Aspirants who have attended SSB interview want to know their SSB interview marks, but it is difficult to know the SSB interview score because the selection board doesn’t declare it in public domain. But recently the cut off marks and ssb interview marks declared by UPSC for CDS 1 2013 and CDS 2 2013 show the SSB marks scored by the last recommended candidate.
SSB Interview Marks [ CDS 1 2013]
As you can see the marks scored by the last recommended candidates in CDS 1 2013 SSB interview for the respective force. Here the highest SSB interview cut off is for Indian air force and least for OTA.
SSB Interview Marks [ CDS 2 2013]
As you can see the SSB interview marks scored by the candidates who had cleared CDS written exam and cleared SSB interview for IMA, AFA, OTA and NA respectively. Here you can see the SSB interview marks scored by the last recommended candidates for IMA, AFA, NA and OTA. The SSB interview cut off marks is highest for Indian Air Force AFA and lowest for Indian Army OTA for men.
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