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SSB InterviewTips5 Days Procedure In SSB Interview 2025 - Complete Guide For SSB...

5 Days Procedure In SSB Interview 2025 – Complete Guide For SSB Interview

SSB Interview consists of two stages i.e. Stage-1 and Stage-2. Stage-1 has OIR test and PPDT, Stage-2 has Psychological Tests, GTO Tasks, and Personal Interview. SSB Interview ends with Conference on the last day.

Military leadership demands excellence. The Services Selection Board (SSB) ensures this standard through its rigorous selection process, where merely 5-10% of candidates earn the coveted recommendation each year. SSB stands tall among global military selection procedures, testing officer potential through an intensive five-day evaluation. Each candidate faces carefully designed challenges that probe their physical capabilities, psychological readiness, and intellectual prowess. This gateway shapes the future leadership of Indian Armed Forces, identifying officers who will command our nation’s defenders.

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Many aspirants find themselves challenged by SSB’s multi-layered assessment system. Every day brings distinct trials – from the initial screening that tests basic officer potential to the final conference that confirms leadership caliber. These challenges systematically evaluate the qualities essential for military leadership.

This definitive guide illuminates every aspect of the SSB’s five-day selection process. Future officers preparing for NDA, CDS, AFCAT, or other defence entries will discover the essential knowledge needed to face their SSB interview with military bearing and professional confidence.

Understanding the SSB Selection System

Military leadership demands scientific selection. The Services Selection Board executes this mandate through a sophisticated two-stage system, employing multiple assessment techniques to identify future officers.


Overview of Selection Stages

SSB’s selection machinery operates through two precisely calibrated stages. Stage-I filters potential officers through Officer Intelligence Rating tests and Picture Perception exercises.

Stage-II delves deeper – psychological assessments, outdoor tasks, personal interviews, and the decisive conference determine final recommendations. Each stage peels back layers of a candidate’s personality, revealing their officer potential.

Role of Different Testing Officers

Three seasoned assessors form SSB’s evaluation trinity:

  • Interviewing Officer (IO): Masters of personal assessment who probe leadership traits and personality depths
  • Group Testing Officer (GTO): Field commanders who gauge officer potential through challenging outdoor tasks
  • Psychologist: Scientific minds who decode candidate psychology through specialized tests

Evaluation Criteria and OLQs

Military excellence rests on 15 Officer Like Qualities (OLQs) – the bedrock of SSB’s assessment philosophy. These qualities align under four commanding pillars:

  • Leadership Potential: Sharp intelligence meets swift decision-making
  • Teamwork Capabilities: Social harmony blends with cooperative spirit
  • Professional Competence: Organizational mastery joins clear communication
  • Personal Attributes: Courage partners with unwavering determination

SSB’s rigorous standards reflect their sacred duty to national security. Selected officers must exemplify personal sacrifice while inspiring the same from their troops. Hence, candidates face unfamiliar challenges, stressful scenarios, and leaderless situations that test their leadership mettle.

The ancient wisdom of “Manasa, Vacha, and Karmana” guides SSB’s evaluation – seeking perfect alignment between thought, word, and deed. This time-tested approach ensures selected officers possess both intellectual strength and practical leadership abilities demanded by military service.

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Day 1: Screening Tests

Day One stands as the first battleground where officer potential faces its initial test. Two critical screening challenges await candidates – challenges that determine their journey forward in the selection process.

Candidates appearing for the PPDT at SSB
Candidates appearing for the PPDT at SSB

OIR Test Preparation Strategy

Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) demands swift mental agility. Two test booklets present 30-50 questions each, with precious minutes ticking away – 17-30 per booklet. Victory demands mastery over both verbal and non-verbal reasoning domains.

Future officers must:

  • Strike first at simpler targets, building momentum while preserving time
  • Sharpen mental arithmetic skills, eliminating reliance on writing aids
  • Command fundamental reasoning principles with military precision

Verbal warfare tests logical reasoning prowess and mathematical might, while non-verbal combat challenges pattern recognition and spatial judgment. Remember – this battlefield permits aggressive attempts without penalty for wrong answers.

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PPDT Story Writing Techniques

Picture Perception and Description Test (PPDT) serves as the commanding gateway to further stages. The mission parameters:

  • 30 seconds of tactical observation
  • 60 seconds for critical detail capture
  • 240 seconds to craft a decisive narrative

Victory demands:

  • Clear identification of protagonist
  • Strategic story development across time horizons
  • Positive themes reflecting officer-like thinking

Group Discussion Success Tips

Group discussions test leadership mettle in dynamic environments. Officers must demonstrate command presence while fostering team success. Mission objectives require:

  • Tactical Communication: Launch at least two meaningful strikes during discussion
  • Strategic Balance: Support allied viewpoints while defending personal ground
  • Command Presence: Guide wayward discussions back to objective while rallying silent warriors

Remember – this battlefield tests both individual strength and unit cohesion. True leaders demonstrate cooperative spirit without surrendering command authority or monopolizing the mission.

Also Read: CDS SSB Interview Process

Day 2: Psychological Tests

Day Two unveils the scientific dimension of officer selection. Psychological tests probe the depths of mental aptitude and personality traits, revealing the mind behind the uniform. These assessments decode thought patterns and decision-making abilities crucial for military leadership.

Candidates appearing for the Psychological Tests at SSB
Candidates appearing for the Psychological Tests at SSB

TAT Story Writing Framework

Thematic Apperception Test demands narrative excellence. Officers face 11 visual challenges and one blank canvas, each demanding swift perception and decisive storytelling. Superior responses demonstrate:

  • Masterful story architecture – clear beginning, purposeful middle, decisive end
  • Leadership themes woven through positive narratives
  • Solutions grounded in practical reality
  • Characters who command respect through initiative

Future officers must craft narratives showcasing real-world solutions, avoiding theatrical embellishments. The blank slide beckons personal leadership stories that echo officer-like qualities.

WAT Response Strategies

Word Association Test presents 60 rapid-fire challenges, each word commanding 15 seconds of focused attention. Victory demands:

  1. Response Formation: Sharp, purposeful sentences reflecting leadership caliber
  2. Time Management: Decisive engagement with minimum 55 targets
  3. Negative Word Tactics: Strategic conversion of challenges into opportunities

SRT and SDT Preparation Tips

Situation Reaction Test presents 60 leadership scenarios demanding swift, tactical responses within 30 minutes. Excellence requires:

Situation Reaction Test:

  • Solutions anchored in practical reality
  • Unwavering response consistency
  • Strategic prioritization of challenges

Self Description Test:This 15-minute mirror of self-reflection demands:

  • Clear reflection of officer-like qualities
  • Steadfast alignment with interview responses
  • Balanced portrayal of strengths and growth areas

Day Two’s psychological battlefield demands razor-sharp thinking, emotional fortitude, and sound judgment. These scientific assessments measure a candidate’s readiness for military leadership’s mental demands.

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Day 3: GTO Tasks Part 1

Day Three launches officer candidates into the crucible of practical leadership. Group Testing Officer tasks stand ready to challenge every aspiring leader’s tactical abilities and command presence.

Candidates appearing for the GTO Tests at SSB
Candidates appearing for the GTO Tests at SSB

Group Discussion Techniques

Two commanding discussions, each spanning 20-25 minutes, test officer potential. Victory demands:

  • Battle Presence: Command attention through meaningful contributions while honoring fellow warriors’ perspectives
  • Tactical Communication: Strike swift and precise, avoiding prolonged monologues
  • Strategic Leadership: Seize initiative when discussions drift from objective

GPE Planning Methodology

Group Planning Exercise demands precision in execution:

Reading5 minutesMission analysis
Planning10 minutesStrategy formulation
Discussion20 minutesTeam solution crafting

Future officers must:

  • Master mission parameters during reading phase
  • Execute decisive prioritization
  • Deploy resources with tactical precision

PGT Success Strategies

Progressive Group Tasks forge leadership through escalating challenges. Excellence demands:

  • Battle Strategy:
    • Command clear communication channels
    • Marshal resources – planks, ballies, ropes
    • Adapt tactics as mission complexity surges
  • Command Presence:
    • Seize initiative at critical moments
    • Deploy team members strategically
    • Rally troops toward mission success

GTO observers measure warrior spirit through:

  • Tactical problem-solving prowess
  • Unit cohesion under fire
  • Battle composure in adversity

Safety protocols command absolute respect during equipment operations. These progressive trials demand sustained warrior spirit from first engagement to final objective.

Each challenge presents a battlefield where Officer Like Qualities shine. Whether commanding discussions, crafting battle plans, or conquering obstacles, future officers must demonstrate unwavering leadership potential and warrior ethos.

Day 4: GTO Tasks Part 2

Day Four elevates officer selection to advanced battlegrounds. Here, candidates prove their physical mastery, command abilities, and unit coordination skills through sophisticated GTO challenges.

Individual Obstacles Approach

Ten warrior trials await completion within three decisive minutes. Victory demands:

  • Battle Strategy: Master high-value objectives while preserving combat strength
  • Time Mastery: Swift movement between challenges without compromising form
  • Safety Discipline: Balance aggressive execution with tactical prudence

These challenges progress from fundamental warrior skills to complex combat scenarios, testing every aspect of military leadership under pressure.

Command Task Leadership

Command Task stands as the ultimate test of battlefield leadership. Officers must select their warriors and accomplish designated missions. The command structure demands:

PhaseActivityFocus Area
SelectionChoose 2-3 warriorsUnit formation
PlanningMission analysisCommand decisions
ExecutionObjective achievementBattle leadership

Command excellence requires:

  • Absolute focus on GTO directives
  • Strategic selection of battle-tested comrades
  • Crystal-clear mission communication
  • Unwavering command presence through chaos

Final Group Task Tips

Final Group Task crowns the GTO trials, demanding sustained unit cohesion and coordinated warfare. Mission success requires:

Battle Strategy:

  • Deploy lessons from previous engagements
  • Maintain iron discipline throughout extended operations
  • Ensure every warrior contributes to mission success

GTO commanders evaluate officers’ mastery over complex scenarios while forging unbreakable unit bonds. True leaders demonstrate tactical wisdom, organizational excellence, and battlefield adaptability throughout their command.

Remember – mission difficulty rises with demonstrated capability. Excellence in early engagements opens paths to greater challenges, where superior leadership shines.

These advanced trials measure both individual warrior spirit and unit effectiveness, testing officer mettle under mounting pressure. Through this crucible, SSB identifies commanders worthy of leading India’s warriors.

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Acing the Personal Interview

Personal interview stands as the ultimate test of officer potential. Here, candidates face 40-50 minutes of direct assessment from the Interviewing Officer (IO). Military wisdom reveals that 80% of officer evaluation stems from silent signals rather than spoken words.

Candidates appearing for the Personal Interview at SSB
Candidates appearing for the Personal Interview at SSB

Common Interview Questions

IOs probe officer potential through strategically designed question categories:

CategoryFocus AreaPurpose
Personal FoundationFamily, education, achievementsCharacter assessment
Service MotivationCareer calling, aspirationsDedication measure
Strategic AwarenessNational security, defence dynamicsKnowledge depth
Command ScenariosLeadership challenges, moral testsJudgment evaluation

Future officers must master their personal narrative – academic excellence, leadership experiences, and the burning desire for military service. Remember, IOs cross-examine every response against PIQ submissions and psychological assessments.

Body Language Tips

Silent command presence speaks volumes during officer interviews. Master these elements:

  • Officer Bearing:
    • Command respect through upright posture
    • Project confidence through controlled hand movements
    • Enter and exit with military precision
    • Display grace under observation

IOs measure every gesture, evaluating officer potential through physical bearing and professional demeanor. Strong eye contact projects unwavering conviction, while steady composure under probing gazes demonstrates mental fortitude.

Handling Tough Questions

IOs deploy challenging scenarios to test officer mettle. Victory demands:

  1. Battle Composure: Stand firm under psychological pressure
  2. Tactical Response: Deploy thoughts in clear, strategic order
  3. Command Truth: Lead with honesty, acknowledge limits with dignity

Expect probing questions about personal battles, vulnerabilities, and life’s crucibles. Transform these challenges into stories of growth and learning. Sensitive topics demand professional wisdom balanced with emotional intelligence.

IOs often create pressure points through rapid questioning, skepticism, or direct challenges. True officers maintain steady nerves while delivering convictions with clarity.

Technical questions demand precise knowledge. When uncertain, choose honorable admission over false bravado. Military leadership values this integrity above perfect answers.

Throughout this mission, project passionate dedication while maintaining authentic character. IOs measure not just answers but a candidate’s ability to think clearly under fire. This rigorous assessment identifies warriors ready for military leadership’s sacred duty.

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Day 5: Conference Day

Conference Day stands as the final battleground where officer destiny awaits. Here, 10-12 distinguished officers form the selection board that determines military futures. This ultimate trial demands absolute mastery of military protocols.

Candidates appearing for the Conference at SSB
Candidates appearing for the Conference at SSB

Conference Room Etiquette

Military bearing reaches its zenith in the conference chamber. Officers demand unwavering adherence to service standards:

AttireService formals, pristine finish
GroomingMilitary standard, exemplary cut
Entry ProtocolDisciplined knock, authorized entry
Initial ConductPresidential acknowledgment only
Exit ProtocolProfessional gratitude to board

Sacred moments unfold here – mere minutes for clear candidates, extended questioning for borderline warriors. Every gesture, every movement must reflect unwavering military bearing.

Common Conference Questions

Selection boards probe specific domains with surgical precision. Warriors must deliver authentic yet measured responses:

  • Testing Ground Experience
    • Quarter assessment
    • Mess evaluation
    • Warrior camaraderie
    • Battle lessons

Board members seek balanced truth delivered with professional optimism. Returning warriors face scrutiny over their evolution and growth areas.

Final Impression Techniques

Victory in these hallowed chambers demands perfect balance between confidence and humility. Master these protocols:

Military Bearing:

  • Lock eyes with questioning officer
  • Acknowledge with precise timing
  • Deliver crisp, measured responses
  • Project quiet strength

Battle Strategy:These chambers test every warrior’s worthiness for the uniform. Remember:

  • Absorb questions completely
  • Deploy clear, structured answers
  • Honor the selection process
  • Stand firm on previous statements

Though intensity fills these chambers, understanding their purpose steadies the warrior spirit. Every action here shapes final destiny.

Borderline warriors may face additional trials testing previous performance or Officer Like Qualities. These moments demand responses worthy of the uniform.

Warriors must demonstrate complete engagement while maintaining genuine respect. Essential protocols include:

  • Strategic eye contact with board
  • Disciplined acknowledgment
  • Unwavering military posture
  • Steady command presence

Final moments carry lasting impact. Professional departure demands:

  • Rising with military grace
  • Respectful board acknowledgment
  • Sustained bearing throughout exit
  • Dignified final march

These sacred chambers test not just responses but complete officer potential. Here, warriors prove their worthiness to join India’s finest through every word and gesture.

Post-Selection Procedures

Selection marks the beginning, not the end. Future officers must now prove their physical worthiness and complete essential protocols before donning the prestigious uniform of Indian Armed Forces.

Medical Examination Process

Special Medical Board (SMB) conducts thorough medical assessment across 4-5 days at designated Military Hospitals. Military medical protocols demand:

DayExamination Type
Day 1Blood tests, Urine tests, Chest X-ray, Ultrasound
Day 2ENT and Eye examination
Day 3Surgical examination
Day 4Eye and Dental assessment
Day 5General Medical and Conference

Officers declared unfit may appeal through Appeal Medical Board within 42 days. Command Hospitals across India conduct AMB evaluations. Final Review Medical Board application must reach authorities within 24 hours of AMB results.

Merit List Calculation

Final selection combines multiple assessment scores:

  • Written Examination: In case of NDA, CDS, AFCAT and other such entries.
  • SSB Interview: Marks scored in respective SSB, AFSB, NSB.
  • Total Maximum Marks: Written + SSB Marks, Only SSB Marks in case of Direct SSB Entries.

Selection authorities consider:

  • SSB performance metrics
  • Medical fitness status
  • Course vacancy position

Command Note: Medical fitness stands mandatory for merit list inclusion, though it carries no numerical weight.

Joining Instructions

Selected candidates receive precise reporting instructions for training academies:

Reporting Protocols:

  • Academy reporting timeline
  • Equipment and document requirements
  • Service conduct guidelines

Essential Documentation:

  1. Matriculation certificate – original plus attestation
  2. Academic credentials – complete record
  3. Official identification documents
  4. Twenty white-shirt photographs – passport size

Document verification demands absolute accuracy. Provisional certificates require principal’s written declaration of result dates.

Movement Orders:

  • Travel compensation covers shortest routes
  • AC 3-tier journey provisions
  • Local transport allowance where applicable

Medical Readiness: Pre-reporting medical attention required for:

  • Ear conditions
  • Vision parameters
  • Skin health
  • Blood composition
  • Physical structure assessment

Training demands strict discipline. Mobile devices remain prohibited during training phases.

Service Protocols:

  • Strict timeline adherence
  • Restricted area compliance
  • Exemplary conduct requirements
  • Zero tolerance for disciplinary breaches

Merit list announcement begins the final preparation phase. Selected officers must prepare mind and body for the challenges ahead. Service bond signature marks their sacred commitment to the nation’s defence.

SSB Interview Preparation Books and Study Material

Study MaterialDownload Source
Let’s Crack SSB Interview [Book]Buy Now
Breaking the Code Of SSB Psychology [Book]Buy Now
OIR Test and PPDT [Book]Buy Now
SSB Psychological Tests WorkbookBuy Now
OIR Test eBook [ 150+ Solved Questions]Download Now
SRT Solved eBook [100 Solved Questions]Download Now
Word Association Test [100 Solved Words]Download Now
Current Affairs eBooksDownload Now
SSB Interview eBook [FREE]Download Now
My Appointment With A Psychologist eBook [FREE]Download Now
Best SSB Interview Book [Paperback]Download Now
5 Day Complete SSB Interview VideoDownload Now
500 WAT WordsDownload Now
50 TAT and PPDT PicturesDownload Now
180 SRT OriginalDownload Now
Latest SSB GD TopicsDownload Now
300 Lecturette TopicsDownload Now


SSB selection stands as ultimate test of officer potential. Five demanding days probe every aspect of leadership capability – from intellectual prowess and psychological strength to physical command and personal character.

Military excellence demands complete mastery of selection protocols. Officers who grasp each evaluation phase, understand assessment criteria, and meet precise requirements prove their readiness for command responsibility. Medical fitness and merit standing mark the final steps toward earning the right to serve India in uniform.

True officers demonstrate 15 sacred qualities through every thought, word, and deed. This unwavering dedication to excellence, supported by deep understanding of selection demands, forges the spirit of military leadership. Here stand tomorrow’s defenders of India – ready, worthy, and prepared to lead.


What is the SSB interview?

The SSB interview process consists of screening tests, psychological assessments, Group Testing Officer (GTO) tasks, personal interviews, and a final conference. Each day evaluates different aspects of a candidate’s officer potential through various exercises and interactions.

What are the 5 days of SSB?

Day 1: Screening Test (OIR and PPDT), Day 2: Psychological Tests, Day 3 & 4: GTO Tasks and Personal Interview, Day 5: Conference

Who is eligible for an SSB interview?

Candidates meeting eligibility criteria for NDA, CDS, AFCAT, TES, or university entry schemes. Requirements include age, education, and fitness based on the specific entry.

Is SSB interview very difficult?

Yes, it is considered challenging due to its unique assessment process, requiring mental, physical, and psychological preparedness.

How many attempts for SSB?

Number of attempts depends on the specific entry scheme, age limit, and eligibility. For example: NDA: Up to 19.5 years, CDS: Up to 25 years.

The Editorial Team at SSBCrack consists of professional writers, journalists and defence aspirants.

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  1. Please give me your contact number as I couldn’t find it. Want to know about the SSB video course. Please give a call at 7477350975/9212202915

  2. Sir i have ncc and I am in 2nd year of my ncc but because of covid I haven’t attend any camp and classes of ncc will it affect on ssb

    • @abhishek mehra
      yes abhishek it cause problem in ssb medical but don’t worry they gave you 42days time for recover your knock knee during this time you can cure you knock knee with the help of doctors advice or by exercise,
      i have also knock knee problem so i am doing exercise regularly because i also want to join NDA Airforce as a pilot

  3. Hello sir ….
    This is Tejaswini
    I want know about all this….
    I m a btech student I m still studying I m in 2year….i want to join in army…. please sir help me in this

  4. During interview never speak Hindi…..you can use Hindi during GTO, Lecturette but for few seconds only then come back to English, and also during GPE , you can use Hindi, but Mainly for Non-Hindi people ….during my SSB Interview at Allahabad , I used maximum Hindi,,but that’s an advantage for me since I’m Non-Hindi speaker… but I’m selected….besides other hindi speaking people should maximum use only English ….

  5. During interview never speak Hindi…..you can use Hindi during GTO, Lecturette but for few seconds only then come back to English, and also during GPE , you can use Hindi, but Mainly for Non-Hindi people ….during my SSB Interview at Allahabad , I used maximum Hindi,,but that’s an advantage for me since I’m Non-Hindi speaker… but I’m selected….besides other hindi speaking people should maximum use only English ….

  6. By what time do the conference last on the 5th day.
    Is the result of the recommendation announced before lunch time or sometime in afternoon?

  7. Sir,
    I have gap between teeths… So i had a treatment from orthodontics, so let me know that will it take harm during medical test after i get cure..?

  8. Hello Sir,
    I wanna to ask that Iam 2 times screen out from NCC special Entry of ARmy so will it effect my Air Force SSB and another thing while filling form I made one mistake that I mistakenly wrote 68 in Maths instead of 65 which is my actual marks will it create any problem for me ???????

  9. I have got a permanent tattoo on my left biceps,will that make me unfit for the medical test? If so,then please tell me an alternative if possible.
    Thanking You


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