStrange
Show a clean pair of healsRun away
Keep one’s fingers crossedThe anxiety in which you hope that nothing will upset your plans
In the nick of timeJust at the last moment
Sitting on the fenceHesitate between two decisions
Spread like wild fireSpread quickly
The gift of the gabTalent for speaking
By hook or by crookBy fair or foul means
Feather one’s own nestMake money unfairly
Throw out of gearDisturb the work
Take to one’s heelsRun away
Tooth and nailWith all one’s power
Die in harnessDie while in service
Take a leaf out of one’s bookImitate one
Leave no stone unturnedUse all available means
A man of strawA man of no substance
Read between the linesUnderstand the hidden meaning
In cold bloodDeliberately and without emotion
A thorn in the fleshA constant source of annoyance
Smell a ratSuspect something foul
Harp on the same stringDwell on the same subject
Bury the hatchetEnd the quarrel and make peace
Leave one in the lurchDesert one in difficulties; leave one in a helpless condition
Like a fish out of waterIn a strange situation
At one’s beck and callUnder his control
To make both ends meetTo live within one’s income
In hot waterIn trouble
Nip in the budDestroy in the early stage
Stick to one’s gunsRemain faithful to the cause
To eat humble pieTo apologize humbly and to yield under humiliating circumstances
In high spiritsVery happy
Put the cart before the horsePut or do things in the wrong order
To all namesTo abuse
On tenterhooksIn a state of suspense and anxiety
Wash one’s dirty linenDiscuss unpleasant in public-private matters before strangers
To bell the catTo face the risk
A hard nut to crackA difficult problem
Let the cat out of the bagReveal a secret
A big gunAn important person
Kill two birds with one stoneTo achieve two results with one effort
Take one to taskRebuke
Gain groundBecome Popular
To blow one’s ownTo praise one’s own trumpet achievement
A bosom friendA very close friend
A brown studyDreaming
Turn a deaf earDisregard / ignore what one says
A close shaveNarrow escape
Turn over a new leafChange for the better
Make up one’s mindDecide
In the long runEventually; ultimately
Bring to lightDisclose
Pay off old scoresTake revenge
Hard and fast rulesStrict rules
At the eleventh hourAt the last moment
A close shaveNarrow escape
To cut a sorry figureTo make a poor show
With a high handOppressively
Burn one’s fingersGet into trouble by interfering in other’s affairs
Laugh one’s head offLaugh heartily
Chew the cudPonder over something
Play second fiddleTake an unimportant part
Above boardHonest and open
Through thick and thinUnder all conditions
Put a spoke in one’s wheelTo upset one’s plans
At sixes and sevensIn a disordered/disorganized manner, chaotic
At homeComfortable
Alpha and omegaThe beginning and the end
At seaConfused and lost
A bosom friendA very close friend
At one’s beck and callAt one’s service
By leaps and boundsRapidly
To burn one’s boatsGo back on a decision
To beat about the bushTalk irrelevantly
To burn candle at both endsTo waste lavishly
Take one to taskRebuke
A bone of contentionA source of quarrel
Add fuel to the fireTo aggravate the situation
An acid testA critical test
At a snail’s paceVery slowly
A bolt from the blueSomething unexpected
To build castles in the airMake imaginary schemes
Once in a blue moonSomething that happens very rarely
Beating around the bushAvoiding the main topic
Cry over spilled milkComplaining about a loss or failure from the past
Chip on your shoulderWhen someone is upset about something that happened a while ago
Piece of cakeSomething that is easy to understand or do
Golden handshakeA big sum of money given to a person when he/she leaves a company or retires
Spill the beansTo disclose a secret
Blessing in disguiseSomething good and useful that did not initially seem that way
Mean businessBeing Serious or Dedicated
Come hell or high waterPossible obstacles in your path
Apple of one’s eyeBeing cherished
Bite off more than you can chewNot able to complete a task due to lack of ability
The best of both worldsThe benefits of widely differing situations, enjoyed at the same time
Feeling a bit under the weatherFeeling slightly ill
Icing on the cakeSomething that turns good into great
Cost an arm and a legBe very expensive
Jump the bandwagonTo join a popular activity or trend
Ball is in your courtWhen it is up to you to make the next decision or step
To be in the doldrumsTo be in low spirits
To sit on the fenceTo remain neutral
Break the iceTo initiate a social conversation or interaction
Hear it on grapevineTo hear rumors about something or someone
Can’t judge a book by its coverCannot judge something primarily on appearance
It takes two to tangoActions or communications need more than one person
Let the cat out of the bagTo reveal the secret carelessly or by mistake
Black and blueFull of Bruises
Be on cloud nineBe very happy
Last strawThe final problem in a series of problems
A bird’s eye viewA view from a very high place that allows you to see a very large area
A litmus TestA method that helps to know if something is correct
At the drop of a hatWillingness to do something instantly
Afraid of one’s own shadowTo become easily frightened
A house of cardsA poor plan
Fool’s paradiseFalse sense of happiness
Get a raw dealTo not be treated as well as other people
Give cold shoulderTo ignore
Hand to mouthLive on only basic necessities
Make a faceTo show dislike or disappointment through facial expressions
It’s Greek to meSomething that is not understandable
To pour oil on troubled watersTo make peace
Don’t put all your eggs in one basketDo not put all your resources in one basket (in one place or thing)
To put in a nutshellTo say in a few words or to make something concise
Back outTo withdraw from a promise or contract
Blow upTo explode
Back UpTo support and sustain
Back UponTo be relevant
Break DownFailure in something
Break offTo end or discontinue
Break UpTo disperse / dissolve
Bring upTo rear
Call forthTo provoke
Call outTo shout
Call uponTo order
Carry onTo continue
Cast awayTo throw aside
Catch up withTo overtake
Come offTo take place
Cry DownTo make little of
Catch up withTo overtake
Cry out againstTo complain loudly against
Cut outDesigned for
Drop inTo Visit Casually
Drop outTo fall
Fall backTo Recede; To Retreat
Fall downFrom a higher position to a lower one
Fall offTo Withdraw; To Drop Off
Fall underTo come under
Get alongTo Prosper; To Progress; To Proceed
Get on withTo Live Pleasantly Together; To Progress
Get intoTo be involved in
Give inTo Surrender; To Yield
Give overNot to do any longer
Go afterTo Follow; To Pursue
Go DownTo be accepted
Go withoutTo remain without
Go byTo follow
Hang aboutTo Loiter near a place
Hang uponTo depend upon
Hold outTo Endure; To Refuse to yield; To continue; To offer
Hold toAbide By
Keep offTo ward off
Keep up withTo keep pace with
Knock outTo win by hitting another one
It takes two to tangoBoth people involved in a bad situation are responsible for it
Last strawThe final problem in a series of problems
Keep something at bayKeep something away
Kill two birds with one stoneTo solve two problems at a time with just one action
Let sleeping dogs lieLeave something alone if it might cause trouble
Open the floodgatesRelease something that was previously under control
Out of the blueHappen unexpectedly
Out on a limbDo something  risky
Over the TopTotally excessive and not suitable for the occasion
Pen is mightier than the swordWords and communication have a greater effect than war
Push one’s luckTrying to obtain more than what one has
Reap the harvestBenefit or suffer as a direct result of past actions
Roll up sleevesTo get yourself prepared
See eye to eyeTo be in agreement with
Shot in the darkA complete guess
Sink your teeth intoDo something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm
Take with a grain/pinch of saltTo doubt theaccuracy of information
Skating on thin iceDo or say something risky
Tight spotA difficult situation
Strike while the iron is hotTo act at the right time
Take the plungeVenture into something of one’s interest despite the risks involved
Take a nosediveRapid drop or decrease in value
Think the world ofAdmire someone very much
Stand in a good steadTo be useful or be of good service to someone
Take a back seatChoose to be less important in a role
Wave a dead chickenDo something useless
Whale of a timeEnjoy a lot
Wrap one’s brain aroundConcentrate on something to understand
Zero in on somethingFocus all attention on one thing
Above allChiefly, Mainly
On Account ofDue to
On no accountNot for Any Reason
A Fidus AchatesA faithful friend or a devoted follower
The Heel of AchillesA Weak Point
An AdonisA very handsome man
To assume airsTo affect superiority
To stand aloofTo keep to oneself and not mix with others
To lead to the altarTo marry
An AnaniasA Liar
An ApolloA Man with Perfect Physique
To Upset the Apple CartTo disturb the peace
Apple Pie OrderIn perfect order
Arcadian LifeA blissful, happy, rural and simple life
To take up armsTo fight or go to the war
To GrindTo have some selfish objective in view
To break the back of anythingTo perform the most difficult part
To backbite a personTo speak disguise about someone
He has no backboneHe has no will of his own
To cause bad bloodTo Cause Enmity
Bag and BaggageWith all one’s belongings
To keep the ball rollingTo keep things going
Barmecide feastImaginary Benefits
Bee-lineThe shortest distance between two places
Behind one’s backWithout one’s Knowledge
Behind the scenesIn Private
To hit below the beltTo act unfairly in a contest
To bite the dustTo be Defeated in Battle
A Wet BlanketA person who discourages enjoyment or enthusiasm
In Cold BloodDeliberately
A blue StockingA learned/educated or intellectual woman
At First BlushAt first sight
A Bolt from the BlueSomething completely unexpected that surprises you
One’s bread and butterOne’s means of livelihood
To breadth one’s lastTo Die
To make bricks without strawTo attempt to do something without proper materials
To kick the bucketTo die
Good wine needs no bushThere is no need to advertise something good
To burn the candle at both endsTo expend energy in two directions at the same time
If the cap fits, wear itIf you think the remarks refer to you, then accept the criticism
Care killed the catDon’t fret and worry yourself to death
To Catch one’s eyeTo attract attention
To take the chairTo preside a meeting
She is no chickenShe is older than she says
To pick and chooseTo make a careful selection
To square the circleTo attempt something impossible
Every cloud has a silver liningAdverse conditions do not last forever
Close fistedMean
Cut your cloth according to your clothLive within your income
A cock and bull storyA foolishly incredible story
To be cock sureTo be perfectly sure or certain
To throw cold water upon anythingTo discourage efforts
Off colorNot in the usual form
To commit to memoryTo learn by heart
Too many cooks spoil the brothWhere there are more workers than necessary
Crocodile tearsHypocritical Tears
By hook or by crookBy fair or foul means
Cut and driedReadymade
Up to dateRecent
Evil daysA period of misfortune
Halcyon DaysA time when there are peace and happiness in the land
To step into dead man’s shoesTo come into an inheritance
Go to the devilBe off
Devil’s bonesDice
Devil’s PlaythingsPlaying Cards
Give a dog a bad name and hang himOnce a person loses his reputation
Every dog has his daySooner or later, everyone has his share of good fortune
To throw dust in one’s eyesTo try to deceive someone or mislead someone
A white elephantA useless possession which is extremely expensive to keep
To set the Thames on fireTo do something sensational or remarkable
A burnt child dreads the fireOne who has had a previous unpleasant experience is always scared of situations where such experiences are likely to be repeated
A fish out of waterAnyone in an awkward
Foul playCheating
To jump from a frying pan into fireTo come out of one trouble and get into a worse
All that glitters are not goldThings are not always as attractive as they appear
To die in harnessTo continue at one’s occupation until death
Make hay while the sun shinesTake advantage of all opportunities
Lock, stock and barrelThe whole of everything
A miss is as good as a mileComes nowhere near it. If someone narrowly misses the target it still is treated as a missed one or failure.
To move heaven and earthTo exert all efforts
One swallow does not make a summerIt is unreliable to base one’s conclusions on only a single test or incident
If wishes were horses, beggars might rideIf wishing could make things happen, then even the most destitute people would have everything they wanted
A nine days’ wonderAn event which relates a sensation for a time but is soon forgotten
Yellow pressNewspapers which publish sensational and unscrupulous stories and exaggerates the news to attract readers.
A ball park figureA general financial figure
To balance the booksTo make certain that the amount of money spent is not more than the amount of money received.
A cash cowA product or service that makes a lot of money for a company
Devil’s AdvocateTo present a counter argument
Don’t give up the day jobYou are not very good at something. You could not do it professionally.
To cook the booksTo modify financial statements
To get the sackTo be dismissed from your job
To be snowed underTo be very busy
To work your fingers to the boneOrTo sweat bloodTo work really hard
Hear it on the grapevineTo hear rumors
In the heat of the momentOverwhelmed by what is happening in the moment
Not a spark of decencyNo Manners
Speak of the devil!This expression is used when the person you have just been talking about arrives
Whole nine yardsEverything. All of it
Your guess is as good as mineTo have no idea about anything

These were 500 Idioms and Phrases in short, the most commonly asked questions that you can easily expect for your upcoming NDA, CDS, and AFCAT, and other defence exam. Not only that, you can also follow these questions & learn the words & remember them for the other defence competitive exam preparation for the Idioms and Phrases section in English.  

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