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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended For Indian Air Force Pilot In 4th Attempt

Recommended For Indian Air Force Pilot In 4th Attempt

Hello friends, today I’m going to share my SSB recommendation experience. I always got motivated reading stories other recommended candidates, now it’s my turn to share mine. But before that, let me give you my brief introduction. My name is Shubham Sharma. I’m from Madhya Pradesh. I’ve completed my BBA and currently in 3rd sem of my MBA. I have given AFCAT 3 times cleared all three times and CDS twice. This was my 4th SSB attempt at 3 AFSB Gandhinagar. So let’s start the story.


It was 3rd of July, we reported at Ahmedabad Jn Station, from where we were taken to 3 AFSB Gandhinagar. Our documents were temporarily checked. After which we went for OIR test. In both tests I attempted all the questions and 95% of them were correct for sure. After which we were taken to PPDT and GD. We were a group of 8 students. Our discussion went really well and smooth and at the end when accessor asked for the conclusion, I gave the conclusion. Results were announced, 30 candidates screened in, 2 routed back for lack of documents. After all 28 candidates were to stay for remaining 4 days. I was allotted Chest No. 13.

Right after stage 1, our documents were checked and on the same day we were made to sit in testing hall for Psychology Testing. It ended pretty well for me. I did 60 WATs, 33 SRTs, all TATs and SDTs. After long tiring day, we went to sleep. Next day our group had GTO. We were 8 candidates Chest No. 13 to 20. In GPE, My group agreed on my plan and I narrated the story. I put good and valuable points in both GDs too. I spoke well in lecturette. In PGT, I gave ideas whenever I got any otherwise helped my fellows with apparatus. (Here I would like to advice all of my friends that speak only valuable points and if you are not getting any points, help your mates in doing the tasks and also KEEP MOTIVATING YOUR GROUP). In HGT, it was a bit easier as there were only 4 people. We did it in few minutes. So that’s how our first day of GTO went.

Next day, GTO 2 was there. First was Command Task. I was called by 4 group mates. Then came my turn, GTO was very much jolly and cheerful. He took me to a walk around the ground and asked questions about my city, my education, my future plans and my family. I answered all of them with a smile on my face and confidently. (Tips here for candidates are that do not hesitate and respond to the questions confidently and with a smile. GTO might try to puzzle you but do not worry and keep a little smile always.)

 I called my 2 subordinates.

 GTO asked “Why these two?”

I said “Sir, one is light weight and other is heighted which according to me is required in this task.”

He said “ok! Good.”  (TIP- Never give childish reasons like he is my friend or I don’t like those other chest nos).

I, with help of subordinates, did the task in 15 seconds, seeing which GTO made some modifications; I again did it in a minute. He again made some modifications and made it tougher. I again did it after juggling for a few minutes. He again made few modifications and I was stuck, but I kept trying and doing the task. At last when I didn’t find any way, I asked my subordinate if he can help me to which he gave me a solution. Though not perfectly, somehow we managed to do the task.

GTO said “ok Shubham, I got your idea. That’s great”.



That’s how my Command task was done. (TIP- keep trying never lose hope. Don’t get frustrated and remember always brief your subordinates before starting over the task.)

After that it was time for IO and Due to heavy rains, our Individual Obstacles test was cancelled and we were freed that day. We went to roam around Gandhinagar later on and came back soon.

As next day my interview was scheduled and as a result I was a bit nervous. But I was ready.
In Interview, The interview asked my introduction and came on my academics directly. He then roasted me like a chicken as I had really poor grades in my 12th (just 58% and 33 marks in Maths). I said I accept my mistake and take full responsibility, but he was in no mood of sparing me. He kept roasting me for another 10 minutes. But I was sitting like a rigid non-living body smiling continuously. He then asked my daily routine and about my college hostel. Suddenly he turned towards rapid fire round and there were like countless questions such that I couldn’t remember half of them. But whatever I remembered, I answered. (TIPS- Rapid fire always comes in a sequence and you must practice it at home). He then suddenly turned towards GK, as I’d mentioned it as my hobby in my PIQ- “reading GK Books”. He asked my views on GST, South China Sea conflict and most importantly about Baluchistan and role of India (STRANGE BUT TRUE- I WAS READING THE SAME BOOK IN LIBRARY THE EARLIER DAY AND ONE MORE PERSON WAS SITTING THERE WHO, I THINK, WAS A LIBRARIAN. SO I Think.. EVERYTHING IS WATCHED AND EVALUATED.) He again asked me- “How many group mates called you as a subordinate in Command Task?” I said-“ 5 sir” (Bangg.. MISTAKE, actually only 4 called, I counted my turn also) Interview went on for few more minutes on my family, friends, Events I participated etc.. and I was asked why I chose IAF over private sector ( as I already had Placement offer). I answered aptly.
He asked If I want to correct any of my answers to which I replied NO SIR. (Later I realised, He was expecting me to correct the no of person called me answer, but I missed that.)
Then after a little more chit chat, IO said-“Ok Shubham, It was nice talking to you and wish very best for your future.” To which I replied with a thank you with a smile and left the room. It was the shorted interview in my SSB history just 40 minutes. ( TIPS- Don’t get panic, Don’t lie, Don’t give excuses over your failures, Don’t be nervous, Be confident, Keep little smile on your face, Prepare your GK at best, Try to be fluent while speaking, Both Hindi and English are acceptable but try to speak only English.)

We were given late night permission to come as Gandhinagar has famous Akshardham Temple, so All 28 of us went to see the temple and very amazing Water Show there. It is breath taking. We came back, had our dinner and went to sleep.

Next was the last day of procedure, the much awaited CONFERENCE. We were made to sit in testing hall. One by one, everybody was going and coming out. But before my turn, there was a 15 minute wait, which made everybody curious as well as confident (some of my group mates predicted my recommendation 2 days ago).


I entered..

Officer- Good morning Shubham! Have a seat.

Me- GM sir and thank you.

O- Shubham, Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Me- Pilot officer in the Indian Air Force, sir!

O- What kind of people you like to work with?
ME- Adventures as most my time is spent in field and my friends are also sportsmen.

O- How do you help your friends and juniors?
Me- I teach my juniors for competitive exams and help my friends in studies as well as in ever possible way I can

O- How was your performance this time.
Me- Sir, I was confident this time and have done really well except a few mistakes.

O- Any suggestion for Food or stay? How was your stay? Did you enjoyed it?
Me- Everything was good sir. My stay was awesome. Made many friends, roamed around Gandhinagar, it’s a beautiful city. I liked my stay here and it’s life time experience for me sir.

O- Ok then Shubham, It was nice talking to you. All the best for your future. You may leave now.

I left the room. After everybody’s turn and a wait of 10 minute. Our DSO came and gave some inspirational speech which motivated us. Then He said-“ So it’s time for the results now.. and the candidates who are recommended are.. chest no. 13..”
( Suddenly the world gone silent for me. I looked up thanked my father who left this world when I was 7, I stood up, said my name, went to front and stood with glitter in my eyes.)

..and the DSO sir continued.. Chest no. 23. That’s all gentlemen. You may clap for these two gentlemen if you want, to which the hall filled with cheers of claps. He said Thank you and asked us to take our luggage and come back in hall.  We both came out of hall and hugged each other and our eyes filled with tears. We came back and our friends were waiting for us to hug and say good bye. We met with everyone and they all left.

We filled our forms, completed all the formalities. Again DSO and one more officer sir came and shook hands, briefed us with procedures and gifted us some goodies (pen, diaries, a cap, a poster, a key ring and a bag). We felt so proud and they left. Soon we changed our dresses and moved out and to our surprise,  a blue IAF Gypsy was waiting to drop us to railway station.  We clicked a photo outside the 3 AFSB gate and went to station to catch our respective stations. So that’s how our another attempt turned into a successful chance and brought us one step closer to our goal.

Having my Medicals in sept as I’ve cleared my PABT and CPSS in my earlier attempt so I don’t need to give it again. Since yesterday, I have started to work on my physical and reduce some weight.


  • Don’t lose hope, keep trying for your goal.
  • Whether it is your first attempt or 21st, give with full josh and energy.
  • Always keep a smile on your face.
  • Be humble and keep calm.
  • Help the needy persons in your life as much as you can. Good deeds always come to rescue.
  • Last but not the least, whenever you think of quitting, think of why you started.

All the very best friends. Be a warrior. Learn to fight your fears. Practice a lot and be physically and mentally fit. Hope to see you soon as a part of great Indian Armed Forces. Jai Hind.. Jai Bharat.

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Best Book To Crack SSB
Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT

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