
Developing OLQs: How To Be More Responsible

By SSBCrackExams

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So yeah, everyone wonders about it. Be it your girlfriend telling you or you really wants to develop this Officer Like Quality in you or your parents who scream at you every time asking you to be more responsible.

Whatever be the reason, being responsible is looked after as being matured and being more self-dependent. And officers are full of it.

Still wondering how can you become more responsible? Here are few tips that would do:

  1. Know what your drawbacks are: If you conquer this, you are half way across there. Know what you need to develop in yourself to be more responsible. It can be anything from taking care of your belongings to making your life decisions.
  2. Stop making excuses: In any situation, there are always some factors we can’t control. Irresponsible people tend to shift the blame onto those factors, and vocalize them as excuses. Anytime you make an excuse, what you’re really saying is “I am not responsible.”  Instead, admit why you really didn’t get that thing done. Were you too lazy, too tired, or just feeling like doing something more fun? It’s okay to admit it.
  3. Admit your mistakes: Making the most of a mistake is a huge responsibility in itself. The next time you find yourself in a similar situation, remind yourself about what you did wrong the last time and make sure you don’t go down that path again.
  4. Take more things into control: Try to be more independent. The more independent you become, the more you’ll mess up, and the more you’ll get better. Don’t curse yourself if you don’t happen to nail it this time. The fact that you realised you have to be better is being responsible in itself. It won’t happen overnight. It is a pretty significant part of your personality, so it will take the time to be uprooted.
  5. Don’t Procrastinate: Successful people are hard-working people. In order to earn and succeed in every aspect of your life, you need to work hard for it. Therefore, you need to be responsible. Without it, you will not make it big. The first step you could make towards the top is to stop procrastinating. Stop wasting precious time and do it now itself.
  6. Invoke self-discipline: To be self-disciplined, you have to set goals and meet them without getting distracted. What you are to yourself is what you really are. Make a manageable to-do list every day and try to complete as many tasks as you can.
  7. Be consistent: Responsibility means nothing if you constantly over and under-do it. This means building schedules and routines that work for you. Bring consistency into every aspect of your life and you’ll be much happier.
  8. No Complain, No Blame: Take full accountability for the actions you have made, and never claim that it is anyone else’s fault except your own. Talking negatively about every interaction in your life won’t get you far. Accept it and move ahead.

So, feel responsible already?

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