
Recommended From 1 AFSB Dehradun For AFCAT Jan 2015

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Recommended From 1AFSB Dehradun

Hello! I hope my experience goes a long in helping the aspirants achieve their aim and crack their respective SSB(s). To begin with, I am Harshdeep recommended from 1 AFSB, Dehradun, for AFCAT Jan 2015 course. Since it was my first attempt it was a bit hard for me to get the relevant information about the whole procedure. SSBCRACK was a useful platform to start my preparation; I remember reading all the experiences helped me a lot. So, here I am doing my bit in inspiring people and giving them an insight of it.

Recommended From 1 AFSB Dehradun For AFCAT Jan 2015

Unlike all the other examinations or interviews there isn’t a particular kind of a preparation plan for a SSB. It has to be different for each one of you. You have to look deep into your personality and find out where you lack and what your strengths are. So although this experience can be helpful for you in order to know what actually goes on out there I would suggest you not to follow anyone else’s preparation plan and actually build up one for your own.

Recommended From 1 AFSB Day 1: The day started early as we had to report at the Dehradun Railway Recommended From 1AFSB Dehradunstation at 0630 hours. It was about half an hour long journey from there to 1AFSB. You should utilise this time to build a rapport with others as you don’t know who may end up in your group later on. Immediately after arriving at the board you are asked to fill up a few forms and begin with the tests. First up is the objective type aptitude and reasoning test. You can follow any maths and reasoning book to prepare for it as it is relatively easy and since by this time you must have already qualified in the AFCAT exam I believe it will not trouble you. Then comes the Picture Perception and Description Test. Compose yourself before you get a chance to look at the picture as you would only be able to see it for a few seconds. We got about 20 seconds before it was taken off. Identify a central character immediately and also decide a theme for your story.  Put yourself in his/her shoes and think how you would react out there.  Don’t try and write things you would not usually do in such a situation as any such lie will be caught by the assessor’s later on. It was followed by a group discussion and this is where you can actually stand out as an individual by actually performing in a group. Try to participate as much as you can give at least five relevant points in the discussion. Don’t wait for others to give you a chance to speak as the discussion can be stopped by the officer judging you at any moment. Be a team player and allow others to contribute as well. We were made to wait for a few hours before the results were announced. By this time I had already made a few friends out there. A total of 72 men got screened in. We were served lunch and were free for the rest of the day. The proceedings end at 1400 hours each day and then you are supposed to either engage in some sport or go out with your friends and explore the city and I strongly recommend you to do so.

Recommended From 1 AFSB Day 2: We had to appear in the Psychological tests on day two. Breakfast was served at 0700 hours and the tests started immediately after that. First up was WAT. I suggest you to prepare well for this one particularly as your speed matters a lot here. You miss out on one word and you will find yourselves getting confused in the next five as well. Pick up any book or a newspaper daily and start forming sentences on randomly chosen words. If you have a fellow aspirant to help you out then you can just throw random words at each other and form sentences on it. Your sentences should not only show the necessary qualities but also bring out your personality and inner self clearly. I was able to form sentences on fifty five words and missed out on five. It was followed by the SRT. Again I will say that you should write what you would actually do in real life instead of hypothesising yourself to be an action hero and end up as the laughing stock in front of the psychologist. You are expected to complete all the 60 SRT’s but then again quality is also preferred over quantity. Last but not the least was the TAT. It is the most mentally consuming amongst the other test’s as you are expected to write twelve stories one after the other with no break in between. It is somewhat similar to the PPDT so follow the same methods you did there but be mentally prepared to think and write for over half an hour. Some would actually prepare a story for the blank slide in advance and some would be a little more spontaneous and write it up on their own at that very moment after witnessing the first eleven slides. I personally did not cram up a story in advance but then again it is you who should choose your approach towards it. Officially the day ended there. We had lunch and then played for some time before heading out towards the city.

Recommended From 1 AFSB Day 3: I had my personal interview on day 3. You should look decent on this day. Wear decent formal clothes and shave your face nicely and have a good, clean haircut if you are a guy. My interview was conducted by the President of the board. I was a bit nervous going into it but fortunately I was able to shake it off before I was called in. Be yourself in front of the officer. I was truthful in most parts of the interview and I suggest you to do the same. My interview went on for about one and a half hour but it was a pleasant experience as it went on smoothly. The interviewer asked a lot of questions related to my sports background and why I did not perform well during my graduation. I knew this would come up at some point so I already knew what I had to say. I was able to escape this question as I played badminton and followed the sport professionally so I could not give a lot of time to studies during my graduation. Be very calm and composed during your interview as it could and most probably will take a complete 360 degree turn a few times. The interviewer can be very appreciative of you at one moment and can criticize you at the very next one. So I suggest you to be extremely patient. I would sum it by saying that it went really nicely for me.

Recommended From 1 AFSB Day 4: My group had our GTO tasks lined up for the fourth day. Always be in the dress code for this one. The aim should be to stand out as an individual and also be a team player and lead your team to the finish line. Do not be selfish and remember that your contribution counts only if your team is able to reach the finish line. You should bring out the leader within you in such a way that if and when a difficulty comes your team should look up to you for answers. Fortunately it did happen in my case. We were a team of eight men and I was called out as a subordinate seven times. So I think it must have made a good impression on the GTO. Preparation for the lecturette can be done only by going through newspapers daily and staying up to date with the current affairs. I think this is where I performed the best out of all the other tasks.

Recommended From 1 AFSB Day 5:  We had this day off and took the much needed rest after going through all the activities.

Recommended From 1 AFSB Day 6: The judgement day had arrived and we were all anxiously waiting for the results. By this time I was a fair bit confident as I thought that I had performed well. The results were announced and chest number thirty was announced. It was a great moment. I will probably remember it for the rest of my life. My friends came up to me and congratulated me. They were such good friends that the happiness of my selection overwhelmed the grief their unsuccessful attempt. I believe that that was a true OLQ which they displayed out there.

In the end I would like to thank all my mentors and well wishers who helped me get through it out there. My parents, friends, my trainer’s at the Olive Greens Academy and ssbcrack.com helped me a lot to achieve what I always wanted to.

I hope this goes a long way to help all of you to better understand the proceedings out there and see you out there in the prestigious uniform. Good luck and God speed.

About HarshDeep: I am Harshdeep recommended from 1 AFSB, Dehradun, for AFCAT Jan 2015 course

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