
Cracked AFSB Interview From Dehradun In My 5th Attempt

By SSBCrack

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Hello Everyone, I am Mehul Gupta, 25, have done M.Tech in civil engineering from Gautam Buddha University, Gr.Noida. I have got recommended from 1AFSB, Dehradun on the historic date of 26th November 2021. It was my 5th attempt, I got screened out in all my previous 4 attempts and this was my last attempt at AFSB. 

From my previous failed attempts, I realized that I need to work upon my increasing my accuracy at OIR tests, for which the practice sets provided by SSBCrack OIR have helped me immensely, along with that, as it was my last chance, I decided to take guidance from a coaching institute, which showed me the right direction when it comes to attempting psych tests, PI and GTO.

I reported at 1 AFSB, Dehradun on 22nd November 2021. A total of 200 people were reported at the center. Initially, we were given our breakfast then the OIR tests were conducted. I performed really well in the OIR tests and PPDT. Coming to the discussion part, I was the only screened out competing with the repeaters. I was unsure about the GD part. I delivered my best in the narration and contributed to the GD. As a result 55 of us got screened in out of 200. Same-day in the evening, psychology tests were conducted. It went smoothly. I attempted all the TATs, WATs, and 58 SRTs. 


From day 2 onwards, GTO and PI were conducted. In GTO, I feel the most important factors were group behaviour, general knowledge, and Fitness. I believe I was able to deliver my best at those tests. Coming to the PI, I feel this was the most fun experience I had in my life when it comes to facing an interview. It was very jolly, I was able to keep things light and use humour to my advantage (liveliness factor counts, don’t get subdued under pressure) My conference was short and crisp, lasted for a minute only.

Finally, the results were announced and 4 of us made it. It was an emotional moment for me. I took a break from my professional life just to make this opportunity count. 

oir test and ppdt

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So I would like to say this to all the defence aspirants, don’t lose hope. Every failure is a stepping stone to your success. Keep improving on your mistakes and never repeat the same. Surely, one day all the weaknesses will turn into your strengths.

Jai Hind!

All the best!


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