I started for my 3rd SSB interview at 4AFSB, Varanasi from my hometown Darjeeling. I had high hopes this time like every time because SSBCrack’s Materials had given me the confidence to crack Psychology tests unlike in my previous attempts where TATs, WATs, SRTs & SD were a daunting task in the limited and intense environment of SSB.
I reported on 7th Feb at 4 AFSB at 6 am and after completing the process of document verification and temperature check our batch of 165 candidates were taken for breakfast and then at the testing hall where freshers and repeaters were segregated according to Date of Birth. This being my last attempt my Chest Number was second last.

Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning Test was held followed by PPDT, Narration & G.D. I excelled in all. And smoothly got Screened In. Thanks to SSBCrack for apt materials.
I along with 61 other candidates were taken to the Boarding room. Sonu Bhaiya’s fall-in is epic at 4AFSB. We boys had a good time.
After the rest of 1hr, we were told to report to the testing hall again where our Psychology test was to be conducted. I performed to the best of my ability. We rushed to the dining hall after the intense session and relieved ourselves with a sumptuous meal. The next day our schedule was for G.T.O. I and my group of 7 candidates reported sharp at 6.30 am and went for an exciting day ahead. Being repeaters we were able to do all tasks smoothly. In fact, G.T.O was having light moments by telling the most experienced guy in our group to do the instruction before the start of the activity. We did our G.Ds, G.P.E , 4P.G.Ts, H.G.T, Lecturette, Command Task, and I.O excellently. I was lucky to have a cooperative group. Chest No 56-62: Meerut Guy, Rohan, Brahm, Vishesh, Paaji from Shimla & Myself. Love you all guys!!! Hope to meet one day again.

Our Day 3 was scheduled for a Personal Interview and I had the best interview of my life. The President of the Board took my interview and it lasted for 1hr, I was happy that I was able to present my best side. He tried to put me under stress but I managed well. I thank god for helping me to answer all logically.
Day 4 was off day for us and I played all the games and sports available to candidates by the board. We played Snooker, Caram Boards, Hand Football(Like Joey and Chandler plays in F.R.I.E.N.D.S), Table Tennis, Chess, Volley Ball, Basket Ball and Cricket, Phew! A fun and memorable day indeed.
The next day was our Conference and all of us were holding our heartbeats. Though there were guys who were trying to act cool by making us laugh even in a serious situation. My turn came and I had to wait for 10-15 mins before my conference started and I was right away grilled for 10mins. I gave all answers logically.
In the end, D.S.O came and announced the result after President’s motivational speech.
The moment he announced Chest No. 57 & 62 I was elated. We both hugged as we had shared the same dormitory for 5days. We stood on Podium received congratulations and continued with formalities thereafter.
This was my experience of SSB, which made me taste success after 3years of toil. I have been given T.R in Medicals and I have a 1% chance of clearing it. But the satisfaction that I have now of getting Recommended cant be quantified. I will have this as a source of joy all my life. I know I’m destined for big things in life. Will strive forward for it without looking back. Thanks, SSBCrack for sharing my story so that hundreds of Future Military Officers get a lesson from my journey. Never Stop, Follow God’s Plan!
Jai Hind.
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