
Why Self- Doubt Isn’t Doing You Any Good.

By Simran Singh

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It’s rightly said that dreams don’t work unless you do. No matter how much one could wish that all of their dreams and aspirations could come true without having to work too hard, you will always find yourself and others striving to achieve the goals that everyone has set for themselves.
The catch to achieving great things in life and particularly one’s dreams and ambitions is that half of us live in self-doubt. You might have said the following things to yourself at least at one point in your life: ‘I can’t do this’, ‘’I’m not meant to do this’, I’m better off doing anything but this’, ‘ I won’t be able to achieve my goal’. At some instances, these internal dialogs act as a motivator and push us to do whatever it takes to complete a task or to achieve a goal. However, when these internal dialogs get too much to handle for an individual, the consequences can be quite grave.
Self-doubt is a normal and a natural emotion that everybody experiences. Me, you, our friends, family members and everyone who’s human, seems to doubt their capabilities and their worth from time to time. The point at which it becomes maladaptive is when a person completely gives up, gives up on his/her goal, gives up on trying and pretty much everything that is related to his/her goal in life. It can be very daunting and demoralizing when your n number of efforts don’t seem to give you the desired output. But what’s important to know is that IT IS OK. It is ok if nothing seems to be going the way you planned it. It is ok if you didn’t get what you wanted, in the first trial. It is ok if there are more downs than ups in your journey towards your goal.
The question that you need to ask yourself is- “Am I are determined to succeed?” or “Am I determined to fail?” Hoping that your answer is a ‘yes’ to the first question, there’s something you need to do right away- stop living in self-doubt and self-pity. If you want something then do something in order to get it. It’s that simple.
The most important thing is not the availability of resources or opportunities, rather the belief that you can make things happen and that you can achieve your goals.
The mind has a very vital role to play in cognitive processes. Research after research has shown and proven that if you put your mind to something, then half of the matter is sorted out there and then.
Start believing that your current situation in life isn’t always going to be like this, believe that change can happen for you and that you, yourself will make it happen.
Ask yourself the question that if you encounter a person who is unsure of his/her own capability and potential, will you, (as an employer) take the chance of hiring such a person in your organization? Probably not right? The point that I’m trying to make here is that you can not expect others to be sure of you and to believe in you if you, yourself are reluctant and doubtful to do that.
As you start believing in yourself and become sure of what all you are capable of, a lot of other positive changes start happening:
1. You become more self- confident .
2. Your self- efficacy increases.
3. You become more action orientated.
4. You start experiencing positive emotions more often.

“If you can dream it, you can achieve it”. Have faith in yourself and believe in your capabilities. Your goal won’t be too far from you.

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Simran Singh

I've spent most of my life in Delhi though I belong to Punjab. Currently, I'm pursuing my Masters in Organisational Behaviour (Psychology). I'm an army brat and aspire to be an Army Officer myself.

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