
Experience of SSB Interview, Recommended in 7th Attempt

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Hi friends, I am Vivek, writing here to share my experience of SSB interview. In my 7th attempt I was recommended by 14 SSB, Selection centre east to get inducted into OTA Chennai. In my first attempt I was not recommended (out on the day of conference) and continuously 5 times screened out. Here it is what happened after 5 screen outs. I can write a book on my journey to SSB! Ha ha ha..but I would like to limit wrt to sharing my experience in interview which will help you all. I sincerely thank ssbcrack.com for providing me an opportunity.

1st Attempt – Conference out Jan 2010 18 SSB ALD
2nd Attempt – Screened out Jul 2010 BPL            
3rd Attempt – Screened out Jan 2011 BPL
4th Attempt – Screened out Jul 2011 ALD
5th Attempt – Screened out Aug 2012 BPL
6th Attempt – Screened out Feb 2013 BPL
7th Attempt – Recommended – 14 SSB Allahabad NCC Entry 34 course. Aug 2013
Recommended in 7th Attempt
I and my twin brother [He appeared for fifth time along with me and got screened in for first time in this batch] discussed on the day before reporting that let us not report for testing and we will go back. I don’t know whether it was frustration of continuous failure for 5 times without even getting screened in or was hurt that my love is not accepting me. Finally we consoled ourselves prayed god and decided to go for testing. This time experience in both two stages testing was very unique. There were days I use to practise TAT, WAT, SRT, SD & stories for screening, OIR test practise every day but the results were JUST SCREENED OUT. So I decided I will do whatever I can and I like, I will not bother whether they will consider me or not. We reported on absentee batch, it was 14 SSB, as usual OIR test happened, OIR was good as all of us know it is very easy. Then a picture was flashed which looked like a person looking at the art competition and judging it (my story was on this context). I discussed only few points in discussion. After lunch it was as usual lethargic wait because of continuous screened out experience, finally GTO started announcing results, suddenly I heard my twin brother’s chest no. I was very happy but worried to know what will happen to mine. And finally I got screened in after 5 continuous screened out.

Psychology test

It was my firm decision that, whatever “spontaneous” thoughts about picture, word, situation that I get will pen it down (this is what psychologist instructs), I did not even prepare for Self Description test and not even for blank picture. It was just because continuously for 2 years preparing all these and getting screened out was very funny {hurt and disappointed} so I did not do any preparation. I wrote whatever the first thought/response for all tests.

GTO Testing

Group discussion was good. Two topics were 1) Is women empowerment happening in India or not and 2) Telangana. I presented few points like achievement of women, state of women in rural areas, problems faced by them, when the issue of security of women was raised I presented some points like govt is setting up Nirbhaya Fund of Rs. 1000 crores to look over the safety of women, we are not either completely westernized or regional in our culture etc. My view on Telangana was if it benefits people let it be separated, development should not be compromised in both the states and separation should not be just for political reasons with fake promises. I did not worry much should I give chance to others, I should not shout etc. etc. Moment I got any good thought, I presented it, but my points were matured one as I got all these points by the habit of reading editorials in news papers.


I don’t know was it luck for me? Our GTO was very strict. His words were “if you know the solution rise your hand, if you simply rise and show your drama I will not recommend you.” This was advantage since ours was repeaters batch and it prevented becoming a fish market.
In PGT, I gave solution twice.
HGT, I gave once but it was asked to be improved by the team.
FGT, I could not give any solution.
Command Task was little tough. It was a ship is in middle of the sea, it is going to submerge, how will you get your men out? But GTO grilled me there, air is there, pressure is there etc. somehow got solution.
Before CT, GTO asked me about salary of my father, where I am from, how would I rate my performance in all 3 testing, In which test of GTO I did not perform well.
Group Obstacles, Individual Obstacles – I was physically fit, I did best there.


I discussed very freely, I always answered what I felt, be it good or bad and never tried to paint it. Questions were more about my family, how I help my family, challenge in my work, books that I have read and Issues regarding Kashmir. The best part of interview that I can’t forget is that he asked me about my education. My percentage in degree is just 57.5, Answer from my bottom of heart came “I have just secured 57.5 % in graduation, My dad in spite of economic difficulties struggled alot and paid fees for college books etc. But I have not done justice to him. I regret it even today I feel sad and bad about it” {No forging or trying to defend I was good in NCC, Sports, I had problems etc. etc. We are sent to college to study, if we have not done it, Then it is obvious mistake on our part} However percentage will not affect your performance but it is added advantage if you have good score.  
I had given photo copies of certificates of all my achievements i.e.  CM Commendation card for meritorious service in NCC, Best Performer with my employer, 3 marathons (10kms) certificates, Army Attachment Camp.


I had conference for 20 minutes, Board discussed for 20 mins before calling me inside. They asked me about where I went in Allahabad, I had been to Bhag Milkha Bhag movie on one day and other day to Sangam. President asked me can you comment on present context wrt to the movie and next question what will you do if you become sports minister, later some general knowledge questions on capital cities of Spain, Malaysia, Thailand, currencies of Japan and China. President asked whether I went to coaching. Yes sir 4 years back. He also repeated few questions which were asked in interview and one situation reaction, i.e. what will you do if enemy firing is on? I said i will order my men to charge and retaliate immediately. Are you sure? Yes sir. Confident? Yes sir. My conference was over.
Finally a smart Lt. Col saab arrived. He said your performance was disheartening. We took 38 among 148 expecting all will perform well, but it is really disappointing. My heart beats rose. My chest no. was announced, I was unable to believe. Two were recommended. Other person was previously recommended candidate.
Some of the tips to succeed in SSB that I learnt after my 6 failures
Psychology Test:
Read more and more good books to improve imagination. so that story will not be vague and good story can be presented.
Present spontaneous thought in all the psychology tests.
Bring out action in every sentence.
Group Testing:
Read editorials in news paper, be aware of current happenings. This will definitely help in group discussion and Lecturette. You will definitely get matured points to discuss in group discussion rather than vague points.
Don’t use any templates and priorities in Group Planning Exercise. Just write your planning what you feel at that moment. Templates and Prioritization are coached reactions, not individual thoughts/responses.
For PGT, HGT, CT, FGT, don’t be in hurry along with the team, just look at the structure for 2 minutes, one or the other solution will definitely flash, give your idea to team, don’t worry if it is accepted or not, GTO is noting down who is giving solutions, solutions provided by individual accepted by group or not doesn’t matter until the solution is correct.
For Group Race and Individual obstacles, be physically fit, don’t stand at wall and help everyone (to impress GTO everyone starts helping all others to clear wall) if you feel that someone really needs help, then provide your help to clear the wall, not just for the sake of helping.
First and foremost, talk to Interviewing officer like having a chit chat with your friend, this makes you to present free flow of thoughts. Be it correct or wrong; freely keep flowing your answers. Don’t assume anything such as my X answer will give this impression; my Y answer will give that impression. Read news papers, editorials, engage in discussion with friends on current issues. Being a prospect officer in Armed forces you should know what is happening in and around you. You must know each and every aspect in 360 degree what you have written in your PIQ.


SSB interview is test of individual personality and not a competitive exam. Each and every person has qualities in himself/herself that is why you apply for Armed Forces. Be natural in your approach. If you go for coaching just take it as a mode to become familiar with the procedure. SSB Technique is scientifically designed. They will easily distinguish between natural performance and coached performance. Show what you are. Believe me, they don’t want coached thoughts. Because if you show what you are, they can decide whether you suit for armed forces or not. But if you show something of others how can they tell whether you suit? As simple as that. I don’t mean coaching guys will not get recommended, It depends on the dose of coaching you consume. Over dose is definitely danger.
We are not trained at DIPR to judge our self and draw wrong/unscientific inferences. As far as I know none of us can decide what our stories, sentences, situation reactions, performance in GTO, our answers to IO will infer. Without any assumption, appear for SSB, this is what I did and I will suggest to all also. SSB members are sitting to asses, let them do their job and we should do our job. As CHM Kaka Singh saab of 14 SSB tells, “sirf mehnat karna hai hamara kaam, dena hai ya nahi dena hai uparwalon ko chod dho”
Candidates having more attempts to appear for, don’t bother much, become free minded and appear naturally you will succeed. Each and every attempt is considered as first attempt, Do not bother if you are attempting 1st or 10th time. You have read lot of experiences in this site only where 10th, 11th, 13th attempts have given success. In case you lose all attempts, let me be very frank that opportunities are limited in armed forces, but world is vast and opportunities are more. Whatever you do be the best, become a good human being to the society and good citizen to the nation. All The Best. May God Bless all of us. Jai Hind
bannerfans 4678671+(1) About Author: Vivek Ram HV: I am Vivek, writing here to share my experience of SSB interview. In my 7th attempt I was recommended by 14 SSB, Selection centre east to get inducted into OTA Chennai.
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