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SSB InterviewPersonality Development9 Ways To Be Disciplined Like A Military Soldier

9 Ways To Be Disciplined Like A Military Soldier

Through discipline, soldiers are taught to work hard, be brave, and swiftly adjust to new situations. They receive necessary instruction that will equip them with the abilities they need to succeed and survive in challenging conditions.

Discipline is all about self-control. And in the military, frustrating recruits and cadets is the way to teach discipline.

Unless there is an emergency, drill instructors force cadets to be uncomfortable be it on the quarterdeck, snapping in at the rifle range, during drills or any place else they can think of.

In many ways, military discipline is all about character building and self-control in the face of a challenging or frustrating situation.

Don’t you think it will be a good idea to learn basic discipline of military before joining it? So, here you go:

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How to be Disciplined Like a Military Soldier

  1. Self-Control: Your discipline is reflected in how patient you can be. By waiting, you manage your emotions when things don’t go the right away. Self-control is the key ingredient to learn how to be patient. Removing all temptations and distractions from your environment is a crucial first step when working to improve your self-discipline. Like if you are trying to have better control of your eating, toss the junk food out.
  2. Show before Time: No one likes a person who is late. And it is when you need to keep patience and wait (see point above). As a disciplined soldier, you will be expected to be somewhere at least 15 minutes before the actual time required.
  3. Respect Military Rituals: In the military areas, there’s a time when the flag is taken down under background music. Anytime you come across something like this, stop what you are doing, face the direction of the music, and be in attention position to mark respect. If you don’t live on a military installation, incorporate discipline in your lifestyle.
  4. Do the little things: A great way to cultivate the habit of being disciplined is to focus on doing the little things you know you should do such as making your bed before you leave the house, keeping your environment clean, keep your car clean, take the garbage out and pick up after yourself. As you discipline yourself to do the little things, you will become more disciplined in doing the bigger, more important things.
  5. Forgive and Forget: You will have ups and downs, fabulous successes, and flat out failures in the military. The key is to keep moving forward. When you have a setback, acknowledge what caused it and move on. It is easy to get wrapped up in guilt, anger, or frustration, but these emotions will not help build improve self-discipline. Forgive people involved and also yourself and move on.
  6. Ask Permission before Speaking: A junior in the military always requests his seniors when he has something to say. This on the other hand does not mean you should agree with everything the senior responds to. Speak freely when you disagree while maintaining boundaries and waiting for a response.
  7. Eat on Time: When you’re hungry, your ability to concentrate suffers as your brain is not functioning to its highest potential. Hunger makes it difficult to focus on the tasks at hand, not to mention making you grumpy and pessimistic. It also makes you irritated. So, eat right and eat healthy.
  8. Finish what you start: This will show your seriousness towards the task being performed. You may think you are serious and even tell others how serious you are, but only your actions really convey how genuine you are. Better you keep silent and get on with it than delude yourself and others. Respect yourself enough to keep your own promises to yourself.
  9. Finally, Stay focused: Read your goals daily, review your reasons why, anticipate obstacles, and work on your new behaviours. If you get off-track, don’t beat yourself up. Sometimes it is three steps forward and two steps back. Just shake it off and re-lock on your goal.

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