Blood, Sweat and Respect; the first two you give, the last one you earn! – Dwayne Johnson
A soldier doesn’t need a weapon, he himself is one. Ever left wondering “how”, while looking at the well-maintained physiques of soldiers? It definitely, isn’t an overnight miracle. Academies imparts strenuous training to cadets that make them strong and agile. As an aspirant, it is necessary that you stay fit and maintain your strength.
Here we look at 10 simple no equipment exercises that will account for a full body workout and take up only a few hours.
- Warm up/ Stretching exercises
These are exercises that simply increase physical activity and prepare you for an intense workout session ahead. Warm up exercises include brisk walking (walking at a rapid pace) or jogging. Stretching exercises can range from standing toe touch and side stretch to cross-border arm stretch.
- Running
This is one activity for which you require no gym, no specific places and no trainer. Running is the most basic and the best form of exercise one can do. The forces could demand you to run 2 km, 4 km, or even 40 km. So, are you prepared? You could start by sprinting (400 metres or less) and then increase the distance eventually.
- Push up
When it comes to exercises, this holds as much importance as running. At the IMA, for instance, you’re expected to do “as much as you can (minimum 14) under a minute. Beginners can start by doing 3-5 pushups a day and gradually increase it by 5 or 10 reps. Keeping track of your progress is a great method to keep your commitment, or can we say “josh” high.
- Chin up
Chin-ups should be on the checklist for every defence aspirant. They not only work your biceps but also focus on the back muscles. This would initially end up in a muscle cramp if you are a beginner but practice makes a man perfect, right! Start by doing 2-4 per day and increasing the rep later.
- Planks
Though there are many variations available, a basic plank for 5 minutes thrice a day could do wonders. The plank is a core strength exercise. Apart from working on your back, arms, shoulder muscles, it also improves your posture and balance. How to: Bend your elbows, assert the weight on your forearms and maintain a straight line from head to toe. Now try keeping the position for a minute or longer.
- Mountain Climber
Upper body strength is the main focus here. Flexibility, Cardiovascular fitness, agility and coordination are a few benefits to name.
How to: Starting from the pushup position, bend one knee forward and bring your foot and hip at the same vertical angle. Now move this knee back while bringing the other one forward.
- Skipping
We can call this a throwback to the P.T hours in school. The best part here is: you are already familiar with this since childhood. It could have been a time-pass back then but this works on your footwork, coordination and balance. It also adds up to your endurance and toughness.
- Sit-ups
Sit-ups are a part of ab workouts. These increase flexibility and improves posture while working on tightening the abdominal muscles.
How to: Lie down on your back, keep your hands behind your head and bend your knees to keep your feet firmly on the ground. Now slowly lift your back and bring your head closer to your knees. Hold the position for 2-5 seconds before repeating.
- High Knees
This is basically on spot running but by raising your knees as high as you can. This works majorly on leg and hip muscles and simulates efficient running. Moreover, it is easier than running and can be done as an intense workout or a warm-up exercise.
- Swimming
- As a defence aspirant, you might be well aware that swimming is an inevitable exercise that is done at the academies. Swimming is not only necessary to survive if you land up in water but also has many other benefits. These include muscle toning, strength and endurance, cardiovascular fitness and also plays a part in improving your sleep.
These are only a few exercises to start with, once you get the knack of it, these will remain under the “piece of cake” column. So, started with a workout routine yet?

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