
AFCAT 1 2017 Exam Date and Notification

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AFCAT 1 2017 Notification and Exam Date

Indian Air Force conducts Air Force Common Admission Test, popularly known as AFCAT, twice every year. As the name suggests this test is conduct for and by Indian Air Force. The purpose of this test is to recruit officers (both men and women) for three branches (and their sub-branches) of Air Force namely Flying, Technical and Ground Duty. Let us see in detail what are the major information related to this test AFCAT 1 of 2017.

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Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT

AFCAT 1 2017 Notification and Exam Date

  • Date of Notification: Dec 2016
  • Start of receipt of applications: Dec 2016
  • Last date for the receipt of applications: Jan 2017
  • Date of Exam:  Feb 2017
  • Expected date of result: Mar 2017

AFCAT 1 2017 Exam Age Limit

  • Flying Branch – Age: 20 to 24 years as on 01 Jan 2018 i.e. Born between 02 Jan 1995 to 01 Jan 1998 (both dates inclusive). (Upper age limit for candidates holding valid and Current Commercial Pilot License issued by DGCA (India) is relaxable up to 26 years i.e. born between 02 Jan 1992 to 01 Jan 1998 (both dates inclusive).
  • Technical Branch– Age: 20 to 26 years as on 01 Jan 2018 i.e. born between 02 Jan 1992 to 01 Jan 1998 (both dates inclusive).
  • GDOC– Age: 20 to 26 years as on 01 Jan 2018 i.e. born between 02 Jan 1992 to 01 Jan 1998 (both dates inclusive).

How to Apply: Online only, from the career website of IAF (www.careerairforce.nic.in)

What Posts you can apply for: You can apply based on your age and educational qualification for the post of commissioned officers in the Flying, Ground Duty and Technical Branches of Indian Air Force.

Minimum Educational Qualification: However the qualification differs for different posts yet the minimum qualification is Graduation.

Age: Starting from 20, the upper limit varies for different branches.

Exam Pattern: One common test of 100 questions, to be solved by all candidates in 2 hours. Technical Branch candidates have an addition test of EKT, both tests are objective. Successful candidates get a chance to appear for AFSB, and recommended candidates can be called for training based on their rank in the merit list and subject to medical fitness.

Syllabus: The questions asked in the common test contain basic Mathematics, English, Science, Geography, History, Current Affairs and Reasoning. EKT has basics of engineering. You can download the previous year’s question papers from the career website of IAF.

Exam Date: Last Sunday Feb 2017

Results: The results for AFCAT 2 2016 can be expected by end of March 2017.

Read AFCAT 1 2017 Official Notification

Best SSB Book –>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT

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97 thoughts on “AFCAT 1 2017 Exam Date and Notification”

  1. i have completed my B.E and had successfully applied for afcat 2 2014. But i couldn’t attend the afcat exam scheduled on 31 aug 2014. Can i apply for next afcat, if yes, when will its form be available.?

  2. hi sir may i know what are the procedures wil be there and wat r the rounds has to b cleared once i cleared the afcat written exam

  3. afcat login shows invalid data always!! no new notifications!!…has anyone got the afcat admit card till now? very doubtful whether only i havent got it or has this happened to everyone who has applied? plz.. reply..

  4. Hi can u pls say me as to in which site I would get previous year solved papers.. Or even the answer keys are fine.. Pls share the link.. Thanks in advance

        • For english ……practice as much u can……sharpen ur vocabs…………u can preffer r.s agarwal for that……………….and for g.k read newspapers daily and reffer general science tooo ……..in case you are opting for technical……then reffer ur semester books for ekt……al the best

  5. Sir, I am lastly 4th year passed students of b-tech civil engineering, but there are of my two backlog in sem. , Can i apply for this exam

  6. i heard its AFCAT-2 that is going to be conducted this august. should we hav attended AFCAT-1 for attending AFCAT-2??

  7. i am not able to proceed with part 4 of the application form as after part 3 it is saying submission fail ,i hav tried many times ..what should i do

  8. Sir I am Bsc IT Graduate with 59.89%. I am 1989 Born, 24 Yrs Old. Sir Please tell me If i can apply or not.

    Also my brother did his graduation in 49.88%.. are we both eligible for AFCAT or not ?

  9. sir,i tried to submit online afcat 2014 form.but at 3rd step same msg
    was repeating-‘please check or fill d details to reach 4th step’.i
    submitted all d subjects correctly but still i m not able to reach at
    4th step….plz help

  10. hello brother, i saw ur comment on ssb crack. have u submitted ur afcat application form ? plz reply i need help regarding afcat

  11. Hi all , I am from a dual degree prog (i.e. btech+mtech in 5 years) May i know why cant i apply for flight duties .
    P.S.: I am over 23.
    Thanks in advance

  12. i wear a spectacle… my eye-sight is (6/12)(without glasses)……. (6/6) (with glasses)…… am i eligible for afcat (02/2014)……… plz plz tell……..

  13. i have applied for afcat 2014 2 .my form was successfully submitted but i did nt get any mail that successfully submited .so i want to knw that is the forn submited sucessfully or not please help me .

  14. even if i complete the afcat written test.. n get through…
    i have spects.. i.e i wear glasses… n i read that the vision should be 6/6. so will i b rejected in the medical check up session?…


      • sir,i tried to submit online afcat 2014 form.but at 3rd step same msg
        was repeating-‘please check or fill d details to reach 4th step’.i
        submitted all d subjects correctly but still i m not able to reach at
        4th step….plz help.

  16. I did my MS in International Logistics in UK in 2013, iam 26yrs old nw.. iam eligible for AFCAT or AFCAT2 ???.. pls suggest me?.. Applications opened ?

    • Applications are opened till 7 june.
      Refer to notification at careerairforce.nic.in and read the Notification published in the employment news.. or refer to the link given above(scroll above)

  17. plz sir if u can extend the date of afcat plz do that, becoz I want to appear both exam upsc nd afcat also…both exam wil be 24aug..plz sir og it is posibl to extend the afcat so do that plz plz …..

    • Brother this Website is just a Helpline. This is not the Official Website..and u cant come up with such a request in govt recruitments.. 🙂

  18. I am ECE engg. 2013 passout. Am I eligible for any post? Please reply soon. I am unable to fill qualification part of the form

  19. Sir i want to crack the AFCAT exam anyhow …. in the first attempt itself .Kindly tel me the best book for the prepration of this exam .

    • First prepare for APTITUDE, ENGLISH, GK that will be entertained in AFCAT Written. Simultaneously, start reading newspapers, employments news, grow up officer like Qualities in these summers.. Good Luck

      Refer to good Aptitude books.. (eg. RS AGGARWAL APTITUDE)

  20. Greetings Everyone,
    My DOB is 23 December 1988, I had done B Com (2009) with 57 % & PGDM Finance (2 year Course) in 2011 with 4 CGPA out of 5. I want to apply for Ground Staff Duty. I just want to know am I eligible for AFCAT 2014 Groud Staff as of my age n percentage scored in Graduation & my PG is Diploma for 2 years, Thanks in Advance

  21. Greetings Everyone,
    My DOB is 23 December 1988, I had done B Com (2009) with 57 % & PGDM Finance (2 year Course) in 2011 with 4 CGPA out of 5. I want to apply for Ground Staff Duty. I just want to know am I eligible for AFCAT 2014 Groud Staff as of my age n percentage scored in Graduation & my PG is Diploma for 2 years, Thanks in Advance

  22. I am trying to fill up the AFCAT 2/2014 form from last 2 days but part 3 is not getting submitted successfully & is showing Please Fill/Check information filled in Part 3 to proceed further or “You might not be Eligible for any Course based on Information Provided by You” while I have selected more than 8 subjects and also filled other details.

    Plzzz help me what should I do to successfully submit my form

    • There Might be a problem with the EXPECTED DATE OF ATTAINING GRADUATION.. make sure that the date u specifies is not on or after 15 JUNE!! i

  23. hi guys,
    I’ve been trying to apply for afcat 2-2014 for past 3 days.
    but i can’t. on candidate login page i give in mail id, password,but i
    cant select the notification column value.did any1 completed filling it?
    please share the application form link guys.

  24. my BE 3rd year successfully completed And I will start my final year in july
    am I eligible for afcat2014 September
    can I apply?

  25. i had given fcat 1 on 22 feb and i am selectedfor ssb , which is in august but i cannot log in with my old password and user id to get my call letter..can any1 help??

  26. I have 2 backlogs but i hav written those backlog paper and ll pass. But the results ll be out by july-august. Am i eligible for AFCAT this year??

    • U just have to avoid backlog at the time of SSB. Thats all u have to manage. Good Luck. Make sure u dont have any back log while appearing for SSB. 🙂

  27. bro, i have completed my graduation bt my result is not yet out. it will be out by august only, can i apply for afcat?

  28. Sir,Presently Im Pursuing ma BTECH 4th yr With An Aggregate Of 60% Intermediate with 80%.. can i Apply?

    • No! It’s good that you have that aspiration in early stage. Keep yourself motivated and improve your english, general knowledge and arithmetic skills. You will be able to apply when you are in your final year of college, that is supposing that you don’t have any standing arrears/backlogs.

    • Refer previous answer. You can apply when you are in final year of college, if you don’t have any standing arrears/backlogs.

  29. I am currently pursuing my B.tech degree in 3-2 semester(exams are going).I have more than 60% of marks and no backlogs till now.Did I eligible for AFCAT 2 2014,which notification is yet to be released in June?

  30. while filling the form do we have to put marks of first two years ?? if i m final year appearing ?? plz reply coz my 2nd year result wil not be out by last date of filling the form..

  31. iam doing btech……i’ll start my final year in june…..am i eligible for afcat 2 2014……….please tell…


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