Punjab Chief Minister Singh on Monday expressed deep anguish over the crash of a micro-light aircraft in the Army Cantonment Area here, which left an Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot dead. One NCC aircraft crashed today in Punjab’s Patiala after take-off. The aircraft was being flown by a Group Captain GS Cheema along with an NCC cadet. While Group Captain GS Cheema lost his life in the tragic accident, an NCC trainee from local Government Mohindra College, Vipin Kumar Yadav, was injured. SSB Interview Preparation Material [100% Recommended]
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The Chief Minister mourned the demise of Group Captain Cheema, and prayed to the almighty to give courage to the bereaved family, said an official spokesperson. The Chief Minister also wished a speedy recovery to the injured undergoing treatment at the Command Hospital in Chandigarh.