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GTOGroup Discussion50 Group Discussion Topics 2022

50 Group Discussion Topics 2022

In this post, we will be talking about 50 group discussion topics that you might face in an SSB interview or any other interview for that matter. These are the basic GD topics that are asked frequently in Army, Navy and Air Force SSB interviews during group tasks. Candidates can prepare these group discussion topics to score good marks during group discussions.

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50 Group Discussion Topics 2022


1. Naxalism.
2. Nuclear reactors in India
3. Is it good to quit nuclear reactors in India like Germany.
4. Alternative source of energy other than nuclear reactors.
5. Nuclear agreement with U.S.
6. Nuclear agreement with Russia.
7. Does Nuclear head of Pakistan a threat to India
8. World Peace.
9. Pros and Cons of Science.
10. Increase in technology increases life span of man’s life
11. Compulsory Army training.
12. 33% reservation for Women.
13. Youth in politics

14. Unemployment in India
15. Alternative source of fuel.
16. Role of press in India
17. Permanent seat in UNO for India
18. Permanent seat in G8 for India
19. India the super power by Defense or Agriculture.
20. India in Space Research
21. Success rate of wind power and solar energy for power.
22. Compuer and its pros and cons.
23. Internet and its pros and cons.
24. T-20 cricket changes the cricket style.
25. Which is best Test match of T-20
26. Important of Sex Education.
27. Common syllabus for School in India
28. Common Entrance test
29. Ragging in college good or bad.
30. Wearing helmet at road.
31. Should India improve its defense technology or not.
32. Who saves nation more Police or Army.
33. BPO jobs in India.
34. Love marriage or Arranged marriage.
35. Co-Education in India.
36. Number one state in India – The Gujarat.
37. Removing of Alcoholism is a revenue loss for India.
38. Government bars in states of India is good or bad.
39. Population of India.
40. Child growth is influenced by Friends, Teachers and Parents ?
41. Joining of Rivers in India.
42. Construction of check dams to save river water is successful?
43. Inflation Rate of economy in India.
44. Quota system in India
45. Kashmir issue and LOC.
46. Terrorism.
47. Role of Communication in India.
48. Sports in India.
49. Hockey the national game.
50. Domination of cricket over hockey

Comment below the GD topics you have faced in SSB Interview !!

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  1. hey guys i personally faced ssb 4 times in a row ,all tes entry,the most recurring topic of gd was ‘WHO PLAYS A MAJOR ROLE IN A CHILD’S DEVELOPMENT-A TEACHER,A PARENT OR FRIENDS

  2. I have to travel from Hyderabad to Alahabad for Interview, but i could not get the ticket to allahabad, but to Varanasi which is 2 stations ahead, will SSB centre reiumberse(Return) that money?
    Kindly Reply me


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