
How to Prepare for Territorial Army Exam

By SSBCrack

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Territorial Army is not a full time employment or occupation; it is service for those who really want to serve their country in spite of having a well settled civilian life. Any gainfully employed civilian person can join Territorial Army. The age bar is quiet relaxed and males up to 42 years of age can join. All personnel of infantry and Departmental TA will be called out for service embodiment by the Central Government or the authority empowered by it to do so, on the eve of national Emergency or for Internal Security duties and training exercises. Failure to report for service on such occasions is punishable under the Territorial Army Act 1948.

You can join as officers by applying when the Army releases its advertisements. The applications are scrutinized in the first stage and then selected people are called for Preliminary Interview Board, where a written test and an interview take place.

The again filtered candidates from this procedure are called for SSB interviews, from where they go for medicals if they get recommended. Let us how you can prepare for the Territorial Army exam.

To crack the AFSB and SSB interview, we recommend you to get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” book from Amazon.Download eBooks:

  1. Keep reading a lot of GK and current affairs, the written test consists of a paper of short essay and a paper of objective type questions asking on various current issues. Thus reading GK will help in this and also in the further subsequent SSB where you can be asked about current affairs.
  2. You can take any GK book and read basic things from it. Reading newspaper on a daily basis is also quiet helpful.
  3. Referring an essay book will help in great deal for preparing questions on short essay paper. This will also make your points strong for GD and lecturette in SSB.
  4. Be free and talk genuinely in the interview of the PIB.
  5. Keep a good level of fitness. You will be checked for fitness and physical efficiency in the SSB interview. You are required to be fit for serving the Territorial Army, hence maintain that level of fitness. You can go for a jog in the morning or join a gym.
  6. You can do everything a candidate does to excel in the SSB interview. For details read specific articles on different tests of SSB, since SSB is a long procedure consisting a number of tasks and thus it is beyond scope of this article to include them all. However each task of SSB is explained on our website in deep detail.
  7. Join SSBCrackExams TA Online Coaching
  8. Be confident and stick to your aim of ‘selfless service for the country’.

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2 thoughts on “How to Prepare for Territorial Army Exam”

  1. i have applied form TA officer entry i haven’t received admit card do have number to communicate to central command lucknow


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