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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended For Coast Guard In 14th Attempt

Recommended For Coast Guard In 14th Attempt

My journey started in 2014 when I finally got my SSB call letter in 1st year of engineering. From there on I gave 13 SSB before I got to know about Brig. Dixit who lives in Gurgaon. I went to him and immediately knew that the kind of training he provides can’t be found anywhere else. I approached my Coast Guard SSB according to his guidance. PSB was easy, I prepared my OIR from YouTube and answered all the questions confidently, even though I missed a couple of questions but I did not let it bother me. Thereafter, for PPDT a picture of a girl standing on the bridge was shown to us, I made a story on how a Civil Engineer in PWD found cracks on a bridge and how she tackled the situation. I along with 7 more candidates were selected for FSB. After a month, my FSB was scheduled. I reported there on time and after documentation, got my chest no. 56 and we were escorted to our rooms. Next day, we reported at 0700 hrs for the psych test. Psych test was easy for me as I had prepared for it thoroughly with Brig Dixit, he had made me understand how to approach it and answer efficiently. I did all TAT, WAT, 52 SRT and wrote my SD neatly. Next day I had free, hence I prepared for my interview, made new friends and enjoyed the company of my book. Our GTO was in the second slot, hence we had to report at 1000 hrs, topics for the GD was ‘Which approach should India take against Pakistan a) Political b) Diplomatic c) Military’ and ‘Reasons of stress in teens today’ I actively participated in both the GDs and put across my points clearly and confidently. In GPE, I wrote my solution neatly, put my points across and helped the group in forming a common solution. In lecturate, I spoke on ‘Public Distribution System’, I divided my lecture in ‘Intro, Needs,  Problems, Current developments, Future Possibilities”.


My interview was scheduled for the next day and was one of the last person to be interviewed, I was very confident for the interview because Brig. Dixit had taken 20+ full length interviews of mine in the past, which helped me to understand the approach and the tact to handle various questions. The interviewer asked me all the CIQs in one go, I listened to him patiently, memorised the questions asked and answered each question in a calm and satisfactory manner. He tried to corner me but I was able to handle all the questions easily. He asked me 6-7 current affairs questions as well and I was able to answer 5 out of those. After the interview, I decided to show my roommates Delhi as it’s my hometown. We visited War Memorial, India Gate, CP and Bangla Sahib and thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company.

On the D day, I had to wait for 4-5 minutes before officers called me in for the conference. They asked me about my stay, places we visited, also asked me to rank the techniques wrt my performance. I put interview at first and Psych at last. President asked me to tell me answers of 2 questions I couldn’t answer during the interview, I answered both confidently as I prepared them last night. They asked me about my future career options and wished me luck.


After everything, we had to wait for the result, I was the second one to be called out. Couldn’t believe it for a second, proudly gave my name and date of birth and was standing among the other 7 selected boys. It was indeed a proud moment, something that I had dreamt of since a long time. I was in tears and could only think about my parents and how they have always supported me.

OIR Test eBook SSBCrack

I would like to thank Brig. Dixit for all the guidance, nurture, love and motivation. I am blessed to have a trainer like you. I would also like to thank SSBCrack for so many inspiring articles, regular updates and material to practice from.

I would also like to say to all the aspirants to work hard, overcome your shortcomings and do your best. Success is down the corner, waiting for you.


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