
Lessons To Learn From The Life Of Mahatma Gandhi

By SSBCrackExams

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Hello, Warriors! 2nd Oct 2015 marks the 146th birth anniversary of Father of The Nation, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Though the title, ‘Father of The Nation’ is not officially declared, as the Constitution of India does not permit a father of nation, it is mostly conferred to him due to his values and contribution to make India a free nation.

Following are the values to learn from the life of Mahatma Gandhi:

  1. Be What You Are: Gandhiji had the moral courage to visit Buckingham Palace in London clad in his usual simple attire. He casually joked that the king was wearing enough clothes for both of them. This can inspire you to stick to your moral convictions at any cost. Believe in yourself and fight the odds bravely in tough times. Be Yourself.
  1. Be The Change You Want to See: Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” We all crib about things which are not right in our lives and around us. We blame every possible person, government or organisation. However, we seldom do our bit. It is first important to change yourself and try being what you truly are and then expect a change in others.Mahatma-Gandhi-quotes
  1. Think Positive, Be Positive: Gandhiji once prominently said: “A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.” Your thoughts becomes your feelings, your feelings become your actions, your actions become your habit and it’s your habit that defines you. Therefore stay positive and your entire predicament will feel much less significant.
  1. Instead of ‘Give and Get’, ‘Forgive and Forget’: Gandhiji said, “An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.” He believed that only strong people can forgive and forget. So, believe in the power of forgiveness and forget about it; it will help you grow as a person and bring peace.
  1. Be an Example for others: Gandhi said that to change the world, one should start by first changing oneself. So take a good look at the man or woman in the mirror, and make the necessary improvements to become a better person. You cannot hope to inspire others if you do not lead an exemplary life yourself.
  1. Don’t Say ‘Die’: Mahatma Gandhi was one of the freedom fighters who never gave up on the British rule. He fought till the end and made India a proud and free nation. Never give up on your dreams. Be persistent and face every problem with a brave soul. Never have a ‘do or die’ attitude-always do it, before you die.
  1. Be Determined: Mahatma Gandhi knew this really well. His consistency, hardwork and sheer dedication made him excel in everything he did. Be determined and consistent in whatever you do. It is a virtue of successful people.
  1. It’s how you do is all that matters: Gandhiji believed that one’s journey to the goal is more important than the goal itself. That is why he followed the noble method of non-violent protest to fight the British. Gandhiji showed that however important one’s goal may be, it is virtuous to adopt honest and upright means to reach it.

Gandhiji’s brave and successful struggle for Indian independence started the end of British colonialism. He proved that one small man can create big change with his exemplary principles and character. One can learn from his example, and lead a simple and productive life of courage and high moral values, that is fulfilling to oneself and inspires others too.


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