Candidates who have cleared the AFCAT and CDS written exam for the Indian Airforce flying, technical and non-technical branch can select their AFSB interview date and venue. Also, start the preparation for the AFSB interview as soon as possible.
Many aspirants are asking us for the AFSB interview questions and study material. In this article, aspirants can find the questions they might face in the AFSB interview. Please note that there is not much difference between SSB and AFSB interviews.
SSB interview conducted by Indian Airforce is known as AFSB interview. Below are some questions you might face in the AFSB personal interview, these questions are the mix of personal, professional and current affairs questions.

AFSB Interview
The AFSB (Air Force Selection Board) interview is a crucial step in the selection process for aspiring candidates who wish to join the Indian Air Force.
During the AFSB interview, candidates are assessed for their suitability, potential, and qualities required to become an officer in the Indian Air Force.
The interview aims to evaluate not only the candidate’s knowledge but also their personality, leadership potential, and communication skills. While the specific questions asked may vary, here are some common areas that are typically covered during the AFSB interview:
- Personal Introduction: Candidates are often asked to introduce themselves, including their name, educational background, family, interests, hobbies, and achievements.
- Academic Knowledge: Questions related to academic subjects, general awareness, and current affairs might be asked to assess the candidate’s knowledge and awareness.
- Leadership and Teamwork: The candidate may be asked about instances where they have displayed leadership skills or worked effectively as part of a team.
- Motivation to Join the Air Force: Interviewers would want to understand the candidate’s motivation for joining the Indian Air Force and their reasons for choosing a career in the military.
- Awareness of Air Force: Questions about the Indian Air Force’s history, aircraft, operations, and recent developments may be asked to assess the candidate’s interest and knowledge about the force.
- Situation-Based Questions: Candidates may be presented with hypothetical scenarios and asked how they would react or handle certain situations, testing their problem-solving abilities and decision-making skills.
- Psychological Questions: Some questions may delve into the candidate’s personality traits, thought processes, and emotional intelligence.
- Physical Fitness: The candidate’s physical fitness and overall health may also be discussed during the interview.
- Social Issues: Questions related to social issues, national security, and patriotism might be asked to gauge the candidate’s perspective on societal matters.
- Extracurricular Activities: Questions about the candidate’s participation in extracurricular activities such as sports, NCC, NSS, etc., may also be asked.
- Career Goals: The candidate’s long-term career goals and aspirations may be discussed to understand their commitment and dedication.
Different AFSB Venue
- 1 AFSB Dehradun
- 2 AFSB Mysore
- 3 AFSB Gandhinagar
- 4 AFSB Varanasi
- 5 AFSB Guwahati
IMPORTANT – Download eBooks for SSB Interview Preparations
- Thematic Apperception Test – TAT
- Lecturette Topics Part-1 eBook [100 Topics]
- Word Association Test – WAT
- Situation Reaction Test – SRT
- Officers Intelligence Test – OIR
- Current Affairs for All
AFSB Interview Questions and Answers 2024
- How did you prepare for AFCAT written exam?
- Why do you have low marks in AFCAT written exam?
- Why did your marks in the 12th drop?
- What do you know about Indian Air Force?
- What fighter planes IAF is using?
- Why did you opt for the flying/technical/non-technical branch of IAF?
- What engine is being used in TEJAS?
- What do you think about the capability of TEJAS?
- Do you know what is Apache and Chinook? Explain?
- What are your thoughts on Apache and Chinook deal?
- What do you know about Balakot Airstrike by Indian Airforce?
- What is SPICE 2000?
- What is the difference between Mirage 2000 and MiG21?
- What would you do if you were in place of Wing Commander Abhinandan?
- What is AMRAAM?
- What is F16?
- How do we trace enemy aircraft?
- What is FGFA?
- What is MMRCA?
- What is HAL AMCA programme?
- What is S-400? For what it is used?
- Name some best fighter jets in the world?
- Name A2A missiles used by IAF?
- Name ballistic missile used by IAF?
- Name some helicopters used by IAF?
- Explain how an aeroplane flies?
- Tell all ranks of the Indian air force?
- Tell all ranks of the Indian air force in reverse order?
- Tell all ranks of the Indian air force by skipping one in between alternatively?
- Why it took so much time in TEJAS induction?
- What is the contribution of DRDO?
- Name some indigenous weapons?
- How can you help the Indian air force?
- One thing you would like to improve in the Indian air force?
- What would you be if you do not join armed forces?
- How is your qualification going to help Indian air force?
- How did you prepare for AFSB interview?
- What are your future plans?
- How do you spend your time daily, explain in detail?
- Tell 3 negative qualities in your father?
- Tell 2 bad and 2 good qualities of your best friend?
- What are all competitive exams you have written with scores?
- Tell 5 qualities of TEJAS/Apache/Chinook?
- How many commands IAF has, name them all?
- What went wrong in your last attempts? Explain.
- How do you spend your salary/pocket money?
- Who is marshal of the Indian air force?
- What is the full form of CPSS?
- Do you know where you are going to get trained if get selected for Indian air force?
- Being an engineering student why are you applying for flying branch?
- Explain Bernoulli’s principle?
- Do you know what is AWACS?
- Do you know the contribution of Indian air force in Kargil war?
- How does radar work?
- According to you, what is the best way to tackle terrorism?
- What are the latest defence deals you know about?
- What is the difference between a cruise missile and a ballistic missile?
- How many missile TEJAS can carry?
- What missile/weapons do we use in fighter aircraft?
- Name 2 transport aircraft?
- Which trainer jet we are using currently?
- Why did not you apply for NDA?
- Why did you fail in NDA exam?
- What do you know about COSC (Chiefs of Service Committee)?
- Name Army/IAF/Navy chief?
- What is India’s defence budget?
- What will you do if you do not get selected here?
- Tell recent achievements of ISRO?
- What do you know about Nirbhay cruise missile?
- Explain about ICBM?
- What is COMCASA agreement between US-India?
- What is MACH speed?
- What do you know about the Rafale deal?
- Tell 5 features of Rafale fighter jet?
- Why do you want to join Indian air force?