
Age of Retirement for Indian Army Officers

By SSBCrack

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The Indian Army, one of the largest and most prestigious military forces in the world, offers various career paths for its officers, classified primarily under two types of commission: Permanent Commission (PC) and Short Service Commission (SSC). The terms of engagement and retirement age for Indian Army officers vary based on the type of commission and specific entry schemes, including Special List Officers, Special Commissioned Officers, and women entries. Understanding these terms is crucial for aspiring officers and those interested in the structure of the Indian Army.

Permanent Commission (PC) Officers

Officers who are granted a Permanent Commission have the opportunity to serve in the Indian Army until they reach the superannuation age according to the rank held. This path is designed for those who wish to make a long-term career in the Army, offering stability and a progressive career trajectory until retirement.

Short Service Commission (SSC) Officers

The Short Service Commission offers a different approach, where officers initially engage for a period of 10 years, which is extendable up to 14 years for officers not granted a Permanent Commission. This commission type is suitable for individuals seeking to experience military life without committing to a lifelong career.

Special List and Special Commissioned Officers

Special List Officers have their superannuation age determined by the rank they hold, with the retirement age set at 57 years for Colonels and 59 years for Brigadiers. Special Commissioned Officers, who are serving JCOs/NCOs commissioned at an age between 28-35 years (excluding those from the Army Medical Corps/Army Dental Corps), also have a set superannuation age of 57 years.

Women Entry

The Indian Army has opened its doors wider to women officers, allowing entry between the ages of 19 and 25 years, with specific branches like the Army Education Corps (AEC), Judge Advocate General (JAG), and Army Service Corps (Food Scientist) requiring an age at entry of 21 to 27 years. Initially, women officers are engaged for 10 years, with the possibility of extension up to 14 years. Notably, a Permanent Commission is now being granted to women officers in Indian Army.

Age of Retirement by Rank

The retirement age for Indian Army officers varies by rank and is delineated as follows:

  • Majors and Below: 52 to 57 years, depending on the arms/service and minor corps.
  • Lieutenant Colonels: 54 to 57 years.
  • Colonels (Time Scale and Selection): 54 to 57 years.
  • Brigadiers: 56 to 59 years.
  • Major Generals: 58 to 60 years, with specific positions like AMC reaching up to 60 years.
  • Lieutenant Generals: 60 to 62 years, with roles such as DG RVC, Lt Gen AMC, and DGAFMS extending retirement age.

The Indian Army’s structured retirement age ensures that the force remains dynamic, allowing for the infusion of young blood while honoring the service and experience of its senior officers. This balance supports the Army’s operational effectiveness and its ability to adapt to new challenges while maintaining a rich tradition of service and leadership.

Indian Army Officers Terms of Engagement

PC OfficersCommissioning to superannuation age of rank held
SS OfficersInitial engagement for 10 years extendable to 14 years  for officers not granted PC
Special List OfficersSuperannuation as per rank held. Up to Col – 57 years Brig – 59 years
Special Commissioned OfficerFor serving JCOs/NCOs (less AMC/ADC) commissioned at age between 28-35 yrs. Superannuation age 57 yrs.
Women EntryAge at entry should be between 19 and 25 years except for entries into AEC, JAG and ASC(Food Scientist) for which age at entry should be 21 to 27 years. Initial Engagement for 10 years extendable up to 14 years for all. PC is now being granted to women officers in JAG and AEC.
Terms of Engagement and Age of Retirement of Indian Army Officers

Indian Army Officers Age of Retirement

RankArmsServiceMinor CorpsSLSCOs
Maj & Below5254575757 years in all case
Lt Col54545757
Col (TS)54545757
Col (Selection)54545757
Maj Gen585859/60*
Lt Gen606060/61**/62***

Note: * AMC, ** DG RVC& Lt Gen AMC, *** DGAFMS.

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