Earlier, before writing this blog, I was quite apprehensive about what to write in it. Tough questions asked in SSB interviews! I mused on this theme for a lot of days and finally today I made up my mind to write on it. When you read the caption, “Tough questions asked in SSB interviews”, what was the first thought that struck your mind? Did you come across any difficult question? Before scrolling down, just think for a minute for all possible tough questions emerging in your minds, that may be asked in your SSBs and look for them in this article. Yes, do give feedback in the end!

First of all, you need to know the motto behind the interview. It is a formal meeting aimed at determining one’s suitability for the service before considering any agreement. It’s like putting forth one’s past and present incidents, feelings and reactions to the interviewing officer. This gives the interviewer a chance to look into the candidate’s hidden qualities and brings out his/her inner traits, outlook, and ideas on a wide range of subjects and matters.
What all SSB wants to know about you?
- Family background
- Educational career
- Interest in extra curricular activities, games and sports
- Hobbies
- Grasp of general knowledge, awareness, current political situations of India
- Reading Habits
- General Behaviour
- Courtesy, Manners, and Etiquettes
- Manner of speaking, vocabulary, clarity of expression
- Self-confidence
- Knowledge of current International Affairs
The complete process is an examination of your introspection and self-analysis. Just remember the fact that it is your life story and nobody knows it better than you! Act your age, project maturity and high quality of insight. Nothing will seem tough if you have done a proper and serious introspection.
When do you feel a question asked by the interviewing officer is demanding or troublesome? What is your reaction? Do you intend to answer it or just skip? If you do answer, are you able to satisfy the IO? And if not, what does your skipping a question indicate?
A. You are unaware
B. You are hiding
C. You are unable to discern
The question is, if you have prepared well for the interview, go through all current affairs, brushed up all your knowledge; should you feel nervous or panic then? NO! Never panic, ORGANIZE. And organization comes when you have analysed your strategy in depth. The SSB is not looking for candidates of super intelligence or walking encyclopedias. It seeks for common young individuals of average intelligence who are of the receptive mind and keep their eyes and ears open.
The crux of this whole theme revolves around knowing self. Aristotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”. Nothing is tough when you have done SWOT Analysis. A SWOT analysis, acronym for “Strength, Weakness, Opportunity & Threat” is an effective mind-tool, helping with self-awareness of strengths and weakness, in relation to the external environment. It’s important to identify strengths and weaknesses in relation to people around you.
For example, you may be good in communication skills; but if you are in a voice process job, then it’s not a strength, but a necessity. In the same way, if you have high energy levels, it is strength in most careers but not in defence careers, where it becomes a requirement. The evaluation of opportunities and threats enables you to take advantage of your strengths and minimize the threats arising out of your weaknesses.
SWOT analysis is a critical thinking process, that can be applied to any situation or issue, and therefore, an analytical tool in problem-solving and decision-making. It is also an enlightening process of self-discovery, which empowers your mind to consider viable alternatives and take the right decisions about life.
Questions like:
- Why do you want to join Army/Navy/Air Force? Why a defence career?
- Why do you want to be an Officer? Who motivated you?
- Why gap after graduation? Why backlogs?
- Tell me qualities which you have and your father/mother/sibling/friend doesn’t.
- Personal questions pertaining to relationships, smoking/drinking habits, p*ornography, etc.
………..and the list goes on and on.
Questions like these, boggle your mind at that moment of the interview and you find yourself tongue tied. What are these questions? Are they related to general knowledge? Are they that tough? And why do you face difficulty while answering in the first place?
Use SWOT analysis, for this purpose. Remember this is not a one day process! Be realistic about your strengths and weaknesses. Distinguish between where you are today, and where you could be tomorrow by avoiding grey areas and always analyse in relation to the actual situation. Lastly, keep your SWOT analysis short and simple, and avoid complexity and over-analysis. Use it as a guide and not a prescription.
The answers to your backlogs, a gap in education, motivation to join armed forces, and all other questions lie within you. And that is why you should know yourself because it helps you to reach your goals, make better decisions and improves your full potential.