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Saturday, September 28, 2024
SSBCrackCareerairforce Website Got Beautiful Makeover

Careerairforce Website Got Beautiful Makeover

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I don’t know when it happened but one of my blog readers question forced me to open http://careerairforce.nic.in/ website which is an official website of IAF. Wow, I was shocked as well as excited to see the new look of this website , they have made it more usable and kept a very easy navigation to help the candidates and visitors understand better.

New Features :

1. Look and Feel: I real appreciate the work by the website designer , the look of the website is very professional now , also the easiness provided to the user is commendable.

2. Easy Navigation: There is a easy vertical navigation menu for easy findings, that makes it better.

3. Recent Update ticker : On the right hand bottom there is a recent update box which is a very useful again.

4. Fast and Fit: Now the websites gets download easily and fits to all screen size

4. Online Application : One can register and make his/her account to apply online for AFCAT , also he/she can take the printout of registered application anytime , also see the status of registered application.

Overall registration process is very easy and self explanatory.

Also I like the website design of Nausena-bharti which provides the easy navigation and accessibility  to the user .
Now the point is who controls joinindianarmy.nic.in ??  here they are planetecomsolutions.com , they are responsible of site design for joinindianarmy as mentioned in the website. The management is pathetic overall for Army website, especially when site gets crashed during form filling and shockingly they do not provide any option to download the registered application form again which is there in Navy website or may be in new Airforce website.
I would say  the work on joinindianarmy  is very unprofessional and website needs more care. Hope the defence budget goes on right hand.

What do you think about the new make over , also do you agree with the bad website design of joinindianarmy ?? Post your creative comments on the comment box below .

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