Many times candidates ask us Which is the best book for SSB Interview Psychological Test Preparation. We understand thatSSB Psychological tests are very crucial during SSB interview and one must go for it with confidence. So finally we are suggesting the best book for SSB Interview Preparation for Psychological Tests, though it covers each and every aspect of SSB Interview, but it is the best when covering Psychological Tests.
Breaking The Code of SSB Psychological Tests [Free eBooks Inside]
This book is published by SSBCrack and ideal for people who aspire to pass the psychology tests in SSB interview with flying colors. There are a number of different tests to be covered at each step-in order to clear the psychology test. This book will help you at every level during your SSB interview psychological tests, using the simplest language that is easy to understand and work with. The workflow of the content in this book is such that it caters to even the most novice candidates who are not very well versed with these psychological tests. All thanks to the well-structured outlined methods, it becomes easy for the aspirants to grasp the knowledge imparted. In another light, this book acts as a personality development manual. It has been put together after compiling experiences gathered from different SSB tests. Add to that, the feedback received from recommended candidates and SSB assessors. It presents to you with the perfect set of tools that are required in shaping up your personality for the Armed Forces. This is just not a book that tells you how to behave in Psychological tests. Instead, it sheds light on your existing personality and choices and provides you inputs with what can be incorporated in it. What does the book contain? It starts with a description of the Services Selection Board and what one can expect at these interviews. The testing procedures are divided into three parts: Screening, psychological testing, interview testing and group testing. While this book is mainly focused on psychological testing procedure contains TAT, WAT, SRT and SD. Each such test is described in details with suggestions on how to deal with these situations. In this book you will read many examples of TAT, WAT, SRT and SD, like always we suggest our readers that these examples are to help you to understand how to deal correctly with these tests so avoid mugging up the same responses.
Best Book for SSB Interview Psychology Tests Preparation |
Book Name | Cost | Publisher | Download Link |
Breaking The Code of SSB Psychological Tests | 390/- | SSBCrack | Download/Buy Now – Amazon |
Let’s Crack SSB Interview | 390/- | SSBCrack | Download/Buy Now |
TAT WAT SRT eBooks | 90/- | Shop SSBCrack | TAT WAT SRT |
Let’s Crack SSB Interview by