
5 Best Books For OIR Test Preparation [Must Read]

By SSBCrack

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The Stage 1 processor as it is usually known as the Screening process was started in the year 1988 for the army and the navy initially. The major reason behind introducing the screening process in the SSB was that, with the nation’s increasing population, the armed forces were receiving a large number of applications for the SSB. There were some major constraints that asked for a limit on the influx of the candidates such as limited number of available assessors as well as accommodation facilities in the selection centres. So, it was decided by the DIPR to include an initial screening test in order to allow only those candidates who possess basic problem solving and communication skills. These tests in stage 1 are conducted in order to know the basic aptitude, interest, power of expression and imagination ability of the candidates in a constrained time limit. With an increase in the number of graduates, the quality of higher education in India started deterring and many candidates were found to have not even the basic social adjustment skills and ground knowledge regarding their life as well as the life skills that are pertinent to one’s existence. It was realized that a filtration test is highly required for the SSB candidates so that only the desirable and promising candidates who show some level of OLQs can be promoted for further comprehensive testing of stage 2.

  • OIR Test & PPDT – SSB Interview Screening Test – Stage 1 Testing

This book by SSBCrack is another evidence of efforts by our authors to provide quality guidance to the SSB aspirants. This book by SSBCrack was started with a purpose to be a torchbearer for the defence aspirants by introducing them to the concepts and testing procedures of STAGE 1 or Screening test. Our books have been known to guide and provide a comprehensive and detailed outlook about the SSB testing procedure that takes place at the Services Selection Board. It is quite evident by the Stage 1 rejection ratio of the SSBs that most of the defence aspirants are still trying to figure out the in-depth analysis of Screening stage testing. This book will cover all the facets of the testing done at the SSBs on day 1 and will introduce you to the concepts and significance of all the tests in a way never told before.

The context of the book is all in alignment with a comprehensive and methodological approach with regard to the Stage 1 testing also known as the Screening test. This book has been written in way that caters to the interests of a fresher as well as that of a repeater candidate as it not only covers the requirements and to-be-done things from the perspective of a candidate but also covers all the avenues of the Stage 1 testing in individual parts such as story writing, narration and group discussion. The book imitates a candidate’s point of view and presents you with the aim to relate to it in a similar way. The Picture Perception and Discussion Test, also known as PPDT, is covered in its entirety leaving nothing for the aspirants’ imagination to toil upon later.

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  • 20 Practice Sets For OIR Test eBook – [1000+ Questions Included]

Table of Content

  • 1000 Original OIR Test Questions.
  • Actually questions from SSB, AFSB and NSB interviews.
  • 20 Sets for OIR test deep preparation.
OIR Test eBook SSBCrack
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