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SSB InterviewPersonality DevelopmentThere is No Greater Time to Act Rightly than the Present

There is No Greater Time to Act Rightly than the Present

This article I’m writing down not to provide any tricks or mantra to crack ssb but just to boost up our readers who never want to give up on failures. Guys, the present alone is the only time when we can Work and Achieve, Gain and Gather, Give and Share. In the past we can now do nothing; in the future, again, we can now accomplish nothing. These living dynamic present moments are the only fields to be hammered at and wherein are all the glories of life, all the gains in existence. From the future, time floods over our standing in the present, and gushes out to swirl with the continuous echoes of the past. Delays are always dangerous, useless, and barren. Today is the only day to attempt any great and worthy purpose. Opportunity comes to all of us, the diligent catch hold of it; foolish let it pass.
Let not fear of failure or fear of obstacles that might come, slow you­­ down even a bit. Don’t worry about whether you are better than somebody else or not but keep giving your best.  Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.
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Guys, there is no greater time to act rightly than the present. When our vision is true and our goal is divine, we need not hesitate at all in tumbling ourselves into action. It is unnecessary to brood over our in capacities and inefficiencies. Bring the best that is in each and start the job at hand. The bright beginning made each day can become the early dawn of the day of achievement.
Guys, today belongs to us. Yesterday was; tomorrow will be; but today is with us. Every day is bursting with opportunities for us to do, to serve and to act. We must make use of these lush chances and diligently make our life rich, fruitful and useful for others at all times. Do those things necessary to bring forth your personal best and don’t lose sleep worrying about the competition but let the competition lose sleep worrying about you.

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